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Everything posted by Darktowerdream

  1. Darktowerdream

    Vitamins, gummies and pills. oh my!

    Not necessarily true. Not all gummy vitamins are created equal. The ones I buy are Whole Foods based, no added sugar, any sugar is low sugar and natural from fruit, and check labels and you see you are getting the vitamins you need. There are plenty of vitamins that are tablets that claim to be complete or bariatric but aren’t actually utilized by the body the way whole food based gummy or liquid vitamins would be.
  2. Smart to just stop the medication and see your doctor. You probably no longer need it. As for constipation I don’t understand people with mirilax, it’s a laxative which causes long term dependency and it’s propylene glycol. Since developing an allergy to it I hate the stuff and it’s in a lot of things including personal care products like shampoo, body wash etc. it’s basically antifreeze ... I suggests that ask your doctor about a low dose of linzess, it’s similar in what it does (putting water where it’s needed) and aids gut motility but it’s not a laxative.
  3. Darktowerdream

    Vitamins, gummies and pills. oh my!

    Oh I love my hero nutritionals slice of life omega gummies with chia seed, since they are fish free. They taste good too. For now I get them from vitacost.com but the company told me they will be rebranded at the end of 2020. https://www.vitacost.com/hero-nutritionals-slice-of-life-omega-3-with-chia-seed-adult-gummy-vitamins-natural-cran-orange-60-gummies for my multivitamin I need one that’s free of added iodine and I prefer Garden of life my kind organic prenatal multi whole food gummies. (a lot of bariatric people take prenatal vitamins) I did get Garden of life raw one multivitamin capsules this month, I’m not sure I care for them. I guess Since I have some bloodwork due for a surgeon follow up I’ll find out how my levels are. But my throat has been having problems (likely not related to surgery) the gummies are easier in that regard. And I believe whole food based and chewable or liquid absorb better. For hair skin and nails I like natures way alive hair skin and nails with collagen (300mg) gummies. They also make a calcium but I got a tablet from target, I guess I’ll find out how effective it is comparatively. You are correct about vitamin k , I recommend K2 as Menaquinone MK-7. I buy these sublingual for my mom https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VXDXXM0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 You might want to add in coenzyme Q10 as it’s extremely beneficial. I also take digestive enzymes with meals. For anyone who takes probiotics don’t forget that healthy gut bacteria needs to be fed with prebiotic fiber (inulin) or prebiotic foods. Chicory root is the best source of prebiotics. Some other sources are Apple pectin, konjac root aka glucomannan (you can buy shiritaki noodles made of this) as well as flaxseed and others I can’t think of at the moment. Better than rice is a rice alternative and good source of prebiotics. Cooked right it tastes great. https://www.vitacost.com/better-than-rice-organic-konnyaku-flour-organic-oat-fiber-rice-gluten-free?ta=better+than+rice&t=better+than+rice
  4. Darktowerdream

    How much sugar caused you to dump?

