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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ssflbelle

  1. ssflbelle


    Did they say why they denied you?
  2. ssflbelle


    I am so sorry you too are having trouble with Aetna Insurance. I hope they give you an answer soon as the waiting is very stressful. I was done with my 6 months supervised diet the week of Thanksgiving in Nov of 2015 but was not able to have surgery until Jan 26 2016. I too had trouble with the PCP not writing the letter. Two days before Christmas I went unannounced to his office and told him what he did was not acceptable and that he was the reason for my not having the surgery in in 2015 as had previously been discussed. I was going to sit here until he took the time to write that letter. He had the office manager write it up as he had dictated it but it was not written. It was sent later that day and I finally heard after Christmas that I was approved. However the surgeon went on a vacation for Christmas and the New year so I was scheduled for the end of January. I unfortunately stayed with my PCP and now that I am ready for skin removal surgery and am having troubles with him again.
  3. ssflbelle


    Congratulations in losing the weight and getting married. With her by your side, life should be much happier for you. I wish you nothing but the best and continued weight loss and love.
  4. Wow! Great weight loss in 2 months. I am sure you will be to goal in a few more months. I bet you feel so much better. I wish I did. Don't get me wrong, my weight loss is fantastic just wished I could be walking better by now. However as it turns out that will not happen until they do my back surgery, perhaps in 2018
  5. I never was one to enjoy fish either, or at least the fish I could afford. I mainly just eat tuna and shrimp. I do eat a variety of protein. I am 15 months out and occasionly have only the vegetables and fruit I like. By the time I have eaten my protein there isn't much room for anything else. I am not sure if I should be cutting back on protein to try and get more vegetables and fruit in or not. Will be meeting with a NUT tomorrow to go over what types of foods I should be eating at this stage.
  6. Had my breast biopsy yesterday. Results should be told to me on Wednesday. Friends please  pray it is benign and the excess skin removal surgery can be reschedule soon. It has been 6 weeks since it was canceled. Never thought it would take that long to schedule a biopsy. 

    1. ProudGrammy


      fingers and toes crossed for good results. you must be on

      pins and needles waiting. good thoughts/vibes being

      sent your way:rolleyes: kathy

    2. ssflbelle


      Thanks Kathy Have been on pins and needles since March 20th when excess skin removal surgery was canceled because of this. Have let so many bad foods and drinks into my life due to the stress of having to wait 6 weeks for this biopsy. Hopefully tomorrow will be good results and I my stress will leave and I can get back to the food plan and the rescheduled surgery. Am seeing my NUT tomorrow and my mental health counselor Friday as I have really messed up during these 6 weeks and need to to get this back under control so I can get off the last 37 pounds.

    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Im praying for the best of your results. Had enough of cancer destroying lives. Send all love towards you.

  7. What a horrible calculator. I can't believe these numbers. I am 14 months post op and eat about 1000 calories, no more than 50 to 75 grams of carbs a day and 80 to 100 grams of protein. If I ate that many calories a day and all those carbs and so little protein, I would be 497 pounds in no time. Estimated Daily Caloric Needs: 2333 kcal/day Carbohydrate 262 - 379 grams 1 Protein 79 grams Fat 52 - 91 grams 2 Total Water* 2.7 Liters (about 11 cups)
  8. I am sorry I can't answer your question but I too would be interested in hearing how others will reply to your question. I was suppose to have a breast reduction/lift and a free nipple graft on March 21st. On March 20th the surgeon canceled my surgery as the mammogram and ultasound showed I have a microcalcification cluster in my left breast and need a biopsy. I went for a second opinion about the biopsy and while there explained to the second surgeon what the first surgeon was planning on doing. The 2nd surgeon said yes I did need the biopsy but also told me I would not be happy with the breast reduction lift if I didn't get implants. He said I didn't have enough dense breast tissue to create a proper mound. What is your Doctor saying? Do you have enough dense tissue for a nice mound? Have you gotten a second opinion? When is your surgery scheduled? Of course the first thing I have to get through is the biopsy. Then do I go with the first surgeon who states he can form a good mound (B cup) with all the excess skin ( was once 70 I) I have OR do I go with the surgeon who wants to do an implant? I really didn't want anything foreign in this 61 year old body. But I am not sure if I could be happy with a B cup. I too have a lot to think about before my breast reduction/lift is rescheduled.
  9. ssflbelle

    Medications and surgery types

    If any of these are nsaids you need to check with your surgeon about taking them after surgery. I was told to wait about 3 months before taking any nsaids.. Even to this day 14 months post op I have not taken them. The Doctor gave me a different pain med a few months before surgery that is not an nsaid and that is what I am still taking.
  10. ssflbelle

