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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Azlanie

  1. Azlanie

    Concerned about Slow Progress

    Everyone's body works differently. While I had a different procedure than you did, I can tell you that I have periods of stall, plateau, followed by a loss. Sometimes I only lose weight 1 or 2 weeks out of the month but those losses tend to be significant. If you stick to the program, follow your surgeon and dietitian's plans...it WILL come off!
  2. Azlanie

    Thirty-year-old sleevers

    I was sleeved when I was 34, now 35. I'm still within my first year and learning something new about myself and my pouch every day. I did not have any issues with recovery outside of the normal pain and swelling the first few days post op. I even surprised my boyfriend's primary care doctor when I accompanied him to an appointment less than a week later! I have sagging and loose skin in the usual problem areas: upper arms, stomach, back and upper thighs. I have found that being sure to get in my fluids and moisturizing has been critical in reducing itch and how dry the extra skin folds are becoming. If I miss fluids by 8 or more ounces a few days in a row I FEEL it! I'm a shut in socially (even before Coronavirus) but I have found myself looking forward to social outings more when I have the opportunity. My clothes fit better (and are much smaller than they were before). I have more energy. I just feel "better" than I have in a long time. My coworkers have been extremely supportive, as have the few friends and family that I associate with on a regular basis. My advice would be to really take advantage of any nutritionist appointments you can get through your physician's office and insurance. I feel like I wasted some of my early time in navigating what I could and could not eat and my loss has been slower than anticipated. I know this is directly correlated to some of my not so balanced choices. It really sucks questioning how much of each nutrient you should get in a day after a certain stage. Get active when you can - I have been doing low impact walking and resistance training since 2 months out when I was given the go ahead to really move around more and I feel like it has done me *so much* good. This has given me so many more opportunities for the future and I am SO happy I did it!
  3. I have struggled the past few weeks, being cooped up. My body has always been "slower" to lose weight and I am very happy with my progress so far. I imagine I am someone who will not get 'close' to goal until 18 months out or more. A few weeks ago, I went back to basics. I tossed out all of my full fat condiments and cheeses. I started getting in more cardio (winter had not done me any favors) and I bought some new resistance bands so I have no more excuses. I am super close to one-derland so I have lots of motivation I started out wearing 24/26 clothes and I comfortably fit into 14/16s. I felt my collarbones for the first time since probably grade school a few months ago. I can see the outline of my muscles underneath the sagging excess skin. I can absolutely see my face gains! So glad to see so many success stories - August was a great month for us! Can't wait to hear how you all are doing a year later =D
  4. I've purchased several! I love the "everything" and the ranch! I put it on my chicken with a little bit of cooking spray and saute away. It gives it an almost saucy mouthfeel when done in the pan. Also great on veg. I was not impressed by the cheese one, sadly. I also have the pumpkin pie one...I add it to Fage total 0 all the time and it is AMAZING. I highly recommend! Absolutely give these things a try, but your tastes will differ from mine.
  5. Azlanie

    I hit 100 pounds lost today!

    Woo!! Congratulations, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
  6. Hi Machalo! I'm six months out, and a little over 70 lbs down. I started shopping in the standard sized section a few months ago, and I bought my first pair of size large pants about a week ago! I still wear baggier tops when I am wearing my more form fitting bottoms, but if I am wearing a generous sized pant, I will wear something a little tighter on top. Slowly but surely getting used to the changes in my body and can't wait to go shopping again!
  7. I know that we are starting to gain momentum in the August club. How is everyone doing? Have you gone back to work yet? How are you getting in your fluids and protein? I was sleeved on Wednesday 8/14. Yesterday was my first day home, and it was rough! I keep sip sip sipping but I know o am falling short on intake. I took a shower by myself just now, and I can get up and down off the sofa and our of my chair with only a moment of sharp pain. I hope everyone else is doing well
  8. Azlanie

