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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Midnightsun

  1. I had the sleeve 5 days ago. Was so constipated and belly hurting. Had an icepack on all day. I wish the surgeon would have told me to take the Miralax before i called today. The nurse said the Constipation is usually from pain meds and once they are out of your system and eating food it is better. I would definately try some if you didnt already. I am not really hungry. Constantly sipping on Protein Shakes or clear Protein, gatorade, broth. Caffeine free tea, or Jello and sf popsicles. I also froze some protein shakes in little containers to make it easier to get down. Seems to help.

  2. 5 hours ago, KarenLR75 said:

    LOL...they were good. The sugar free Outshine popsicles are my favorite by far...don't taste quite as 'artificially flavored'...but considering it is often over 100 degrees here in TX, ANY popsicle sounds good most of the time!

    My surgery date slid BACK from 7/1 to 7/25 so after being on Day 13 of my pre-op diet...to realize with new dr that orig dr's office was indeed not going to cooperate and send records over...I realized I would have a brief break...which may sound good but since I was on day THIRTEEN of pre-op, I was SO looking forward to getting the surgery and moving into the post-op even knowing I'd be taking in far less for a while.

    Blah..by the time my surgery date comes around...I'll be like on day 30-something of preop diet. lol

    Anyone else out there with a 7/25 date? I was given 7/22 as a choice as well but eldest is visiting from PA and she leaves on 7/25 (will be there for my surgery and DFW airport is not far away from hospital). I decided to wait until the tail end of her visit before having the surgery.

    I am looking for a good sugarfree popsicle and i pulled the ones you said up to see if they had them here in PA. Those are not popsicles they are fruit bars. I know on my preop diet i was not allowed any fruit or fruit juice as they are sugar. I would really check to make sure it is ok to consume. You could always save them till you are cleared after surgery and off Clear Liquids.

  3. 10 hours ago, Teachergal82 said:

    My dr sells us a diet and it is awful. I talked to a friend of mine who went to the same dr and she modified it a little, so I have too. I have been doing it since Tuesday. I messed up last night and am beating myself up right now. I have 9 days until my surgery. I am about to be so hard core. I have wanting this for so long and I am not going to get in my own way like I have for so many years.

    Hi, how have you modified your diet? I would be so worried it would mess up my surgery or make it more complicated. My surgeon stressed how important it was to stick to it to make the liver smaller and make surgery easier, less risks and quicker recovery.

  4. I just finished day 7 of my 2 week pre-op diet. I am just blown away in the differences of how the diets vary from surgeons. Mine is 2 weeks, only Clear Liquids, Protein Shakes, raw vegetables and Tomato Soup. I was feeling lightheaded but I started drinking Gatorade and that really seemed to help. One more week July 8th surgery day. I have stuck to the diet and have not cheated. It’s not really as hard as I thought it would be but still get hungry.

  5. 21 hours ago, kcf9889 said:

    Wow, I didn't realize there was a forum for dating on here.

    Dating for me has always been a nightmare. I didn't start dating until I was 22 and I stopped when I was 28. It was such an awful experience. People are truly horrible. I met some of the weirdest, most disgusting and vile men on the planet.

    Thinking about it, it could very well be that I may have set my standards low because of my weight. If someone threw me attention, I jumped at it (though, thankfully, I never became intimate with anyone).

    A part of me wants to resume dating following my surgery, but I don't know. There's still a lot of hesitations I have about it. But what if my self-esteem improves? Maybe that means I'll be able to attract a better quality of man?

    What are people's thoughts on this? Have your dating lives improved since WLS? Were you ever in a situation such as myself and just went with whatever because of low self-esteem?

    Also (if it isn't too weird to ask), what about sex? As I just mentioned, I've never partaken in physical intimacy. But what if I do? Will people be grossed out by loose skin? Oh...here's a question, will they be turned off by the fact that I was previously obese?

    Are these dumb questions?

