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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Darktowerdream

  1. The best thing for you right now would be some really good Bone Broth, make a nice Soup. I've made my own bone broth using turkey bones. But you can get bone broth Soups these days too. Kettle & fire makes a high quality bone broth. Maybe mix in a little pumpkin purée to thicken it. I understand craving toast and crackers when sick. There are some low carb options with Protein in them like great low carb bread company. I think it's more about finding something to settle your stomach than a craving, and needing that salt for the electrolytes balance. Dealing with lifelong chronic illness I've had to find other ways to cope without the carbs. Because I've got metabolic disorders and can't exercise. Although you can get protein crisps and bars that might be easier on your stomach without extra carbs or sugar. I eat a Protein Bar with tea for Breakfast for that reason.

    I know we tell ourselves to allow certain habits back in because we are sick. I can't tell you what is right or wrong only what I do myself. As long as you are aware and take care and learn healthy habits for when you get sick things will be fine. Some people do ok with some carbs sometimes. I didn't allow leeway until I was in maintenance. Every persons journey is different. I learned the hard way that for me personally every time I had surgery or got sick I'd fall into a carb addiction. Because my stomach and body just wanted bland saltine crackers and chicken noodle soup. Now I just approach it differently.

  2. 37 minutes ago, loridee11 said:
    52 minutes ago, Darktowerdream said:

    Glad you like your pixie! I of course take all my Vitamins and Biotin and Protein. I have collagen but am not consistent with it...

    When it wa collagen powder I'd forget but it is easier to remember chews or tablets. Right now I'm using the tablets I just put them in a pill box for the week. It was just more in budget right now since it was good for two month supply. I have taken it before and it seems to do good.


  3. On 11/12/2020 at 10:50 PM, loridee11 said:

    Like many, I've lost a TON of hair as part of this journey. In August, at 7 months out, I cut it to a long bob which helped, but as it started to grow out it quickly became scraggly and looked very fine. SO I did a major cut this week taking it to a long pixie (almost 10.5 months out) I am super happy at what a difference it made in appearance - parts of it are almost back to normal density with regrowth. Now if it only stops falling out and I can keep what I have.


    I wasn't going to comment but it's a beautiful style. My hair is baby fine and I already struggle with metabolic disorders and lifelong chronic illness so my hair just suffered thinning and when I let it grow out it looked terrible. But I'd moved states and I'm not trusting and didn't find someone to do my hair.

    I had to have two other surgeries around the same time as my gastric bypass surgery (Also my gallbladder during that surgery) did a number on my hair but I got my hair cut in a buzz cut pixie. Just a bit of length on top. And helps my hair not look so thin. I like how it feels. And it finally started growing thicker after awhile. Until I had skin removal surgery and my hair didn't grow for a good few months.

    In addition to my food based Multivitamin, I take a hair, skin and nails supplement with Biotin plus I take lots of collagen. I take Vitamin C sorry I can't remember but I think it helps absorption of collagen. I also take Omega 3-6-9, and turmeric, and calcium chews. My hair is baby fine but now growing thicker.

  4. I don't eat a lot of meat or necessarily veggies. But stick to. Low carb way of eating and have for years but for some reason it stopped working and I turned to the tool of gastric bypass surgery to help me. Metabolic disorders and inability to exercise due to lifelong chronic illness and disability doesn't help. But I'm here a year and a half later after surgery.

    it helps to calculate your baseline Protein using the ratio of 0.36 grams of protein per 1 lb body weight.

    I have a morning Protein Bar with tea it's my routine. lunch is my main meal. I might for example have a skillet meal of veggie burger, egg and maybe a little avocado or even a baby banana cooked in. dinner is routinely Greek yogurt usually oikos triple zero mixed with Protein Powder usually PEScience (but I tdon't tidy VEga sport and it's good too) some golden flax, a little Peanut Butter powder sprinkled on top, freeze a bit, top with sola low carb granola only 15 grams I measure everything. Sometimes a sprinkle of pepitas. I like a combination of flavor and texture.

    But I usually end up getting more protein than I require ... while being low carb . And minimal sugar.

    edit: you don't need carbs to feel satisfied and can get similar taste and texture profiles from low carb meals. I had to deal with sugar addiction long before I even thought bariatric surgery was ever an option.

