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Everything posted by Darktowerdream

  1. I knew a lot going in, but even what I didn’t know I wouldn’t change my decision to have surgery because when I was finally approved it was all or nothing. I was ready to give up. it is tough dealing with excess loose skin and that will take surgery. But I’m working on it. It feels like part of the journey. I only wish my insurance paid. I lost around 105lbs now. It might have helped to know information about medication and nsaids being banned for life. And that we cannot take timed release medication but also how our body metabolizes them is altered. I think I wish I’d known about BariatricPal fruit flavor protein shots before I had surgery, for the initial post op days especially but also to get in extra protein when nausea strikes and the idea of a protein shake isn’t tolerable. And I couldn’t tolerate Isopure even diluted although each person is different of course. Also their protein soups are very helpful and hot protein drinks. for me I eventually realized that taking a daily log of my weight, protein and calories and meal planning worked best for me so I stuck within a calorie and protein range that worked for me and increased or decrease calories as needed. I base my protein On the ratio of 0.36 grams of protein per 1 lb of body weight. And though I don’t count carbs I stuck to strict low carb, and no more than 4-5 grams of sugar and avoid added sugar as much as possible. I just find ways to get healthier versions of what I like. my path was a hard one, because of lifelong chronic illness and disability. Going up against metabolic disorders and inability to exercise due to post exertional malaise which is a lame way of saying due to my medical condition, exertion causes systemwide damage. Many people have it easy, some have challenges along the way. I had my gallbladder removed during my surgery. I guess a few small tips for post op, BariatricPal protein shots, kettle & Fire Bone broth for sipping (also good for pre op clear) speaking of pre op, do make sure you prep as if for a colonoscopy. This helps with post op constipation. Also. Let go of worry. Let things happen as they happen one moment at a time and you will be fine
  2. Yes I live in south Florida in the U.S. i haven’t been posting or commenting, just reading messages that pop into my emails. As for my original post. im thinking about this in that the quote I submitted for expires April 3rd. (To accept or not) I’d like to think of planning for future months. But important things got postponed as well. Seeing and feeling the excess wrinkly sagging skin at my age , my chronic illness makes my body older, it is mentally painful. Not just knowing my illness ages me faster (from muscle to mind) but to see it in my skin. I don’t regret weight loss I’m glad to have come this far, I’ve never been this weight as long as I can remember. my one year mark is the end of next month. But at the same time a lot of other things fall apart.
  3. I feel strange starting this topic, considering my limitations on budget and physical limitations as well. I’ve got a lot going on right now and one would think this would be the least of my concerns. But as my Birthday rapidly approaches next month and I dread thinking about it - at the same time I also think about the weight loss journey I have been on. Whilst I am grateful for it, I am sad that it came that far, that I was unable to maintain all my hard work on my own and ended up all the way back where I had started at over 200lbs over 14 years ago. Of course it had started long before then. My weight had gone haywire due to metabolic disorders, chronic illness and more in my late teens and I struggled with my weight always. Maybe I was eight years old when I felt ok wearing regular shorts! I don’t remember it but have one photograph ... I am wishing to feel like the journey can reach completion and solidify my weight into maintenance as I reach goal. And I feel like skin removal surgery is a part of that process. I filled out forms and submitted photos for the BariatricPal MX Hospital for their recommendations and a price quote since it’s all inclusive of the procedures, the hospital stay, meals, compression garments, etc. I just can’t see going through the process to try to get my insurance to pay even though I have serious skin issues on my thighs. Although I’ve never actually traveled outside the country. I do have a passport to do so. And they offer financing. Considering what I live on each month, it’s a lot. I’d need help. it’s such a tough decision. I got a quote this morning for a Belt lipectopmy with butterfly lift, thigh lift, and breast augmentation. The augmentation is the only thing I am unsure of. It was a side consideration and recommendation based on photos I submitted. I don’t mind being rather small chest but they have a ski slope dip ... I’m about. 28 DD or 30D which is not actually not that big. The added cost for that part doesn’t seem much in the grand scheme of things. Do I go through all that and not have it? @sillykitty and others who have had surgery. Maybe you can help me to know if the cost is good. The Hospital is affiliated with this website. I’ve been in contact with someone personally by email who has been very helpful. Personally it seems reasonable for what it is even if for me it’s a huge expense. I have 30 days to decide on the quote they gave me. I honestly want to plan for it. To figure out how to finance it and jump all in. I have very little money to live on but I’m also not a big spender, a chunk pays “rent” and basic living expenses. But I don’t eat out, I don’t go out for entertainment, I don’t buy much, I have a little help with food, some expense for vitamins and personal care items but I don’t buy new clothes often and always seek very low bargain prices. I won’t go into too much detail. It’s hard though, I do have some health issues currently that are up in the air. Maybe they won’t interfere. I won’t know yet. I think no matter what I feel like I want this. To fully complete my weight loss journey. And it’s likely that once I have surgery I’d feel I’ve finally reached my goal. Although yes the journey always continues as this is a way of life we follow into maintenance, I’d like to finally get there an stay there. This is the information: Belt Lipectomy/Butterfly Lift $4,000 (stomach muscle tightening, mons pubic lift, relocation of belly button) Thigh Lift $2,700 Breast augmentation up to 575cc $3,500 (600cc or more is an extra $500) 7 Night Hospital stay $3,700 This Includes antibiotics, pain medication, compression stockings, EKG, pre-op bloodwork, evaluation by internal medicine doctor, meals, 24 hour nursing care, 24 hour doctors, 24 hour valet, pain management, and lymphatic massage. This also includes a companion at no cost, they just pay for their own meals. Compression garments (Faja) $350 (breast strap, two breast, and two lower body garments) Transportation $100 (probably anything to and from airport, hospital and hotel) Total cost: $14,350
  4. Darktowerdream

