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Sandra Nuelken

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sandra Nuelken

  1. I am making the whole entire turkey dinner tomorrow for just my husband and me. Homemade cranberries, stuffing, collards and all I can eat is 4 oz of turkey. I will have a taste of stuffing, potatoes, and collards. Guess this will be an 8-pound month. Hubby loves his hot turkey sandwich the next day. I guess this is love.

  2. Fellow former bander here. I had mine done the end of July and I'm holding on for a wild ride. Word to the wise I entered this journey with a "been there done that", and I was surprised that shortly after surgery I went through all of the "what did I do and why did I do it" moments. I had those moments of missing food and anger. I guess having done the journey doesn't make it a breeze, it just helps you understand that this will pass. I have reached a point that I was at a good fill, I can eat regular food, not much and I'm finally in a good spot in my head except for stalls. They make me unhappy. I guess what I'm saying is to be careful as all the uncertainties will pop up even if you've been down this road.

  3. I spent a week camping and walking at least 2 miles a day. I got home excited to see how much I lost and actually gained. Really I gained weight. I am in my 4th month and know about the stall, but that doesn't make it any easier. How long will this last? Thanks for letting me vent.

  4. After the first month stalls are common. Mine happen every 5 pounds. Yes they are aggravating and depressing, keep in mind that your body needs a period of adjustment between weight drops. Someone said that 8pounds a month is an average, some more some less. So relax and work the program. You're doing fine.

  5. On 11/13/2019 at 6:25 PM, SabrinaGoddess said:

    Hell errrrbody!

    When I was banded in 2009 I was on this platform daily and making some pretty awesome friends, pretty fast. LOL

    It seems this time around I'm a lonely painter living in a box of paints. (bonus points for who knows where I got that from?)

    I am active, been chatting and looking and responding but it seems pretty quiet for me.

    Maybe it's just me but I sure do like talking to folk about their experiences, fears, achievements, disappointments, etc.

    I am being sleeved Dec. 9th, 2019 by Dr. Matthew Metz in Denver Colorado


    Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I too was a former Bander I had it put in 2009 and taken out 2 years ago. I had my sleeve done at the end of July and I'm very happy with it. I thought it would be a breeze as I had band experience, but I must have forgotten a few things. The "was I crazy" about 2 weeks after surgery and the realization that I was going to really have a different life. I'm pretty settled now and try to keep my foods in control. If you have questions this group is here to help you. Good Luck!

  6. I had the exact same thing happen Friday after having my Protein Drink about an hour prior. It was in the morning and I stood up to get dressed but along with all of the symptoms you mentioned I had nausea. I thought it was a rapid onset of the flu. Then being a computer person I checked and it could also be gallbladder symptoms. Any input here?

  7. I am 2.5 months out and have had many stalls, now I average one after every 5 pounds, which lasts for about 5 days. What I find helpful is posting my weight on My FitnessPal and it gives me a 30-day weight loss, and I can assure myself during the stall that I'm still in my 8-pound weight loss goal. Today I dropped almost 2 pounds after a stall that lasted 4 days. I just attribute this to the body shifting and adjusting, then when it is ready I will start losing again.

  8. 1
    On 11/8/2019 at 9:13 PM, Gina_baby said:

    I have been struggling with trying to figure out what I can wear to the hospital and for my hospital stay and I'm short with a large stomach so it's hard to find clothes cause I can't fit into my regular clothes anymore I'm stuck wearing my husbands shirts all the time now please help

    I wore a caftan, nothing around my waist.

  9. Best wishes, while in the hospital blow in that blow thing to get lungs cleared. The first 2 weeks just sip on Protein Drinks. They will all taste horrible as you will immediately go into Ketosis and that makes everything taste bad. I just put a lot of ice in my Ensure plus and managed 3 a day. That will take all day. I also loved my Outshine pop cycles, no sugar added. I didn't add "full liquids" until the second week, that was cream of chicken Soup, but not much as I was still drinking 2 Ensure Max a day. Wasn't until week 3 on soft foods. I did a lot of tuna in pouches, some flavored. Add foods slowly. I also bought a set of stainless children utensils to eat with. They are small enough to make you eat slowly. I'm now 3 months out and I'm still eating with them and will probably continue to do so forever. Just be patient, recovery takes time and so does the weight loss. You will have a high periods and some lows, some great weight loss and some stalls. But you will be successful!