  5. I'm mixing vega sport plant based Protein powder in yogurt and it's good. You can mix it into Ripple milk for added protein (higher protein plant based milk) they also make a yogurt. I find Greek yogurt with digestive enzymes doesn't upset my dairy intolerance. As long as it's low sugar. Oikos triple zero has been good. Take chewable digestive enzymes and that helps a lot too. Also the right whey protein shouldn't cause stomach upset. I've used PEScience select and not had issues.


  6. On 11/19/2020 at 1:53 PM, LaoDaBeirut said:

    I'm strongly considering gastric bypass and have done consultations with 3 surgeons. One told me I qualified for the surgery and approved me and suggested the bypass. Another said surgery was an option and recommended the sleeve. The third said that medically I could qualify but he didn't recommend surgery for me as other than obesity I have no other co-morbidities.

    If I were you I would listen to the first surgeon. Honestly BMI being above 40 by itself is qualification for gastric bypass surgery. The fact that it's a lifelong struggle is another factor. I fought like hell to have surgery because even though I have lifelong chronic illness and disability I didn't have enough of what they considered comorbidities to qualify for surgery under my insurance, except for my BMI. I almost didn't think it would happen but I was desperate for the tool of surgery to get my weight under control.

    Im pretty sure you have the answer you need already, I just wanted to say- don't let any doctor discourage you from going forward with your journey because you know in your heart you are on the right path.

  7. 3 hours ago, chelsea1188 said:

    Hi guys - ive just stumbled across this thread, and am also looking for information regarding stimulant medications and gastric bypass, i was bypassed a few years before i was diagnosed with ADHD,

    i was prescibed dexamphetimine by my psych, but he has never treated a patient with ADHD who has had a gastric bypass, my stimulants seems to go in, barely work for 2 hours and wear off - i recently switch from IR Dex 5mg (10x per day) as i found myself topping up more often than i should have been, so i requested to switch to a XR, and was prescribed Vyvanse 70mg 1x per day.. this barely touched the sides, and infact i had no increase in focus or motivation, and found that i was struggling to keep my eyes opne at work at 1pm! so ive switched back to IR dex, but the duration of effectiveness per dose is rediculous! :(

    i did a UDS for my psych last week, and it appears that ther was alot of amphetamine traces in my urine sample..

    anyone had similar? or have any recomendations?

    i was also wondering, does IR stimulant medication work more effectively or less effectively if your prone to forget to quite often?

    Thanks, i hope to hear fomr someone soon!!

    I wish I had a solid answer but I've never taken medication for my ADHD, I'm also on the Autism spectrum with sensory processing disorder, and OCD. But as well have lifelong chronic illness, immunodeficiency with many medical conditions that started with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

    i haven to be careful with what meds I take. As I've multiple chemical sensitivities. And allergies.

    I can say that XR means it's an extended release drug and will not work in a gastric bypass surgery patient digestive system. I'm going to have to figure that out myself since I need something for POTS/orhtostatic intolerance.

    Personally? My ADHD treatment? I drink caffeine in the evening and time it a certain way. But dealing with severe chronic fatigue every day. I don't take stimulants. tBH If I time it right I get a bit of a clear head and sleep a little better. Usually around 6pm I drink a 300mg caffeine energy drink. For some reason I had to stop coffee though.

    So I think some things can go through the system to quick to be metabolized. Probably if I were answering at a better time of day I might make better sense. I hope it's at the least a little helpful.

  8. 1 hour ago, Coexister said:

    Oh my gosh! Thank you so so much for the link to the chewable enzymes! I was having a hard time finding a chewable and this is greatly appreciated and will be so helpful!

    You're very welcome, these cost a little more but I finally found the link to them. You do take less and these are Whole Foods based and are utilized better Post gastric bypass. You reminded me I will need to order more myself. I'm waiting for vitacost to send me a coupon 🤣

    Sign up for emails and and account and out thins in your cart. Sometimes I get coupon for Thirty off a hundred or twenty off etc. my tablet numerical keypad isn't working at the moment weird.


    some things I can't do without and one is digestive enzymes. I also eat yogurt every day for dinner. I mix in Protein powder, a bit of powdered Peanut Butter, a little low carb granola called Sola (didn't add that until I hit maintenance) Now I add some fine golden flax. And maybe some pepitas sprinkled on top.

