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Sandra Nuelken

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sandra Nuelken

  1. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    Get up and walk around it is the gas that they put in to move stuff out of the way. Until you pass the gas it will continue to hurt and moving is the only thing that gets it moving. Keep up the protein too. Sip it all day little swallows walk, little swallows. Good luck each day will get better.
  2. A system I used with the band was if you think you're hungry or want to eat drink water, lots of it or hot tea. Tell yourself you can eat but just not right now. It is all about delay and not deny. The best taste is the first 2 bites, the rest you really don't enjoy, so savor the food, only treat yourself to the best. You deserve only the best food and no more mindless eating.
  3. In the south, we can be passive-aggressive in a very disarming way. When people ask you if you're losing weight just say "why thank you what a nice thing to say." then nothing else. Just respond with kind words and no answers. Then when you are ready you can say something. I was down 70 pounds before I said something.
  4. Wow, banded 2005 too with the old style band. I lost close to 100 and gained 20 back. Had a tummy tuck, almost died from clots. Then started to gain the weight back. Very slowly at first and when I went in for adjustments I kept getting sick, that was when they admitted it might have slipped, I had to ask to have it removed they never suggested it. My sister had the sleeve and went from size 18 to 10 and was doing great, but decided she wanted to eat her way and drank diet sodas from the beginning. Now she has put on weight and is working to get it off. Her surgery was 2006 or 7. I know I can eat the right way and I've not had a carbonated drink since 2005. I wasn't going to do the surgery but my knees can't take this weight and I don't want to spend the rest of my life sitting in a chair. We have a boat and I can't swim in the lake this year because I can't get up the ladder. So I'm ready for the big step because the rewards are worth it. I have my protein drinks stored up. Do you drink any clear protein drinks? I'm not sure which is better, I can't do artificial sweeteners as I get headaches.
  5. I had the lap band for 10 years, after many issues I had I removed a year ago. Then in March, I decided to return to freedom. I find the weight so hinders my ability to do what I want and it came back so fast after the band removal I started the process. It was over a 90-day "diet observation" with dieticians, which I knew more than them as I've done this for 9 years, then meeting with a nurse in food classes. A real eye roll as this nurse had not had the surgery and he was telling us how we would feel. The psych review now the wait. 3 weeks for insurance then schedule the surgery. I was a self-pay last time and only had to do the psych eval. I didn't want to pay again. You will find that as you are losing the weight some will be very supportive, then others jealous as we have all tried to lose but failed. The others will say you took the "easy" way out. I found after my journey then soon discovered it wasn't easy, and the started to look up to me for my decision. I think the hardest thing I had to adjust to was strangers would talk to me in stores, fat people are invisible and I never had strangers come up and start conversations. Good luck and ignore the haters. This is for you and not for them.
  6. I said I was doing a modified Keto diet, and I just wasn't hungry with it. I only had a few very funny happenings. Toward the end of the year, one of the students asked if I was dying as I kept getting smaller. Another thing that happened to me was my stomach was growling all of the time. During state testing when everyone was absolutely quietly working on their tests off would go my stomach for about 2 minutes. They were used to it so they tried to not laugh. When I told them I had to lose weight for health reasons they were very supportive, unusual for middle school students! Good luck!!! I'm now waiting for my insurance approval.
  7. Sandra Nuelken


    The insurance requires 90 days of supervision, meetings with a dietician, all of which were silly as I had the band for 10 years. It quit working about 4 years ago and I had it removed it last year. Then I had to wait for the journey for this new surgery.
  8. Sandra Nuelken

    Carbonated drinks

    They told me for both the sleeve and lap band no carbonated drinks at all, they stretch your pouch.
  9. Sandra Nuelken


    Yes, they would not submit for approval until all is completed, then 3 work weeks to wait for approval, then wait for a surgery date. I started in March.
  10. Sandra Nuelken


    Congratulations on your approval! I just went to my last appointment and now I'm waiting for my approval. I just found out my doctor didn't send a letter to my surgeon, and I saw him last June. I'm practicing patience now and I'm not great at it.
  11. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    I am so very excited for you. I have my one last mandatory dietician appointment tomorrow. All we talked about the last time was our years as military wives. I had the band for 10 years and pretty much understand the diet. Then I have to wait for approval, having said that I've done everything they said I have to do. I just want to get this all underway!! Good luck with your journey!
  12. Sandra Nuelken

