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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kristieshannon

  1. kristieshannon

    Dating websites

    I met my husband on Match.com
  2. kristieshannon

    Bladder Spasms!!!

    It's possible that they put a urinary catheter in during your surgery. Post removal it is not uncommon for people to have spasms. Also, catheters are a perfect conduit for bacteria to enter your bladder so it's possible you have a UTI, which can also cause spasms. Definitely check in with your doctor!
  3. kristieshannon

    Any Early August Sleevers?!?!

    8/12 for me. 1 week to go and so much to get done at work to be ready to be gone for 3 weeks!
  4. kristieshannon

    The dreaded full liquid diet

    The diet varies from program to program. I’m in the middle of my 2 week pre-op which is very low carbs (less than 20g/day), high protein (120g/day). I only have to do clear liquids the last 24 hours prior to my surgery on 8/12. I felt pretty rough the first couple days, but feeling ok now.
  5. kristieshannon

    Needing advice

    Did you leave the hospital with an incentive spirometer? (it's a plastic breathing device often handed out post op) It's not uncommon for people to spike a bit of a fever post op due to shallow breathing. If they gave you the device, use it several times an hour while awake. If not, make a conscious effort to take deep breaths, several each hour. This helps your lungs clear the effects of the anesthesia.
  6. kristieshannon


    My name is Kristie. I'm a 49 year old wife, mom, RN from Seattle. I've been overweight pretty much since I stopped competing in sports after high school. The pounds have crept up slowly over the years. I've had some success losing on my own, but I imagine like most here haven't been able to maintain my losses. I dropped from 285 to 200.1 (never hit onderland) on my own 6 years ago through calorie restriction and daily exercise. I slowly quit tracking, slacked on exercise, and unhealthy habits crept back in. I re-gained all but 2 pounds of that loss. I've dropped 14 pounds in my pre-op period. I'm scheduled for a VSG on 8/12. I had my 4 hour pre-op class yesterday, which included diet teaching (both a refresher of my pre-op diet, as well as info on the 2 week post op plan). It's getting very real and sinking in what an enormous change I am undertaking. I'm feeling a mix of excitement, anxiety, and happiness for what lies ahead. I'm not sleeping well as my brain is full of planning, wondering, and worrying. I've been really fortunate that I haven't suffered from most of the health complications as the others who were in my class. I'm glad of that, but also glad that I have the opportunity to prevent a decline in my health through this surgery. I've really appreciated all of the reading I've done here. You are all full of wisdom and inspiration. Part of my long term plan is to continue reading here, but to come out of lurking mode as well and start fully participating. I've been working on my head stuff for awhile, but anticipate that this will continue to be a challenge-I'll be coming here for a dose of tough love as needed! Thank you for being here, thank you for sharing your process. I hope in time I will be part of that sharing and help inspire those who come after me.
  7. kristieshannon


    Hi Kristie! I identify with everything you’ve said. I too am having my surgery 8/12/19. I just got home from meeting with my nutritionist one on one. I called the meeting with her because , although I’m thrilled & excited, I was also getting overwhelmed with everything. She completely calmed my fears. Is anyone on your team available to meet with you one on one? I’m figuring I’m going to utilize as much support as I need in order to feel comfortable. Let’s stay in touch since we’re both in the timeline process together.. 🙂 Thanks Chiptress! I have had a couple meetings 1:1 with the nutritionist as well as psychologist at my surgeon's office, and will have post op 1:1's as well. Best of luck with your surgery, I agree that good support is key!
  8. kristieshannon

    Any August 2019 people out there?

    Looks like 8/12 is a big day-lots of us going under the knife! I’m a week and a half in to my pre-op diet. Looks like I’m lucky, no liquid diet requirement. Rather, I’ve been told to concentrate on high protein foods and have no more than 20g net carbs/day. So far so good. This feels do-able for me long term.
  9. kristieshannon

    Shift Work

    I used to work nights, 7p-7:30a and this was a time when I lost 75 lbs, was exercising regularly and eating very healthy. I would get up at 3:30, walk a couple miles. Come home and get ready for work, including packing all my food for the shift. I would eat a light dinner, packed the rest of my food for the day for during my shift. Home by 8 and went right to sleep before getting up to do it all over again. The key was meal prep and shopping on my days off. I'd have everything ready to go, portioned out, and ready to grab for my lunch sack.
  10. kristieshannon

    Brick and Mortar Bariatric store

    My surgeon’s office (Swedish Medical Center in Seattle) has a small store within their clinic which sells a variety of protein powders, soups, snacks, and vitamins. It’s very convenient as it’s only a couple blocks from my office!
  11. kristieshannon

    Help me trouble shoot my morning latte

    Thanks everyone! I'll give the protein shakes a try, and the almond milk as well.
  12. You look amazing! Great job, you are sure working it! I've got surgery scheduled for 8/12, am hoping to be able to be as active as you are soon!
  13. kristieshannon

    Suboxone and Gastric Bypass Surgery

    There are options for pain control that will allow you to stay on your suboxone. Talk with your suboxone prescriber, they will be able to consult with your surgeon and give them some guidelines.
  14. kristieshannon

    Any August 2019 people out there?

    Me too! It's coming fast, I'm nervous but excited to get this part done.
  15. kristieshannon

    Suboxone and Gastric Bypass Surgery

    Hi Jamison- I'm a suboxone program RN. I've had my patients go through various surgeries while on suboxone and do quite well. Your current dose may cover your post op pain, or your provider may provide you with a short term dose increase for the immediate post op period. There also other medication options to treat your post op pain. The surgery itself shouldn't affect your treatment, as suboxone is absorbed sublingually (under the tongue) rather than be absorbed by your stomach. Best of luck to you!
  16. kristieshannon


    Yes to consignment stores! I've got a couple really good quality consignment shops in my area. A few years ago when I lost weight on my own I bought so much at them. Really reasonable, and I love the discounts you get for trade-in's. It really made it affordable to buy stuff I needed on the way down.
  17. kristieshannon

    Packing a bag for the hospital

    I'll be buying a pair of $1 flip flops at Old Navy this week to wear while in the hospital. I third what was said above, don't bring your own slippers from home unless they are machine washable! I'm OK tossing $1 flip flops, but not my nice comfy UGG slippers.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