    Any input is appreciated. :)

    Hi, this post breaks my heart. I grew up in the 80’s and I was a bit of a wild child to say the least. Had lots of fun and good times. My son is your age. (I have 2, and 2 stepsons) There is a definite distinction to making love and sex. A man that truly loves you doesn’t care about weight, skin, makeup or anything but you and your health so you are there for with him forever. Having sex is just going through the motions with someone who could or could not care less about you. Making love is special between you and your loved one and you can feel the love. You really cannot compare the two. This is totally separate from dating.

    Now to the dating part. A man is going to treat you how you make him treat you. You need to realize your self worth, how you deserve to be treated with respect, caring, thought-fullness, honor, kindness and want to take care of you. If you see a man and he isn’t kind to his mother, family, people you see him interact with, he isn’t going to be kind or respect you. Does he open the door for you? For someone walking in? No... then don’t even give him the time of day. Does he have children? Does he see and take care of his kids? Does he complain about child support? If he not, he isn’t going to try and take care of you.

    Now to the most important would be you. Stop and put your self first, show confidence, take the time to do the hair, makeup, clothes, put some jewelry on and do it for you! It will make you feel better! I would definitely see a counselor and see why you don’t feel worthy of love. Women and men of all ages, shapes and sizes find love everyday. However, if you don’t see the worth in yourself how is someone else? You need to carry with you your demand for respect and worthiness. Sometimes we do things like put a wall up to keep people away. This seems like very much what you may be doing and feeling so low about yourself that you took anything to be accepted. A counselor would certainly be able to help you and remember this and your weight could all be long gone if you work on it. I would also look into your insurance, call them most it seems will remove some of your excess skin if it is causing rashes etc. So if it happens, you may be able to get it taken care of and not need to worry about it so much. Please feel free to reach out to me privately, you cannot ask me anything I would be embarrassed about. I would love nothing more than to see your success story here and having a happy family. Be confident and demand respect and it will fall into place. Good luck to you.

  6. This is really awesome! It will be so nice to see how everyone is doing. Good luck to all the July babies it’s coming real soon. It’s my 5th day of this preop diet, been a little crazy with my brother in down and parties and going out. Just played it off that I am the designated driver, got to say not loving this liquid and raw veggie diet. My mouth tastes like metal not sure if from Protein Shakes or Vitamins. Yuc. 9 more days to go. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s success. Thanks again Mom_of_chaos.

  7. Congratulations and good luck with your surgery and recovery! Some people hav a horror story for everything. Don’t let them get to you. You have a whole group of people here for your support. A friend of mine about my age 52 had the sleeve and she did great! One of the reasons I decided to do this as well. Tomorrow starts your new life wishing you great success and keep us updated.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Jemma23 said:

    Thank yall so much for the support! Even though you have me crying again, it is great to have someone to vent to. I can’t afford the surgery without insurance help. I can reapply next year, problem is, I need to be losing weight for my health not gaining to wait another year and reapply. I am back on Keto this week... not losing yet, but hope to. I am 50 yrs old, much harder to lose than it used to be. I have probably gained and lost 1000 lbs in my lifetime. I NEED the restriction to keep it off. I have never done keto before because doesn’t seem heart healthy at all, but I have to get the weight off. Yall know of any good weight loss support groups online? Thanks again for your support.

    Are you sure it is a year before trying again? That doesn’t make sense. I honestly would try fighting it. Get measured again and don’t stand so tall, put on the couple pounds. Ask your insurance company to send you their requirements in writing so you know exactly what you need to do. If you do keto watch you cholesterols because mine went up. My dr said that is not something maintainable for the long term. Does your surgeon office have a coordinator there who can help guide you through this?

  9. 1 hour ago, Jemma23 said:

    When I first applied for process, I went through my pcp. Apparently they measured me wrong and put me at 5-2 instead of 5-3. My measurements put me right at a 35 BMI, which is lowest bmi they will accept into program, but... I have many medical issues. So, when I got to my first surgical visit they measured me at 5-3 so I was at a 34.2 BMI so I gained a few lbs and came back. Then we continued with entire process, MANY appts, which you all know process. After I paid and scheduled surgery date, ins called me 3 days later and said “she had GOOD news, I was just too skinny to have the surgery”. I begged, cried and pleaded with her. As soon as I got off phone with her I drove straight to surgeons office and cried to them. They called insurance and plead my case. Then I called insurance back next day. I don’t know how else to fight it. Its a done deal. All over an inch discrepancy or 3 lbs... doesn’t matter that I have cholesterol of 300, prediabetic, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, high bp, plantar fasciitis, auto immune and my mom had her first heart attack at 50.

