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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Jean9 reacted to walk the talk in Just did it!!!   
    Hey yall!!!
    I just did my vsg yesterday and I have to say I feel really awesome. I am in very little pain if any. My throat did not hurt when I woke up. I was very gassy though. It was a great experience. I was able to ask the surgeon and the anesthesiologist all my crazy questions...like how  are you gonna prevent me from dying...lol... but it was actually amazing. The staff was amazing I had really really awful roommates but besides that everything so far in this journey is good.
    I know that we all have our fears. I'm a mom and a single mom at that. I just didn't want to do anything that would cause me to not be here for my son. However I was just so glad that I woke up I was so happy! And I'm writing this to let any other person who has fears know that it is absolutely normal. Ask questions even if you think they are silly. They're in your mind and not asking them is going to make you become anxious and even more fearful. I have to say that I am now home I have been discharged from the hospital.
    I am looking forward to the new me. I can't wait to meet her. I've seen glimpses of her throughout my weight loss yo-yo dieting Journey but this too is going to allow me to see you for I really can be. So let me encourage anyone who is thinking about this, for anyone who is about to do this, all will be well. The best thing that you can do is to do your research on your surgeon and once you have a good surgeon with a good reputation you're in good hands.
    Sent from my SM-J737VPP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Screwballski in FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS   
    My heaviest in 2007 (260lbs) to yesterday in my oversized onesie (131lbs). I have a mild cold so I’m just “messy hair” lounging for a couple days. Retired life!

  3. Like
    Jean9 got a reaction from SarahBoBera in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    I have only told a handful of people. No one at work except the hr manager cause I had to see if this surgery was a clause in our insurance. I to feel kind of embarrassed about having the surgery. It's like I failed and its led me to have to have surgery. Idk I know I'm doing this for the right reasons so that's all that matters I guess.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Psyched in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    When you decide to do something for the betterment of your health and overall life, that's bravery and wisedom. Embarrassment has a way of keeping you bound. The decision that you have made and all of the hard work that you are putting in and will continue to put in offers you freedom. Freedom to know that you worked your butt off to accomplish what you have and what you will. You have chosen to add a tool. That's it. No more, no less. It is you and only you doing the work to make the tool useful. I hope one day soon, you will grow to know how brave you are, how assiduous you are and that choosing to add a tool shouldn't evoke embarrassment, but pride. Rooting for you and proud of you 🙂
  5. Like
    Jean9 got a reaction from SarahBoBera in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    I have only told a handful of people. No one at work except the hr manager cause I had to see if this surgery was a clause in our insurance. I to feel kind of embarrassed about having the surgery. It's like I failed and its led me to have to have surgery. Idk I know I'm doing this for the right reasons so that's all that matters I guess.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Like
    Jean9 reacted to looly in Puree diet   
    I ate small mouthfuls and left 30 seconds after swallowing before eating again. I was given a 30 second egg timer and I still use it. I've never been sick once, nor have I had the 'foamies' - I don't know whether this is through sticking to the 30 second rule or just luck!
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    Jean9 reacted to kristen.bee in The experiences of a young sleever   
    we're the same age! super great to see someone else my age who had the surgery done, i've been a bit worried about having it at my age. my mom also had wls years ago! i had a "last meal" the night before i started my pre-op liquid diet, too -- homemade chicken nuggets and mashed caulflower. and it was HEAVENLY omggg
    i'm so sorry you had so much pain after the surgery :( i had almost none tbh, i was mostly just uncomfortable for the first few days. i even stopped taking pain meds on my second day in the hospital!
    i'm glad i'm not the only one whose appetite came back so soon after surgery!! mine never really went away, unfortunately :( i'm almost 6 months out, and i avoid snacking as much as possible!! i have a reusable water bottle that holds 25 oz of liquid, and i usually eat only after i've finished drinking one, and i drink five a day!
    i made the mistake of trying bread once and NEVER AGAIN omg, it makes me SUPER uncomfortable! i don't have any issues with rice, though! and i haven't had any Pasta since surgery 😭 it used to be my fav food so i'm missing it!! i've had some amazing veggie pasta, though!!
    sorry for the rambly post, i was just so super excited to see someone with so many similarities! hope things continue to go well for you!!
