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Posts posted by Akeem

  1. Everyone is so upset about not being able to eat regular food. Well regular and fat food got you where you are. Try something new. I’m 5 weeks post op bypass no pain. Blood sugar meds gone. Struggle mentally sure but no insulin no metformin is worth it! Try to relax and see the good.

  2. Pre op is the easy part. It has to be ok in the brain. Ask yourself do I want quality of life? Being off insulin since surgery almost 6 weeks ago is better than any food tastes. After surgery you look at food as fuel. You are breaking up with fun food. Eat to live not live to eat. Physically you won’t be able to digest the bad food so mentally get your head right. Seek counseling

  3. Well for me it’s realistic because food is not the center of my universe. My mom has such terrible health problems she doesn’t have much time left here. She is 69. We are 23 years a part and I would rather live than EAT bad food. So boo hoo to those who regret it. It’s saving MY life. Food is no longer the most important thing. I look at it as fuel.

  4. Please do not listen to all the huge problems have physically. People love to share those but thousands of people do not have any physical issues from recovering from surgery to keeping things down. I find people with no issues tend to stay quiet. You are doing this for quality of life. You are saving your life. Of course there is tons of doubt you are normal but if you stay on current path you know what you get. Take a chance for a fighting chance!

  5. They want to know about depression because your entire life changes and relationship with food changes as well as with others in your social life since a lot is surrounded with food and drink. I’m two weeks post op and I totally get it. They want to make sure you won’t turn to food for comfort because you literally can’t. Trust they know what they are talking about this isn’t their first rodeo and lying only hurts yourself.

  6. I felt the same way. But my thought was this... if I stay the way I am obese and metabolically not able to lose well I know where the leads me. Have bypass and give myself a fighting chance. What’s more important saving your life or staying the same eating what you want and doing what you have always done? I’m two weeks post opt and it’s a huge change but I’m off insulin.

  7. Where did you get surgery done? I’m well aware of everything you are talking about. I will say this. My choice is being 69 years old and dying from kidney failure and heart failure like the rest of my family or eat small portions and carry Water around. Boo hoo. I will take the after surgery than due a miserable slow death like my mother. I suggest you go talk to a therapist or you should have had proper classes and program before hand. They can unhook it and put your sick stomach back. Look into it. You shouldn’t get on her with your negativity. This is your fault. Not the dr.

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