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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GradyCat

  1. GradyCat

    nutritionist FINALLY agreed to see me.

    I've spoken with my nutritionist once since post-op 8 weeks ago when I was experiencing a stall and she helped me through it. I plan to see her in person at 3 months post-op and show her my food logs and talk about successful habits. She helped me by phone to plan for an upcoming cruise and how to eat during vacation.
  2. GradyCat

    Starting the process

    Congratulations on your decision to start this journey. Have you checked with your health insurance carrier to determine which bariatric benefits are available? Many require 6 months of medically supervised weight loss prior to surgery. Also, have you decided which surgery you're going to have? I have the sleeve 8 weeks ago and it's FANTASTIC! I had no pain, no problems, no complications and am slowly but surely losing weight and feeling better already. The sooner you can start eating like a post-op person like you'll be eating after the surgery for the rest of your life, the better. You can practice it now. Good luck!
  3. GradyCat

    Ugh...I have to wait

    I know you're disappointed but it's for the best. Hang in there and use this time to prepare for surgery.
  4. GradyCat

    Packing is so much easier!

    So true! That's a good NSV that I hadn't thought of, but you're right. I'm taking my first vacation post-op next week and already been packing and you're right!
  5. GradyCat

    Can I afford the post-op diet?

    One factor on the pro side is that you'll be eating so much less food that you'll be spending less on groceries and/or eating out. And think of all the money you'll save from not buying snacks! 🙂 I don't buy organic or anything, so I just buy regular old food as cheap as I can get it like at Aldi or Kroger or Sam's Club. There are protein shakes at Walmart, Amazon, and Sam's Club. I buy my vitamins at GNC, but once I don't have to do the soft chews anymore I'm going to get the buy 1 get 2 free at Walgreens and save some money there. I don't know how expensive shipping is to Hawaii, but you can find a LOT of good protein food options and vitamins online. Good luck with your decision.
  6. That was very helpful to learn. Thank you. At just 8 weeks post-op, I've experienced some of that and am just getting through a stall.
  7. GradyCat


    I had bad GERD for about three weeks post-op, but now at 8 week post-op it's completely gone away, so maybe yours will go away with a little more time. After all, your stomach's still mad at your for having the surgeon poke at it. 🙂
  8. GradyCat

    Slow WL

    Yes, me too, but I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race. I'm at 21 pounds lost at 8 weeks post-op and I had a stall for 2 weeks during Weeks 4 and 5 when transitioning from liquids to soft foods
  9. GradyCat

    Worried about failure

    That's a natural worry/fear. I would guess most of us have it as well. But the sleeve makes it easier to follow a diet program because the surgery resets the ghrelin hormone and makes us less hungry plus we can only eat a small amount due to our stomach restrictions, so it gives us an opportunity to be able to eat healthy for the rest of our lives. Good luck!
  10. GradyCat

    Can we eat certain foods post op

    Good luck with your diet choice. I don't think there are any restrictions down the line post-op, but your food tolerances and tastes might change. Right now I'm 8 weeks post-op and can't do steak or pork yet --- too dense for me and my body doesn't like it.
  11. GradyCat


    It takes a little while to get the hang of working the liquids in around food and keep water at least 30 minutes away from meals. I'm 8 weeks post-op and just getting a good routine going. You could set a reminder on your FitBit or phone to sip some water every 15 minutes?
  12. GradyCat

    Prepare for VSG

    Hi Jeff, It took only a few days after surgery to feel okay and normal and up to two weeks to recover with energy. It takes a little longer to lift > 10 pounds and do more strenuous stuff, but you'll feel good right away. My best advice would be to try to start eating NOW like you'll be eating after surgery. Small meals, small portions, learning not to drink with your meals, etc. That'll make the transition easier.
  13. GradyCat

    Day after my surgery

    Walking is the best thing to get that gas out of there. Walk, walk, walk up and down the hospital corridors and in circles around the house once you get home.
  14. GradyCat

    Water intake after Sleeve

    I wasn't under the impression that we had to drink any less, but a minimum of 64 oz or more per day. So more is okay, just not WITH meals, at least 10 minutes before and 30 minutes after.
  15. GradyCat

    Feel thirsty but also full

    Now that I think about it, I've done better in the last two days for some reason, but really wasn't getting in the full 64 oz of water in the last week or so either. You've got a good idea about setting a reminder to sip. I might do that.
  16. GradyCat

    Pre Op Liquid diet

    If you can't make it without pizza for two weeks pre-op, how do you expect to make it a lifetime post-op not eating those things that made you obese in the first place? Two weeks is NOTHING! You'll have to be on liquids 2-3 weeks post-op as well. If you don't think you can do that, maybe surgery isn't for you. With liquids you can have sugar-free popsicles, diet or sugar-free drinks like Gatorade Zero, sugar-free pudding, broths, and more. It's really important to shrink your liver pre-op to make sure the surgeon can reach your stomach without difficulty during the surgery.
  17. GradyCat

    Losing weight before surgery

    Do you already track what you eat? I use MyFitnessPal.com and it's very helpful to make sure I'm not overeating. Also, you could try doing a 1500 calorie/day diet like I did before the sleeve surgery for two weeks and I lost weight from that, so maybe you will too.
  18. Really? Good to know! I'm already using Bio-Oil on my scars from the sleeve surgery, so now I'll try some on my face! Woo-hoo!
  19. GradyCat

    Eating was an activity.

    I'm not enjoying eating out much and prefer to eat at home now post-op. Even if we share a lunch, I can eat so very little food that I end up doing more sitting and watching my husband eat than eating myself and there are so many menu items that I can't have.
  20. GradyCat

    Weird Stuff That Delayed Your Surgery Approval

    My only "extra" effort was because my primary doctor wouldn't clear me and I had to get three approvals from Primary Care doctor for general stuff, one from a Cardiologist as to heart, and one from my pulmonologist because I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP. That just surprised me that I need all three clearances, but other than that no delays due to health conditions or anything.
  21. You want to make sure you don't overdo it. I felt GREAT even a week post-op and felt like I could do anything, but my surgeon had to remind me that I'd just undergone a major surgery and needed to take it easy. No lifting more than 10 pounds for 4 weeks post-op, nothing too strenuous. I think your daytime office job might be okay after 2 weeks, but you're going to be pretty tired. Even sitting at a desk is different than sitting at home because you're working and your mental energy is being used. So while I know money and income is important, I would hope you make sure you don't push it too hard and take care of yourself. Good luck!
  22. What you're feeling is totally normal. Believe what others are saying that it gets better. You've just been through a major surgery and your hormones and emotions are in turmoil for a little while. When you get to soft foods it gets a little better because your brain appreciates a bigger variety of foods. It's definitely worth it and it wasn't a mistake. Hang in there!
  23. GradyCat

    Please help me

    How did you do pre-op with the liquid or pre-op diet? Are you nervous? Are you anxious? Surgery affects our emotions and hormones, so it could be stress-eating. Have you called your surgeon's office and talked to the nutritionist for advice? Good luck!
  24. GradyCat

    I did it!

    Congrats! Take care and good luck with your journey.
  25. GradyCat

    First few weeks post op

    You might be okay at your desk job, but it's pushing it at a week. Two weeks would be better if you could manage it. You'll feel a little tired by the end of the day. It's different from sitting at home. Remember, you just had a major operation.

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