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James B

Duodenal Switch Patients
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About James B

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  1. According to one surgeon, the term roux en y just means an incision. So any of the surgeries like DS, Loop DS and MGB all use roux en y incisions. But in bariatric circles, the RNY pertains to the regular GB. All I know about the MGB is that it can be revised and is less invasive. As is the case with all of us, my biggest concern was/is weight regain over time. I chose the Loop DS because it seemed to be more effective with weight loss than the GB and MGB and equally as effective as the tradition DS with one less incision and less intestinal bypass, diarrhea, etc. As far as the DS vs the Loop DS (SADI), I am concerned about weight regain because of the significant difference in the amount of longer intestinal tract that is left with the Loop DS. But I also have to take into consideration the side effects of having that much shorter intestinal tract with the malabsorption issue.
  2. I thought it was just me..LOL I had a VGS back in Dec. 2015 and never had this problem. Am now about 6 weeks out from my SADI loop surgery and am having a big problem with this as well. Working with a lot of people around me and with frequent meetings it is most definitely an issue. I am trying the probiotics approach on a regular basis to see if it helps.
  3. James B

    Visiting from the RNY Side

    I take 40mg of Omeprazole and have been taking it long before my surgery for GERD. I will eventually stop it as per my doctor. However, if it comes back then I will go back to it. I also take a probiotic to help with that stuff. I read on a bariatric site that probiotics may enhance weight loss for bariatric patients. The bottom line is we have to try to eat the right foods that minimize reflux and it should be fine.
  4. James B

    Visiting from the RNY Side

    I have not had any problem with diarrhea. However, my stool color, texture, etc is very different. Probably because of malabsorption due to a smaller digestive tract. From the other side of the GI tract, I have had issues with nausea with certain foods. Just overeating a little, even one extra bite, feels like my esophagus is about to explode. Its a terrible feeling when that happens but its a learning curve. The main thing is I am losing and it is what I needed after an unsuccessful GS.
  5. James B

    Visiting from the RNY Side

    There are two types of DS surgery. The SADI loop DS and the traditional DS. The Loop DS is less invasive and weight loss is still high. Very long term studies are not as extensive yet. But the current data for exisiting patients seems to be quite impressive. I chose the Loop DS because the malabsorption was less than the traditional DS. My only fear is that it may not be enought to limit weight regain in the long term. We will see. But the weight loss with the DS seems to be more successful than any other surgery. Hope this helps you. Here is a good article to read that I found to be informative. Hope this helps you. http://bariatrictimes.com/exploring-the-role-of-single-anastomosis-bariatric-surgery/
  6. James B

    NEWBIE ~ from Reno

    Yes I had an upper GI before my surgery. Be patient it will come and you will then lose lots of weight. The best is yet to come.
  7. It is possible for bile reflux. So far I haven't experienced anything out of the normal range of what was to be expected. Overall, my issue was whether I should have the traditional DS to achieve the maximum weight loss in comparison to the SADI Loop DS. I just did not have enough success with the SG alone. It is a newer surgery just like the gastric bypass was 20 yrs or more ago. This article I came across may help those considering this surgery. http://bariatrictimes.com/exploring-the-role-of-single-anastomosis-bariatric-surgery/
  8. I am 6 weeks post surgery as I write this. Had a Loop DS performed on 12/17/18 from an original sleeve surgery 12/26/15 all performed by Dr. Basil Yurcisin at Garden State Bariatrics whom I recommend highly if you live in or near New Jersey. Originally lost nearly 70 lbs with the original Gastric sleeve but put on a bit more than half of it back before deciding to get more aggressive and choose a Loop DS. Since 12/17, I am down close to 40 lbs. For those reading this, there is a difference between a traditional DS and a loop DS. I grappled with this because I wanted the maximum weight loss effect. In the end, I settled for the Loop DS. because I was told the difference in weight loss is not that great compared to the negative side effects of the traditional DS. From some of the more traditional doctors, the jury is still out on the long term effects of the Loop DS. Please feel free to share your experiences for all who like me need the encouragement and to learn from each other, since we are part of the research to settle these issues.
  9. I am 6 weeks post surgery as I write this. Had a Loop DS performed on 12/17/18 from an original sleeve surgery 12/26/15 all performed by Dr. Basil Yurcisin at Garden State Bariatrics whom I recommend highly if you live in or near New Jersey. Originally lost nearly 70 lbs with the original Gastric sleeve but put on a bit more than half of it back before deciding to get more aggressive and choose a Loop DS. Since 12/17, I am down close to 40 lbs. For those reading this, there is a difference between a traditional DS and a loop DS. I grappled with this because I wanted the maximum weight loss effect. In the end, I settled for the Loop DS. because I was told the difference in weight loss is not that great compared to the negative effects. From some of the more traditional doctors, the jury seems to still be out on a long term basis. Please feel free to share your experiences for all who like me need the encouragement and to learn from each other, since we are part of the research to settle these issues.
  10. James B


    Hello. I am new here and I had the sleeve on 12/16 but after losing nearly 70 lbs I gained about half back and just completed the DS Loop on 12/17. I have lost almost 40 lbs in 6 weeks but it seems the scale has halted a bit. It has been an adjustment but a good one so far. I hope to get myself on track for the long term so your post is encouraging.

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