    My nutritionist recommended no more than 5 grams of sugar in a meal. And said no sugar alcohols. Although from personal experience they are not all equal. Maltitol causes the most gastric distress, while erythritol is generally better tolerated and doesn’t cause gastric distress. There is no fruit on my nutritionist plan. I personally limit sugar as much as possible due to metabolic disorders. But it’s not always sugar that causes dumping. I had my gallbladder removed due to chronic inflammation so now I need to be careful with fats. (And I love butter even more than I do sugar ...) I don’t seem to have trouble with protein bars but I am careful which ones I buy. Never too much sugar or carbs. In moderation they can be fine. I bought some BariatricPal bars and have half with tea for breakfast (depends what I plan for lunch) it’s always been my go to breakfast. i did try some fruit but then stopped. It didn’t cause dumping but it was also too tempting to keep having more ... but for some sugar is an addiction and you don’t want to temp addiction.
  5. A good pasta alternative is made by great low carb bread company. They make elbow macaroni, spaghetti, rotini, fettuccini, penne, orzo rice pasta, for example 2 ounces of spaghetti is 110 calories, 19 Grams carbs, 12 grams fiber, 18 grams protein. It’s made with pea protein isolate. Oat fiber. Wheat fiber. Egg whites. Wheat gluten. Semolina. they make bread, bagels, pizza crust also. there are always healthy alternatives and it depends what your new pouch can handle. As well as what foods will keep you from falling back into old bad habits. https://greatlowcarb.com I used to buy from www.Netrition.com since I’d buy a lot of low carb products. Probably anything in the bread or pasta, even low carb is better for maintenance. Although I do on occasion have a protein pasta from BariatricPal. Like a creamy chicken pasta soup type thing. But it’s portion controlled. And has protein. i do finally use those little dishes that came in our dish set and have little bowls I use as well.
  6. I’ve had salmon sashimi twice so far and was surprised my pouch handled it better than cooked fish or tuna. Of course each experience is different. I had already give. Up pasta for years prior to RNY. I was using shiritaki, (better than rice makes a good shiritaki rice they also make a sushi rice) i had also started subbing cauliflower rice, occasionally veggie based pasta. I’d mix better than rice, shiritaki rice and a protein (usually something vegetarian) all pre-surgery. But things change and I am still learning to adapt. But for me personally certain foods are off limits. Unless there is a healthy, but just as tasty alternative. but one month out. It’s way too early to worry about a plate of pasta or sushi. Better question is, how has your relationship to food changed and how will you adapt going forward. Go through the appropriate phases and try new things slowly and one at a time. And put thoughts out of your head about what you might eat in the future. For now it’s hydration, protein and nutrition. but that’s life. And yes sometime down the road as you start getting closer to goal weight you treat yourself to little things as long as you meet your target protein, and don’t break the calorie bank. Of course you can do this early on just set standards and don’t break past them. of course everyone is different but we all started the bariatric surgery journey for a reason.
  7. Darktowerdream

    Sweet Tooth

    I gravitate to sweet for a different reason. Some time ago my taste buds stopped working properly. I couldn’t taste anything anymore mainly if it were strong sweet, salty, creamy or by texture. Sometimes it is worse than others. I tend to use sweet but without sugar. I use stevia in my tea or coffee. I buy skinny girl flavor syrup usually from either Burlington, Tuesday morning, tMarshall’s or home goods or tjmaxx they have them cheapest. be careful with sugar alcohols especially maltitol, that’s dangerous for dumping. but there’s plenty of healthier sweet options like protein bars, protein cookies, smart cakes, smart muffins, mug cakes, etc. BariatricPal store has quite a selection. Also Netrition.com. i haven’t had it in a while but if you crave bread great low carb bread company makes good bread, bagels, thin pizza crust, and other things even pasta. It’s a balance of fiber and protein. I try not to tempt myself with too much sweet and im not a snacker. So the sweet has to be protein for a meal. Of course that’s just me. I keep it little to no sugar, avoid sugar alcohols unless it’s a little bit of Erythritol. And stick to low carb and make sure it has protein. Fiber helps. if you like chocolate I found an interesting protein bar that’s called Built Bar, it comes in a bunch of flavors, 110 calories, 15 grams protein and low sugar. I bought a sampler box with a $10 coupon from their Facebook page. I tried mint brownie and it’s a bit like a dark chocolate peppermint patty. Not sure if it still works but the $10 off code is FIRSTBUILTBAR There’s even healthier gummy candies (smart sweets) that are sweetened with stevia and have lots of fiber. I think there are protein gummies too. halo top is one lower sugar, low calorie ice cream option.
  8. Darktowerdream

    What do you do to get back on track?