    Slow down

    We all lose at our own pace! The first full month the weight generally flies off...you have to remember, you are releasing all of the fluids from surgery, you are on a liquid and soft diet for the majority of it...there are so many reasons WHY the weight loss slows down. I like to remind myself when I am feeling disappointed in my losses that I would not have even come THIS close if I were trying to lose weight on my own. I think back to all of my prior attempts through Atkins, Weight Watchers, exercise...and realize that this tool is a miracle and I need to give it time. If you stick to the rules that your program has set forth the weight WILL come off.
  9. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    I use unflavored isopure in many of my recipes (puddings, yogurts, soups, even meatloaf etc) to give myself an additional protein boost where I can. For the most part I am drinking premier and six star protein as mentioned above - in the premade, single serve shakes. I am looking to spice it up a bit since I am starting to get bored with the flavors I have had so far.
  10. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    Premier came out with a Pumpkin flavored protein. I ordered it off of Amazon, hopefully it tastes good. I've had some of the six star protein items as well, and they are "ok". I feel like they have a stronger aftertaste than others. Any other brands (premade is best, however I am willing to try a mix!) worth giving a shot? I am still relying on protein supplements to even get close to my daily goals.
  11. Azlanie

    Gastric bypass or sleeve

    Research both options. You have to be honest with WHY you are having this surgery. I went with sleeve for two reasons - I was a chronic over eater and never felt "full" enough after a meal, so I crammed more into my mouth, and I wanted to avoid more long term complications. My surgeon was extremely thorough when he was going over the options (Bypass, SIPS, and Sleeve). He said that he recommends the sleeve for all patients unless there is something intrinsically wrong with anatomy or another major concern (I do not remember them all, do not want to misrepresent why I made the choice I did). The surgery is easier on the body (no complete rerouting of your plumbing) and when guidelines are followed the difference in weight loss is less than 5%. Most people that have complications have them within the first three to six months. Complications with bypass can occur even years out. There is no malaborption, but a vitamin is mandatory with both procedures. No matter what decision you make, be sure that you are thinking about your future - your long term goals, and how this surgery will change your life! No matter what you decide you will be happier and healthier for it if you follow the rules =D
  12. Azlanie

    Weight loss

    Yup! Most of us have a stall around the time you start introducing more and more solids. Make sure you focus on your protein and water goals, walk and exercise when allowed, and follow your guidelines. The stall seems scary but if you work the program, the program works for you!
  13. Azlanie

    Hope this isn't crass

    I was ok within 2 weeks as long as there was no pressure on my abdominal area. I felt back to "normal" in roughly 4 weeks, where normal activity was resumed.
  14. You can still submit a written request for your medical records, you have a right to those. I would call around to the bariatric offices (or whomever you are seeing) in your area and inquire if they could help you out. If you find one that works with your insurance (if you are insured) make an appointment and get their phone and fax number. Provide that information to your old surgeon's office and they can fax them over so you do not need to worry about carrying to the appt
  15. I am very recently post op. My surgeon sent my PCP a very detailed letter on how to care for me for the rest of my life. He stipulated certain things like what vitamins I should be taking and when, what sort of long term effects I may experience and any disorders that may occur due to certain complications. I am not sure how many other surgeons do this, but if you can call your surgeon's office, you can request that they send documentation and any long term care instructions to a primary care doctor or other practitioner you have been following up with. I would also ask them about the side effects you are having. I would highly suggest having your doctor also send copies of your medical records in the event they are not a part of your chart at your new doctor's office.
  16. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    I went to my one month post op appointment earlier this week. I was terrified that I was not losing weight fast enough. Well, apparently, I was pretty wrong! I was shown the graph for the first time. There was a line for an estimated 70% of excess weight (the average that this surgeon expects from his patients), another line for 100% excess weight. and then there was a line for me...aiming for greater than 100% of excess weight. While I was very surprised that I was well ahead of the curve, the prospect of losing *that* much weight is pretty terrifying to me. Outside of that my energy is great, I have been cleared to exercise, have solid foods as tolerated, and pretty much go back to my every day life, minus binge eating, carbs and sugars. I am so thankful that I had this done well in advance of the Holidays! I have so much time to practice self control, to train my mind into making better decisions. I hope everyone else is doing just as fantastically as we move into 1 month post op and beyond!
  17. Azlanie