  9. 10 hours ago, Coexister said:

    I’m glad someone has addressed this issue as I am 3 weeks post op RNY revision and having the worst smelling poo and farts of my life. The smell drifts through out the whole house and is quite embarrassing! Poopori and sprays don’t cover it. This with a liquid diet and now moving into soft purée only foods. Could it be intolerance to the bariatric Protein Powder I am using? But then it wouldn’t make sense as I didn’t have this problem during pre-op diet and drinking this powder with no fat milk. Gosh, I pray it’s something that passes but now that I read comments I see others suffering 5 & 6 months post op. Going to try digestive enzymes if I can find chewables? I already take Probiotics and eat yogurt. Anybody out there with any other ideas? Please help!

    You are very early out and it's usually food intolerances that trigger this but since your gut is still adapting give it time before changing anything. Try chewable digestive enzymes. Garden of life makes great chewable digestive enzymes that are Whole Foods based but there are other brand said as well either from sites like or stores like Vitamin Shoppe (costs a bit more)


    i only get this now when I have food intolerances or forget to take digestive enzymes with certain foods. Or just am generally feeling unwell. Give it time since your body is still recovering from the surgery. The digestive enzymes should be helpful and are great long term for anyone.

  10. 24 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    elevated liver levels are common the first year or two after surgery. It's evidently because rapid weight loss is really tough on livers. Mine finally normalized right around year 2. So yours may just be related to that...

    I’d never heard that. I know that rapid weight loss can effect the gallbladder and many people need gallbladder removal for that reason. But I’ve never heard of it causing elevated liver enzymes. I’m sure it’s one of many risks involved in surgery but I would think it still needs monitoring. Especially when symptomatic.

    I did have my gallbladder removed during my gastric bypass surgery. Due to what turned out to be chronic inflammation. But I’m pretty sure my liver levels in previous tests were ok. I’m waiting to hear from my primary care physician about getting more bloodwork done to see what the situation is.

    My ferritin was very low even though my Iron was fairly normal range. Slight elevation of my liver enzymes before maybe, but then a drastic spike. Normal is 6-29 I’ve had it go from 9 to 13 in 2018 my gastric bypass was April 2019. I think May after surgery it was 10. But then a year later May 2020 it tested at 43. Strange. I’m not necessarily worried. But with my other symptoms I’d like to know. And I’m having a lot of pain. The next test July it was 29 but I’d had two blood transfusions ... so of course my blood labs were altered by that so I need a new baseline bloodwork done. Interesting that my ferritin was only 7 in a range of 16-232 after those transfusions it was 39.

  11. 14 hours ago, Lily66 said:

    Oh dear...I trust you’ve called Dr. re bleeding constipation? My heart goes out to you on this whole issue...for many of us bowels are a challenge. Just when I think I’ve nailed what works- it doesn’t, so from my end I can’t really give good advice. Lately, what has worked for me is Swiss Kriss, which is senna and herbs. It is a laxative, however, and daily laxative is not where I want to be.

    I see my PCP in a few weeks and am planning to give Linzess (not a laxative) another try. At 11 weeks out he suggested it and gave me samples to try. Deep down I felt I hadn’t given my body, fruits, veggies, Fiber, more volume enough time, so after his samples were over decided against it-though it did seem to work. Now? Seven months out? I’ve tried it all and ready to give Linzess a “go” (pun intended😅).

    Best of luck to you and keep us posted!💖

    Be careful with senna, it irritates the bladder. Although more so for me because I eventually found out I have interstitial cystitis. I tried Ayurvedic (Triphala but you can get a blend of herbs) they all say short term use. I’d rather not rely on anything but when you have a complicated medical history everything is complicated ... years ago I took zelnorm and it was good but got pulled from the market. My gastroenterologist gave me at least five medications to replace it and I tried but got very sick and I said no way. His answer well let me know if you find something that works ...

    linzess is good but a bit inconsistent. When all else fails it’s worth trying since it’s not a laxative.

    13 hours ago, MsMocie said:

    You need to see a doctor asap. Bleeding in the anal section should be taken serious.