    Keep a daily log of weight, food I eat, calories and protein to constantly remind myself of why I started this journey. And if I forget slap myself, take mental note of it and remind myself it’s not worth it. But also remind myself letting loose a little once in a while is ok as long as it’s within certain rules I set (getting my daily protein, vitamins and not breaking my maximum calories) I know it’s hard. To add to the book suggestion. Look for the book on audible audio book and listen to it while you take a walk. Also if you can try to just go on a quiet walk somewhere to clear your head and think about why you had bariatric surgery and how to get back into the groove again ... And thankfully you have a lot of support here too.
  9. Using that to compare sleeve to RNY ... I don’t think sleeve was intended as a first step surgery but as a stand-alone procedure while RNY is gold standard. Duodenal switch is very rarely done but uses a sleeve type method with gallbladder removal and intestinal rerouting. I was interested in DS because I needed cholecystectomy due to chronic inflammation but sleeve isn’t good for GERd. I agree @FluffyChix as well as it seems many people who get sleeved end up getting RNY due to developing acid reflux (GERd) I’m still perplexed by some things about the procedures, like how they can go from sleeve to RNY. I do agree that a lot of problems arise from gastric banding. But sleeves also can stretch and people can ignore the restrictions and rules of the tool they were given with whichever surgery they chose. So you have skepticism when mentioning any type of bariatric surgery. But modern day surgery, with the right surgical team, along with a good nutrition plan and mindfulness can change the outcome a great deal. As usual fluffychix is right. We also need to sometimes let others weight comments roll off our backs, and walk away. this kind of thing is hard for me, I’m can’t read people. But I notice when I was gaining no one says anything not even my doctor when I’m pleading for help. I don’t get out often but now people see me and I get the occasional comment on how Skinny I’m getting or I’m disappearing. Which ... well is a double edge sword since I’ve spent my life invisible. I’m losing weight for me not for commentary. Although yes we don’t want to look at our reflection and dislike what we see and other people tend to act as mirrors. And their comments as well. ultimately the journey is never linear no matter how we want it to be but in the moment someone asks you just say exactly as it is, you had bariatric surgery, your goal is to be successful no matter what happened to whomever else had surgery. And maybe, they are a bit jealous that you are succeeding. It’s sad that people need to be that way. it does scare me that despite all my fight I won’t hang on to the weight loss because I can’t exercise and my health gets worse. I’m using my tool though and following rules. Even when the people around me don’t understand them. Or why in the rare times I go out to eat I’m so restricted. sorry. Not only did I answer backwards but went off on a tangent. But the op question is on a lot of minds I’m sure for those unlike me with actual lives around actual humans. But those humans can be rather harsh when it comes to things like food and weight. I will never understand it.
  10. Darktowerdream

    3 weeks post op & now gaining weight.... why ?

    Being limited to exercise isn’t a problem, I’m unable to exercise due to my own limitations. I compensate in other ways. Three weeks out is early to worry about 2lbs. My weight has tendency to stall a few days sometimes backtrack a bit then I lose a little. It’s even more obvious in the beginning. Your body is adjusting to the drastic Changes surgery has caused. do you have a nutritionist? What concerns me is that you don’t seem to be getting enough enough protein and might be getting too much sugar? Dairy milk and most yogurts (even plain) are quite high sugar. You need to be getting 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight or 0.36 per lb. of body weight. Usually from protein supplements with little to no sugar. I’d suggest products but don’t know what’s available where you live. Icelandic yogurt or Greek yogurt is generally the least sugar. I buy ripple milk (unsweetened pea milk) since it’s little to no sugar and I like the taste. I usually mix TwoGood yogurt with PEScience protein powder. Also instead of plain broth, bone broth has more protein. But you can get protein soups like here on BariatricPal. I guess some surgeons don’t give dietary guidelines or ones that don’t say how important protein is, and recommend milk, and other carb foods that can stall progress. That confuses me because then it doesn’t teach people to use the tool the surgery gave them. you will do ok though this is just a bump in the road. Do get enough protein though. you can’t afford to lose muscle. All the best to you in your recovery from a stroke. My mom was in a wheelchair over twenty years, Due two two major spine surgeries after a car accident when I was a kid, then she had a stroke. Thankfully she fought hard and is walking with a walker now. I hope success for you.
  11. I think that’s the root of the problem here, I am a little shocked that your surgeon didn’t have a nutritionist as part of a team and a nutritional manual to help guide you through each phase of the bariatric surgery process including the fact that this is a lifelong tool that you use to make permanent lifestyle changes to your way of eating and perceptions of food. Perhaps gastric bypass surgery might have been more appropriate for you long term. If you can speak to a surgeon, do so. But a nutritionist and nutritional guidelines based on your personal needs and doing the head work of seeing this as a tool for life change in you way of eating and perceptions of food are very important. My story is long and boring. But I’ve fought my weight a long long time. But with this tool I hope to Finally reach goal and maintain the weight. I’m always afraid to lose that control. I track daily weight calories and protein as well as what foods I’ve eaten. Extreme maybe but takes a few seconds to do. In general it’s good to always keep to set rules for yourself. Some people find low carb helpful, combining intermittent fasting helpful as well. I need to be very strict with my calories due to metabolic disorders and inability to exercise. first step is to remember why you had the surgery. All the best to you in whatever you decide to do.
  12. Darktowerdream

