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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jaelzion

  1. I really wanted the bypass but it was medically contraindicated for me. I was super disappointed, but I went ahead with the sleeve. It's worked out well, I lost all the weight I needed to lose and had no major complications. The sleeve turned out to be right for me. So if GERD is an issue for you, the bypass may be the better option. Just do your research so you understand the pros and cons.

  2. No one can answer that question for you. Only you can decide whether you're up for a permanent change in your relationship with food. But we can share our experiences. Like many people, I had a tough first week after surgery, but by week 3, I was much better. I had no major complications and I lost all my excess weight. I have no regrets or complaints of any kind. There are lots of people on here just like me. The thing is, people are more likely to post about unusual or negative experiences, so you won't see a lot of folks logging on to post "Everything is still fine." So reading the posts can kind of skew your impression of how the surgery goes for most people. Complications happen, but it's more common to come through the surgery just fine, with no major problems. I wish you all the best in making your decision!

  3. 34 minutes ago, SummerTimeGirl said:

    Did your doctor's office suggest/push their brand or a brand that they carry or did you find and do your own? I'm asking because I had my final pre op meeting the other day and the nurse was pushing the Bariatric Advantage that the office carries. I asked if I could just use the Premier shakes since they have that listed as an acceptable shake and I already have a few cases handy and she said no, those are only for AFTER surgery. Not really explaining why or what the different was between them and why they couldn't be used pre surgery but could after.

    Anyway, what did you buy/use for your pre op? The paper she gave me to order the Bariatric Advantage lists 6 flavors and it says to pick two and the price is $90. I'm assuming that price is the total amount for BOTH. I guess compared to Premier it's cheaper to get that anyway. But looking at the nutrients they're not too far off from one another.

    So, what did you all use? I have to have 4 high Protein Shakes a day and 4 servings of non starchy veggies. NO MEAT!

    Thanks for your input.

    My pre-op was a 10 day liquid diet. My surgeon's office did have a suggested brand but it didn't agree with me (made my stomach sick). On my own, I researched and found a vegan Protein Shake that didn't upset my tummy. The macros were almost the same, so they gave it a thumbs up.

  4. On 4/6/2021 at 7:40 PM, Rustysgirl said:

    Who has had their surgery the longest time ago? How has it been long term? Any regrets? Any regain? How did you jumpstart losing again? Any tips or recommendations?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I'm just two years out. I'm still learning to navigate maintenance but I have no regrets or complaints of any kind. When I need to lose a few pounds, I cut out processed foods, lower carbs, and focus on Protein. So far it works for me.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Tim C said:

    I am not quite 2 months post op and have no hunger which is really incredible. My surgeon said that some people have no hunger for up to 4 years. I hear others on here are hungry all the time and didn't experience no hunger. Since the portion of your stomach that creates the hunger hormone has been removed I really don't understand (but sure someone will tell me) why some folks are hungry and some are not. How long did the no hunger phase last for you?

    I had no hunger for at least six months, like NONE. Then it slowly returned but it's still only 60% of what it was pre-surgery. I get hungry now, but less often and less intensely than before I was sleeved.

  6. 7 hours ago, ColoRad Gal said:

    Is this normal? I am 4 weeks and 2 days post op sleeve. I am consuming 60-80 gm Protein and drinking 64 oz Fluid every day. My calorie intake is 400-600 per day. I am supposed to be at least walking for exercise. I do about half the time but I am so weak. I get lightheaded and nauseous frequently. I am just too weak to do anything. When will this end? I want to feel alive again.

    Were you actually told to keep your calories that low? 600 was more like my floor than ceiling. I ate between 600-800 calories for the first few months and then a steady progression to 800 where I stayed for some time. 400 just seems really low. Have you talked to your team about this?

  7. I was eating regular food by the start of week 5. My recovery was a little weird. I couldn't eat at all for two weeks (I lived on clear Protein Drinks during that time). Then I got better in week three and went from clears to full liquids to purees to soft food to regular food pretty quickly. I don't have any major issues at this point. Ground beef doesn't sit well on my tummy to this day, so I just don't eat it. But I can basically eat whatever I want, including occasional treats like a piece of cake or pie. Some things I don't like as much as I did before surgery (barbecue is the best example) and some things I like more now. But at Thanksgiving last year, I had fun tasting all my favorites and then I got right back on plan the day after. So I don't feel restricted or deprived. When I really want something and it's worth it to me, I go ahead and have it, but not huge portions and not often.

