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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Midnightsun

  1. I had surgery on a Monday didn’t go till Friday. I was so miserable. When I called the surgeon office they told me to take Mirilax but I was home alone and could not get to the store. I took a few sips of coffee which I would Not recommend. I was then in the bathroom the whole day. I was so relieved to go though I was ready to go to the hospital how much pain I was in and afraid my stomach was hurt. By the time my husband got home from work I was already went. They said it happens from all the pain meds and not enough Water. I would definitely try something to make you go or it is just going t9 get worse. Hope you feel better.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Katybug said:

    My doctor and dietitian said absolutely not on the clear Protein Drinks or else I would give it a shot.

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow it’s so crazy how all the surgeons are different. I was only able to have clear liquids and Protein drinks for a week. Then was full liquids- no lumps for a week. Now on week 3 to 6 soft foods/purée stage. Wonder why no clear protein drinks? I used the premiere protein clear. Good luck to you and I hope you figure out what is causing the issues.

  3. Hi, I am so sorry for everything you have been through. I myself had the sleeve June 8, 2019 for health reasons. I lost 20 lbs already and I feel good. It is so nice to not be hungry all the time. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired. I would say you already answered your question. I put on a few pounds so I would qualify and made my mind up and never looked back. I was taken off my blood pressure medicine after 1 week. I am off my Meloxicam now for my inflammation and I am doing well without it right now. I take the meloxicam and Stelara for my psoriatic arthritis. You need to do what is best for you, if you need the hernia surgery do whatever you need to get it done. This is something that could change your life for the better. If I were you I would go for it. I am glad I did. Sometimes it easier to just make a decision and not question it. Just keep going forward. Good Luck to you.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Nonnaof4 said:

    Congratulations on your surgery! I'm still in the pre-surgery process. This is a dumb question but what's the difference between liquids and full liquids?

    Hi, Clear Liquids are what you can see through and sugar free for liver shrinking diet. Sugar free Jello, tea, broth, sugar free popsicle.

    Full liquids is no lumps, you can have sugar free pudding, strained cream Soups, milk.

    I was allowed Protein Shakes and Tomato Soup on my preop diet. You will need with hour surgeon to check as others were not.

    good luck

  5. Hi, All surgeon’s have a little different timeline for solid foods. I am 3 weeks out and in the purée/soft food stage. At 6 weeks it is the normal bariatric diet. Being a bariatric diet and only able to consume little amounts of food you need to make sure you get your Protein and healthy foods. To be successful you will need to figure what you can order that will fit in your plan when you do go out. I would do this beforehand. Filling up on bread and carbs is going to rob you the nutrition you need. A couple of bites once in a while of pizza maybe but it certainly cannot be a habit. This is a life changer and it might be best to see if friends would do something else to socialize. Someone had that they now go for coffee instead. It 3 months no caffeine on my plan so it may need to be caffeine free. Make sure you are ready for this because once it is done life changes. My surgeon requires everyone to go to classes to make sure we understood the diet and changes. Good luck to you.

  6. 18 hours ago, Screwballski said:

    Folks, don’t worry. I know you want it all gone now...I did , too...but it will happen!

    I am 5”6”. I was 209 at my consult. I was approved by my insurance companies and given my checklists (all the boring poke/prod stuff). They scheduled me for 3 months later and I set about doing all the stuff they’d scheduled. All they told me was DON’T GAIN ANY WEIGHT OR YOUR INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL DECLINE SURGERY! Okay. Got it.

    So, I got super vigilant and began LOSING weight. I showed up for surgery weighing 180 lbs with a BMI of exactly 30... apparently, the OTHER number where MY INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL DECLINE! Uh, wait...you’ve got to explain this stuff upfront! (However, since I had a complication, my Doctor got it approved on that day and off we went.)

    Anyway, this is the long way of saying, I had my surgery at 30 BMI! I kept and continue to keep copious notes on my weight loss. Initially I lost 8-10 pounds per month. Then it slowed to 5-6 pounds. I hit my goal very quickly but then I decided that was my Doctor’s goal. MY goal was 35 pounds lighter. So I kept going.

