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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BrighterSide

  1. Thank you both for simply acknowledging the post. I've got pre-surgery problems to solve work-wise and have always tended towards the bi-polar. Calmer tonight. Not least cos my fabulous other half just let me sob for 20 minutes while keeping kids clear.

    I've been such an odious PMS-like hair-trigger mess on and off and last couple of days family got it in the neck as couldn't vent at boss or clients. New routines. All about new routines. And decent bed times. Must get back to that.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

  2. Think I may be due for a visit to the doctor. 2nd day back at work 4 weeks post sleeve and anxiety through the roof, plus telltale signs of depression.
    Could alternatively and absolutely feasibly, be hormonal, but not had a period for 2.4 years (only 42 when they stopped so assumed was weight, but now not so sure). I knew this would be a roller coaster, but snapping or tears every time I even think about getting showered, dressed, exercising, cooking, doing laundry, getting work done for 5 clients assigned to me at work. Totally useless rn.
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  3. 35g smoked salmon slices

    12g lightest cream cheese (Philadelphia 3% fat)

    2 Jacobs high fibre cream crackers

    3 Cucumber slices

    1 Cherry tomatoes sliced

    1 bulb spring onion sliced very fine

    Lemon juice to taste

    Salt & black pepper to taste

    Layer up as desired. Nummy flavour and texture. Replace with ham / chicken / turkey.

    According to my app: Kcal 155, Protein 11.2g, Carbs 11.5g, Sugars 1g, Fat 5.7g (Saturates 1.5), Fibre 1g


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  4. Intertrigo is that red, burning rash that happens from moisture and friction. Something I call "chub rub".
    Aside from good hygiene, the goal here would be to keep the area dry and reduce the friction.
    When my son had it, the doc had him sit exposed under a lamp. Me, I just used Gold Bond powder. That always seemed to do the trick. They do make something called "monkey butt powder", same principle. If I really needed to dry it out, I just used a hair dryer on low setting (you do not want high heat in tender areas).
    If you think it's truly a fungal infection, you may need your doctor to diagnose. There are also anti-fungal powders out there. I would not recommend a cream/ointment because the causative factor here is moisture. Why would you want to introduce more moisture?
    Thanks for that. Will search out the powders. Heading back to gym in the next couple of weeks and want this under control.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

  5. THAT TITLE WAS MEANT TO READ "Interigo - Red itchy Patches in skin folds" Wouldn't let me edit it!!!

    Yeah, I know, fun discussion, but rather be comfy and plain spoken, than shy and sore.

    Sure as I can be I have this and possibly secondary fungal or other infection under boobs and belly overhang. Very careful with hygiene, drying, and finish with talc, but ironically worse since surgery. Maybe a less nutrition / more movement thing?

    Going to docs (never did before sleeve as couldn't face real or imagined "hard luck you're just fat" subtext and didn't want to slather already torn skin with oomphy steroids), but would really value experience of others.

    As a physical back stop bought a soft long maternity belly band to create a physical barrier under bra band and down over belly under clothes (lateral thinking). Silly idea? Any other thoughts?

  6. If it's not added processed sugar then I wouldn't fret. I get 40-50g sugar daily, but it's primarily lactose from fortified (added milk powder) milk drinks I drink in preference to Protein Shakes. Average about 800cals total for all food and drink, 65-75 Protein. I don't knowingly eat any processed sugar and losing on track. The milk was drs orders. Guessing they were concerned about Calcium too.

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  7. I hate that whey Protein flavour too. Have very sensitive taste. How do you get on with milk? I had 300ml semi-skim or 1% with 30g skim milk powder and no added sugar milkshake flavor or Decaf coffee espresso shot. Sipped over time

    That combo gives approx 22g protein and counts towards Fluid intake. At this stage sounds like any way to keep you nourished is the right idea.

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  8. First NSV - Looked at my poor bruised (blood thinner injections), scarred, and stretchmarked stomach and apron and felt sorry for them instead of angry with then for the first time. Reclaimed them as part of me rather than the disgusting traitors and have begun moisturising and looking after them along with my other overlapping and swinging bulgy bits. Accepted they'll still be there albeit deflated, so may's well be at peace with them :-)

    HW: 263
    SW: 256 (21st Jan)
    CW: 238

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  9. To those who have said they look forward to summer it has given me some hope for many things including not sweating my way through everything in summer and not sweating when I am asked to do presentations for work. Part an anxiety flop sweat cos it involved standing up in front of a 90% male dominated group of peers to be judged, and part a fat sweat cycle as venues were always boiling and knowing how bad the sweating fat woman optic was made me sweat more, and so on.

    If that cycle gets broken it will be worth every gas pain, pureed meal, and frozen extremity.

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  10. I've been told it's pretty normal. At night I'm FREEZING. I've sweated out the husband and son because I'm so cold I'll turn the heat up and still be bundled up while they're dying from the heat.

    Liked then unliked cos...well what's to like about being fffing freezing (typed jitterily fully clothed and under a fleecy blanket in a house I'm assured is 21°C)

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  11. One of the great things we can go through after a gastric sleeve surgery or any weight loss surgery. Some people can be cold for the rest of their lives. I bought me an electric blanket. I am cold all the time. With fibromyalgia it isn't fun...
    I'm so sorry you have that to cope with too [emoji853]

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  12. Thank you for that heads up. I don't see my team until 7th March so may well call. No signs of DVT. Went home with 30 days of self injections of thinners, but very carefully to look out for any symptoms (OH has a clotting disorder diagnosed after 2 saddle PEs, so we're hyper vigilant anyway).