    Honestly they don’t take it as seriously as you would think. I had a ct show severe narrowing of the colon. I have had bleeding. My gastroenterologist once said well unless I end up in hospital in an emergency situation then nothing they could do ... because My colonoscopies show diverticulitis. I’ve had for years usually you get them after age 60. Of course during colonoscopy they expand the colon with air they won’t see functional conditions. And they right off assume bleeding is hemorrhoids. Like I want to say that’s something natural like a cushion system to protect the bowels but it’s not natural to have bleeding.

    sorry to sound angry. I am having some issue that my blood labs showed elevated liver levels I need them rechecked. And very pale stools. As well as bleeding, I’m just hesitant to see the gastroenterologist I sure as heck am not having colonoscopy again why you ask? Prior to my last one I had pelvic surgery and part of that surgery was damaged by the colonoscopy. And I had to have the surgery done again to fix it. The doctor was having to go in anyway due to endometriosis and he ended up finding out for sure ive interstitial cystitis. I’m just grateful he did fix it. But it meant more incisions and stitches.

    stupid browser posted my message before I was ready and now I’m not sure exactly what I meant to say ...

  12. Money was the hardest part but I traveled to Mexico for my surgeries. To the hospital owned by BariatricPal. I thought my surgeon was excellent as was the hospital. I managed my after care by being in contact with the doctor via email and sending photos. Although it seemed I knew what to do myself anyway even though I had some challenges due to lifelong chronic illness, I healed well.

    my primary care wanted nothing to do with the fact that I had plastics miss I’m just playing devils advocate ... yeah whatever. But I knew I made the right choice. I removed the one drain I had at home by myself. I also did my own incision care when I had any issues. Which honestly even if the doctor was in the same town I think results would basically be the same. Then again perhaps I’d not have had such an awesome doctor.

    As for financial I had a limit and came up empty by the time I was done but don’t regret it. It was money saved, I wasn’t planning on plastics it wasn’t something I thought I could do. Considering I live on a very tiny budget. But with help it happened.

    I had belt lipectomy/butterfly lift with some stomach muscle tightening, thigh lift and augmentation.

  13. I just got this email update and thought maybe I’d update my own on Linzess and hopefully not too long a story here. But taking linzess due to chronic issues even prior to gastric bypass surgery I ended up moving to a higher dose. It wasn’t very consistent for me. But I think some of my issue is nerve damage and muscle weakness, spasms.

    After I had plastics to remove excess skin with a Belt Lipectomy/ Butterfly Lift and some stomach muscle tightening I stopped Linzess. It did help more initially and I got off the medication. I still have problems due to chronic illness but now I just take Dulcolax soft chews which are the only thing that doesn’t cause painful cramping. And it’s easier to control dosage.

    also keep in mind dietary fiber, getting fluids, and other factors can effect this. Chia is a good source of fiber and you can make a chia Protein pudding.you need both soluble and insoluble fibers.

  14. I calculate my daily Protein based on my weight yet most days I still get too much protein 😹 I am not a big meat eater. Nor do I eat big meals or a lot of calories. But example of my daily meals: Breakfast is tea and a Protein Bar. lunch is my main meal. I vary it depending what I find at the grocery or where I’ve shopped, I usually meal plan for a week. Even though my meals are basically the same I write down my weight, meals, calories and protein.

    Side note: I use Quest salted caramel Protein Shake as Creamer in my tea ...

    example lunch Aldi Earth Grown flame grilled veggie burger, I pan cook with a little olive oil a little sliced avocado, and then I flip it break it up a bit with spatula and crack a single egg in the middle. I do the same basic formula with different veggie burgers. I love Bubba burger Latin grill veggie burgers with little avocado, a manzano banana and a egg. Aldi has good veggie meatballs too. Sometimes I buy their cauliflower rice and I’m a little with the veggie burger and an egg. Anyway the Aldi flame grilled veggie burger and one Egglands best egg = 160 calories and 22 grams protein. But that’s just an example.

    my dinner is the same yes I’m a creature of habit. Right now I’m rather obsessed with oikos triple zero lemon tart yogurt. I mix it with PEScience select Peanut Butter cookie Protein Powder and some low carb granola or Cereal and pop in the freezer up to an hour. I sprinkle some extra powder on top to keep it from over freezing. I love land o lakes sugar free whipped cream on top. It’s about 220 calories and 32 grams protein. (1/2 scoop protein, 1 yogurt cup, 15 grams of low carb granola either sola granola or Catalina crunch)