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    Jean9 reacted to Lady-Lazarus in The experiences of a young sleever   
    Hello everyone!
    This is my first post on the forums. I thought I’d share my experiences as a young person who has undergone the sleeve procedure. I figure it might help people in a similar situation or... just like to read these stories, I guess?
    Let’s start with some stats? I’m from Australia, I’m 22 years old, 165cm, and currently 72kg! My highest weight was 98kg, my surgery weight was 94kg, and my goal is 60kg. So, I’ve lost 26kg since beginning my journey! Wahoo!
    I suffer from several mental health conditions, including severe depression (including many suicidal thoughts), anxiety, and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Although I still struggle daily with these issues, my weight loss and lifestyle “redesign” have drastically helped improve my mental wellbeing as well as my physical.
    My obesity did not particularly come from being unable to control my eating or eating fatty food. I did my best to conscientiously monitor my diet and make sure I was getting plenty of veggies, fruit, and Protein. I was moderately active, going for daily walks, and briskly walking to and from work every day. My family was obese - my parents, and my younger brother. I say “was”, as both my mum and my dad had the sleeve done before I did! So I, luckily, knew exactly what to expect, and had very personalised support. Both of them are extremely healthy now and have lost heaps of weight. I was able to get my surgery due to my family history of obesity, and my inability to lose weight, no matter how much exercise I did or how much I dieted... which had been the case since my teenage years.
    Anyway, let’s start from the beginning.
    For three-ish weeks prior to my surgery, I was on the dreaded VLCD. And absolutely hated every minute of it. I thought, “I’m eating like I’ve already got the sleeve! I’m f**king hungry!” - my poor partner had to put up with an absolute rage monster. The hanger was real. I was allergic to the OptiSlim shakes, which was replacing two of my meals, so I went on an alternative whey Protein Powder, which would have tasted good... if I could have had it with milk. (Protein powder made on Water is nasty, and nothing will ever change my mind on that, lol!) I was restricted to roughly 800-900 calories a day. My dinner was a little bit of protein and veggies, which I didn’t mind. But boy, I missed having “real” food. On the day before surgery, I admittedly cheated and had a “last meal”... a delicious rare steak, pan fried veggies, and a bit of mash. Do I regret it? Nah. It was a damn good steak!
    I was sleeved on the 20th of July, 2018. I was nervous as hell and cried my eyes out in the ready room as they were preparing to take me into the theatre... I am terrified of surgery and needles, and I’ve never liked hospitals. This was basically my worst nightmare. But, the surgery went off without a hitch. I woke up a few hours later, feeling groggy and weird. I slept on and off for a time. My parents and boyfriend were waiting for me in my room at the ward. However, as soon as the anaesthetic wore off, all hell broke loose. Let me clarify, this was the first surgery I’d ever had in my life. I’ve never even broken a bone. My parents had very different experiences to what I did during my recovery. I had no idea what would really come to pass.
    I felt the most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. I think it might have been the gas, I’m not sure - all I remember was that it was the kind of pain that made you wish for death. I was literally screaming in pain, trying not to twist around to aggravate it more. I was so nauseated, so sick, literally the worst I’ve ever felt. Worse than gastro or a stomach bug. I started dry heaving/retching with such force that my body would convulse forward. My body wanted to throw up, but there was nothing there. My mum had to hold me as I shook and heaved. My poor delicate stomach that had just been cut and sewn up did not like constricting in this manner, which only added to the pain. It was around 10pm at this point, and I was begging the nurses for morphine, but got none. I was only given a light painkiller that did nothing to help me. They refused to give me any more relief (the doctor would later find out, and the nurses got their heads ripped off for it. It was safe to give me more but the nurses thought they knew better than my doctor). By this point it was 10pm, and my parents and my partner were forced to leave by the hospital staff, as visiting hours had finished nearly 2 hours ago. I was alone, I was terrified, and in the worst pain I’d ever felt. I cried the entire first night I was in hospital because no one would help me, no one would give me any pain relief. I was in agony until the sun came up and they finally gave me some more of the light pain killers (nurofen), which only barely filled the edge. I suffered bad pain for most of my stay. My mum found out about the lack of painkillers, told the doctor and the hospital, and from that point on, I was able to get morphine for the pain. It got rid of it, and helped me sleep, which I desperately needed. I was in hospital for roughly 4 days.
