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Posts posted by Panda333

  1. On 1/12/2020 at 11:59 AM, CapyCapybara said:

    For whatever I’m allowed to identify myself as (hahaha) ....
    I’m extremely frustrated. There’s a post going on about my surgery month. Essentially it’s a check in thread. People have posted that they have lost 4 xs the amount as I have and some who had surgery almost a week after me have had lost almost double . Congrats and awesome to them. But I’m so frustrated hahaha

    I am NOT saying F the doctors, F the plan , F the surgery it doesn’t work .... I’m simply venting my frustration of not losing as fast as my surgery twins or surgery month people. I think it’s good to have this so people can vent and know they aren’t the only ones. Or “Hey homegirl/boy, me too, this shiiizz is frustrating as hell but we got this .” Instead of just feeling like a failure in the corner

    As far as stalls ... I have nothing to contribute. I’ve been on one but I am having a feeling monthly visitor is contributing. Seeing my team tomorrow so I’ll return with whatever feed back they give me .

    I know some have stated they wanted to post or been lurking because they are scared to post. If you need to just vent about it - my inbox is open. I’m a newbie to this but I know it can be helpful just to get this **** off your chest ! Good luck to everyone

    This is how I feel @CapyCapybara.people who had surgery the same month as me and losing faster and I wonder what I'm doing wrong, taking Vitamins before of after Breakfast making a difference? the thoughts that go into my mind are sooo negative..... then I remember I'm a year from being a senior citizen and it's going to be slower and that's okay. I have pcos and years of being fat......scale is down every time I weigh so....how bad is that?!!! Love this board for support.

  2. On 1/20/2020 at 4:45 PM, Wendyfm said:

    I lost a total of 100 pounds . Thirty before my surgery, 70 pounds afterwards. It took me twelve months to lose that seventy. I too saw people losing ten pounds a week. I think those people are the extreme.
    Slow and steady is good. Be prepared for frustration and stalls.
    My surgery was almost ten years ago and I have been able to keep most of the weight off, right now I’m seven pounds up.

    That's wonderful. Thanks for sharing your story and congrats for keeping it off!!!

  3. On 1/19/2020 at 2:20 PM, Jay19 said:

    I feel like I’m also a slow loser. I’ve averaged 8-10 pounds a month. Once I started cardio it went up to 12-14 pounds a month. Also try intermittent fasting. If you average 10 pounds a month that’ll be over 100 pounds in a year. Your doing great!! Also the average weight loss is 10-15 pounds a month after the first month.

    Thank you, appreciate you sharing!

  4. saw this post was revived and realized I am the original poster - go figure! lol. I am a 49 year old female was 48 at surgery.... I also have pcos and am a slow loser. I started at 307 and was 285 on the day of my surgery on 10/01/2019. Today I was 251. I'm happy with the loss but I know I'm much slower than most. I'm actually becoming more okay with the slow loss thanks to the support of this board. 🙂I should also add that I have not done any exercise other than walking so hopefully once I do some exercise that will help.

  5. 11 hours ago, Losingit2018 said:

    There is an entire slow loser club here at this forum that you don’t hear from as much. People are way more likely to post good news than bad.

    I too am a slow loser but will not give up the fight :)

    I need to join this too!

  6. Just have to vent. I had my surgery on Oct 1, 2019. I weight 285 then. Today I only weigh 255. everyone on the board seems to lose 10 lbs a week and it's been almost 3 months I've only lost 30. In total since starting this journey I've lost is 52 which I should be happy. I was doing okay then when I went to the follow up the nurse practitioner said I need to eat more food and to eat 1000 calories a day. I'ts been hard but I've been forcing myself too. maybe that's whey i'm lot losing as fast. The funny thing was I was following "their" program which was getting me to 400 calories a day with the Protein, and liquid diets. This is my biggest fear. I had the surgery, messed up my insides and I'm just failing at this. I have my 3 month follow up on Monday and will see. I should have lost 90 by now.

  7. Good Morning, I am also up early today. Thank you for sharing your story. I always feel it's 'never to late" I spent years waiting to allow myself some happiness, waiting to use the "nice" china....just...waiting...I waited so long I missed out on the chance to have children....but....we push forward. It truly is a gift that you realized the prison you had been in. I'm only a couple of months out. and I've went though the stage of regretting all of this. but...there is a light...I share your optimism on the future.

    Take Care,


  8. I had a stall but I broke it by upping my liquid. THANK YOU ALL for replying. Not saying she's wrong, but I just don't think they look at us as individuals, just numbers or data points sometimes. Going to listen to my body and stay the course...as long as my energy levels and labs turn out okay I think I'll be fine. The last two days I did up it a bit and got to 550 calories and I still seem to be losing, but......don't want to overeat...thats what started this crazy cycle to begin with!!! ahhhh Head games......

  9. I have been pretty faithful to my doctors diet. I went to my 6 week follow up. I thought I would get praised on my decent weight loss and adherence to the plan but instead I got that I need to eat 1200 calories a day by the physician's assistant. strange that it even came up. I am getting the Protein, etc in and following "their diet" I eat around 350 to 450 calories a day. I only know that because I use my fitness pal I didn't even think we "had" to track calories. I also email the nutritionist at this practice regularly and she seems okay with my diet. I sort of protested to this lady and she said my weight loss would be more...

    I thought it was irresponsible of her to suggest it. Had I been a less stronger willed woman I would have been tempted to go eat French Fries right after my appointment. The good news is I'm doing okay I feel good and getting my 80 grams of protein in but even before surgery I would have never eaten 1200 calories. Anything over 800 made me gain. If i was at maintenance phase I would understand but at 6 weeks? She said if I didn't eat more I would ruin my metabolism. Very frustrating to hear.

  10. On 11/7/2019 at 11:40 AM, RickM said:

    Your initial couple weeks or so of loss includes a lot of Water weight, as you body gets used to the large caloric deficit and struggles to get used to operating on so little (that initial loss is primarily glycogen - stored carbohydrate - which comes off quickly and includes a lot of Water that keeps it in solution. Once that has burned off and the body gets the idea that you are serious about this caloric deficit thing, it finally decides that it needs to get serious and start drawing on your fat stores, which comes off more slowly. So, yes, it is normal to lose a lot the first couple of weeks, and also to stall a bit and not lose anything for a week or so, and then start losing again, but more slowly.

    Long to intermediate term, figure on 1-2 lb per week (5-10 lb per month) as a good sustainable loss rate, with some weeks or months being above or below trend. For instance, my loss, starting from a bit under 300 lb, was 32 lb the first month, followed by 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, by which time I was within about 10 lb of goal weight and started ramping up my calories to slow things down.

    Also, figure on your loss rate declining over time - it simply takes fewer calories to move your body around 24/7 when you weigh 250 vs. 350. This trips up some people, particularly if they increase their intake after a few months - increasing intake meets declining calorie burn and you reach stability, whether you are at goal or not.. So try to maintain a fairly low intake at least until you are within sight of your goal weight.

    Good luck!

    Remember, men lose 2 times as fast so females can't go by what a man experiences.

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