    PEScience Select


  15. On 9/22/2020 at 11:37 AM, mrshenry said:

    Hi All. I'm new to the group as of today! I am a week postt op and I can't get down Protein shakes! They make me gag to even smell them. I literally gag. I have tried several flavors and varieties in different forms...even making my own. Nothing works.default_sad.png&key=eede538cefacefd5b09bc3209f264a659ab0a07f9d0c9c28b43ddf136bc5059a For my pre-op doctor's visit , my doctor is going to flip his lid of I tell him I can't do the Protein shakes....HELP!!!!!!
    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

    @mrshenry you’ve gotten so many answers so I can’t add much. I’m over a year out of surgery now but had a hard time with Protein Shakes. For multiple reasons. Even though my sense of smell was off as was my taste (medical reasons prior to surgery) everything came across too strong and nauseating. Everything suggested either had iodine add3d so I couldn’t have it or had a horrid smell. Especially Isopure. The clear was heinous.

    I ended up turning to three things the third I’d wished I had found earlier post op.

    my first was PEScience Select Protein Powder that I would mix with plain unsweetened Ripple milk put in the fridge 30 minutes then mix again. I’d use one scoop powder 4 ounces milk (plant based I couldn’t tolerate dairy) and added Water as needed (needed it thicker due to dysphasia) for some reason it was one of the few I could tolerate. Plus it’s just more affordable to mix your own shakes.


    There are premix but more expensive. Also getting more than 30 grams Protein per meal has no benefits.

    it helps to calculate daily protein based on body weight. 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight is a starting point only add higher with exercise.

    the second thing that helped was BariatricPal protein Soup mixes. They have a sampler pack of broth flavors so then you can get an idea what flavor you like best.

    what i wish I’d found immediately post op was BariatricPal pink lemonade Protein Shots 15 grams protein in a little shot. I had a hard time getting fluids that would have helped a lot.

    Some premix in the grocery, costs a bit more but shamrock shakes are pretty good. I wouldn’t have known they existed until I found them in the cold dairy section. strawberry is good. The fairlife makes core power shakes also. They are like drinking milk. I’d also buy in a pinch some Boost Max protein shakes.

    oh I can’t forget the best flavor of premix but kind of high calorie for me was salted caramel in the brand of Labrada Lean Body but one 12 ounce I think is 40 grams protein. Quest nutrition also makes salted caramel shakes, I used them as Creamer in my tea I get them cheapest in Target.

    That’s also a good way to boost protein. Use protein you like in Decaf tea. I personally like either vanilla rooibos (celestial seasonings) decaf earl grey (Bigelow) though I do love vanilla chai ... also bigelow.

  16. 1 hour ago, ChubRub said:

    Thanks so much!! I will definitely order a couple for post surgery!

    You look fabulous by the way! No swelling, etc. You don't even look like you've had surgery!!!

    @ChubRub thank you ☺️ I get swelling in my thighs and belly depending what I eat, I feel it. But I honestly think that taking turmeric must help. I started off taking Garden of Life Turmeric gummies Post op. I came home with my feet swollen piggies, and huge ankles, usually my swelling is my thighs but after coming home and taking my supplements and of course elevating my legs it went down pretty fast. I did switch to a turmeric collagen chew. I’m having some issues (not related to surgery) started before. I need to go for baseline bloodwork to check my liver. Because my bloodwork was altered by getting two blood transfusions. It’s weird I see my own picture and can’t quite grasp its me. I’m trying to keep my weight below my cap of 106lbs but have had some issues. I’ll need to see my doctor.

    anyway. Sorry to ramble. I think you will like the bra and it’s definitely worth the price. I have my old Faja size XS by Marena. If you get the bodysuit you get it based on thigh measurements and the rest fits better. I wish I knew that after my surgery while I was still at hospital. If you didn’t mind it’s not new I could mail them to you. I thought about selling them but I just haven’t the energy to do so. I’ve also got two 32C surgical bras from Marena.

    https://marena.com/products/sfbhs-compression-girdle?variant=14424291901482&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpcD0mefz6wIVB4eGCh1g2Qn6EAQYAiABEgJzrfD_BwE