    Post Op clothes

    I wore a nice big caftan, mumu (people have different names for them) plus a sport bra as I didn't want the huge girls hitting on the incisions. When I did go out I wore elastic waist soft pants and a big soft shirt. The only incision pain I had was the first night and the next day in the hospital. Surgery was on a Tuesday 11 am, got to my room by 6 pm that night. I was home in my recliner by lunch time on Thursday. Slept in my bed that night and didn't wake up until the next morning. If you have a long drive home be sure you have a pillow on your lap and the bucket the hospital gives you. I had a 45 minute ride home and felt sick the whole way home but never had to use the bucket.
  11. I am 14 months post op, 61 years old and had been taking biotin for many years before the sleeve. There were no clumps of hair that fell out for me. I didn't lose any more hair than was normal for me than before the surgery. I get in all my protein and take all my vitamins. So I guess I am the exception to your statement "I know most if not all people loose hair or it thins badly" Thank Goodness I am as I would hate to lose any more hair than is normal for my age.
  12. I look forward to getting off the electric mobility device and being able to walk for more than 5 minutes without a cane and pain. Taking a walk on the beach, being able to bowl, and ball room dance are just a few things I haven't been able to do for over 27 years and I truly miss them. I thought once I lost the weight these things would happen. However now is appears that the only thing that might help is back surgery. The Doctor will not do it until I am at goal and all the excess skin has been removed,
  13. WOW maybe that is what happened to me also. Our company requires us to get fingerprinted every 5 years. Five years ago I had no problem what so ever in getting the fingerprint to register. In Feb the lady had a terrible time trying to get my fingerprints. She tried numerous times and even had me use a lotion. The machine kept beeping and she had to get special permission to use what she could get from the ring and pinky fingers as they were the worse.
  14. I have an update for my friends who are interested in knowing what has been going on. I had the consultation and was sent with all my mammograms and ultra sounds to the breast institute, filled out the paperwork. One week later they finally gave me a date for my breast biopsy. May 8th. It will be 8 weeks since I first found out there was a problem and my surgery was canceled. Can hardly wait for May 8th to get here and to find out if there is anything to be concerned about. Then do what needs to be done and get a rescheduled date to get these huge boobs taken off. I spent the last few days taking in the cups and sides of the last bra I bought. It was way too big now and the new B-C cup bras I bought for after the surgery will not fit. Some days were very difficult. Last week I tried to get an appointment with my mental health counselor. I can't see her until May 3rd. I hope she can help me deal with my stress and depression as a result of all that has been going on during the last month.
  15. I am not very happy about this last minute news I just got at 4 pm today. My tomorrow 7:30 am Breast reduction and FNG schedule has been cancelled. Now I have to schedule a Breast biopsy instead. They are saying I have a lump in my right breast. I am sure it is a fatty cyst but they will not do the surgery until the biopsy is done and comes back stating it is a cyst. I have had these cyst many times over the course of my 61 years and now that I am less than 24 hours before surgery they want to do a biopsy. Doesn't make sense to me. I had to do a lot of things to prepare for this including get substitute teachers and make up weeks of lessons plans, reports etc not to mention all the medical supplies and house cleaning and food prep etc and now it is not happening tomorrow.
  16. ssflbelle

    14 months post vsg

    abbey 123 I am right there with you in feeling, I feel I have lost as much as I can and will never get to my goal. I am at 15 months post op and still have about 37 more pounds till I get to my goal. Over the last 4 months I also have let carbs and sweets back in mainly due to a lot of stress and discouragement right now. I have a mental health counselor whom I haven't seen since 3 months post op. Called her on Friday and she can't see me until May 3rd. I know it is only 10 days away but feels like that day will not get here soon enough. Could there be something in your life right now that is causing some depression and making you choose carbs over the protein? Perhaps Newme17 is correct in her comments of not eating enough. Are you still tracking what your eating? OutsideMatchInside It is good to know from 14 -20 months you were still able to lose another 40. The stopping of carbs and sweets cold turkey for me is very difficult at this point. I have tried and after 2 days of no carbs or sweets I am driven back to them. Any other suggestions other than cold turkey for getting those foods back out of my life. I know if I could just stay away from them I might have a chance to get to goal. I see my Bariatric surgeon again in July. That will be 18 months post op for me and if I go back weighing the same as I did at 1 year post op my surgeon and I will be very disappointed in not getting to goal. Despite losing all that I have, I still feel like a failure due to still not being able to walk and workout like I know I should. My bike riding is just not giving me enough exercise and all the others ones make my back hurt way too much. I just wish the Doctors would have kept their word that at 250 they would have done the back operation. Now they are making me get to 180 and have all the excess skin removed before they will do anything. On top of that my excess skin breast removal surgery was canceled and now I have been waiting over a month for a biopsy. I just feel like the Doctors don't give a dam any more about my difficulties. So sorry for the rant but this depression is really getting to me. Can't wait until May 3rd maybe the mental health counselor can help get me on the right path again. Good luck Abbey 123 your not alone. By the way you are looking fantastic. I have a feeling you will be able to finish the process and get to your goal.
  17. I don't believe your age would be a factor in getting the sleeve, however your Doctors are the ones that would know best. I was 60 when I had my sleeve. If you eat protein first you will be full within a few bites the first several months. Later (in my case about 10 months post op) I was able to eat about 3 to 4 ounces of protein at a time. However there is nothing to stop you from eating carbs and sweets. At 14 months post op I am fighting with my head hunger due to a lot of stress and discouragement in my life due to medical conditions I have, not being resolved after the weight loss. I am glad I went with the sleeve as I didn't want to do any other surgery and this one has helped with the weight loss. Just wish my other medical problems would have gone away as well. But I guess when your bones give out at our age there isn't much that can be done.
  18. ssflbelle