    Fat malabsorption

    My vitamin d was low for A long time. I had my gallbladder removed during surgery due to chronic inflammation and perhaps my low functioning gallbladder contributed to my low vitamin D. Low vitamin d can be symptom of an underlying illness and supplementing with high dose vitamin d can make it worse. Plus I don’t feel that the prescribed doses or form are utilized by the body very well. It needs to be in a form that’s bioavailble K2 MK7 with D3. I personally think multivitamins and any vitamins should be Whole Foods based and in chewable or sublingual or liquid when possible. i Buy this for my mom. It’s also a good value https://www.vitacost.com/pioneer-chewable-d3-k2-gluten-free-spearmint personally I was taking garden of life my kind organic whole food based (prenatal) gummy multivitamins, along with a calcium + D3 supplement and my vitamin D levels returned to normal for the first time in a long time and they were low years before I had surgery. I like the natures way alive calcium plus D3 gummies although I have been taking a tablet for the past two months. I did switch up my multivitamins for now, because I needed a three month supply but the my kind are the best.
  5. Save some fish for the Osprey 🤣 j/k though they are the ultimate fishers they were literally born to do it. That’s the only thing that kept me partially sane, the Osprey finally visited the tree outside my window twice to eat his fish. But now the birds migrate and off they go. I’m home bound so much due to my chronic illness. Yet this still is unsettling as everything slowly shuts down and it’s harder to go anywhere at all especially given my immunodeficiency. I’m also waiting on scheduling an important medical test which has to be done in hospital, and next month am supposed to have a double balloon enteroscopy. I don’t have enough energy to keep as busy as I want to physically. I’m trying to keep mentally busy but even that is physically exhausting. I’ve never thought of boredom just the moment I’m in and hopefully accomplish even little things in that moment. Keep food to mealtime and if you need anything to occupy your hands? A cup of tea? A tablet to fiddle with and binge watch videos? but there are many things healthy people can do to fill time ... sorry I don’t have much ideas. There’s always unfinished projects or chores around the home. Making lists of goals. Going for a walk outside. And sometimes just sitting outside and thinking or not thinking and taking a breath and not worrying about anything at all and looking for birds, birds are awesome if you’ve ever seen nesting great blue herons or wood storks or great egrets Or anhingas, or any nesting birds or watched their natural behavior and mannerisms, you might think so too, or other look for other things ... rabbits ... squirrels? Alligators? Listening to books on Audible while going for a walk or doing a task is a good idea too. Though now might not be the time for Stephen King’s book The Stand ... albeit one of my favorites besides The Dark Tower. Though my top two are Lisey’s story and Duma Key. An interesting read/listen is Darwin’s children and Darwin’s Radio (I cant remember the author right now) but it has to do with a virus and evolution. I like strange books. One of my favorite authors and books is Octavia Butler The Xenogenesis series. About aliens using humanity for their own survival and how they learn to coexist. Even tv is getting disrupted, shows will stop being filmed and season’s ending early. I guess binge watch tv shows or YouTube. Or random watch Facebook videos. It’s a good thing I bought my mom the complete Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant Doctor Who series for her birthday because she never watched them. She started watching with Matt Smith as the Doctor. I've just rambled nonsense since I’m tired and not feeling well. I hope everyone finds a way to cope as best they can. Remember live to eat not eat to live.
  6. Darktowerdream