  17. I searched awhile for a replacement for my post surgery bra and finally found something comparable and in some ways better. Considering the price it’s actually better than the higher price bra although for me I wish it came in a smaller band size it seems to be just about the right size on the tightest hooks. Ive basically been wearing it 24/7 unless in the shower and can hardly tell it’s on. So thought I’d share it. I actually wrote a Amazon review on it A. It’s good B. The company is sending a free product. I did buy one black one nude color. Size small that says for 24.8-26.7” underbust. It fits on the tightest hook which means no room to tighten when the elasticity stretches. I like that it’s structured and has shape and a little back support. It has a little cotton lining in the cups, I got rid of the tiny cup inserts. (Not necessary) but if you need extra these are the best I found. And good for even every day bras. It helps for me that they are front close. I’ll attach some pictures. @ChubRub I thought this might help for after your surgery. Time will be here in a blink. Order based on the under bust measurement. I couldn’t think anywhere else to post.








  18. 1 hour ago, sillykitty said:

    I'm not sure where that info is coming from, but there is no link between carbs and reflux, and certainly not to RNY revision. GERD is a complication of the sleeve due to the new stomach anatomy creating a high pressure upper GI system.

    There are many different post surgical diet programs, all prioritize Protein, hydration and calorie deficits. But they are not all strictly low carb. There is more than one path to weight loss success.

    I’m sorry did I say that carbs caused GERD? My intent was to say sleeve can cause eventual need for revision to RNY due to GERD. Carbs are a separate subject, that can cause issues with the weight weight loss phase and usually healthy carbs are for maintenance and after Protein is eaten. And depends on the persons ability to process them. I’m sorry I won’t be responding to posts. I’m not very good at getting the correct message across, especially lately I’m just dealing with a lot of issues with my chronic illness. I’m not sure why it’s offensive though to discuss a strict low carb way of eating, that is beneficial for some people. Not all people process carbs very well. But it does come down to individual needs. And I’m not pushing low carb with my comment. Just saying that carbs if any comes with maintenance. And if someone has GERD it’s usually An issue after sleeve surgery. Sorry I’m stepping away now from commenting further on anymore posts since for some reason I offended you.

  19. 22 hours ago, Keatsy said:

    Dude. You need the biggest hug ever. I admire you for battling through these difficulties.

    @Keatsy honestly needed that. Not in a good place right now. But i get up and deal with the day the best I can. One step at a time even if my limitations don’t let me get too far ...

    reading these posts we all need to learn to be our own nutritionist on our journey. Each have our differences especially how our bodies process foods. I was trying some meals with beef and cauliflower rice and am not sure what caused a spike in my weight. I rarely if ever eat beef. Perhaps it was that it was a frozen meal (real good foods Mongolian beef bowl) guess I’ll stick to doing it my way. I’m still testing the waters with cauliflower rice. At least post gastric bypass that is. I ate it often before.

    22 hours ago, WishMeSmaller said:

    How do I tell her she’s eating too much & not making good food choices if this is what her dietician has told her? I encouraged her to speak to her her surgeon about the pain & Nexium but nothing else.

    I’m wondering what surgery your friend had that she is having reflux. And that she can eat so much without pains. Did she have sleeve? A lot of times with sleeve maybe the nutritionist guidelines can be more lax. Some nutritionists think carbs are ok even early on. But my nutritionist guidelines save complex, healthy carbs for maintenance and then only after having Protein first so very minimal carbs. And usually from vegetables and healthy sources. It is strange how different they can be. And it can be very damaging to the success of the bariatric patient’s success. Also with sleeve that’s usually what causes eventual reflux or GERd. And then people usually end up getting revision to RNY.

    it’s hard to know what to say even to a friend. I was in similar position years ago a friend eating herself sick, literally but I couldn’t confront her about it. But that was a very difficult situation. If this is a close friend and she trusts you gently ask about her nutritionist and why she approves of so much carbs and sugar. Especially during the weight loss phase. Maybe just curious to compare to yours. I would think mot nutritionist guidelines would say very little if any sugar. I don’t know if it’s different for sleeve.

