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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by happytobebanded

  1. happytobebanded

    Anyone with this feeling

    Just wondered if anyone had an ache when swallowing liquids almost feels like a lodged gas bubble..lots of small burps or hicups follow ? I know I am tight right now I had a fill last friday, I can eat solids ( very little )but there is an ache feeling when something passes through the band. Thanks so much for responding :thumbup:
  2. Had to share this with you... my friend and I were talking about how we loved fast food before being banded...I was a regular at McDonalds almost daily. When I first got my band I was still tempted, it was hard to stay away in the beginning I wasn't tight until my fills. Well my daughter took the temptation away instantly in one visit lol There was a woman who worked at the register.. god bless her lol but she was not very attractive and had facial hair. She came over and said " Can I help you ?" and before I could say anything my daughter spoke up so innocently and said loudly "Mama why does she have wiskers like Papa ? " I tried to ignore her and said find us a table honey. She said just a minute mama I want to know why she has wiskers like Papa ? LOL I wanted to disappear ! I apologized to the woman and needless to say my Micky Dees cravings were gone Lol I felt to bad and didnt want to face that poor woman again. :thumbdown:
  3. happytobebanded

    Can drink all day!!!!

    I could drink and eat anything and not get full on bit until I had my 3rd fill. I was very nervous as to why I could guzzle my drink and eat what ever but once that 3rd fill was put into my band it all changed and I am so happy !
  4. happytobebanded

    Bit of fun ....

    Mine was pudding... I hate pudding but it was soooo good ! LOL
  5. happytobebanded

    New Here :)

    I remember being in that stage of the banding process , when it was just a thought. I am just here to tell you how wonderful it is... I was so nervous to do it and even had a hard time to believe it would work for me since nothing had ever been sucessful. You can do it !!!! You should check into it asap because there is alot of work to do before you can get the surgery.. meetings and appointments to complete the required things. That way you can learn as you go to see if it is right for you. Just know that you can do it if you put your mind to it !
  6. happytobebanded

    Anyone with this feeling

    I should of included more info... I was banded June of 07, had a fill in Aug, March and one last Friday Exactly one week ago. I have 6 ccs in my 10 cc band. As I sit here this morning sipping my potein shake it aches terrible when the iquid passes, it feels as though it is food being stuck. Sometimes I can eat solids sometimes it gets caught. Strange but I never have a problem with salad, I would think it would be a food that would clog, but other things are hard to get down. I usually end up having to be sick to unclog. It happens a couple times a week. I am thinking I may be to tight and should get a little taken out, I am getting plenty of liquid down that is not a problem, at night I can drink really well. I feel stubborn to get some taken out because I needed more when I was at 5 ccs. I am thinking that maybe 5.5 would be a good number instead of 6. I just wondered if any of you live on a daily basis feeling this way..very tight ? Thank so much
  7. happytobebanded

    OMG!!! Dinner Party Disaster

    Yah that is " our " worst nightmare lol I had it happen while out to lunch with my friend. I barely made it to the bathroom. It was funny when I got back to the table I told my friend who I know would NEVER aprove of my surgery that I thought I was getting the flu ... she got very nervous of catching it and called me a few days later to inform me that Yes she did catch it from me lol Talk about funny lol:lol:
  8. happytobebanded

    Banded 5/6 Still Bloated

    Hi I was bloated and had gas pain for three weeks, I looked like I was pregnant lol I could also eat alot and was worried that the band would not work for me, boy was I wrong thank goodness lol until you get fills you may find that you can eat as much as before. It is important not to over do it with your liquids, especially where you are so newly banded. I wish you so much luck !!! Kim
  9. happytobebanded

    stretch marks

    I have tons of streach marks also... I began tanning when my weight loss started to show to reward myself and oh my goodness those marks to not tan... the glow WHITE lol If I was under a black light you would see teeth, eye balls and streach marks...I am going to try the Mederma to Thank so much
  10. Hi, I had a fill today, I went from 5 ccs to 6 in my 10 band. As I sip on a drink this afternoon it feels so tight going through almost like a mild ache with gurgling and the feeling of air bubbles. I wondered if this is normal to feel this feeling or if I may be to tight. I was told not to eat solids today and I don't even dare if it feels sore to sip a drink. I know the feelings are different the more fills you get. Do any of you notice a difference in the feeling of liquids passing through after a fill ? Thanks for your thoughts I appreciate it.
  11. happytobebanded