    Im scared of gaining weight through this crisis

    I don’t know what to say exactly. Whatever your fears regarding Covid-19 it shouldn’t alter your healthy way of eating post gastric bypass. There are plenty of options that do not need to be “fresh foods” to keep on hand that are bariatric friendly, low carb and low sugar for meals. I managed to get eggs, yogurt, I have protein powder, protein bars, a few protein soups, I also have frozen foods I tend to buy vegetarian frozen foods. But depending on your stage there are options. Unopened cottage cheese and yogurt stays fresh longer check dates. You can buy canned proteins like tuna, chicken, etc. frozen vegetables. No reason to just stock up on carbs. Also try to find things to distract from worries besides food. If you are safe at home just try not to worry. @AJ Tylo is right there is nothing we can do to change the course of this. I’ve immunodeficiency and lifelong chronic illness and I can’t stress over this. I’m just doing my best to stay on track with what I can. even though I’m dealing with my own personal issues despite everything going on out there. Even though it’s hard as life gets thrown into a strange situation that’s new to you just try to take it one moment at a time and be grateful you are healthy and alive. I can’t play psychic as people seem to like to and say it’s gonna get better, just take it in the moment. And find things to occupy your mind. Get on track with getting hydration, and protein and don’t fall for carbs or comfort foods just because you think it will make you feel better. There are many other things you can do to find comfort and solace and distract your mind to feel better even if it’s just binge watching a really good tv show or taking a long walk alone in nature ... you don’t need a gym for that or to be around other humans either. side note if you can’t exercise compensate in other ways. I can’t exercise due to my chronic illness and disability. I follow a low carb way of eating, and calorie counting. But honestly even now you can find ways to get in some exercise, at home, alone in nature, etc. get creative ...
  7. Darktowerdream

    Pasta and rice

    The only pasta I’ve had is when it’s protein on rare occasion I’ve had BariatricPal creamy chicken pasta which is relatively low carb (very small portion) and 15 grams protein. I recently tried a brand I used to buy great low carb bread company orzo pasta which is low carb and it’s balanced with protein and fiber so it’s not just plain pasta. I made a simple “fried rice” out of it.
  8. Not a problem I just appreciate any response. I feel like the cost is worth it. But am I worth it? That I don’t know. I mean @sillykitty you have a busy active life and job. Me. Not so much. For me this would be more for physical comfort, the discomfort of excess skin and some areas are particularly bad. And perhaps the belt lipectomy with butterfly lift and stomach muscle tightening might help strengthen my core where I cannot do it with exercise and possibly help a little with back pain. I am debating the silicon implants. I’ve never considered such a thing before. Ive a lot on my mind and want to plan this. I try to rationalize that people take vacations. Which I never have. i thought maybe if I make it a vacation for my mom and her boyfriend then I can rationalize things a little. And would have the extra help as well. And she’d have company during my down time. as for cost. I’d be pinching pennies for a long time, and getting financing. But. I feel like I Want to see this journey to completion in some way. Even though technically it never ends (the way of eating) .... I know ultimately I need to decide but I cannot deem myself worthy. Yet Feel it’s not just a cosmetic decision. so hard to think ...
  9. I think my surgery was 3 days/two nights in hospital, I’m pretty sure that was the timeline. I had my gallbladder removed at the same time. But my nutrition class had also said at least two nights. I have had some surgeries with major stitches and have them same day but can’t imagine having had gastric bypass surgery and leaving same day but perhaps my case was just different. I had a abdominal drain and catheter for all three days. But due to my chronic illness I unexpectedly was bed bound and couldn’t get up to walk the way most people can post surgery. unless something comes up in surgery then home is usually the best place for recovery. But still seem strange since you’d think they need to allow some time to heal, make sure you are functioning well enough, and check for leaks. I would at least question the doctor about it.
  10. I don’t view it as an issue of me being female or for cosmetic reasons but as a final step in the journey and feeling comfortable in my own skin. Something that I’ve never really had before. I have no goal to do this for anyone. Except maybe myself. Likely this will sound weird and I don’t usually discuss it, but I’ve never sought attention as a female human being, I’ve just been someone who existed, who survived despite things. And still continue to struggle with lifelong chronic illness and disability and living on the autism spectrum. My health is in a decline. I don’t have anything to spend money on except necessities, and my mother and our shared living expenses. When we moved states it was the best possible situation. I don’t really have anything except the skin I am in and I guess I want to feel like I own it and I’m comfortable in it. And can fix something while there are many things that I can do nothing about. Part of why I fought like hell to get gastric bypass surgery and to finally have the tool to battle my weight, people vacation for seven days and it can cost in the thousands and honestly I’ve not been on one real vacation in my life. I’ve always scrapped together every penny I did and didn’t have to spend on my sister and her children for holidays and birthdays and for the rare few friends I thought were like family who ultimately wrote me out of their lives ... im not sure I’ve done just one thing for me. My gut feels like this is a lot of money. But my gut also feels like I want to complete the journey. My gut also says people go on vacations and spend more money. I guess this is a vacation with a bonus (and a side of pain ... but that aspect I’m already familiar with anyway) I need to familiarize myself with the procedures. I’m on the fence about augmentation. Only if it could help With the sagging skin and bras/clothing fitting better. this is the website: https://hospitalbc.com/plastic-surgery/
  11. Darktowerdream