  20. 11 minutes ago, Arabesque said:

    Damn hormones! The first time I started to put on weight was when I was 12 & began puberty. Every year till I was about 18 I put on more but was eating way less & was pretty active. Up & down (60-75kg) after that but the last time I put on a large amount (15kg), in what felt like overnight, was when I hit menopause. It pushed me to my surgical weight. Again no change of diet or activity levels. The two years previous to this I had slowly put on weight too (about 10kg) without reason except I was perimenopausal. So yep I think hormones, for me at least, contributed to my weight problems. And now I weigh about 4kg more than I did when I was 12 when the hormone merry go round started.

    Wow. Really made me think. But my memory is Swiss cheese more holes than cheese since my childhood was (hell) but I do remember it seemed my chest grew overnight to enormous size at puberty, being bullied, even by the school calling me mildly obese, I think I recall the one time I stepped on a scale it said 135lbs it was my aunts house I think. I fought for so long, So I can’t even remember being at the weight that I am today. Still scares me that I could backslide despite constantly working at it.

  21. For me personally I had my gastric bypass surgery April 29th 2019 I reached goal before my one year anniversary. I ended up going for plastics in June. My weight was at the lowest that it ever would be, the lowest I’d ever been able to reach actually. It’s still stable I knew going in to expect a range within a few lbs of fluctuations and try to keep it in check due to hormone issues. But I don’t regret jumping in when I did. I saw the opportunity and grabbed it. I’m still in the recovery process wearing Faja. I had a belt lipectomy/butterfly lift with stomach muscle tightening, thigh lift, and augmentation. It helped that my BMI was low.

  22. 2 hours ago, Kaki68 said:

    Oh my gosh! You HAVE been through it, haven’t you!!!! I’m currently struggling with chronic inflammation in my spine and this year I had to leave my job that I loved because of it. My gallbladder was taken out two years ago and had a hysterectomy, as well. I still have one ovary that kept me out of menopause until this year. That’s when a lot of my weight started piling on. I got a hormone implant about a month ago and since then I can’t get any weight off at all! I was eating (mainly protein) about 750 calories a day until about a week ago. Now I’m only eating about 500. I’m really struggling. I’m supposed to lose about 15 lbs prior to my surgery and I’m trying so hard. I lose two lbs then gain a lb. Up and down, up and down. Frustrating!!!
    I really appreciate you letting me know about your issues with hormones. Sophie7713 recommended a book called The Obesity Code and how insulin’s affect on weight loss. I ordered it today. I plan to talk to my doctor about all of this so I’ll let you know what he says. 👍🏻😊

    It’s tough, I hit a lot of walls because I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis from age 9, it’s lifelong and is one of few medical conditions that exertion and exercise are damaging. I found out the hard way and the medical community didn’t call it post exertional malaise until recently. So I ended up with many other medical conditions. I’d hoped to not get over 200 Lbs again but before my gastric bypass surgery I did. My BMI was over 40 which helped qualify me for my insurance but it was hard. Eating similar healthy foods to my mom, maybe even less calories yet gained weight.

    I was At a point that I knew what to do, I had studied holistic health and nutrition. I knew how to eat low carb. Holy heck I let loose and ate a kale salad with Gardein crab-less crab cakes that was my version of cheating 🤣 or Gardein Fishless fish filets with a few veggie tots. I just couldn’t be quite as strict low carb with my gallbladder acting up. But the rate my weight was going up was crazy.

    so I was on the verge of giving up. It was all or nothing. I knew that I needed the tool of gastric bypass surgery to help me reduce calories, the bypass would help as well with the hormones. At least that’s what I hoped. I kept to extremely strict low calorie after surgery and my main goal was Protein. And I was grateful when I finally saw results.

    I think RNY might have more of a hormone impact but I don’t remember the exact science of it. I know I wouldn’t have gotten here without it. I’m struggling with a few issues but that’s the life with chronic illness.

    I hope you have. A good doctor. Mine hasn’t a clue. I had to do my own work. I begged for help as I gained. And her response oh your weight is fine, even at my heaviest. I’m only 5’ 208lbs is a lot to carry on a already exhausted body with severe muscle weakness and fatigue and chronic pain.

