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Sandra Nuelken

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sandra Nuelken

  1. I did the WLS for me. No one else just me. I wanted to kayak again, I wanted to get my a... up the ladder on our dock and boat. I wanted to be able to keep up with my grandkids. I don't give a rats ass what others think. I wanted to be able to have fun again, life is short. I'm jumping off the boat, swimming, walking, and best of all my pieces and parts don't hurt. I'm happy. I also went on a 3-hour kayak trip last weekend. Not bad for someone that is 74.

  2. Learn to eat until not hungry, not full, just not hungry. I bought children's flatware and I sit and read and take small spoons of the food. It takes about 30 minutes to eat. I stayed with the same soft for days, then went to another. It is like introducing food to a baby. You should never eat more than a quarter cup. If you eat too much you get uncomfortable.

  3. On 8/3/2020 at 7:47 AM, DimsumQueen said:

    Hi everyone.

    I'm on pre-op and I bought enough Protein to last into post-op. Stupidly.

    Isopure unflavored

    Isopure zero carb vanilla

    nectar lemon ice tea

    Premier Protein pack of 12 clear Protein peach

    Reccomended by the clinic doing the surgery. Reccomended based on my issues - I'm lactose intolerant. I dislike milk in general. I don't enjoy milkshakes.

    The first clear protein peach was nice. The first nectar was ok, minis the off putting color that made me feel weird. Tasting a clear liquid liked iced tea, but brain saw a milky liquid in the glass.

    Day two, I try the vanilla from isopure. Smells makes me gag. Added matcha powder in it. Still disgusting.

    Tried putting some isopure unflavored in to lukewarm beef stock. Chalky. Starts to clump. Manage to drink it.

    Day three, I try another clear drink. This time it tastes too sweet. And the aftertaste is sickening. Later that day I try another lemon ice tea. I'm literally gag at the smell. I have to hold my nose to chug it.

    I don't know what to do. I stupidly spent a lot of money on this stuff trying to be prepared, we're moving house the weekend after my surgery, I also don't drive, which is why I ordered so much in advance.

    Today I'm lying in bed, 6 days until surgery, and even the thought of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese makes me sick. Protein Powder sounds like a torture right now.

    Help a milk-hater out.

    TLDR: diary of my Protein Powder tasting. It's all disgusting. Please give advice.

    I like Ensure protein. I have chocolate and drink one a day 30g. of Protein little sugars. After surgery, everything tastes bad so just stick with it. I pour it over ice every morning.

  4. If you follow the instructions of your surgeon you will lose weight. The only issue I had is that they didn't say don't worry the first 2 weeks you will gradually start, I sipped Protein Drinks all day and if I got 3 down that was my Protein needs. You have to sip all day. But I'm absolutely thrilled with my results and miss absolutely nothing about my former life.

  5. 21 hours ago, bookworm1983 said:

    OMG I am totally there with you! I has VSG 2.5 years ago and was doing pretty good (from 390s to 230s) and then (of course) COVID hit and I am working from home. I eat when I'm bored or just eat mindlessly. I have been really trying to increase my Water intake but the snacking is HORRIBLE! It does not help that my hubby (who also had VSG 4 weeks before me) also fell, hard, off the wagon and there is ice cream, chips and Snacks all over the place. I have NOT been tracking my food and the exercise (walking) is NOT happening either because of the weather. I know that gyms are opening again but I do not live within walking distance and we only have one car, which my husband uses every weekday and does not get home until 6pm. I have good days and bad days but the bad days seem to really get me down, making it difficult to recover and get back on track. I will be following this thread as well as I could also use the support to get back on track.

    If you don't bring it into your house you can't eat it. I have Outshine pop cycles, grapes, peaches, and almonds for Snacks. I also use a calorie counter on my fitbit and stay true to my count. I have one "free" day and I have an alcoholic drink that day.

  6. I also had a lap band failure, banded for about 8 years. I got the sleeve a year ago and I am thrilled. I was 73 when I had the surgery. It took me 3 months to get Medicare to approve. Good luck as far as getting used to eating, it was like getting on a bike and felt so normal. No fills to worry about only focus on your health.