  13. Thank you for that! The silver lining sounds like bliss after years of balancing the bingo wings Vs boiling alive equation for work every heat wave. If it's 3-4 weeks of teeth gritting then binning that trauma as trade off I'll be fine :-)

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  14. Sleeved 21st Jan, approx 7kg down. On soft foods, getting 650-820ish calories on board. Hitting av. 68g Protein and 1.75litres Fluid a day. Walking almost every day (missed one). But of an afternoon/evening I just cannot get warm. Sat here with OH and kids in T-Shirts and I'm in a ski jacket with legs cold in jeans, feet cold in socks, and nose/fingers really cold.

    Do I need to worry? What should I do differently? If 'No' and 'nothing', will this go away?

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

  15. I am also not a fan of purees. The texture is absolutely nauseating, especially with things that you wouldn't normally eat pureed. Trying porridge was a great move - I'd try adding some unflavored Protein Powder to see if you can get that extra bit of nutrition in.

    The thing that helped for me was to make these things look like a mini casserole with the cheese melted on top. That way, I couldn't see what gross stuff was under there. Things I liked the best were things that I didn't have to puree - they already come that way. ie: refried Beans, yogurt, thick Soups, pudding, guacamole, hummus, etc.

    It's been a week since your post - I hope it's going better!

    Thank you for the solidarity. I felt like I was being a wuss, but I've always been very sensitive to texture with food. I've survived since doing similar to what you proposed. Had the family recipe Pasta Sauce whizzed up with veg, but very very finely chopped very soft chicken breast and had a few bits of grated cheese with. Did the same with some salmon and a low low fat soft cheese with teeny tiny bits of chopped up Cucumber in it. Then chicken and gravy. All total mush when chewed a couple of times and no stomach complaints.

    I know that's kinda cheating Vs just blitzing the heck out of it all, but did reckon Drs try to protect those who perhaps aren't cooks or can't afford the great tender cuts of meat and fish fillets I'm lucky enough to be able to.

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  16. Smoked Salmon Salad

    Light, fresh, and with a much needed crunch.

    50g Any smoked salmon chopped fine.
    30g Cucumber peeled deseeded and chopped small
    1 Cherry Tomato deseeded and chopped fine
    Tiny touch crushed garlic
    2 Tsp Lemon juice (fresh best, but meh)
    2 - 3 Tsp Lightest cream cheese (I use Philadelphia Lightest. 3g fat per 100)

    Get half this quantity down right now, but save for later. Could pair with crispbread or crackers if on solids, or whizz, like me, for purees. IMG_20190207_134051.jpeg

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  17. I've been big since I was a child. 7st 7yr old 10st 10 year old, but lived life in spite of it. Was never inactive by any stretch of imagination, but puberty coincided with starting judo (10yrs), and playing club hockey. Slimmed to 10.5st 5'2" 15yr old.

    Always got called or treated like I was fat sometimes. Crushed me when someone that mattered did it or was done in front of someone like that, but mainly ploughed through and became very good at jobs while still avoiding teambuilding paintball, golf or clubbing type stuff. Generally didn't do party clothes and parties.

    Actually had benefits. I was the curiously confident big woman who knew her technical stuff, could write incredibly well, and inflienc decision makers. I got judged, more generously (ironically), than traditionally shaped attractive women in my overwhelmingly male dominated field BECAUSE I was an anomaly.

    Felt attractive when confident and fat when not. Did the shocked at unmatched image in Windows thing, and inability to fit through gaps in restaurants despite head telling me I was narrow enough, but all within bounds of considering myself 'big'...because I had never been anything else.

    Big ramp up to morbid obesity since DD2 9yrs ago and working from home more (blessing and curse). Hit me fully and destroyed ability to put on the game face when I became constantly mortified at overlapping train and airline seats, hearing grumbles when folks had to sit next to me. I also couldn't attend or speak at industry events without getting red and flop sweating (part unfitness, part heat at all such events, part spiralling anxiety at sweating, knowing how bad a visual fat woman sweating is, then sweating more).

    When I became a virtual recluse and depression/anxiety threated my livelihood and arthritis started in knees cos of both weight and apparent early menopause (42), enough was enough.

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  18. It's hard. But you let them go.
    Oh yes, I wore black as my everyday uniform. [emoji846] Soon you will be filling your closet with new clothing and new colors for spring/summer. Your sizes will be dropping quickly. Buy at discount stores and thrift stores until your weight settles.

    Planning to eBay my way through spring/summer on a kind of rotating buy/sell cycle :-) Don't expect to break even, but you never know.

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  19. Just had a clear out of clothes. Only 3 weeks post op, but this was overdue. Was at the stage of having to empty overfull draws every time I wanted to find the desired black item among other black items, delving past stuff I hadn't worn for ages.

    OH helped do the Keep/Bin/Donate routine. Then part way through I began to cry. He's put up so kindly with enough waterworks these last couple of weeks and was concerned, but I explained it was happy tears. I was keeping smaller clothes with the very real expectation I would be able to wear them, binning ragged old faithfuls that were beginning to get loose, and donating huge misguided attempts to fill holes in my work or social wardrobe that never got returned.

    Very necessary. So glad it's been done. First time in my life the hope has truly begun to creep in. Very fragile hope, but stronger every day I put the work in :-)
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  20. Posted that I was a tearful mess at the exact same point as you. Sleeved 21st Jan and had my meltdown couple of days ago so you're right on schedule for the come down off all the drama and hormonal rollercoaster. Be kind to yourself and hope things steady soon. I have evened out today, but not relying on it. Folk here really helped.

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  21. This seems incredibly low. I'm not a medic, but I'm aware of calorie intake recommended for patients on complete bed rest. It's much higher than even the 800kcal pre-op diet too. Also thinking of the range of physiologies this covers if it's standard. Fascinated to see other opinions.

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
