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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by polly...

  1. Has anybody heard of or done the pouch tightening procedure using an endoscopic procedure with the surgeon applying sutures through the inside of the stomach? Don't know the name of it, sorry. Presently Googling it. TY in advance. 😁
  2. Yeah, it doesn't sound very experimented with enough.
  3. Hello people! I'm 4 years out from RNY, lost 35 pounds total (non compliance) and am very, very eager to start over. My hubby is going to go on the South Beach Diet (prescribed by Surgeon) WITH me, so support, support, support. ❤️ We've started to eat better already, but for financial bs that will be resolved on July 3, we will be starting full on that day. So, I'm refreshing up on what I'm to do as a WLS patient. I haven't seen my surgeon in years due to, 1. Financial inability, 2. Shame, and 3. He had said some awful things about my various severe mental health issues that exacerbated the issues. I'm in very active psychotherapy. But, I will go back when I can come up with the money. I can't make up money that I don't/won't have. But anyway. I have a question, let me set it up. For years, I've been eating, drinking and consuming an average persons amount of food with no problems. On many occasions I filled my stomach with larger amounts of food that an RNY should not have held. I seriously want to eat bariatric portions now. If my stomach accepted volumes of food above the amount they/and you say should not fit, will a bariatric portion be enough? Or have I stretched my stomach. I've heard both sides on stretching pouches, don't know what to believe as to if that actually happens long term. And, I'm not convinced about the so called Pouch Reset. Can or should I revert to bariatric portions given this history? Is it still possible for me, at 308 to shoot for losing over 150 pounds if I do all the right things, or have I ruined that possibility? I am, for many reasons, chair bound most of the time except for my one day a week security officer job. We are joining the YMCA (pool) for "self physical therapy". Several docs working on my physical issues to get me mobile. I MUST lose a lot of weight in adjunct to surgeries, orthopedic devices and medication to get less painfully mobile. Any comments? Please, no hostility.
  4. polly...

    Almost 5 yrs out

    Thank you, hmwilcox578. Yes, I AM alive! And Id like to stay that way. So, you think it's doable to lose 150#'s this late? I mean, any lose is very good and putting the right foods in my body will certainly be good for me regardless. I'm actually very excited (and pessimistic at the same time this late in the game) to start over. Having my wonderful husband, bestest friend support me in this (it doesn't hurt that he recently got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and HAS to eat right) is a massive weight off my shoulders. He was a cook all his life, now retired, and he does all the cooking, VERY imaginative, talented and now educated. We're starting our journey on July 3. Me, a little more strict, but he's now willing to break things down (measurements) for me, in the dinner area. I'm again trying MFP to track myself as well as a food journal. But finding the updated MFP to be hard to understand but I'll get it. If I can survive and flourish with my mental illnesses, I would certainly hope I can do this! I'll be doing EMDR with this issue. My therapist is Awesome, loyal, relentless, educated and we really have a great relationship of 10 years. Lots more work ahead of us. I'm just trying to get peoples' input on using bariatric portions after 4 years of (other peoples') normal to large portions I've been eating. I mean, I don't eat much, but, the wrong things. I'm looking for answers? to whether bariatric portions is advisable so late in the game. If it will work, I'm ALL for doing it. Just don't know because I've never seen on here a situation exactly like mine. I should see my surgeon but I am deeply terrified. Trying to talk myself into it, but as you may well know, the Mind plays tricks. More work in therapy I guess. I'm SO proud of your major accomplishment and continued success! YOU must be very, very proud. It must suck having overhang. That would get on my nerves, but the alternative is that it's full of fat, which it's not. Yay! Be proud and shine like you did here, you deserve the attention and praise. Plus, you give hope to people like me. Keep on with the great success!
  5. polly...