    2 week PreOp Liquid Diet Pics

    Good luck on your journey. I know what you mean about kids and eating. Can you drink protein drinks? I find Ensure max to be somewhat filling, I add ice as I drink it slowly. The Max has 30 g. protein and 150 cal 1 g sugar. I can't eat or drink artificial sweaters, they give me a migraine so I just go low or without. Will miss my sweet tea most.
  13. On the Keto diet, because basically you are and because of that your tolerance for carbs and sugar are really low. As for the days off due to surgery tell them it was something personal. I was a teacher and had the band over summer and said nothing except to a few friends, they were worried because I was dropping weight quickly. Then one day one the meanest girls in the class said, you know we notice are you dying or something? I assured her I wasn't.
  14. Sandra Nuelken

    Calories liquid stage

    I am drinking the Ensure Max. It has 30g of protein and 150 calories. I put ice in it and have the Cafe mocha in the morning, it has caffeine and the chocolate in the afternoon. Vola the 60 g of protein. If you put ice in it and drink it slow it really is not bad. You need to find the protein drink you do like as it will be a part of your life forever. I also put berries with protein powder, ice and a touch of 2% milk and it tastes great.
  15. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    I had trouble with whey, so I'm using vegetarian protein powder. The protein drinks I was told we could use any on the list of many. I've settled on Ensure Max chocolate on ice. The dietician said they were fine. You can get them anywhere, just make sure you're getting the Max. https://ensure.com/nutrition-products/ensure-max-protein-shake?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6IfoBRCiARIsAF6q06sWeqF38nSfacVf6ZDNpsbQZyfXiuKMN5XhV1ekdFEED73WJqGgQrMaAvfeEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  16. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    I hope you feel better each day!
  17. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    I had the lap band 11 years ago and lost 100 pounds. The ease of moving around was heaven. I didn't walk into a room and try to figure out what chair I would sit in or could I do the booth. People start to talk to you and you get attention. I got to do what I wanted to do without fear of how would my size effect it. Go for it and live your best self. Make a list of all the things you were afraid to do or wanted to do but didn't because of size. Then go out and conquer the world.
  18. Sandra Nuelken

    Coffee 2 months out??

    Ensure max has a new protein drink out with 1 g of sugar and 30g of protein. Their cafe mocha has caffeine in it. Maybe get your caffeine and protein together. It doesn't seem as "acidy" as a coffee.
  19. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    Good luck you can do this! You'll sleep tomorrow then walk, walk, walk.
  20. Sandra Nuelken

    Mental Evaluation

    I go to a therapist that works with them, not one in their office. The contract therapists will always say you're ok or else they won't get more referrals. The person that my doctor was working in the office required 3 hours for her appointment the referral doctor just 2. It was easy peasy said I was happy when filling out the forms said I was happy so all over with that.
  21. I tried Ensure Max cafe mocha while taste testing protein drinks. This is really good and has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee so you can kill two birds, protein and coffee. I'm not sure about I'm not sure I'd do chili the beans and spices may be an issue. Share what kind of chili you were able to eat.
  22. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery, you got this and you can do this.
  23. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery. The surgery and anesthesia was always the easy part as I was asleep, it is the get-up and move part that scares me. I had the lap band 11 years ago and that was one of my first surgeries. Since then it has unfortunately become a yearly event this last couple of years. Keep us posted and I'll wish for the best for you.
  24. Sandra Nuelken

    June 2019 sleevers

    Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Just go forward one step at a time, the prize is amazing. I had a lap band and lost over 100 pounds and the new life was so much better than any food. You will become a fine-tuned engine and now only give yourself what you need protein first. I am finding some amazing protein drinks to help me along. Good luck and keep us updated.
  25. Sandra Nuelken

    Not telling anyone

    When I had my lap band I told no one. I taught middle school 8th grade and they can be a bit snarky. So I'm going along each morning sipping my protein drink and slowly dropping pounds. I think it was about Feb. when the girl in the back of the room asked in the middle of class, "are you dying or are you getting skinny for a reason". I decided to share with them so they wouldn't worry. I also had for months the loudest growling stomach. I wasn't hungry it was just constantly loudly complaining. It was a real distraction during our state testing, we tried not to laugh. I found just telling them you're ok and trying to be a better version of you is all people really want to know.

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