    Did you have shoes on? It isn’t over. You just need to meet the weight requirements. You can do it and qualify. Unless you wanted to fight the inch maybe you had shoes on etc. Call your primary and the surgeon and find out what you need to do. It may be a few more steps but you can make it happen. If you have medical records online you can look at previous heights etc and see if they have others in a as 5.2 but I think the easiest would be put on weight and start again. Don’t give up.

  10. 1 hour ago, GradyCat said:

    I know it feels like a letdown, but look at the upside. You're only 200 pounds and your BMI isn't that bad. It might be something your doctor and the insurance company feels you can work on without surgery. You sound like you have a lot of get-up-and-go and are determined, so I bet you can do this. You've got this! Hang in there.

    I am sorry but this post really upsets me. You see all the health issues this woman has and fears of a heart attach how can you minimize her struggle? We are suppose to be supportive and come to this group for support and guidance. I am in the 35 BMI and struggled my whole life with ups and downs. I lost 30lbs thru Keto and put it back and the dr said that was worse than the weight so I made the decision not for hopes of a bikini but for health reasons. She needs this surgery for the same reasons, so she can lose and keep off the weight. If it was so easy no one would need surgery.

  11. I just looked at your profile. We are so similar. 5'3 but you let your weight fall to 197 that puts you at 34.9 bmi. It is a 40 bmi no comorbilities. Or a 35bmi with comorbilities. I had to keep above the 35bmi to qualify for surgery. I let my lowest go to 200 to be in range. Your Dr. And Surgeon should have let you know this. I would get the qualifications from insurance if you have the comorbilities just put on a little weight.

  12. I am so sorry you have been denied. It has to be a horrible feeling especially after working so har for this and looking forward to the surgery. I would say this is not the end and take a step back and look at why you were denied. Maybe something was missed on the paperwork submitted. You should have been sent something of why you were denied. If not call your insurance and see if there is something else needed. Your surgeons office should be able to help you as well. They make money by doing the surgery so they may be able to give you some advice on getting approved. Don’t give up, just regroup and find out what needs done. Don’t give up.

  13. 3 hours ago, Krimsonbutterflies said:

    Congratulations Midnight Sun and Tal. I'm also keeping this surgery myself. You've got a whole community here of ppl...

    Congratulations to you two as well! Excited to see how everyone does. I had my surgeon visit Friday and my nutritionist appointment this Monday. I start my 2 week liver shrinking diet Monday. Being bad this weekend. If anyone has a Sams Club near them they have the Premiere Protein on sale for 3 or 4 dollars less each pack.

  14. On 6/19/2019 at 11:36 AM, Nefelibata214 said:

    Hi everyone! First time posting! My surgery will be July 10th! So excited and nervous. My biggest fear is that it won't work. I've dieted all my life and while I can always lose weight, I always gain it back and I think I've messed up my metabolism so bad. I can survive on nothing, so I'm scared the surgery won't help that much. I know it probably sounds irrational, but that's my biggest fear, aside from dying of course and leaving my children with my ex....

    Think positive! My surgeon was saying this has such a high success rate so as long as you do what they tell you everything will be great! Our nurse had the sleeve and lost 90lbs. She said even if I slip up and eat Cookies I am limited to how many I can eat not like before so it keeps everything in line. You will do great!

  15. Thats my reasoning for this too. So many medical issues. I go up and down in weight and i was down to 178 with Keto but I don't eat red meat and do not really care so much for other meats. So my weight went back up when I went off it and my dr said I did more harm than good and was just diagnosed diabetic. So that was it for me. It really isn't anyones business, you are so right.

  16. A friend of mine had it and did very well so I mentioned to a very good friend of mine about me getting it and her reaction was I don't think you need it you just have a little belly. That was about a year ago and I didn't want anyone talking me out of it. Did you want to follow each other for support?

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