    Had a Fill Today and I have a Question

    Hi Karen, I feel the same feelings you do... its frustrating. I am worried to get an unfill because what if it is just swollen from the fill. The sore feeling would lead me to believe that it is possible that we may be swollen from the fill. But then again I wonder if more saline came through the tubing. Please let me know how you are feeling I am curious where we are both experiencing this problem :thumbdown:
  12. Hi, I had a fill on Friday, 4 days ago, I am at 6 ccs in my band. Sat and Sunday I drank only liquid. Sunday night ate just a small amount of solids with no problem. Now I am very sore in the area where the band is around my stomach and am having a hard time to swallow liquids and deffinately no solids will go down. It is a very sore feelibg for the liquids to pass through. It stays in my throat then gurgles to pass through the band area. I am confused because I dont see why I could eat on Sunday but cannot eat now. I really dont want to go get an unfill if I am not understanding why I feel so irritated around the band maybe it will go away ? What reasons are there to feel so sore and to be swollen all of a sudden ? Thank you so much
  13. happytobebanded

    OUCH! Second Fill DISASTER!!!!

    Be grateful that you did not do any damage from getting so sick... it could of been much worse. I am facing a problem with mine also. I had a fill the day before yesturday and the liquids are going down tough. I have an ache and a gurgling with I swallow my drink. Haven't dared to eat solids at all yet. Maybe when you go back again you should only try 1 cc at a time. My Dr will only put in one he says to many times people return because of the swelling. I had to go 4 times to get 4 ccs . I now have 6 ccs in my 10 cc band. Thank goodness you are ok and looks like you have done well on your weight loss... Take Care of youself and I wish you so much luck. Sincerely Kim
  14. happytobebanded

    Had a Fill Today and I have a Question

    I had absolutely no restriction when I was at 3ccs in my 10 band. Not until I reached 5 did I feel anything different, so dont get discouraged :thumbup: Good Luck Keep filling lol
  15. happytobebanded

    Fill Question

    Hi, I am a bit confused about the fill thing.... I have a 10 cc band had 4 ccs in it and reached a plateau I could not get the scale to move for a month so I went in and got another, well since then I lost 10 more lbs but do not feel as tight anymore. I can eat more now than just after the fill. I am at 5 ccs going in Friday for another one. My question is do most of you stop getting fills once you end up going back to get more taken out like after experiencing an over fill ? I was a bit nervous of being aggressive with my fills but now that I see results I want to keep going on schedule to get another . I am just wondering if I will hit that to tight feeling ? Since it is all guess work as far as how much to put in seems like you would not know until you got to tight. Then again if I am loosing regularly then that would tell me that its just right. Just a bit confused at to how to get it just right, so I am using the band to the best of its ability but not getting to tight. From what I see most have around 7ccs and up in a 10 cc band. Sorry to just ramble , hope you know what I mean Thank so much
  16. Wow I finally have restriction in my band... The head hunger thing is still a struggle for me. I have a 10 cc band with 5 ccs in it . I am so happy I could shout from the roof tops. I have lost 45 lbs and now weigh 200 lbs. I am embarassed to admit that it is sometimes a struggle to not be able to " enojoy " food like I did before. We went to a buffet and I over ate leaving very uncomfortable. I had such a tiny portion but kept going back wanting to just try a little of everything. Thats when the head hunger kicks in. Sometimes it doesn't affect me at all but once and a great while I seem to be trying to out smart my band only to be left feelig miserable. I feel foolish after and ask myself why did I do that ? It is so not worth it at all. I think this is where the food addiction theory proves to be true with me. I am going to get another fill on Friday and I know I will be VERY restricted as I am quite restricted now most days. Some days I can deffiantely eat more than the 1/2 cup everyone talks about so I think this will be my sweet spot. I hope. But what advice do you have for that feeling of wanting to enjoy eating ? I know it sounds twisted lol I would never want to go back to those days where I had so much FUN eating and getting to be the size that I was but sometimes I do feel like I just lost my teddy bear lol I am sure some of you know exactly what I mean. Thanks so much for your support I really appreciate knowing I am not alone.
  17. happytobebanded

    If I couldn't lose before???

