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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kristieshannon

  1. kristieshannon

    Skin removal surgery

    I had all three done at once and am glad I did. One recovery, one block of time off work.
  2. kristieshannon


    I would totally do that!
  3. kristieshannon

    Skin removal surgery

    I’m down 134, from 286 to 152.
  4. kristieshannon

    Skin removal surgery

    Yes, I did in January. I had a tummy tuck, breast lift & augmentation and an arm lift. There was some pain post op, but only the first few days were rough. Yes, I have scars. They’ll fade over time and I’d take them any day over the loose flappy skin.
  5. -No more blood pressure meds -No more CPAP -Buying cute clothes that I like, not just what fits me -I can wear high heals again without my feet being in severe pain within minutes -No red face and huffing & puffing with the smallest bit of exertion -More confidence in general -I can fit comfortably in a kayak, canoe, and airplane seat. So much more. Life is good.
  6. kristieshannon


    Thank you! I even curled my hair and put on lipstick for the first time in a year 😂
  7. kristieshannon


    Two in one day! My husband and I flew down to Phoenix to visit a friend in her new retirement home. Dinner out tonight at an amazing steak house, and I’m loving the opportunity to show off the new bod ❤️
  8. kristieshannon


    Loving the button fly jeans now that my belly is flat and not at risk of popping the buttons! Got these Madewell jeans at a thrift shop for $9.99. I love a good bargain :)
  9. kristieshannon

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    I was told 8 weeks as well. I hit that on Thursday-I’m so excited to go back to my kickboxing gym!
  10. I had plastic surgery in early January. My surgeon said not to get the vaccine 30 days before or after surgery. Reason being, a vaccine creates an immune response with possible inflammation which can impede healing. I’m a nurse at a large public health hospital and was able to talk to our doc heading up the COVID response team. He agreed this is best practice. I ended up getting my first vaccine just shy of 4 weeks post op and did just fine.
  11. kristieshannon

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    OMG you look amazing! Super cute bikini, too :)
  12. kristieshannon


    I was really worried about the drinking while eating thing too. It’s really ended up being a non issue. I occasionally take a small sip of water while eating, but otherwise am just fine drinking before eating and then again 1/2 hour afterwards. I was also really worried about missing drinking my fave, Coke Zero. Again a non issue, I don’t miss it at all.
  13. kristieshannon


    OMG. So adorable! And the after effects are cute too! I’d love to have that kind of volume. I might have to try overnight buns :)
  14. kristieshannon

    Mini melt down

    I’m so there with you. Although I loved the weight loss, I really struggled with my loose skin. Last summer I spent all the warm weather days in long sleeves because of my bat wings arms. I had plastic surgery last month, a tummy tuck, breast lift & augmentation, and arm lift. I’m looking forward to being far more comfortable this summer! However-now I’m getting fixated on my thighs. They don’t match the rest of me! They are saggy, baggy, and disproportionately chunky compared to the rest of my body. I’m scared of the thigh lift procedure-looking at before & after pics on Real Self it doesn’t seem to make a dramatic difference like other procedures, and I believe thigh lifts have the highest rate of post op complications. I’m trying hard to strengthen my legs hoping that I’ll see some improvement. In the mean time I’m working on acceptance of my current state.
  15. kristieshannon


    No magic bullet for loose skin. If you’re relatively young and haven’t been overweight very long, and have good skin elasticity it may retract. Otherwise, not so much. I’m down over 130lbs. At 51 and overweight most of my adult life I had a ton of loose skin. I had plastic surgery to have it removed from my abdomen and arms last month, as well as having a breast lift & augmentation. No regrets, even if I hadn’t been able to have plastic surgery I’d take the loose skin over that 130lbs any day. Check out the PS board, lots of folks have done the same as I did.
  16. kristieshannon

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    And vacation dress #2. I REALLY never thought I’d feel comfortable in a strapless dress! This was from another cute little boutique in Portland, also a small which just blows my mind.
  17. kristieshannon

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    Six weeks post op. I’m heading to Phoenix next month and need some warm weather clothes. Never thought I’d be wearing a sleeveless dress! I found this today in Portland, was stunned that I fit in a size small. I’m feeling so good, and am so very glad I had this surgery!
  18. kristieshannon


    I have trouble getting in my 70-80 grams of protein per day if I don’t start off with a protein heavy breakfast. Cereal won’t do it for me. Most days breakfast for me is a premier protein shake mixed with cold brew coffee. Occasionally I have Greek yogurt or eggs & bacon.
  19. And the funny thing is, my doc is considered really expensive in Miami! I could have had it all done elsewhere there for around $10,000 at a big, high volume clinic. It’s crazy how much prices vary around the country.
  20. Yeah, my full TT scar goes around to the back side of my hips. Benefit of the is a vast improvement in the “saddle bags” on my outer thighs.
  21. I had a tummy tuck + muscle repair and lipo to my flanks, breast lift & augmentation, and arm lift last month. I paid a total of $16,100 in Miami. I got quotes for the same at home in Seattle ranging from $30,000-$40,000.
  22. kristieshannon

    Can We Talk About...Birth Control?

    I’ve had a Mirena IUD for over 10 years (on my third one). I LOVE it!! No period, and no problems dropping my weight after surgery. I highly recommend it. I’m near menopause age (51) and having no symptoms. My doc recommends me keeping it in until I’m assumed to be past menopause as she states it will prevent me from having most menopause symptoms. Yay for that!
  23. kristieshannon

    Back issues since losing weight?

    Consider asking for a referral from your PCP to physical therapy. I had back pain too, turns out my gait was all wonky. A couple months of PT had me pain free.
  24. kristieshannon

    R.I.P. Boobs

    I went from 44DDD to now 34DD. Funnily, mine didn’t change size after my lift & augmentation. I told my doc that I wanted the same size, just not empty sacks and he delivered. They are now high & tight and lovely if I don’t say so myself :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