    Now I look back and think how the time flew and what I’ve accomplished. But, in the moment, I thought it was taking forever!

    Don’t spend time worrying about how quickly it will happen. It’s different for everyone. Comparison is fruitless. It gets you nowhere and it robs energy you could be using to make sure you get where you want to be!

    i wish all of you the very best.

    Great you are doing so well and they approved you! I know with my insurance BCBS you had to be a 35 BMI with comorbilities, or a 40 BMI without. Mine was at the time papers were sent for approval. So I was told not to go under the 35 BMI until approved. I was ok to lose weight after that approval was in and before I started the liquid diet. It really depends on the insurance, I would caution anyone starting this to make sure you stay within the BMI approvals and get a copy of the code from your insurance to make sure you don’t stop yourself from getting the surgery. I see posts of being just under and get the surgery canceled. I had my two week follow to my surgery appointment yesterday and he stress for me not to be in a super rush that the weight will come off. To give my body time to adjust to everything that I have a year to get it off.

  7. If surgery is tomorrow it is usually clear liquids.. No pudding. Nothing after midnight for the anthestia. If u have an online portal for your hospital check and see if they emailed you instructions. They told me only a small sip of Water in am to take my syntheroid. If you need to take meds and are unsure take them with you and don't take before. Definately no blood pressure meds.

  8. I think you have a typo on the Water amount you are drinking because that certainly isnt enough. I drink a ton of water and liquids throughout the day and i noticed i need to weigh myself in the am after I pee because all the water I drink. Maybe try that. I would also check with surgeon office and see if you are eating enough. Are you getting your Protein in?

  9. Hi. I just had vsg July 8, 2019. I was alwaus below the 35 bmi and have many health issues. I know some may not like it but I put on a few so I would qualify. So i went to a 36 bmi and my insurance bcbs did away with the 3 month weigh in but my surgeon required it. So my primary dr and surgeons office told me to lose weight or stay the same each month but do NOT go under 35 bmi and do NOT gain. So it was a crazy juggling act. I started at 203 and went to 200 or 201 for last visit. I was literally approved in a day from bcbs. I was 193 on day of surgery. Monday will be week 3 and i am 184. I was taken off my blood pressure meds already.

    My surgeons office is pretty well organized and gave me a binder with tons of info. A timeline for all the tests and labs etc.

    You will need a psycatrist approval

    sleep apena test


    Monthly visits as your insurance requires

    A letter from your prinary

    Lab work closer to surgery

    A chest x-ray

    Attend informatiinal session and a group support session

    Msra and mssa test they do the nose swab with labwork

    Thats all i can think of. I did start the bariatric Vitamins a month or two before to make sure i wasn't anemic etc.

    You will need comorbilities with your bmi which i am sure you know to qualify for insurance.

    Everyones liquid diet seems to be different before surgery. Mine is strict. He stressed how important itbwas to follow to the T for a better surgery and qjick recovery. Mine was a full 2 weeks of Clear Liquids, Protein Shakes and Tomato Soup only.

    Some get 1 meal or so many calories etc. Not mine 😆

    I was in hospital overnight and also had a hiatel hernia repaired.

    Good luck to you!

    Reach out anytime

  10. I had my sleeve surgery July 8, 2019 and I am off my blood pressure meds already. My dr stopped it last Monday because my blood pressure is perfect without it now. My A1c went to a 7, so technically I was diagnosed with diabetes right before surgery. I was told this would most likely resolve diabetes. My Mother had diabetes really bad so this was a big push for me to stop it in its tracks. My health issues is the reason I had my surgery. I know when they did the endoscopy they did a test for GERD and if you had it they didn’t do the sleeve, they do the bypass. You are young, get started now and enjoy your life. Talk to your surgeon and don’t worry it will all work out.