    The No Excuses Support Thread

    I stick to very simple things, I’d have stuck to shakes for breakfast but because of dysphasia thinner liquids aren’t going off too well for me but I still do the occasional Koia RTD and I my evening coffee so I’m trying to figure things out. I like to do PEScience protein powder in TwoGood yogurt. I don’t need big variety. But change a few things up as I can get them or are available to me. and keep them handy either shelf stable or freezer. I’m a creature of habit. Not much food appeals to me. I keep it simple. Some days it’s small meals some days it’s just protein powder and yogurt and maybe some juice flavor protein. I did start to add 2.5 oz veggie burger and BariatricPal has protein mashed potato that pair well with it. I haven’t ordered it again yet. So I made a 2.5 oz veggie burger with a egg on top. just to add some veg. I just track my protein calories and weight each day and what I eat. I think we need to learn what works for our bodies and do it on a timeline that works for us. Slow is better than going too fast and rushing into “normal food” my nutritionist and surgeon were like why aren’t you eating normal food yet. Well A. I have medical issues and B, I’m not ready and C. I’ll do what I feel comfortable with. we all need to keep In sight why we went into this and not fall into habits that got us here. And slowly learn the new way of life for our bodies. Also I find it weird that some guidelines allow for a lot more carbs and sugar and moving faster into “normal foods” which can easily lead to failure ... my relationship with food is tenuous at best with having lost my proper ability to taste food years ago, weird food allergies, now dysphasia, issues with my damn sensitive esophagus so I have to eat foods that are easy to chew soft and I have very little energy to chew. I’ve been totally turned off by meat especially chicken. But salmon sashimi with wasabi was actually pretty good. I’ve always had issue with nausea ... I like vegetables but my body doesn’t seem to. I guess I will shut myself up. When we go on this weight loss journey we take a good hard look at our selves and we can’t just climb right back into our old way of doing things. Food is not everything.mits not the be all end all of existence. We eat to live not live to eat and it’s a hard lesson to learn. But yes we can allow our selves little things here and there. Like I put a little sf land o lakes whip on my yogurt ... but there’s no need to rush to “normal” rather, learn what your new normal is. And sometimes that changes moment to moment and day by day.
  13. Darktowerdream

    The No Excuses Support Thread

    Sorry ... what I get for writing a message at midnight and not checking my typing when my vision is blurry to boot. i meant to say around 10 calories per lb of muscle the 50 calories per lb is a myth. so I’ll write it correctly this time ... Muscle tissue will burn seven to 10 calories daily per pound. And since fat burns two to three calories daily per pound, replacing a pound of fat with muscle helps you burn an additional four to six more calories each day I guess my point was that exercise isn’t for weight loss. You are burning energy your body needs to function. Unless you are doing key resistance to build muscle or to lengthen and make the muscle stronger ie Pilates or barre. that is if you are lucky and are able to exercise. though I’ll never understand people that calorie load and then workout hours upon hours a day ... I guess my point is our body composition also effects our calorie burn rate or resting metabolic rate. (Mine just happens to be crap.)
  14. Darktowerdream