    If I can work for me I bet it will for you to. I was a food addict who hated to exercise more than anything. The thing is I hated to move because I was lazy which was a result of being so over weight. I have lost 45 lbs and now weigh 200 lbs. I can move so much easier than before. Also your sub-conconcious mind will know you have a band and you will find there will be energy and will where you never thought before. May sound strange but I got some of my will from the people who knew I had a band. At first I didnt want to tell anyone then I found the more people that knew the more I wanted to lose the weight. Yes it was for myself but I wanted them to be proud of me and I knew they were wanting to know my progess. When my parents tell me they are proud of me it boosts my will instantly. You deffinately have to make changes but the band has helped me to make some of the hardest ones. I cannot eat many carbs or I get stuck . It works for me beause I loved to eat that stuff. I can't over eat or I am uncomfortable so I get more of my will from not wanting to feel that way. Maybe its not from all the right reasons but it has worked for me and I am so happy that I did this. When your self esteem begins to grow and you feel better you will see that you will have so much power and you want to do it for one reason only and that is for yourself. In the beginning I was grabbing at straws to be strong enough to stick with it, now I dont have to because with each pound lost comes a burst of happiness that helps me. You can do it, you have to believe ! It was my last chance , I had tried everything in my power, I loved to eat so much I even got up in the night and had a meal. Not anymore the band has changed my life. Good luck to you ! You can do it !
  18. happytobebanded

    Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

    I remember being where you are right now, how exciting ! If I can do it anyone can... Food was my life ! I can admit that now. I just keep concentrating on how good I feel, I try to find my happiness in the compliments that people give me and the fun I have buying new clothes rather than the fun I had eating. I believe it will be something I fight with my whole life although it may lessen as I shrink lol But I do love to eat but I know nothing taste as good as skinny feels lol I take my small portion of food and savor ever bite taking tiny pieces and appreciating it so much. I use to shovel it down so fast and eat so much. I over eat alot less than I did, after getting sick a few times and feeling the pain of over filling my pouch those days are becomming less but it is still hard . I am so happy for you that you are getting banded ! You will love it. It is worth these little struggles to have the reward of being slim and healthy someday. Thank you so much for you post. Good luck to you !
  19. happytobebanded

    Jump Start Metabolism

    Hi, I have had the band since June 07 and have lost weight rather slowly. I have lost 45 lbs with doing tons of exercise. The band certianlly has been only a tool for me. I am at a plateau finding it hard to make the scale move. I have heard that if you do a colon cleanse it can jump start your metabolism, but I am not sure if that is true. Some of my friends swear by it saying that they feel so much less bloated and full of energy. Has anyone heard this or done it ? I looked at the health food store and everything is in pill form and they are huge. Wonder if regular fiber is the same as the herbal formulas ? Thanks I suppose I am just desparate to get the scale moving but if there is any truth in it I would try it. Thanks for reading this I always appreciate the thoughts of others
  20. happytobebanded

    Understanding being full or Stuck ?

    Thank you for your thoughts so far.. it is very confusing on the feeling of full or slightly stuck.. I hope I get better at this.
  21. Hi, I have a question... sometimes when I eat I feel full right up to my throat but there is an ache like something is stuck then if I pay close attention there is pressure and it passes through. Seems like I get the best results with eating so little when I get that tightning feeling. I have a very hard time to understand if it is a feeling of full or of being stuck. I have a 10 cc band and have 5 ccs in it. My last fill was three weeks ago where I got 1 cc. For the week after my fill I could not eat hardly anything. I was soooo happy I was full or stuck after only a few bites now I can eat alot more and only get that feeling occasionally. Whether or not I was actually full or stuck not sure but it made me stop eating. I am also not sure when to stop getting fills... kinda confusing. I feel now like I can eat more than I should but two weeks ago I had the scale moving like crazy. Any thought on helping me understand this whole thing would be so appreciated. Thank you so much. I would be so intersted to know how you feel when you stop eating. Thank Kim
  22. happytobebanded

    Advice about restriction please!?

    Wow I couldn't of said it better... I know the feeling you are talking about, I feel the pressure and can feel the food pass through the band as I eat.. almost feeling like a clog but after it goes through you are able to eat more. I have 5 ccs in my 10 cc band. I can't wait to hear what you get for answers. I would think the food should stay up high and maybe our hole inbetween the pouch and and big stomach needs to be tighter to support the food and keep it up in the pouch where it should stay to feel full. Good luck I can't wait to hear what others say. I was banded June 07 and am still confused

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