    Gallbladder Sludge

    It sounds like a reflux of bile is what is causing the ulcer, not common but it does happen. I had my gallbladder removed during my gastric bypass surgery due to chronic inflammation. But I also had frequent ulcers in my stomach and small intestine. it is extremely common for bariatric patients to need a cholecystectomy after dramatic weight loss. you might want to consider adding digestive enzymes with meals afterward. Some doctors also recommend bile salts.
  12. Darktowerdream


    Base level protein should be calculated 0.36 grams of protein per 1 lb of body weight to support your body weight 58-60 is a good base goal. I understand they want to compensate somewhat for the bypass but 120-140 extremely excessive and your body won’t use protein that it doesn’t need. It just stores it as fat. Whatever you are doing is working great and congrats on 2 years!
  13. Darktowerdream

    Gastric sleeve for BMI 30

    Studies are now showing it’s more beneficial to have bariatric surgery at a lower BMI. A BMI of 30 and above is considered obesity and yet for those that need help with insurance coverage it won’t kick in unless it’s 35 with very specific comorbidities or BMI of 40 + I wished I’d been able to tackle my weight earlier on. Doctors were of no help no matter how much I begged for help. Of course I wish it had been an option many years ago. If you can’t do it with diet alone, and as long as you understand that this is a tool to permanently change your way of eating and create healthier habits for your life - then I say go for it. It’s better than struggling to go it alone. I know for me, I could not have gotten this far without it.
  14. Darktowerdream

    can someone just tell me

    Don’t know if the OP is trolling. But I do find it funny that sugar has the same or more addictive tendencies as Cocaine in its reactions in the brain. And the soda Coke used to be laced with cocaine because it was considered medicinal. I have very high pain tolerance but also have very high pain levels on nearly a daily basis due to chronic illness. It made my surgery a challenge to say the least as well as I had my gallbladder removed at the same time. The hardest part was I was rendered bed bound after surgery, which sent every pain signal into overdrive. i didn’t know nsaids would be off the table for life. But still have no regrets about the surgery since it was all or nothing at that point for me. I needed that tool to fight my weight, I had nothing left. And the impact of the weight was wrecking havoc on my body and mind. I have little to no pain control now. I’m struggling with it. But CBD is expensive and is more a placebo effect it’s only scientifically proven for epilepsy. It works best with TCH. Which I cannot risk side effects of even if I could afford it. (Even natural herbals have side effects and risks, especially for certain people) To the OP, troll or not? Think about things before you say them. Is drinking or smoking that important to your life that you need to do them. What role do they have for your life? If there is chronic pain involved that wasn’t mentioned seek pain management, most people have options that I do not have such as physical therapy, seeing a pain management specialist, injections for pain, acupuncture, yoga, Medical marijuana, etc. and well if this is someone trolling ... I guess I’ve wasted what little energy I don’t have on a troll.
  15. Try not to worry, you are on the right path and trying to see so far ahead only hurts you, just look at the moment you are in- the here and now. I live with lifelong chronic illness, disability, metabolic disorders, I cannot exercise. I’m 5’ and I started off at 208lbs BMI 40.6 - I had my surgery on April 29th 2019. Today I am 112.6lbs I’m strict with my calories, low carb, little sugar except occasional piece of banana in my yogurt. The experience varies for each person. People who regain are those who don’t follow the lifestyle. They see it as a miracle fix rather than what it is, a tool. Or they see it as a temporary diet rather than a way of life. stick to the program, hydration, protein, low carb, less than 4 or 5 grams sugar in a meal or protein drink. Keep a daily log of weight food, calories and protein and that can help. Do things until they become second nature. learn tips ahead of surgery to help with the harder days. like clear liquids: bone broth, premier protein tropical punch clear protein drinks, outshine sugar free fruit pops, Yogi teas, etc. BariatricPal store has great protein shots perfect for post op. there is a lot of support here. Try not to let others opinions of surgery sway your decision to do what is best for you. I know it is hard. I struggle with similar things. I’m on the Autism spectrum. My body image has always been a big thing as long as I can remember. But I knew this was my last chance do this or give up. Because no matter how much I fought I couldn’t do it on my own anymore. I also lost my ability to taste food and my sense of smell skewed. Never had sense of hungry or full so ate meals because if I didn’t my stomach would bloat and I’d feel ill. Surgery helped I am good with small portions now and can do the low calories, low carb, my body needed to lose weight. im not very good at this but I wish you all the best on your journey. Don’t give up. You can do it.
  16. Darktowerdream