    The No Excuses Support Thread

    Even having studied holistic health, Ayurvedic medicine, and nutrition- As well as living with metabolic disorders. I’m far from understanding anything. Except that calories are not equal, both the form it takes a AND how each person’s body metabolizes it. I think this argument can keep going til the cows come home but reality is while yes calories are important, depending on the way your body works All calories are definitely not equal. Also exercise is not for weight loss as much as it is for building muscle and muscle uses more calories per lb than fat. At rest, Body Fat only burns 3 calories per lb! While muscle (I don’t remember exactly) I think burns 50 calories per lb. as for protein intake It’s important to adapt your daily intake based on your current weight. Approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. Personally I think it’s healthy to stick to guidelines of protein, little to no sugar, then adding vegetables as tolerated. And introducing complex carbs in maintenance as tolerated. Also low carb doesn’t always = meat only or high protein ... as for calories ... corn is not the same calories as spinach sprouted grain sourdough bread isn’t the same as processed white bread Etc etc etc I’m too tired ... sorry also ... @FluffyChix posted some very informative videos
  15. I’m not good at this. But I can understand how hard this is to process. Like the weight you have fought to lose, maybe it’s time to fight to let her go. She sounds like my father if you could even call him that. My mom had to play both roles. He was an abusive drunk. physically and verbally abusive. He drank his paycheck and bought toys for himself. When she needed major spine surgery he said he hoped she’d die on the operating table. I won’t go into detail about it but he was out of our lives a while, when I was little, wormed his way back. My sister always had an escape, she basically lived with her best friend and had her boyfriend. My mom and I fought like hell to get him out of our lives and for a while he stalked us. Thankfully he finally stopped trying. And eventually he died of lung cancer. But mentally I still fought with everything that happened and my sister grew up hating me. And to this day she still does. And like your mother, my sister has said cruel things in messages except she said them to our mother about me (about both of us) I’ll never understand how she can blame us for the hell we went through when she was mostly never there. The abuse happened to my mom and I not even her, yet she thinks only she has the truth. she has a home and a family. I used to go broke buying her kids presents ... even though they always had more than I ever could. but she turned her back on us, and we moved away. Nothing planned, it just happened. Every so often she sends a message and they never make sense. But never to me. I’m sorry. I guess this is my way of trying to say I understand. you have worked hard to build a healthy good life for yourself. Your body, your home. Now your mind can follow with a clean slate. Maybe it’s time to try to let her go. You don’t need to prove your worth to her. Let her wallow in her envy and probably self loathing. If she wanted what you have she could have worked to get there but chose not to. It’s not your fault that she didn’t, and you can’t fix her. But one good thing did come from her, and that is you.
  16. Darktowerdream

    Post your stats

    Female Age (44) living with lifelong chronic illness, disability, metabolic disorders, inability to exercise (PEM) menopause 5’ HW 208 BMI 40.6 SW 203 Date of Surgery April 29th 2019 CW 121 BMI 23.6 GW 100-106
  17. Darktowerdream

    My Plastic Surgery Thread

    @sillykitty I’m pretty sure usual protocol is to keep dry up to a point in healing , it won’t hurt to moisturize surrounding areas. But Personally I’d break doctors protocol for the right kind of moisture ... So with that i have to chime in with a suggestion- ever since I got this in a sample box from a online store I loved (that went out of business thanks to Walgreens) I love the stuff. Admittedly I don’t always remember to use it. Probably the sample was best quality. what is it? Tamanu oil. It’s good for wound healing and even woks very well for acne. I mainly used it at the time for acne. Tamanu oil contains moisturizing omega fatty acids and it's well known to promote new, healthy cell growth. According to dermatologist Dr. Shari Sperling, DO, tamanu oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which provide wound-healing benefits for the skin. https://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/blog/products/all-about-tamanu-oil.html
  18. Darktowerdream

    Menopause effects on weight

    I keep thinking about this topic and where to discuss it even though it’s not directly related to bariatric surgery at the same time it is in a way connected. I always waffle between trying to think about something and just not being able to think about it until it happens, I guess I’m just a cat ... you know how for cats it’s whatever is in that moment is everything and they don’t really perceive tomorrow. I don’t think I am even worried about it, I won’t know until the day arrives how I will feel. But I do need to at least confront the issue. Right? I guess a brief backstory is in 2010 (age 35) I had a hysterectomy, they took everything except my ovaries. I had fast growing fibroids everywhere including cervix. My uterus was retroflexed (is that the word?) toward my spine and I had a large pedunculated fibroid connected there pressing against my colon and spine area. Also a lot of fibroids, nodules and cysts in the walls of my uterus and cervix. They also removed a fibroid from my left ovary. A few years before this whole situation, a doctor told me I likely had endometriosis, bowel bladder etc. but the only way to diagnose was medical menopause but I refused and that was that. I also have Pcos. My doctor at the time said the only way to not repeatedly have the painful cysts was to have my ovaries removed but she didn’t want to do it so soon. Fast forward to last year I saw a uro/gyn due to issues related to my hysterectomy. I had a mass on my left ovary as well. I had pelvic floor repair procedures and he removed my left ovary since it was covered in endometriosis. But left my right ovary even though there was also endometriosis. He said he didn’t want to put me in menopause. i know menopause doesn’t cure endometriosis. But after my gastric bypass surgery and gallbladder surgery and I ended up in the ER with pneumonia and other problems. They incidentally found a mass on or near my right ovary. I have a lot of pain in that area. Some time later I had a MRI that showed hemorrhagic cysts. I saw my Uro/gyn and we decided it’s time to just do a oophorectomy and remove my last ovary and also check for any visible endometriosis. The problem with endometriosis is that it can be in places they won’t be able to find it. Even lungs and brain. I am hoping he will also revise one of the other procedures giving me trouble. this is hard since this is a very personal issue. But I will be facing menopause now. I’ve had hot flashes and night sweats for years likely due to my body’s inability to regulate temperature. And I know about natural supplements for menopause. But what worries me is it’s impact on my weight loss journey. Especially since hormone replacement therapy doesn’t seem like a good idea since that triggers the endometriosis. I haven’t quite thought about it, except my metabolism is already basically nonexistent. I already have weird body issues both due to how the hysterectomy changed my body shape along with degenerative scoliosis, and body dysmorphia. I know it’s a long message for a simple question that probably doesn’t really have an answer since each persons menopause experience can vary greatly. Im already in a longer than usual stall and my weight backslid after I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy. It just won’t budge. The only thing different is my dr gave me prescription famotidine since the omeprozole contradicts a medication I’m on. And I’m thinking it’s that. I added extra vitamin c since there’s some possibility it can help with constipation. But I’m switching back to a natural heartburn remedy for now too.
  19. Darktowerdream