    Then, I finally got the all clear to go home. There were no leaks, my stomach was healing, the pain had mostly gone. I was onto a liquid diet for 2 weeks, then onto puréed food, then soft food, and after about a month, I could eat solid food again. Let me tell you. I hated absolutely every minute of it. Many people say that you don’t feel hunger for weeks or even months after you get the sleeve. Guess what? Not true. At least not in my case. I was *hungry*; pretty much as soon as I left hospital, my appetite kicked in. Although I stuck to the liquid diet (was too scared to push it), liquids didn’t feel filling. I would get hungry. I started my puréed diet early because I was hungry all the time... and it was fine, my sleeved actually adjusted brilliantly to the transitions, for the most part. Until the dreaded third week. Something happened. My sleeve did a complete flip on me and I could not even keep water down. I was constantly vomiting, couldn’t eat anything and could barely drink. I became dangerously dehydrated. I began to pass out because of it. My mum forced me back into hospital and I was put on a bore IV (one of the really big ones... scary!) and given IV liquids. I was diagnosed with severe dehydration (was not too far off organ damage apparently) and kept in for 2 days so they could rehydrate and monitor me. I felt much better after the short stay, and could keep food down again once I was rehydrated. I’d fully recovered and they let me go home.
    After that, it was just learning to gauge my stomach, how much I could handle, and what I could and couldn’t eat anymore. My metabolism has now tripled - I burn through my small portions very quickly, and I have to eat regular small, healthy things to keep up with it. Grazing, basically. My metabolism has never been this fast in my life. I’m doing really well now, and can eat most things comfortably... except rice. Rice is the enemy of a tiny stomach. The expansion bloody hurts, let me tell you that. I seem to be able to eat a sh*tload of bread and Pasta, which seems abnormal. I try to avoid carbs nowadays, but on the occasions I do eat them, I can eat amounts that would shock most sleevers. I don’t know where it goes honestly. Maybe the doctor put a pocket dimension just for pasta in my belly?
    Anyway, sorry for the super long post! Feel free to ask me anything, I’m happy to answer/help. Shout out if you’re a young sleeved person too!
  9. Like
    Jean9 got a reaction from SarahBoBera in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    I have only told a handful of people. No one at work except the hr manager cause I had to see if this surgery was a clause in our insurance. I to feel kind of embarrassed about having the surgery. It's like I failed and its led me to have to have surgery. Idk I know I'm doing this for the right reasons so that's all that matters I guess.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    Jean9 reacted to GourmetH20 in Post your progress pics!   
    Sent from my LG-H631 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    Jean9 reacted to vannababyy22 in Post your progress pics!   
    8 months out 202 pounds down total, 170 since surgery! [emoji1320][emoji1320]

  12. Like
    Jean9 reacted to CWhip in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    I did it!!!!
    A little pain , but I'm home! Going to take a nap now, but I'll let you all know about my experience.
    Happy and relieved 😊
  13. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Psyched in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    I am a very private person. I shared with the 3 people I am closest to and that has been the best decision for me. It would have been 2, but my mom (my dad doesn't know) has to keep my boys. Heck, it would have been 1, but over time my husband convinced me I wouldn't be able to keep it from my best friend and that I shouldn't. I got push back from all 3. I knew I would. They didn't know anything about a VSG. I granted them the right to be a little scared, ask me questions, go to appointments, etcetera.
    I think the culture we live in has conditioned us to feel like everyone has to know everything and that just isn't true. I am not sure if your right to privacy that you have chosen to protect makes you feel more like you are keeping a secret or if you feel like because you are not shouting it from the mountaintops something is wrong with that. If you do, please don't. You are allowed your privacy and it's ok to be protective of it. I went around and around in my own head about whether or not I was being "dishonest" by not sharing my journey with others. I decided that I get to choose. Period. And I did not want to have to live in a constant state of explanation on why I decided to do what I feel is best for me.