    Early one year post op appointment oh the pain

    I meant to answer earlier than this but just am not feeling well at all. I saw my PCP and she did the CBC the bariatric appointment needed plus thyroid levels. I have the thyroid/neck ultrasound tomorrow. I'm not scheduled to even see the gastroenterologist until March 12 which means more waiting for the actual test. No one has called yet about the CBC results. My levels are off. All of a sudden my T4 thyroid level is low ... it’s so hard to find local doctors that accept my insurance since I’m on a *** special needs plan. And any specialist has to be on my doctors panel. Or I can’t see them even if they do take my insurance. Plus don’t they need to specialize in weight loss surgery skin removal? I thought of asking my PCP for a referral but she tries to play devil’s advocate instead of being my doctor. She was very judgmental about my surgery when issues came up afterward. I still don’t regret having it. I knew that it meant putting pressure on my chronic illness, even making it worse, but it was my last hope of having the tools needed to lose weight. Funny you say my demeanor is calm and even happy, thank you. I try. The last thing my sister said before she cut me out of her life is she thinks I live life too negative. I didn’t think I did, not sure about the elusive unicorn called happy but it’s more about living life exactly for what it is in the moment you are in and taken it one step at a time. i am not quite in the best place at the moment, and it’s not even my health getting me down. I went with my mom and her boyfriend to a celebration of life memorial for a friend who passed recently and on the way back we saw An Egyptian goose By a lake with chicks. My mom asked me to get out to take a picture with her phone. It was then I spotted a smaller chick laying lethargic on the sidewalk. Poor thing didn’t look alive but was. I tried to put him near the mom but he couldn’t move to walk and she rejected him. We took him home and called for help. To come take him. I carried him home on a small towel but he was so weak, he let out little chirps every so often when I talked to him. I got him to drink a little water. But his head kept rolling back and I knew he was too sick. But he was fighting so hard to live. We took him inside, I got him to drink a little more water and he chirped to me, but just when I tried to get some nutrition in him. Suddenly the life left him and I took him down to bury him under a favorite tree. Not the first time I’ve had to bury a baby bird. But they are all precious to me.
  17. I had started this post and abandoned it out of, I don’t know, fear? Of putting it out there? Or maybe just knowing it is too long and wordy. And I thought should I try again? I came back to try again and to my surprise it was still there. So I will bore anyone whom decides to read it to tears. And add in some new information. My surgery was April 29th 2019, I also had my gallbladder removed due to chronic inflammation. I guess nothing was quite normal due to lifelong chronic illness. I had two other pelvic surgeries before and after my RNY. It’s likely my surgery and subsequent pneumonia shortly after ended up revealing a existing condition that was slowly but steadily getting worse. My chronic conditions muddies the waters when it comes to any possible issues with my RNY. I had an early one year follow up at Cleveland Clinic, at nine months. There are four follow up appointments but they got smashed closer together due to some issues along the way. It’s confusing sometimes and exhausting. I’m working hard at it, I am grateful for the tool this offered me that I would not have had otherwise to combat metabolic disorders and inability to exercise. Even though recovery was complicated and revealed a lot of issues and some things have gotten worse along the way. On my second follow up the doctor wanted a Upper GI fluoroscopy and endoscopy for stricture, it was severe stricture so I doubt one dilation was enough. And didn’t abate the symptoms. By the third follow up I was needing to deal with my gastroenterologist wanting to do a colonoscopy that was postponed from before my surgery. It had been scheduled but then my gastric bypass surgery ended up scheduled first. My bariatric surgeon said that my gastroenterologist could do the endoscopy since I was having the colonoscopy. I won’t repeat the story. But I was pissed since it was never discussed that he would do a dilation. Only check the status of the stricture and ulcers. If possible dilation were on the table it should have been discussed. I followed up with the gastroenterologist physician assistant. She glazed over all the problems with the procedure. Downplayed my symptoms like dark sticky stool (sorry tmi) which indicates blood. And other issues. And continued pain. I brought up sharp stabbing pain and spasms in my