    First signs of gallstones?

    Did your doctor do a HIDA scan with CCK? This would indicate how well your gallbladder is functioning. a lot of doctors will suggest gallbladder removal for gallstones as a preventative measure to reduce risk of future blockage of bile ducts. for most people any gastric issues after gallbladder removal is temporary, you can help with fat digestion after surgery with use of bile salts and digestive enzymes, which most people should be taking anyway with harder to digest foods. for me my HIDA scan was borderline low function, I had no stones, but had constant pain and symptoms. At first they didn’t think I needed surgery but when I had my gastric bypass surgery the doctor did the gallbladder removal at the same time and it turned out my gallbladder had chronic inflammation. likely it had been an issue for years. it is extremely common for bariatric surgery patients to later need their gallbladder removed due to the rapid weight loss.
  20. Darktowerdream

    Menopause effects on weight

    I started this journey due to metabolic disorders, inability to exercise due to chronic illness, and after my gastric bypass surgery had to make a decision due to endometriosis that sent me straight into menopause. But thankfully so far due to diligently tracking protein and calories my weight has been going down and I was able to ring in the new year for the first time in many years at the high end of a healthy weight rather than being overweight or obese. I still have 14-20 lbs to lose and loose saggy skin I wish to deal with. My nagging worry is the long term maintenance. Not that I won’t continue to be diligent but what my body will do as my lifelong chronic illness and disability gets worse. Thankfully menopause hasn’t seemed to have made drastic changes. So perhaps I was already heading there anyway.
  21. Darktowerdream

    Any new toys for after weight loss?

    Funny thing is I liked my old fashioned looking but updated oster beehive blender. (Still just flip one switch) But haven’t used it at all since surgery. I found it added too much air to the blend. And it was easier to just hand mix (PEScience select) protein powder and put in the fridge around 20 minutes or so before drinking and mix again (thickens it) either that or get RTD. I also like protein shots. Though now if I have protein powder I mix It with yogurt. Cuisinart is a great brand so you got a steal of a deal. Factory remanufactured can be better it undergoes more inspections. I wish we had a place in our kitchen for one of those.
  22. I’m not much good for fertility pointers since I’d had a hysterectomy in 2010 due to excessive fibroid growths, they were rapid growing along with nodules and cysts everywhere. then just before my gastric bypass surgery I had pelvic floor surgery and had to have one ovary removed it was covered in endometriosis. Years ago a doctor said I had endometriosis but the only way he could diagnose was to put me in medical menopause but I didn’t want that. It took finding this doctor and having this surgery to correct post hysterectomy problems to finally get diagnosis for endometriosis. recently I needed one of the pelvic floor surgeries corrected and the other ovary removed and endometriosis implants removed as well as ended up diagnosed officially with interstitial cystitis. That diagnosis also took too many years to happen. I’m sorry I’m no help. but what I can say is that with rapid weight loss it floods your body with hormones that will trigger the endometriosis worse. As for constipation I suggest asking your doctor about linzess. I can’t take laxatives. Most make me sick. I hope that this works out for you.
  23. Darktowerdream