    The support that I most needed was really that I wanted to be able to seek wisdom from those who have walked the journey too. I've found that here, so I am content. My squad of 3 is supportive and that is beyond a gift that I do not discount or take for granted, but in the end of this...it's me. I have a lot of work to put in, I'll do it with my 3, but equally as important to me is that there is a whole gang of support here. Wishing all the best for you, Neenaof4! You definitely have a support squad here.
  14. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Lolo 2020 in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    I struggled with the same issues , and was embarrassed at first, but ultimately ended up blabbing about the surgery to everyone . My parents and old college friend had been the most against it- but when I explained the technical reasons why dieting doesn’t work and hasn’t worked for me, and how important it was to me to be healthy and active , they all became very supportive . My fiancé is concerned we won’t eat and drink together anymore , but I have just said o will be eating like all the other skinny girls and what I put in my mouth is nobody’s business but mine !!! This is a great tool and a lifesaving surgery for many - being scared is normal but take a deep breath and a month from now I think we all will be so happy ! I am scheduled for dec 20!
  15. Like
    Jean9 reacted to theresahyatt19 in IT'S TIME.....   
    Just about to head to the hospital .. a ball of nerves right now. Hope they go away.. good luck to everyone going in today... see you on the loser side..
    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Frustr8 in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    My birthday My birthday, 2 people having their,surgeries on my birthday! And Tomkitten, my son, said I wouldn't. be getting🎁❤📦 presents THIS YEAR! Well Well you do know Someone will be wishing,you well upon That Day!
  17. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Rediscovering Me in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    I am new to this forum. I am a teacher, so I scheduled my sleeve surgery during our 2 week Christmas break. My surgery date is December 26th...the day after Christmas! I’m both excited and nervous. It’s exactly ONE MONTH away!!! I’m excited to have found this forum, so we can encourage and support one another on this journey!💕😊
  18. Like
    Jean9 reacted to jesseycakes in Pre-op liquid diet during Thanksgiving   
    I'm pretty sure that most do. To shrink your liver so it's easier during surgery. Good luck!
  19. Like
    Jean9 got a reaction from jesseycakes in Pre-op liquid diet during Thanksgiving   
    I have my surgery scheduled for the day after Christmas! I haven't met with nutritionist yet so I'm not sure if they'll have me do a liquid diet or not??

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Martha88 in Pre-op liquid diet during Thanksgiving   
    It depends on how much fat percentage and BMI each individual is at the pre-op stage. The whole point for the pre-op liquid diet is to reduce the amount of fat around the liver. The liver needs to be manipulated and moved around during the surgery and needs to have the least an ok until of fat surrounding it at the time of surgery.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Oct517 in How will you handle Thanksgiving?   
    Thanksgiving went well for me. I ate two bites of turkey, two bites of mashed potatoes, two bites of stuffing and then I was done. Later on I had a bite of pie for dessert. This is the least I have eaten on Thanksgiving. I didnt feel bad though. I'm starting to get the hang of it. At this point I feel like I may be far enough out that I don't feel like I'm missing out on food anymore.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    Jean9 reacted to AEdoesRnY in FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS   
    I feel like there’s more of a difference than these two pictures show (besides the outfit and the lighting I don’t see a whole lot different between the two), but I’m getting close to a 60lb difference between these two pics and can really feel it! The first is from one or two days into the two week pre-op diet and the other is from yesterday.

    Fishing for compliments and reassurance! 🤗🤗🤗

  23. Like
    Jean9 reacted to Bari_KS in My surgery is in 24hrs   
    Thank you all for your wonderful wishes and hugs. I'm back home, stayed less than 24hrs. I feel pain in my sternum. Now at home, watching series.
  24. Like
    Jean9 got a reaction from trish869 in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    We can all do this!!! Mind over food [emoji6] [emoji8] just think of how you'll feel after the surgery...like months after! You'll feel so much better losing the weight. That's what I'm looking forward to. I'm scared but we have the support of this group to get through it.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    Jean9 reacted to kx2ax5 in Anyone scheduled for December yet?   
    Just finished my pre-op education class and whoa... so much information. The only thing left for me before surgery December 14th is my pre-op diet that I start the 1st which is low carb high Protein, and then my pre-op appointment with the surgeon on December 6th. I’m going into this holiday season grateful for a new lease on life. ❤️

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