chest on the left side under my rib area, and some crushing pain, was suggested to see a cardiologist even though she didn’t think it was anything to worry about (still waiting to get an appointment) I do need to do this no matter what due to other issues anyway. she stopped the proton pump inhibitor medication since according to the dr. there were no ulcers and it contradicts my medication for muscle spasms (makes it not work) and I need that. Just carafate as needed. at this early one year appointment he called me a star patient (no one has ever said that about me before) and was surprised at how much weight I’d lost in nine months. He asked if I was still losing and how fast. I still need to lose a few lbs for my height he seemed to imply I should stop. (Was he concerned? I couldn’t tell, I can’t read people) But yet I never got to see my nutritionist even though I was supposed to. The appointment was muddled and confused even though I gave him my written notes with questions he didn’t answer some of them. And I was too exhausted from the long wait (my surgeon wasn’t available to see me personally) I brought up the endoscopy, the pain. That I cannot take proton pump inhibitors. Discussed concerns about the remnant stomach. My history of ulcers in that portion of stomach and small intestine. He referred me to see another gastroenterologist in the hospital and then have a different kind of test/ procedure called a double balloon enteroscopy. Has anyone here had a procedure like this? I’m a little upset that they expect me to see the new doctor first before they will schedule the enteroscopy leaving me in pain. And it’s very difficult to travel to the clinic . i wanted to discuss another issue and get referral for a neurologist in Cleveland clinic but he didn’t acknowledge that at all. i asked the nurse and asked him about referral for plastic surgery for skin removal and any possible coverage if there are skin issues involved. They implied that my insurance would cover it in Florida due to skin issues. well I did find out that A. I’d have to go through the process of seeing another gastroenterologist prior to having this double balloon enteroscopy. It’s hard traveling to Cleveland Clinic. And B. They lied about the plastic surgeon at Cleveland Clinic. They accept no insurance at all. My thighs are so bad that just trying to shave my legs and I have to catch 22 if I don’t it’s irritates my skin. But I shaved my legs and my thighs especially the one leg was downright bloody. The skin is just so horrendous. has anyone used BariatricPal MX Hospital and used their financing? I am getting close to goal (the doctor thinks I’m at goal probably) and want to start looking into the possibility of thigh skin removal, tummy tuck at the least ... I’m grateful to finally have lost weight but being bony as heck in some areas and all the loose skin and chub in some areas especially where my skin is bloody raw just doesn’t feel good at all. And I wonder if the tummy tuck would help my core strength whereas I cannot strengthen it through exercise? (Due to my chronic illness) on a side note. Someone important to my mother went to see my surgeon regarding gastric bypass surgery. My surgeon is such a great guy. So I referred her boyfriend to him he needs to lose weight for knee replacement surgery and his health. I just worry her boyfriend will not be serious about it. It upsets me when people have the opportunity and choice to get healthy and they make the choice not to do it. He has diabetes, high blood pressure and needs knee replacement surgery. He could be healthy if he made the choice to do it. I have never had the choice. Even surgery can’t fix me. It helped give me a tool to fight my weight but can’t cure lifelong chronic illness and disability. He tends to question and judge what I eat or don’t eat or what I do. But my situation is very different than the norm. I want to be supportive but I see him making terrible food choices and not being willing to change even small habits. Like eating a lot of bad carbs. I’ve been there myself in the past. So,I, not judgmental. A sugar carb addict will find lots of reasons to justify what they eat. But also needs to admit the addiction and break free of it. I just wonder, Do I try to help, or do I step aside and not get involved? I just went to my pcp for throat pain and need thyroid ultrasound and tests. And at some point need to address some issues. Like inability to drink without dysphasia of liquids. I know it’s neurological but have no diagnosis. My pcp thinks even with a diagnosis nothing can be done. But as it gets worse I can barely drink enough water ... ive rambled enough and I’m hoping my long message is not a mistake. If you have read this far. Thank you. Any opinion/advice on the skin removal surgery is appreciated (Mexico) as well as the double balloon enteroscopy.
  18. Darktowerdream