    Question about breast surgery

    Dashofpixiedust8 I think we are in the same boat. This picture is not of me but that is how my boobs look when not in a bra. When you say disgusting I understand completely. If I had the opportunity to have gotten the sleeve and the boob job in my 30's I would have taken it. Don't let any one change your mind. I was suppose to have a reduction on March 21st but it was canceled by the Doctor, now I am waiting for a biopsy. I hate these boobs and the way I look. In addition to that stress of waiting for this biopsy I am also very depressed and disgusted by my inability to walk for more than 5 minutes due to severe back pain which can't be dealt with until the excess skin is removed. I thought with the sleeve I was going to get my weight down enough that I would be walking again. I still can't walk and now I have to wait until the excess skin on my breast and the rest of my body is removed before the doctor will operate on my back. I am a single 61 year old lady and have no children or family. I wish I had done things differently when I was younger.
  19. ssflbelle


    I was once a 70 I now squeezing these boobs into a 48DDD. My breast literally hand down to my belly button.I was scheduled for reconstruction on March 21st and less than 12 hours before the Dr called and canceled it. The 2 mammograms and utrasound showed microcalcifications. I have been waiting for over one month for my stupid insurance to approve and for a doctor to do a biopsy. Who knows what this biopsy will reveal when I am finally able to get it done. This whole process has me all stressed out and not eating correctly.
  20. It seems that between the insurance company and the Doctors involved no body was getting any of the information straight as to whether I needed approval and which doctor I was to go to see. So tomorrow is a consultation with a breast surgeon to look over my test results and see what he is going to do. I have to be there at 8 am. Hopefully after this consultation a date will be set for this biopsy. Come the 20th it will have been a month since my breast lift was canceled.
  21. ssflbelle

    Not a patient

    It is great that you want to encourage her but now really is not the time. She is still recovering from this surgery. Some of the advise others gave for this time of recovery were good ones. Get her mind off of the pain and the food she can't eat. Later when she has begun to eat food taking a walk with her and other easy things would be very helpful. I was not even allowed to ride my tricycle until 4 weeks after my surgery, when I was finally able to eat things like cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese sticks. Once I got some food I felt more energy returning and was even able to go back to work. However I didn't just have the sleeve. I also had a hernia repaired and my gallbladder removed.
  22. ssflbelle

    What am I thinking?!

    Glad to hear things are going well and your arms are feeling great. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures. I am sure they are looking even better then they were on day 2. Is this the last surgery you will have? After 3 weeks I finally have approval for a consultation for a biopsy. Monday will be the consultation and hopefully short after that I will have the biopsy. Never thought it would take this long. Hopefully the biopsy will be nothing and I can finally get the breast reduction, lift and FNG I need so badly. As far as new clothes I have been thinking about it and almost went to the outlet mall today but just couldn't do it. I started thinking how unfair it might be to get the sales clerk help and then maybe not even buying anything. I just didn't feel right about all the help they would need to give me because of being on the electric mobility device. So I guess I will try to take in my clothes for the 4th time and get new clothes after the breast surgery.
  23. I am in S E Florida and am 14 months post op. Where are the two of you?
  24. ssflbelle

    Weight Loss Chart

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, an elephant's heart plus a Guinea Pig WOW!
  25. I am a bit confused. I went on that site and saw that for that $100 a month you can get three things. You pay $100.00 each month and don't even get to keep the items you selected. At $100.00 a month that seems pricey to me or am I not understanding how this works. I have been afraid to buy anything as I hate shopping and I haven't any idea what size I would be. At my heaviest I was buying 2 of the same 5X blouses taking 10 inches out of the sides of one of them and adding it to the other blouse. I did buy a Walmart 3x in December as I needed to make it into a ugly shirt for a Christmas party. However since then I haven't bought anything. I have just been sewing in all my clothing. But I am tired of that as I have done it three times. Do any of the stores help you to determine your size and what looks good on you? I have not been in a true clothing store since I was in my 20's that is over 40 years ago. Everything in the last 40 year I have only bought out of a super sized catalog. Has anyone else who weighed as much as I did and lost as much as I have had these feelings and what did you do to get over them? I know I would look and feel better if I got better fitting clothing but I have no idea where to start. I have a huge amount of excess skin and am hiding in my 4 to 5 X tops and pants. I almost feel like I need my own Stacy and Clinton to tell me what to wear.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