  10. 1
    5 hours ago, Unclechaz said:

    Hi y'all. 6 days post-op. What are some WL/fitness related apps or technology you use on a regular basis?

    Fitbit and My Fitness Pal. I can update on phone if I'm traveling. I log my food for over 5 years and the Fitbit gives me feedback on exercise and sleep. It also gives a weekly weight loss along with the long term.

  11. On 11/8/2019 at 12:25 PM, LAXGirl said:

    So after doing lots of research I believe I found a great doctor to do my VSG. Only problem is that he doesn't do single incision surgery. When I asked him about it, he stated the scars are tiny- and with single sleeve incisions you have one big scar at the belly button vs. 5 small ones so it's better to have the 5 small ones. The thing is that I have dark skin so I'm pretty sure I will have these scars for life and they won't fade well. I would really love to show off my body in a bikini after surgery but I'm thinking I won't want to with the scars. So I'm thinking about find a new surgeon who does a single incision-which I'm not happy about as I really like my surgeon. So my questions for you all are:

    1) For those that got the single incision- do you really have "one giant scar" on your belly button- or is is not even noticeable?

    2) For those that did the traditional multi-port- do you feel they are noticeable if you are in a swimsuit that shows off your stomach?

    If anyone has photos they can share like 2+ years out that would be great. When I see photos from a year or less, especially for multi-port it scares me because they are definitely noticeable.


    I had the sleeve done 3 months ago the scars are almost gone, and totally gone from my band removal a year ago. Laparoscopic is the way to go as there is no pain. So far I've had the band in, a band out, a hysterectomy and a sleeve. No marks, and no I wouldn't wear a bikini but husband would notice.

  12. On 11/4/2019 at 2:05 PM, looly said:

    This is, admittedly, very silly, but....has anyone else noticed this...?

    I've lost a shed-load of weight and I have an apron of skin up front. It's truly flop-tastic. 😲

    However, when I'm in the bath, it magically begins to float up into a rather endearing little pot-belly. 😊

    I know that fat is less dense than muscle and so it will float, but to see it in action is a bit of a giggle!

    Yes, when I'm at my heaviest, and I go swimming I float. My husband often says if the boat goes down grab me as a "flotation devise". The scary part was once I started to lose weight all of a sudden I had to swim, and I sank. Yep fat floats.

  13. 55 minutes ago, Sandyyy said:

    You are right! I worked really hard the last few days and had another 5 pound weight loss. I will work on patience.

    Congrats, I know you feel great. We have all gone through the feelings of despair, even later when you hit those pesky stalls. It is a journey and you will arrive we all do it at different speeds. Again congrats on the hard work.

  14. 2 hours ago, Sandyyy said:

    Sandra, I didn’t expect to lose it all in one month. But I thought it would be better than 10lbs.
    I drink a clear Protein and a chocolate one every day. Then Water and a small 200 calorie meal.
    I wish for a 30 pound weight loss in a month. I will make this work but I am still wishing it was faster.

    Your starting weight is much lower, so 8 - 10 pounds a month is normal, especially at that weight. You may have better months, but patience is the rule here. You are losing so be happy. I started at 292, so my drop was quick at first but once I reached 240 it was 10 pounds a month with stalls every 3 weeks. Some weeks I say "this is easy peasy" then a stall happens and I'm sure I'll never lose another pound. But the body is still shifting some people love to measure, I use my clothes to judge. Now, unfortunately, we can't point to the spot I want to lose. My boobs went first, then bum, but it is my legs I want to go and they seem to be last. Just enjoy the journey. I lost 50 pounds before anyone noticed, I mean really. You are losing and work on becoming the better version of you.