  7. I'm up early this morning not for surgery, as I was last year, but for my one-year appointment. I am thrilled with the results and just can't believe where I was last year. I am an ex-bander and old for this journey, I'll be 74 this year. I have my life back, I can jump off the boat and get up the ladder, the same with the dock. I'm having fun with my grandkids again. I go for walks, swims, and move about without the aches and pains I once had. food is no longer my joy in life, life is my joy. I eat to live and not live to eat. I reached stage 4 eating and just stayed there. I have a Protein Drink for Breakfast, 4oz of cottage cheese for lunch, 4oz of Protein for dinner with a protein snack or Outshine no sugar added pop cycle. Saturday is my "free day" I sit with my neighbors in the street to visit and have my weekly drink. Not being able to eat out this last 6 months has sure been a help! For those starting on your journey, the first 6 months are very important for both weight loss and to set the stage for the rest of your journey. I did not have a drink for the first 6 months. I have learned that your body will drop the pounds when it is ready. A lot of pauses the second 6 months that will drive you crazy. Good luck with your journey, I hope you are as happy with yours as I am with mine.

  8. You need to have a serious talk with yourself. This is not a diet, it is your new reality. You will eat like this for the remainder of your life. I ate none of my trigger foods for almost 8 months, with no alcohol for over 8 months. Just stage 4 eating. Then as the success was happening I realized food was not my friend, health was and food was not my joy in life. When I want something now it is after the 4 oz of Protein. Every day it is the same, Protein Drink Breakfast, cottage cheese for lunch, then some meat for dinner. If I want a bite of cornbread or a bite of Pasta, savor it. But that is it. I wanted to lose the weight I've worked hard to lose weight and getting smaller clothes is far more exciting than food. I now have my one drink on Saturday and enjoy it. No more mindless drinking. You must become the power, and not let the food be your power.

  9. 🤓
    3 minutes ago, Tracyringo said:

    How much for the waddle removal ? I had a face lift. Cut all around the ears etc then tightened. I went from neck on my chest to just a few lines under the chin. I had it done with the Tummy Tuck. Folks say they can't believe I'm as old as I am and want to know what kind of lotions I use. That about anything else bothered me the most. I had a full turkey waddle. I'm a low maintenance woman so I really feel good having it removed. Again check your doctors really well and make sure they are certified in the field, and ask what their specialties are, I learned a face guy may not be a good tummy guy. Sometimes you WLS knows good surgeons. Ask for pictures, recommendations everything. After my experience and Botched, there is a lot that could go wrong.

  10. 2 hours ago, JRT Mom said:

    I'm not worried about my saggy thighs and granny flaps. I can hide those with the right clothes. What I WOULD like done is the turkey wattle under my chin removed. Of course now that we are all wearing face masks that helps hide it...

    I had the waddle removed, it loosened up again but not as bad. I'm 74 so my good ol' days have left the dock. I did have a caftan on the other day and my husband said is that your boobs way down there. God, he's looking for a miserable life. Just do what makes you happy but don't do too much.

  11. When I had my lap band weight loss I too had loose skin, so I had a Tummy Tuck. Just remember this type of surgery is very dangerous, you lose feeling in the surgery area, ask ask ask before going ahead and get a great surgeon. It will cost, a lot, and is not covered. I nearly died as I threw 3 blood clots, which is common with a tummy tuck. My stomach is still numb after 9 years. Some days I say it was worth it, but death is a high price to pay. Approach this type of surgery with your eyes opened.

  12. Good luck to the Class of June 2020. I had mine in July 2019 and it was the best decision I've ever made! I was almost 73 at the time and now 100 pounds down, no C-Pap, and knees are all better. Just go into this with an open heart, and I approached it as if my life depended on this, which it did and never looked back. Good luck on your journey.

  13. Post-op at 70 was a breeze. No pain meds at all. I took a Tylenol PM to sleep. After having a band in, out, and hysterectomy I told him could he just velcro me. He said he was certain this was it and so far he's right. The only thing that surprised me was I couldn't vacuum for about a month. Dogs got smaller drinks, but other than that I remembered to keep moving all was just fine.

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