    Go to meal

    I’m still not tolerating meats well (edit not really at all with exception of shrimp which I really shouldn’t be eating, (thankfully my allergy isn’t anaphylaxis at this point) and sashimi salmon, and Applegate turkey sausage didn’t go down too bad as long as it’s mixed with egg or something ...) and I have very little energy for meal prep (more like none) due to chronic illness. I buy certain things and then plan based on what’s available in my fridge or freezer. But keep some basics sometimes on rotation depending on what’s on sale or what I can get, though I always have PEScience protein powder. im pretty basic. Breakfast now is usually a 1/2 soft protein bar or whole depending on my meal plan for the day and the protein bar. And a cup of tea. Edit: I found a protein bar called built that s 110 calories and 15 grams protein protein. It tastes like a candy bar. Either that or half a BariatricPal fluffy vanilla protein bar. I like yogi tea for breakfast. Healthy skin vanilla tea is good. And sometimes the caramel apple spice slim life tea. lunch Is my main meal and more variety but I might have for example a 2.5 ounce Boca turky veggie burger with one Egglands Best egg on top. Or I’ve made a BariatricPal pancake with cooked cut up veggie sausage. or occasionally a dr. Praeger’s black bean chipotle pollock burger with BariatricPal protein mashed potato. Just some simple frozen foods that are the right portion size and easy to put in a pan and heat up. my dinner tends to be Fage total zero Greek yogurt sometimes mixed with protein powder. Or two good yogurt with protein powder. Or good culture cottage cheese. I do sometimes have a small piece of banana and a little sugar free syrup. And some sugar free land o lakes whipped topping ... when I can’t stomach much the yogurt, PEScience, good culture cottage cheese, help. Also BariatricPal protein pancakes, soups, mashed potato, protein shots, protein juice, protein pudding.
  19. Darktowerdream

    Still a virgin at 46

    I’ve never admitted these things to anyone, let alone on a public forum. You are not alone though. I’ve struggled almost all my life with chronic illness (immunodeficiency) starting in childhood, developing many medical conditions and symptoms over the years, disability, metabolic disorders, always fighting my weight, my self image, being on the autism spectrum, adhd, ocd and so on. But through it all, through a rough childhood. My own health challenges, my mother having spine surgeries and needing my help and support. I never had a life. I just have, I guess ... survived. I fought to lose weight alone - I guess it’s going on twelve years ago now if I had to guess. But never could hang on to it. I found myself losing ground. It was either fight for Bariatric surgery as a tool to finally help me or totally give up. But will it fix the rest of me? Those deep rooted insecurities? My separation from the rest of the world due to chronic illness? I honestly cannot say that weight loss will fix these things. Especially not my chronic illness or disability. It’s like my doctor expecting miraculous changes when I just wanted to ease the burden on my body and at least be a healthy weight to better navigate. it’s easy enough for people to say get out of your comfort zone. Been there done that, it’s gotten me nowhere but disaster and my chronic illness deeper into a decline. Of course this is just from my perspective. I’m not in a situation where I meet people. I can’t put myself out there. It’s not that simple. Nor is it Even for healthy people to do so. I’ve never discussed it and I won’t even flat out say my own situation in detail either since this is a public forum because people can be condescending in their response to something like this. I remember someone once telling me that she thought I liked being stuck. As if I haven’t spent my whole life fighting every step of the way. sometimes you need to just step back from yourself and take an objective look at the why of it all, what your hopes and expectations are, and where to go from there. Decide that you are worth it and take the leap forward and maybe you will find where you want to be.
  20. Darktowerdream

    When can I have toast again?

    I just saw these chaffle recipes posted on Facebook by Primal Kitchen Vanilla Blueberry 1 Egg 1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese 1 Tbsp Almond Flour Primal Kithcne Vanilla Primal Fuel 1 Tsp Monk Fruit Blueberries Tagalong Chaffle 1 Egg 1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese 1 Tbsp Almond Flour Primal Kitchen Peanut Butter Collagen Fuel 1 Tsp raw Cacao Powder 1 Tsp Monk Fruit Shop and SAVE with promo code VALENTINE25 at checkout: http://bit.ly/2Smx4Ug Promo code expires Feb 21st at 11:59pm PST. #eatlikeyourlifedependsonit
  21. Darktowerdream

    Just Venting... Again!