    24 hrs later

    I think I belched for the first time just before I was discharged, after I was allowed sips of water. I think I passed gas more than I belched in the first few days. I was just glad it was coming out somewhere! Walking definitely helps with the soreness, pressure and gas pain. Congratulations on a successful procedure!
  18. Cheers to your progress! I have been taking weekly pictures, and while I do not notice a difference in myself looking in the mirror, I DO notice when I look at my pictures. This has helped keep me motivated. Maybe it could help you, too
  19. I am getting close to a month post op I tend to eat roughly 2-3 oz of food per meal. I fill up on lean meats and eggs, mostly. I am still on soft foods so protein bars and chips/crackers are out of the question for me right now. I have no desire for crunchy foods, and I am hesitant to jump back in to some of my trigger foods (protein bars are reminiscent of candy bars to me, and chips...woo, I used to be able to put away a whole bag by myself!) so they may never come back for me. I use a scale to measure my food, and I have been using baby food containers, roughly 4 oz each, to store my pre-made meals in. When I first started my soft foods, I gained about 2 pounds and that quickly went away once I started to have more regular bowl movements. I have a fiber supplement in at least one of my water bottles per day, and I have been enjoying refried beans. I believe that those two things have been helping me stay regular. I drink plenty of water, and I still supplement my protein needs with one shake per day. My energy has mostly come back now that I am on soft foods. I am excited since I should get my "regular" or solid foods clearance next week! I hope you continue to do well. Just track and try
  20. Azlanie

    Avoiding dehydration

    I started drinking milk more often after surgery. I go for the fairlife or horizon milks, depending on what your prefer since it has some protein in it. I would also suggest the premier protein clear waters - they help you be hydrated AND get protein in, I am still struggling too. I've been trying to be sure that I wake up and drink before I eat, that way I can at least start off my day with something hydrating me. It gets better!
  21. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    Currently experiencing a three week stall...but, I am staying on top of my fluid and protein. I am walking as much as I can. Hoping to see the scale move a little bit this week. I'm feeling more normal than I have in the past month. Today marks the 1 month mark since I started my preop diet. WOW how time flies! Definitely excited to go home and have my soft meal of some salmon and mashed sweet potato with carrots!
  22. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    Today is my first day back at work in the office. I packed several protein shakes and my little baby food cups of beans and cottage cheese as I am on the puree stage. It feels good to be back in and to get some normalcy back into my routine. It has been so much easier to eat on schedule at work, to remember to take all of my supplements and to get a decent amount of water down. I still feel like I have an excess of gas (I am very quietly belching, for the most part) and I am looking forward to going home and taking a small walk around the apartment complex. I am just past two weeks post op and I feel pretty good! I feel like I am losing weight at a consistent rate, I noticed it was not as hard to run up the steps for work this morning as it had been in the past. My goals for next week: Weigh myself weekly, hit my water goal every day, and experiment with different foods that I have thus far not been able to really eat due to the full liquids I have now passed.
  23. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better! I just started purees today. I was so amazed that three bites of soft, scrambled egg was completely filling! I agree that the more solid textured foods sit heavier in the pouch. Granted I have one meal behind me on this but, still. I feel like I ate thanksgiving dinner + dessert right now! I have been working from home for a few days. I am excited to go back into the office on Thursday. I enjoy seeing my fur kids and working in my PJs but I am ready for normalcy!
  24. Azlanie

    Birth control

    I had an IUD placed in May, when I decided to really go for surgery since I know my fertility would increase as I lose weight. I do not have, nor do I want any children, so protecting myself is absolutely necessary! As far as hearing bad things about IUDs - there are different ones. Research them all! I know a lot of ladies who have, and love nexplanon with minimal side effects. I have a mirena and it has been serving me well so far. The last thing I want to worry about in this stage is my birth control!
  25. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    I had my one week followup with my surgeon's office today. My doctor was on vacation (lucky him!) so I was able to meet with another surgeon and I was told my incisions look great, that I can advance my diet to purees next week, and that I am good to work from home starting tomorrow through next Wednesday! The week since my surgery literally flew by. I feel like it has only been a few days. I am very pleased with how I am healing, with my pouch being tolerant of the cream soups and protein supplements I am feeding it. I was super excited to receive a few recipes from the dietitian today. The best news to me is that my blood pressure is already approaching normal range! I am so happy and so excited that I am already starting to see some of the payoff from undergoing the sleeve. I was "prescribed" two walks per day - one in the morning, one in the evening. How long do you all walk for? I am hoping to fit in 15 to 20 minutes each time but my stamina is still very, very low

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
