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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kristieshannon

  1. kristieshannon

    Sleeve vs Bypass concerns

    I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. No post op complications for me, no reflux (although a certain percentage of sleevers do get this). I surpassed my goal weight. I started at 286, today 135. I was 49 when I had my surgery, I’m a 5’3.5” female. I followed my plan, upped my exercise, and found every bit of success that I was hoping for.
  2. kristieshannon

    5 days post op bypass and I ate half a cookie

    Now is the time to do the work to change your habits! I’m over two years out and still stay away from bread. Your nutrition needs are high, but once you’re on solids the volume you can take in is low. It takes vigilance and dedication to get in the nutrients you need. My program wanted me to get in 70-80 grams of protein per day. Protein was, and still is, the priority at meal time. Once I get in my protein I’ll have a small amount of whatever else the meal contains. Now this far out, and at goal, I’ve loosened up and have a bit more carbs but it’s still WAY less than pre op. I’m used to it now, and don’t have the intense cravings anymore that I used to have. I’m happy with healthy nutritious food with the occasional treat thrown in. If you’re really struggling and breaking plan already I’d strongly suggest contacting your program and scheduling a visit with both the nutritionist as well as the therapist.
  3. kristieshannon

    Food Before and After Photos

    This week’s Soup creation. Turkey, navy beans, carrots, onions, garlic, and rainbow chard in a beef stock broth. I love soup in the fall, eat it almost every day!
  4. kristieshannon


    OOTD COVID testing nurse version. Outside in 48 degree driving rain & wind. 7 layers of clothes and I’m still freezing. This might be the one and only time I miss my former layer of insulation 😂
  5. kristieshannon

    Post VSG Regrets?

    Nope. Some brief stalls but pretty consistent loss all along. Now two months past my 2 year mark I’ve dropped another 5 lbs. I’m now making a concerted effort to maintain. I’m happy, healthy, fit, and have zero ill effects from surgery. I followed the plan I was given, I now eat a slightly higher carb content diet, but still focus on protein first.
  6. kristieshannon


    Yes! I’m cold all the time. I’m dreading this Friday. I’m picking up a shift at the outdoor COVID testing site at my hospital. It’s supposed to be 48 degrees with heavy rain & wind in Seattle. I’ll have to send an OOTD post of me in my scrubs with my longjohns, wool sweater, and puffer coat underneath. I’m going to look like the Michelin man 😂
  7. kristieshannon


    I have always loved rice. I’m a little over two years post op. Still love it, but really can’t eat much. It fills me up way too quickly. I might have a bite or two. I’ve found that even with my old favorites just a small amount satisfies my cravings for them.
  8. kristieshannon


    I love that dress, and you look great in it!
  9. kristieshannon

    ms.sss: 3 years, baby

    You’ve been such an inspiration to many. Glad you keep it REAL and show that we can go on to have a life that includes balance and fun. And you’re smoking’ hot ❤️
  10. Oohhh! Do tell what kind of tat you’re planning on! I’ve been contemplating another for a long while, but still haven’t decided.
  11. kristieshannon


    This was just outside of Seattle in the foothills of the Cascade mountains. 
  12. kristieshannon


    Thank you! It was a lovely day, and the clouds surrounding Mt. Si made for a dramatic backdrop for photos.
  13. kristieshannon


    Love this dress! It makes you look very tall & slender. Glad your thumb is healing well!
  14. kristieshannon


    Wedding pics finally back. Here’s my favorite of my daughter & I.
  15. kristieshannon


    Damn…those are HOT!! What my bestie & I call “flat on your back shoes” aka f*ck me pumps 😂
  16. kristieshannon


    I have a date tonight. I bought this dress at Nordstrom Rack today-was stunned to be in a size 4! Last dress I bought was a 6, but tried on several today and they were baggy in the waist. Here’s hoping this guy is worth the effort! 🤞
  17. kristieshannon


    Me too. I still, even 2+ years out, am delighted at the sizes I fit in to, how comfortable I feel in form fitting clothes.
  18. kristieshannon

    Food Before and After Photos

    Nope, super easy. Dice an onion, a couple carrots, and 4 oz ham. In a pot with 7 cups liquid (I used 2 cups chicken bone broth and 5 cups water). A 1 lb bag of split peas, a couple bay leaves, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, 1 tsp garlic powder. Let it simmer a couple hours until the veggies & peas are soft. Chop a bunch of kale and stir it in for the last 5 minutes.
  19. kristieshannon

    Food Before and After Photos

    Fall comfort food. Split pea and ham soup. Pumped up the protein by using bone broth instead of regular chicken broth. A bunch of chopped kale goes in at the end.
  20. I’m now 18 lbs from goal, which if I continue on my trend I should hit in October. I want a lower body lift, arm lift, and breast lift done. I met with two surgeons today, and have a third consult next week. I was very surprised in the different opinions/approaches of the two doctors today. Both were very nice, personable, and professional and per their photos have good results and good reviews online. Here’s what they had to say: Arm lift: Doc #1 said he could do all three procedures on the same day. He said my arms would have a great outcome, would require a compression garment for 2-4 weeks, each would have a drain in for the first 7 days. Doc #2 does arm lifts as an in office procedure under local anesthesia only! Internal sutures only with minimal steri strips, NO compression garment, said he often has people return to work after just a day or two off! Breast lift: Doc #1 pushed hard for implants, which I don’t want and don’t think I need. I’m a 36DD right now and wouldn’t mind if the tissue removed from the lift dropped me a cup size. He would do the lift/implant same surgery as the other procedures. Doc #2 agreed my breast size is fine, and would look great with just a lift. He would do the lift along with the LBL. Lower body lift: Doc #1 said he’d do a belt lipectomy and would leave in a drain on each side. Doc #2 said I don’t need a belt lipectomy, just a extended hip-to-hip incision. Again, NO drains. He uses a quilted internal stitching technique which he said reduces drainage to nearly none. Doc #2 is who I am leaning towards. He has about 10 years more experience. Sounds like his recoveries are quicker and easier. I’d say their photo results and reviews are on par with each other. The quote for Doc #2 was about $6000 less ($40,000 vs $34,000). Both doctors agreed a December/January planned surgery time frame is reasonable. I’m so excited to be starting down this road! Hopefully after my third consultation on Thursday I come away with a clear preference. I’ll update this thread as I go along. Bat wing photo for reference, I’ve lost about 10 more pounds since this was taken.
  21. kristieshannon

    Scar camouflage tattoos

    You’re right, I’m being impatient. My breast scars are nearly invisible, and my tummy tuck scar is fading fast. It’s just the arm scars that are dark pink. And of course, these are the ones most likely to be seen. I’ll be patient and wait awhile longer before doing anything!
  22. kristieshannon

    Scar camouflage tattoos

    It probably would be! My arm lift scars just aren’t fading and I’d consider this to cover them up.
  23. kristieshannon


    Ummmm… drinks look delish but where’s the OOTD? I know you’re looking hot down there in Texas!
  24. kristieshannon


    I love that skirt! So classy :) No pics of the bride yet, she insisted on professional pics of her only so we’re waiting on the photographer to finish her editing.
  25. kristieshannon


    Killer curves! You look fabulous ❤️

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