    Having chronic insomnia forever, and tried prescription and gone through major withdrawals from the prescription sleep med in the past I take otc diphenhydramine or doxylamine succinate at varying doses. Though I’ve got a weird routine personality. Maybe it’s because I also have adhd, am on the Autism spectrum, something with my chronic illness, who knows, I need caffeine at night to help me sleep a little better. But one key thing I’ve learned is the simpler the better when it comes to what you take for sleep. I was stressed worrying about if my surgery was going to be covered because the first doctor I went to gave me such a horrible attitude, meanwhile other people loved him. I fought until I was exhausted. Until finally an endocrinologist referred me to Cleveland Clinic. And I gave it my all. And had to just let it go and hope it was happen. It was either surgery or totally give up. My endocrinologist knew my metabolic disorders were sending me into a tailspin or weight gain and nothing i was doing could stop it. thankfully it did happen and it will happen for you.
  22. Darktowerdream

    When can I have toast again?

    I wish I had energy for recipes like that. I can quite eat foods like that yet, still dealing with issues here. But that looks awesome 👏 I don’t think people realize there are healthy options for breads they can either make or even buy that have protein and fiber and can be low calories. like I saw an ad for this and it looks pretty interesting https://www.outeraislegourmet.com/products/cauliflower-sandwich-thins
  23. Darktowerdream

    Just Venting... Again!

    Have you tried just basic unisom for sleep? There is a costco brand Kirkland signature of doxylamine succonate (unisom) that I bought on Amazon. I think it was $11.83 for two bottles 192 count total. I take 50 mg although I also take a unisom sleep melt 25 mg which is basically an allergy medicine (they both are) but are much safer than prescription sleep meds. I take a muscle relaxer as well. But I’ve lifelong chronic illness. it sounds like you are under a great deal of stress and need to unwind to sleep and get into a decent routine which can be very hard to do. Hopefully you can find some sense of balance soon.
  24. Darktowerdream

    When can I have toast again?

    I ordered it from the BariatricPal store but you can also get it from netrition.com. here’s the BariatricPal link: https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/great-low-carb-pasta-rice-orzo Overall their products are very good. I have not used them since my surgery though. another product I highly recommend is better than foods better than rice, it’s a shiritaki rice. Cooked right it tastes good. Rinse and drain in a fine metal strainer and pat excess water away. I’d put in a nonstick pan with a spritz of olive or avocado oil to remove excess water, I used braggs aminos instead of salt and seasoned liberally with whatever the dish I was making. I like frontier co-op seasoning blends liked Mexican fiesta, or harissa, or all purpose seasoning. (I haven’t made this in a while but would make one pot dishes with it.) https://betterthanfoods.com I’ve never made a Chaffle. Im trying to stay away from cheese. It’s nice and simple though one large egg and 1/2 cup finely shredded mozzarella. I can’t imagine that it’s only 37 calories. Given that a Egglands Best large egg is 60 calories and 1/4 cup of fat free shredded mozzarella is 45 calories. ive bought pancake mix on BariatricPal that’s 90 calories and 15 grams protein. It’s actually good. chaffles https://thatlowcarblife.com/chaffles/
  25. Darktowerdream

    When can I have toast again?

    I think if you want to try any kind of bread try either great low carb bread company bread or thin slim foods zero carb bread since both are a balance of low carb, low calorie, fiber and protein. I’ve had great low carb brand in the past. the main thing is to get your protein, and be mindful when you try something new, that you continue to lose weight. BariatricPal sells thin slim zero carb breads, I have not tempted myself to try it yet but the ingredients look good and chicory root is an excellent prebiotic fiber https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/low-carb-protein-bread-bagels-buns-pizza-crust/products/thinslim-foods-zero-carb-protein-bread-plain a decent substitute for peanut butter. It does have a little erythritol. It’s not supposed to cause gastric distress but depends on the person https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/nut-butters/products/nutilight-sugar-free-protein-hazelnut-spread-dark-chocolate I did order myself some great low carb orzo pasta ... 2 oz is 110 calories, 18 grams protein, 12 grams fiber and 7 net carbs. https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/great-low-carb-pasta-rice-orzo

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