    Almost 5 yrs out

    Congrats on your success! You look, and must feel, wonderful! You're quite the inspiration!
  6. Can you explain Sleeving the pouch for me?
  7. Thank you Sose.... I uploaded My Fitness Pal. Now to figure it out!
  8. Yes, but that's weight creeping BACK IN. I only lost 35#'s after RNY and still there. Not the same. But thank you, friend. 😊 How are you? I'm working 3rd shift as a security officer right now. Bored. 2:45 AM here.
  9. Frustr8, thank you so much for your share! I dont know why "it" makes sense, maybe I do. IDK. I so deeply believed I could be compliant. With WLS I wanted to be an all or nothing girl. Seems I defied myself and went "nothing". Im mad at myself because I know very well WLS as well as reality is full of greys. I wanted to be the Conqueror of food addiction, wls, etc. Whrn I couldn't be perfect I got mad and gave up. I still battle with that thinking. I imagine many of us do. I've been and and am still in a VERY intense, long time "relationship " with the best therapist on Earth. Unfortunately I've had to focus on other iminant issues and had little time and/or desire to truly attack the food addiction and other traumas related to it. I'm very, very complicated, 🤣🤣 lol. But I've overcome A LOT so that is why I chose now to "go there". So....I'm there, in the here and now. My husband is newly diabetic so he has to eat properly/well now to so were doing it together. I feel for you when you mentioned feeding Tomkitten! It was SO hard when hubby, who used to be a chef, would make s@#t food all the time. I cant cook for squat, and currently cant stand or walk, so he does the cooking. Luckily hes a good boy with his food choices and cooking techniques. ❤ So were doing it Together! I know I am very blessed in this regard, many are not. Frustr8, when was your surgery, and how well are you doing now? It certainly sounds like you are doing your best. Are you having a hard time keeping food down? A soup you could try is homemade egg drop. Easy peasy! I do know that soups, when eaten in certain patterns, is a slider food. I tend to stay away from those unless I balance it with the rest of my food. See? I'm trying. Just not enough for my taste. Get it? Taste? LOL. One last thing in this novel. I cannot find, hard as I may try, seem to find anyone who got WLS and failed to follow the rules and lost very little weight. Especially years out. I've seen people who slid backwards and gained some weight, but they all lost most of their weight and got close to or at their target weight. It would make me feel a whole lot better if I knew I wasn't the only one. Not better for that person, just better knowing I'm not alone in my specific situation. I need to hear more stories like mine, it would help me not to punish myself so much knowing I'm not alone. Thank you very, very much for conversing with me, you've made me feel that much better. Really. ❤
  10. Hello there. I am trying to jump back on the wagon after about 2 years of non compliance with my Surgeons mandatory South Beach Diet. Or any diet. Having eaten as a non dieter for so long, what portions should I start with? I mean, other than common sense. I'm morbidly obese, 300#'s, 5'4". Is it advisable to try to go back on post surgery portions? I would think doing that would be inadvisable given that I spent 2 years eating at whim. But I really don't know. I've read that that would be too taxing on the system and not doable for long term. Again, I don't know. I'm doing this on my own because I have yet to repair some "tensions", in nice words, with my Surgeon and his staff. He had some awful things to say about my mental health issues, PTSD among them, as they related to compliance, and I couldn't/can't get past that. I'm working on it very hard in therapy as I'd like to eventually go back and continue with professional care.
  11. Wow, I'm excited to read ALL of it! That's my kinda stuff! Thank you soooo much Sosewsue61! Much love 💙💜💙💜💙💜
  12. polly...

    Meds and bypass

    If possible stay away from the steroids. I had taken them and found out they were the cause of me developing a stomach ulcer Would this apply to steroid injections in the foot?
  13. Can you add PP to things that are going to be baked, or very hot?
  14. Well, I'm 3 years out RNY. I got down from surgery weight of 335 to 265, gained back to 300, there since then. I do not follow the rules at all. My fault. I was not a good candidate for WLS, but I slipped through. My surgeon, last I saw him, was very crass and kinda cruel so I wont go back. I have to make peace with that and go back but I'm deathly afraid. In therapy working on it. I failed because I knew what I was getting into and couldn't/wouldn't go with the program. I'm in a much better place now, and am reading for the umpteenth time the Agaston South Beach Diet that my surgeon puts all his patients on. I'm quite amazed at the damage I've done and am doing to my body and heart, etc. I've started cleaning my house of toxic foods and am trying to budget a proper shopping list. It's not easy, never expected it to be. I just didn't know I'd go so far from the right direction. I'm mad at myself. But I'm learning in therapy how to turn that into good energy and productive power. It's all up to me. It's all in my hands and that horrifies the crap out of me. But the facts I'm reading about proper diet/nutrition are scaring me into compliance. I'm excited but terrified to jump back on board. I've forgotten a lot. I hope this all makes sense.
  15. Can you sprinkle or add in unflavored PP to baked goods, etc or does that affect it negatively? Any adjustments necessary?
  16. Veggie-based Protein and Calcium. Gluten Free. Awesomeness!
  17. Hello! I am interested in starting the pouch reset. I saw here on BP the "meal plans". They mentioned often what brands I should eat/drink and I'd like to know if anybody had a more generic ( besides protein powder) version of these stated meals. I am beyond poor and can only afford one type of powder. In the past I enjoyed Syntax mixed flavors. I never feel restriction and I'm hoping the reset will help in going forward, just don't know an affordable way to do it. Thanks in advance. ❤
  18. I am 3 yrs out, RNY. I haven't ever had or have now any sense of restriction. I never get that full feeling. I mean, at dinner, I rarely eat all of it, something just says in my head, ok now, stop. I just don't know how it feels to be satiated. I admittedly have stuffed my face, and I feel full but I want to eat normally all the time. I feel like my stomach is an endless pit. I eat small portions of the Wrong things. Graze. VERY BAD I know. I'm getting satisfaction from the sweets, etc but missing the proper satiety. Will I ever feel that? Dont be rude, but scold if you must. I need help.
  19. polly...

    Stomach, Endless Pit

    You couldn't be more right. Thank you for your honesty.
  20. polly...

    Stomach, Endless Pit

    Not usually. Maybe I do. I dont know. If I really look back, I might find that I eat slider type food. Bad. I'm reassessing my food right now while I'm stuck here at work. Pondering, analyzing, wondering.
  21. Good Lord, thank you. I'm gonna have to reread this just to digest it, pun intended. 🤣 Bless you for living and defying, you're an inspiration. 💜
  22. polly...


    I'm a "newbie" veteran. Current weight, 308. Goals...to push through my internal bs and restart this thing. Surgery:RNY Did I do this right?
  23. polly...

    Affordable pouch reset diet?

    Thanks! What do you think of sprinkling PP on food?
  24. polly...

    Affordable pouch reset diet?

    Very sound choices and reasons. I hate breakfast but I can push yogurt. I'm trying to decide on protein powder or bars.
  25. polly...

    Affordable pouch reset diet?

    Man, that's a LOT of protein! In my "new" beginning, should I keep yogurt, (slider) type foods as a go to snack food or would that just jump right through my stomach, with nothing to really "sit" in there for a while? I understand about density, just wondering about yogurt, as it's high in protein.

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