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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GradyCat

  1. I pretended I had already had the surgery and ate like I would be doing post-surgery to prepare myself. It worked! I got used to drinking protein shakes and eating very small portions.
  2. GradyCat

    Food Addiction

    Yes, definitely talk to a counselor. It'll help. It's hard dealing with multiple things at once, I have depression too and am fighting not using food as comfort food or a crutch while losing weight.
  3. GradyCat

    Starting again

    That's what my surgeon told me 3 months ago, protein first, veggies if there's room, grains/carbs if there's still room. You could try a one week liquid diet to re-start things?
  4. No worries, that's perfectly normal. There's a well-known stall somewhere around Week 3 or 4 when transitioning from liquids to soft foods and just recovering from the surgery in general. You've lost a good amount already, keep up the good work!
  5. GradyCat


    Good luck! This will be the best decision of your life.
  6. GradyCat

    The Biggest Loser (RANT)

    Having never seen the show, now that I've read your analysis, I'm glad I never saw it.
  7. My pre-op diet was just 1500 calorie restricted and limit fats, so I could have pretty much anything. I didn't mind the liquid diet 2 weeks post-op as it was easy to make choices, but I was ready to some texture and crunch at the end.
  8. GradyCat

    adding in your "addiction foods"

    Oh hell no, I won't be adding those back in at any point that I can foresee because I can't control myself around them and it's too important to me to stay on the right track. I'd be scared too.
  9. GradyCat

    Overcoming Dichotomous Thinking

    That's a good article. I'm definitely a dichotomous thinker at times, especially when it comes to my weight. All or nothing attitudes just don't work. I have to work on this. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I thought it looked like a good idea but my surgeon steered me away from doing patches, so I'm doing soft-chews.
  11. GradyCat

    THREE MONTH checkup

    Oh wow, you've lost 92 pounds in 3 months? How?! I had surgery same day you did and have only lost 35 pounds. I have my 3-month check up at 4 months, I guess, scheduled for 4/2/19. Will they do labs then? I thought it was just a follow-up from surgery. I'd be curious to know my cholesterol and other labs now that I've lost a little weight. CONGRATS TO YOU!
  12. GradyCat

    Protein and fluids!

    I snack on Optimum Nutrition Protein Cake Bites and that gives me 20 g of protein. I'm probably not getting in all the fluids every day and need to check myself on that.
  13. GradyCat

    So excited

    That's tough if you have family at home counteracting your good decisions. Try to hang in there and make this decision for your own health and for yourself.
  14. That is awesome! You're a rock star!
  15. Way to go! Congrats! 🏆 I'm hoping to hit Onederland next week but still have a long way to go.
  16. GradyCat


    I get plenty of Protein Shakes, almonds, protein cake bites, protein chips, and cheese so I don't have to worry too much about meat. Good article, thanks for sharing.
  17. GradyCat


    I only had the one doctor visit. Good luck!
  18. GradyCat

    Just received insurance approval!

    It took me about 6 weeks or so because my surgeon's calendar was already full as she only does surgeries one day a week. But it was worth the wait.
  19. GradyCat

    2 days left!!!

    It is definitely an exciting time. Good luck!
  20. GradyCat

    Stalls and wins

    I think doing liquids for a week will shake up your system and get that stall moving. Congrats on wearing smaller clothes again!
  21. GradyCat

    Shaking and sugar

    I've been getting lightheaded but assumed it was blood pressure. I hadn't thought about eating something to make it better. Ask your surgeon.
  22. One pound lost is better than no pounds lost or a gain, right? You're still recovering from surgery. It'll come with time. Be patient.
  23. That all depends on how much your surgeon charges and your hospital charges. They vary by doctor and location. I heard $25,000 was a ballpark estimate on total costs. My surgery was $53,000 but of course insurance didn't pay full price and only paid like $25,000 and my out-of-pocket was less than $1,000
  24. Yes, I think that's normal. No heavy lifting more than 10 pounds for a few more weeks.
  25. GradyCat

    Feeling Pretty Good

    Sometimes we need to stop looking at the scale and count the Non-Scale Victories. You're only 3 weeks out, give it some time. Expect a stall when transitioning from liquids to soft foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