  15. 90 days out and 54 pounds down. I'm thrilled and tossing clothes like a crazy woman. Took tons to the resale shop. I know it is a journey and not a sprint Getting Protein in and that's about it. I had one cake pop a few weeks ago and savored each bite. I'm about halfway there and hopefully be at goal by my anniversary.

  16. On 10/30/2019 at 7:37 AM, tal said:

    Surgery weight-274

    TOday weight-225

    My issues I'm having still is not taking Vitamins like I'm supposed to and drinking 64 oz of Water. I'm starting to feel hungry now and even though I cant eat a lot I'm starving so I wonder if not drinking enough Water is why. I made it my goal this week to start a plan to get start taking this more serious and not half ass anything.

    Vitamins are important. I have some I got from Amazon and they are mix fruit chewable. I take them 3 times a day and look forward to them as a "treat". Make sure you get your Protein in as that is important too!

  17. You didn't put on the weight in one month, why do you think it will come off in one month? You need to make sure you are doing 60g of Protein, first, nothing other than Water. Usually by the time I got the protein in I wasn't hungry. It took all day the first weeks to drink 2 Protein Drinks. Then the water, lots of it sipping only. If you're walking 8 miles a day, and building muscle remember muscle weighs more than fat. I also gained weight the first week because of all of the fluids they gave me in the hospital. I was told no heavy exercising for 6 weeks. Just follow the plan. Mine was liquids only the first week, full liquids weeks 2-3 then soft foods weeks 3-6. If you're unhappy with were your results, focus on protein. I didn't start eating real foods until week 7. Then chicken shredded. This is a journey and not a race. If you start at a lower weight then the loss will be slower.

  18. 19 hours ago, Needs advice said:

    It has been 3 weeks since I have lost even a pound and I'm feeling like I went through all this for nothing. I'm doing the best I can with eating and drinking my fluids, but my body just seems to not want to get rid of any weight. I am having problems with energy so I'm not able to work out due to the fact I get light headed very easily. I'm always tired and always want to sleep. Can someone please give me any suggestions as to what I may be doing or need to try please.

    You will have stalls during your voyage, during the stalls don't weigh yourself or it will drive you nuts. I find about every 3 weeks I will have a week where I lose .2 pounds. Your body is shifting and adjusting. Drink lots of fluids, get 60g. Protein. You will want to sleep and be tired for the first month. I'm 3 months in and all I do is walk, not a lot, just some. I'm not an exercise type of person. Expect to lose about 8 pounds a month and be happy with it. It takes time to reach a goal. This is a journey not a sprint

  19. 10 hours ago, Suryna said:

    Are alcohol allowed after gastric sleeve surgery?

    Sent from my ELE-L29 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I had my surgery on July 30 and was told no wine until my husband's b'day December. I did take a sip a week ago and it was nasty. Maybe I lost my taste for it. Alcohol is my gateway drug for mindless eating. So I'm in no hurry.

  20. Buy a scale. I found out 4 oz of chicken is a lot more meat than 4 oz of steak as the meats and foods can be denser. If I would have guessed I would have been wrong so the scale is really working for me. It also teaches me what 4 oz looks like. Good luck! I'm 3 months out and halfway to my goal. During the "honeymoon" period I have been very strict and cautious as this is the time to lose.

  21. On 8/19/2017 at 9:43 PM, dreamingsmall said:

    Which one do you do ? Which one is right?

    Puree phase I did 4 ounce to fit in a 4 ounce container. Now I'm 6 week out. 4 ounces of Solis food won't fit in a 4 once container. ( it might if I cut it up)

    I want to do this right...

    I bought so many 4 ounce containers now I'm thinking of just buying small container's for meal prep.

    Buy a scale. I found out 4 oz of chicken is a lot more meat than 4 oz of steak as the meats and foods can be denser. If I would have guessed I would have been wrong so the scale is really working for me. It also teaches me what 4 oz looks like. Good luck! I'm 3 months out and halfway to my goal. During the "honeymoon" period I have been very strict and cautious as this is the

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