    to implant or not to implant

    @mousecat88 that is a very tough decision to make. There are new implants called gummy bear implants if you do consider going that route. Gives a different feel than saline. im not sure what decision I would make. i had breast reduction surgery so many years ago I can’t remember when it was, if I had to even try to guess I might say at least 20 years ago? (My memory is Swiss cheese, more holes than cheese) I developed very young and practically overnight, they sagged terribly and were dense solid tissue. At the time of surgery I weighed 180lbs. I never wore the correct bra size. I didn’t know anything about those things then or what I know now. I do recall the surgery was extensive. It’s hard Having come from being very big chested and bullied for it and back then I think the biggest bra size I tried was lane bryant maybe at most 36 DDD and that was much too small a cup size for me, plus Brands thEn and even now make too big a band size and too small a cup size. at the moment my size is 28G/30DDD. Mainly because of my bony rib cage even though parts of me still need to lose weight. I hate my shape without a bra as there’s nothing at the top with fullness only at the bottom so a slope or indent shape. I feel like dealing with the sagging extra skin would help solidify the journey and maintaining the weight loss. I haven’t thought of this aspect as much. some part of me wouldn’t care if I could just not need bras at all. Maybe a lift would be enough but what would be left with skin removal is the question. I know my body probably would reject the idea of a foreign implant. I had implants for flat feet which involved major surgeries and they were titanium but they worked their way out of place, twice, until I needed them removed. So I can’t imagine implants, yet fat transfer doesn’t the fat reabsorb? I’ve seen people say they didn’t need skin removal they just exercise . . I wish is were that simple ... It’s hard when you lean forward you see and feel all that loose skin. I think if I had the choice of surgery I would have a thigh tuck, tummy tuck and breast lift (excess skin removal) my bra size is already a pain to find so I’m not concerned over a smaller cup size, and implants are not meant to last a lifetime, that is what would alter my decision, also knowing my body limitations and my financial situation. But I have had that niggling little thought sometimes about wanting some top filler so at least my bras would fit decently. wish I had an actual answe to a very tough question. its a lot of tough questions.
  24. Darktowerdream

    Have any of you dumped on purpose?

    Dumping syndrome is not just vomiting, yet everyone mentions that as the only form of dumping syndrome. Yes nausea and vomiting are two symptoms but so are cramps, diarrhea, flushing, dizziness and even rapid heart rate. it is rapid gastric emptying where food moves from your stomach to your small bowel to quickly. while yes suga is a big trigger it’s not always a trigger or the only one. I think most sugar is avoidable after bariatric surgery (there are sweet alternatives) and a low carb way of life is optimal. But other things can trigger dumping like some sugar Alcohols and foods a particular person is sensitive to. i avoid sugar and eat as low carb as much as possible. My nutritionist suggests less than 5 grams of sugar in a meal. as for dumping on purpose? Someone might do it if they are constipated. And it doesn’t mean cheating with sugar. Mostly it just happens and you might not know the trigger because it’s not always as simple as sugar. I also think doctors don’t explain dumping syndrome and what it is. My nutritionist did but not exactly the symptoms or that sugar isn’t the only trigger. I could be wrong but everyone seems to assume the OP wants to binge on sugar to see what happens. some folks can have a little bit of natural sweet food And complex carbs after bariatric surgery and do fine while others need to eat little to no sugar or carbs.
  25. Darktowerdream

    No F#$ckin BMI Way

    I hope I haven’t come across as judgmental. I’m short as hell so of course my BMI naturally needs to be lower. At 210lbs I was 41 BMI. for a male at your height you can look and feel healthier at a higher weight point. When I said this and I cant fix my typos I meant to say BMI calculators are general guidelines for health to know when you veer off course you can get back on a healthy path. I thought the discussion was BMI not calories. Or carbs. It’s no fun spending my life having to worry over calories due to metabolic disorders that make me have a very slow metabolism and limited calories. And I have one of few if only medical conditions that exertion, from simple actions like writing this message to exercise is detrimental to my overall health and damaging physically and I don’t benefit from it the way other people do. My muscles get damaged not stronger. I’m not sure why my comment about my struggle with my weight and wanting to achieve a lower BMI due to being dry short hurts you in any way, report my post if you hate it, Is it really judgmental to say that maybe some people are just used to being bigger and if they lost more weight while gaining muscle they might find themselves feeling differently? I don’t think it’s judgmental just different perspectives. But who am I to say since Being on the autism spectrum I will never understand people at all.

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