  11. I start the purée soft foods Monday. I like to cook and normally make everything homemade. Think of what you like and how to adapt it. If you like tacos use some ground turkey, layer it with puréed Beans, a little cheese and sauce. If cooking for a family just pull a little out for yourself to adapt it. That’s what I will be doing. Maybe a little ground turkey or chopped up chicken or meat, a little ricotta filling, little cheese, maybe chopped spinach in it, a tad of sauce if you like. I make this dish with fake crab meat and it is delish. The veggies couldn’t really go in it but I lightly cook the crab in a skillet with garlic, salt, pepper, onion powder, I whip up some eggs or egg beaters, then turn the skillet low, pour the eggs on, then add a tad of mozzarella and shake cheese. (I normally add broccoli, onion, mushrooms). Same as stuffed peppers etc. just make it healthy and adapt. Good luck to you.

  12. Yes, My throat was horrible from the tube. I sucked on ice a couple days and popsicles. Keep it moist. Are you drinking anything like Gatorade Zero? I was feeling a little bad and it really helped me. Good luck to you and hope you feel better soon. Oh, if you don't have a bowel movement soon take some Mirilax. I wish I knew. Day 5 was horrible and it did not need to be. All good now tho.

  13. Hi, I have been doing good all but Friday was bad, when I was so constipated it was horrible. They should have told me to take the Mirilax instead of waiting to be constipated from the pain meds. I know about the sipping part, I am a fast drinker or should I say was... but every now and then I forget. Other than that it’s been good. So weird not hungry at all. I see you are Vegan. That is awesome! My oldest has been for about a year and a half. I was Vegetarian for many years. I am not now but still haven’t had beef since a kid. We eat a lot of homemade veggie dishes, I am going to try and go back to vegetarian at least. My downfall is cheese. Nice to see weight come off now with this surgery it is really amazing.

  14. 15 hours ago, amaynard said:

    Mmmmmm yummy fruit bars! My doctors office also said they are ok. And if we are getting technical, the “sugar free” popsicle brand has carbs so... carbs turn to sugar. I guess if you’re that concerned about of a couple grams of sugars, you’re gonna have a pretty boring rest of your life. Everything has sugars, it’s called balance! She’s not asking about a Dove double chocolate bar.

    I was on my preop and I stuck to it to the T. I love fruit bars and all I said is I would check prior to eating them on the preop. That’s it. Glad your dr said they are ok. Mine was super strict. It was just prior to surgery I didn’t want to do anything to make it not to happen. By the way my life is far from boring. I was not saying for anyone not to eat them but to check first in case they weren’t suppose to. I was trying to be helpful and it appears people would rather be rude and take it for something other than what I said.

  15. 15 hours ago, Mom_of_Chaos said:
    On 7/12/2019 at 11:33 PM, Midnightsun said:

    I certainly did not speak in that tone to you for you to jump all over me. If you reread my comments it says ON MY PREOP DIET. Mine was 2 weeks: Protein Drinks, Clear Liquids, Tomato Soup, raw non starchy veggies. NO fruit or fruit juice he specifically said. So even though minimal juice I personally would have cleared it prior to having for preop since I saw someone on here stated they went in for surgery and the surgeon didn’t do the surgery because the liver wasn’t shrunk enough. I DID NOT judge you, I DID NOT tell you or anyone else not to eat them on preop. I said I would make sure it was ok to consume. THATS IT! Then to tell me to calm down, Really? I don’t even know you so what does it matter to me what you eat? I was just trying to help someone if it wasn’t on their preop to check. All you had to do was say my surgeon suggested them as their is only 2gm of sugar. Looks like you are the one on the high horse. You really didn’t need to be so rude. I certainly was not trying to be.

    I am looking for a good sugarfree popsicle and i pulled the ones you said up to see if they had them here in PA. Those are not popsicles they are fruit bars. I know on my preop diet i was not allowed any fruit or fruit juice as they are sugar. I would really check to make sure it is ok to consume. You could always save them till you are cleared after surgery and off Clear Liquids.

    Whoa let’s step down off the judgey pedestal. The brand has 2g of sugar and was specifically recommended by my surgeons office so please calm down. As we’ve seen so many times before everyone’s surgeon has different suggestions, and lately people around here have been so quick to jump on a high horse and correct people saying they are wrong about everything from how they are feeling to what they are eating .

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