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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Jennifer22672

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  • Birthday 02/26/1972

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  1. Hi Jennifer22672;

    so glad to hear your moving right along.  I’m soo excited for tomorrow myself - I just want tomorrow to hurry up and get here!

    Look forward to watching your weight loss journey along with so many others here on bariatricpal.


  2. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Good luck to all those still having surgery this month. I hope everything goes well. To all those who have already had surgery, how are things going? I had my bypass on April 11th. At my 2-week follow-up appointment last week, I was down 10.5 pounds. My doctor said I was on track, they hope to see a 10% loss of excess weight at that first appointment. I was at 14%. I weighed this morning and I have lost 4 more pounds since then. So, while I’m not losing a huge amount, I am very glad to see the scale going in the correct direction. 👍🏻 I am eating soft foods (cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheese, eggs, tuna, etc). I am a pescatarian (no meat except seafood) so I am struggling to find a variety of protein choices. I am not in any pain and my energy level is almost back to normal. My most annoying problem (and I never thought I would have this problem!) is not wanting to eat at all. I know I have to have protein, but it is hard to force myself to eat sometimes. It is an odd feeling. I am struggling with not wanting any food. I get my 64 oz liquids in easily, though.
  3. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    It has been one week since my gastric bypass. I had a rough start due to some leftover scar tissue from previous surgeries. Because of bleeding, I ended up in the hospital for four nights instead of the expected one. Since being released, though, things are going really well. I’m not having any difficulty drinking the required amount of liquid. I have been drinking water, Crystal Light, V8, Gatorade Zero, and my protein shakes. I have been driving for a few days with no problems. I feel pretty normal except for being pretty tired. I have had almost zero pain (from day one) from my surgical sites. I am sending good vibes to those of you waiting for your April surgery.
  4. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I am finally home! I’m not happy that I had to spend five days in the hospital, but it is nice to be feeling pretty good when I came home. My hemoglobin level did drop .1 from yesterday, but it wasn’t enough of a drop to warrant a transfusion or for me to stay another day. So I am free! I just have to make sure to go immediately to the ER if I have any bloody vomit or diarrhea since my hemoglobin is already so low. Now that I’m home I am just trying to get in a schedule of drinking water, protein drinks, Crystal Light, etc and taking my supplements.
  5. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Thank you for your support. My hemoglobin level went down to 7.9 on my second blood draw of the day, so I am having to stay another night in the hospital. I am no longer vomiting blood or having bloody diarrhea, so that is good news. My period started out of the blue (my period just ended a few days before surgery). Right now that is the only blood loss I’m experiencing. If my hemoglobin count is better in the morning, I will get to go home. If it goes below 7 I will have to have a blood transfusion. Please pray that my level goes up. As far as the bypass, I have no pain and am on no pain medication at all. It is easy to keep up with the water and protein shakes as long as I keep on top of it. Thank you again for your support. I know this is just a small hiccup in my journey and I will be very happy that I went through this.
  6. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I’m still in the hospital. 😕 The vomiting has stopped, but now I am expelling all the old blood out the other end. I feel SO much better, though. My stomach pain and nausea are completely gone. They did a blood test this morning to make sure I didn’t lose too much blood. They will be repeating the blood test in about an hour. If that looks good, I get to go home today. The doctor said I had so much blood because of the scar tissue left behind from other abdominal surgeries. Today, I am not having any trouble drinking my water and protein shakes. I’m just ready to get home.
  7. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Sorry I haven’t updated, I have had a rough couple of days since my surgery. I had my bypass on Thursday morning. My incision pain has been minimal. My problem has definitely been nausea. I was supposed to go home Friday, but I was so nauseous and in pain, they kept me yesterday. Yesterday was the worst day. I probably threw up 14-16 times. It was scary because it looked like blood when I threw up. They tried at least 4 types of anti-nausea medicines. But I still couldn’t even keep water down. They kept me last night so they could give me IV hydration. So now it is Sunday morning. I am SO hoping that I will go home tomorrow. I haven’t thrown up since about 8:00 last night. I have been able to take tiny sips of water. I have always had trouble with nausea after surgeries, but this has definitely been the worst. I am trying to think of long term results of this surgery.
  8. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I think I’m ready! I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30 and my surgery is at 9:30. Hopefully I didn’t forget to do anything.
  9. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I love hearing about everyone who has already had their surgery. I hope you all are recovering well. My bypass is tomorrow, so I am on a clear liquid diet all day today. I have to drink magnesium citrate today also. I know that is supposed to “clean out” my digestive track 😃, so I am a little nervous about the timing. I have to leave the house to get my girls from school and I need to go to Target at some point today. I really don’t want any embarrassing bathroom situations to occur. Other than that, I am going to pack my bag today and do some cleaning around the house in case I don’t feel like doing that for a while. I also need to remember to have my husband take some “before” pictures tonight. I hope I’m not forgetting anything!
  10. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Good luck to those having surgery! I have my final pre-op appointment tomorrow. I will get to talk to the surgeon and will be starting my pre-op diet. It is starting to feel real now.!
  11. Jennifer22672

    Can they revoke insurance approval?

    I’m also worried about this. I got insurance approval last week and my surgery is scheduled for April 11th. My BMI is 35.1 (I also have sleep apnea). I was told not to lose more than two pounds. The care coordinator said they will weigh me in the hospital before surgery and my BMI will have to be above 35 or my insurance will not pay. It is crazy that I am worried about losing weight before weight loss surgery. I start my pre-op diet on April 5th. I am hoping that my weight will be ok on my surgery date!
  12. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    I can’t believe how close April 11th is! I have my pre-op appointment with my surgeon next Friday, April 5th. I start my pre-op diet on that day. I am very excited and a little nervous.
  13. Jennifer22672

    Any other female amputees?

    I am also an amputee (right leg above the knee) due to a car accident 24 years ago when I was 23 years old. I am scheduled for gastric bypass on April 11th. My weight was not a problem until after I had my second daughter at age 40. I had such a hard time losing my pregnancy weight. It was a vicious cycle. The more weight I gained, the harder it was to get around with my prosthesis. The less I walked, the more weight I gained. Finally, I decided that weight loss surgery was my best option. I am hoping to lose 60 pounds. I would love to hear how things went for you and how you think being an amputee affected your experience.
  14. Jennifer22672

    Any Pescatarians?

    I haven’t had red meat or poultry in 28 years, but I do eat some fish (pescatarian). I am having gastric bypass surgery on April 11th. I was hoping to see if there are any other pescatarians who have advice for me. I’m trying to plan what I will be drinking in the liquid phase of my recovery. I’m also thinking ahead to ways to increase protein later. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!
  15. Jennifer22672

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    There are quite a few of us on April 11 😃

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