    I didnt have any hormone therapy because I had surgery for endometriosis and the hormones would just cause it to grow.

    i think you can succeed because you know the right tools to get there and along with the tool of bariatric surgery It’s another tool in the box to get ahead. It helps to find the right balance of protein and calories. I have log of my protein and calories and weight not quite from the start but as soon as I realized it was beneficial.

    all the best to you :)

  23. 6 hours ago, Sophie7713 said:

    On 9/11/2020 at 4:55 AM, Kaki68 said:

    Congrats on reaching “the penthouse!” My Dad always says “ Hitch your wagon to a star!” And that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m just in the pre-op phase and feeling a bit frustrated with my weight loss. I eat about 750 calories a day (or less) and it’s mostly Protein. No sugar, no dairy, lots of Water. In the past if I wanted to drop some weight I would follow the same plan but now the weight just won’t come off. Went through menopause recently so I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. I’m seeing a hormone specialist and have an implant. Another reason?? I’m feeling a bit bummed since I’m trying sooo hard! I weigh and measure everything and I plan my meals and follow it; no cheating. Since you’re already in the penthouse, Any advice you can give would be appreciated!

    Hi Kaki68 - You are definitely a STAR at any weight or stage! Please excuse my delay in reply here. I have a project deadline by the end of the month, but will definitely follow-up with the mindset + strategies that helped me make it to the penthouse as Dr. V refers. Meanwhile, the books I've posted here are a worthy read and a wealth of information on food science that may just apply to your current situation... Keeping in mind, each body is unique to one's self and one size plan does not fit all. Productive efforts, positive changes and advances internally do not always show up on the scale or inches, at first glance. Your body will sense your frustration and shut down. Give to yourself grace body, soul and mind. Looking into possible hormone issues is great step towards self care and self love. And, remember when our parents use to say, Rome was not built in a day! Hugs.

    @Kaki68 I’m not very good at this but hormones play a very big role. I’ve fought my weight far too long. Changes in body chemistry can send things spiraling. I found out the hard way. Diagnosed with lifelong chronic illness and disability along with multiple medical conditions. I was diagnosed late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pcos in my 20s that was the only explanation they could give as to why my weight skyrocketed from nowhere. I was so distraught it went over 215lbs at the time. I fought hard with strict low carb and low calorie and i slowly lost weight got to 124lbs. Didn’t stay but a few weeks and settled at 134lbs. Fast forward through surgeries including hysterectomy and some stressful stuff and moving to a new state and it was climbing. I tried to “batten down the hatches” because I was on beta blockers and needed to reduce calories and carbs. Got it to that higher baseline. But then out of nowhere it skyrocketed again despite 800 calories and eating healthy foods. I looked for help, my gallbladder was tanking (turned out to be chronic inflammation) I fought for gastric bypass surgery.

    long story short it wasn’t until I had gastric bypass surgery and gallbladder surgery that I was able to reduce calories and Actually lose weight, still low carb not exactly counting but counting Protein (I calculate my protein based on my weight 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight) and calories and logging my daily food and weight. I reached a goal I never thought I could.

    i think the surgery does help with hitting the calorie goals and also altering the hormonal balance to your favor.

    ended up needing my ovary taken out in pelvic surgery I had before my gastric bypass and then the other one had to come out in a second surgery after my gastric bypass ... so now I’m in menopause. It still scares me that I could gain again despite all my efforts. but I do my best to keep up the work. Because it’s a lifetime change ...

  24. 2 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    That’s a lot of Protein for your current weight. Was this the goal given to you by your surgical team or dietician? I’d never be able to consume that much protein in a day. I originally advised 1g of protein per kg of weight but then my dietician told me because I’m in my mid 50s I should be consuming 1.2g of protein per kg of weight. You’re about 57kg so, depending upon your age, 57 - 68g of protein should be fine based on the rate I was given. Of course you need more if you do a lot of exercise esp weights. Do you need more protein because you have a gastric bypass? So interesting, but also frustrating, all the conflicting information we get.

    I use the ratio of 0.36 grams protein per 1lb body weight as a baseline and if you exercise it’s more. (I think that translates to 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight) I think for Keto it’s suggested a baseline of 0.5 grams protein per 1lb body weight, and between 1-2 grams per lb if you are training hard.

    i usually get more than I need Without shakes. but I like adding Protein Powder to yogurt. I had trouble with shakes due to dysphasia and finding a good consistency.

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