  8. I’m 95% sure I want to move forward with sleeve surgery but, I’m scared. The bulk of my fear is that I’m going to do irreparable damage to my body... or that I’m going to go through all of this and nothing will change, I’ll fail and still be this heavy (or will lose very little weight).

    1. Did you feel the same way?

    Absolutely. I really didn't have confidence that the surgery would work for me. I wasn't overly afraid of complications, but I did fear that I would have the surgery and lose only a few pounds.

    2. Are you glad you did it?

    I'm super-glad I did it. I had no major complications. I haven't had any real problems adjusting to my new way of eating. Best of all, I lost all my excess weight, reaching a normal BMI for the first time since I was 10 years old.

    3. Do you have any regrets?

    I regret waiting so long. However, for various reasons, I know the time was right when I did it. I might not have been as successful earlier because my circumstances were different.

    4. What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before you had surgery?

    "Hey, it's really going to suck for the first week or two after surgery. Don't worry, almost everyone has a tough time at first. But your tummy will heal and before you know it, your new way of eating will be second nature."

  9. Most vets advise that you start slowly with alcohol at first, because it may affect you differently than before surgery. So it might be a good idea to try a glass of wine at home, where it doesn't matter if it ends up hitting you really hard. Then you'll have some idea of how much you can drink while you're out and be okay. Also, be careful that alcohol doesn't become a substitute coping mechanism to replace the food you can't eat anymore. It might sound alarmist but transfer addictions have happened to people (I had to check myself because I found myself shopping to get the emotional soothing I used to get from food). Other than that, factor those calories into your into plan and enjoy!

  10. It's called "Orthostatic Hypotension". Your blood pressure drops when you stand up, making you feel dizzy and light-headed. It's really common in people who have lost a lot of weight quickly. For some people, this goes away in time. I still have it, but then I had it before surgery, so...

    https://www.dssurgery.com/orthostatic-hypotensionintolerance/#:~:text=One of the possible side,a seated or reclined position.

    One of the possible side effects of rapid weight loss after undergoing weight loss surgery is orthostatic hypotension or orthostatic intolerance. These terms describe a significant drop in blood pressure upon standing from a seated or reclined position.

    Treatments may include increasing hydration, Protein intake, changing medications and treating anemia. Also, allowing time for the body to adjust to the rapid weight loss if all the underlying issues are within normal limits. If symptoms persist, after all underlying issues are investigated, the patient will need to be diligent with hydration, protein intake, supplements and other treatments. Things that may also help is to slow down in moving from one position to the other, take a moment to adjust to your new position. Compression stocking and increasing salt intake can also help if all other causes are investigated. Post prandial hypotension can be avoided with low carbohydrate and small meals. Also, moderately increasing salt intake can improve symptoms.

  11. It was similar for me right after surgery. I was unable to eat or even drink Protein Shakes for the first couple of weeks. I lived on clear Protein Drinks during that time and I basically had to sip all day long to stay hydrated. I had to take tiny sips as well because anything more was very painful. You are still VERY early in recovery and that first week after surgery is tough. The good news is that as the swelling goes down and your tummy heals, you will be able to drink and eat (at least purees or shakes). Stay in touch with your surgeon's office and run by them anything that concerns you. But hang in there, it gets better (for me by week 3). Hugs. 🤗

  12. 5 hours ago, Baba Raba said:

    Hello Bariatropals,

    So, a week out of surgery and I am wondering what percentage of excess weight have you lost?

    By excess weight, I mean the extras kilos over your ideal heathy weight BMI.

    I was 128 kg/ 282 lbs pre op. (3 weeks prior to surgery)
    I was 118kg / 260 lbs, on surgery day (3 weeks after my initial consult)
    I am 114kg / 251lbs, 8 days post surgery.

    My ideal is 72kg/160lbs. I doubt I will get there because everything I read says 60% excess.

    Interested how you guys are going and if there is anyone with similiar stats. I am 170cm/5'7 tall.

    I lost all of mine. When I told my surgeon I wanted to get down to a healthy BMI, he gave me the stats on average loss and how many people lose all their extra weight. And then he added, "But those are averages, some people lose more and some less. There's nothing stopping you from being one of those who loses a lot more than average." And that's how it worked out. So, you can be realistic and optimistic at the same time! Make the most of the surgery and see where you come out.

    Peterson says my ideal weight is 115, but I'm comfortable and happy at 121. I have occasionally dropped down to 119 and I didn't like how I looked at all.

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