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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sheribear68

  1. Okay so 17 days out from being sleeved and here I am for a big family wedding. My nephew is getting married and he’s been engaged for 2 years. No expense has been spared by either set of parents and its more of an entire weekend rather than “just” a wedding. Me and hubs have had our airline tickets and hotel reservations for over 6 months and the ENTIRE family is flying in from multiple countries to attend. So I’ve only been on purées for 3 days and here I am traveling and in a hotel. After a loooong 8 hrs travel, I managed to drink 60 ounces water and eat zero protein. I did bring some of the oatmeal and hot chocolate protein and had room service bring me a boiled egg. Couldn’t finish either one. Then we go to the rehearsal dinner which is a giant, catered cocktail party with open bar, millions of appetizers, and then a 4 course meal. The meal alone took over 2 hours from start to finish. Then there was dessert drinks and desserts... about 6 different kinds. I’m very proud to say that I took very small bites from each course: like 1-2 tablespoons each and then had about 2 ounces of the chicken. No beverage and zero desserts. Hardly anyone there knew I’ve had surgery, and kept trying to push drink after drink at me and I had to “fake” several toasts. I finally begged one of the bartenders to serve me ice water in a highball glass with lime and I pretended to people it was a vodka water with lime. As I sit here exhausted back in my hotel room, I realize I have to do this all again tomorrow for the wedding 😭😭😭 A bus is coming to pick us all up tomorrow and I’ll be several more hours surrounded by drinks I can’t drink and food I can barely eat. On the upside, I feel quite empowered by my success so far and what will get me through tomorrow is the knowledge that I will be so PROUD of myself once this is over.
  2. Sheribear68

    First real temptation

    Okay so update: today was as rough as I thought it might be but I learned 2 lessons: 1. Don’t ever try to eat a single poached egg with hollandaise sauce. Hubs ordered eggs Benedict for breakfast and the plan was for me to eat one of his eggs. I even scraped a lot of the sauce off, but about 30 minutes after eating I was in complete AGONY. I’ve eaten eggs 3 times this week so I’m guessing it was the sauce. All I could do was pace around in the hotel room bc lying down or sitting hurt too much. Had to take 2 Zofran, but thank goodness the nausea and the intense spasms faded by time to start getting ready. 2. I learned that i can sit through an entire reception dinner and eat 3 bites of flank steak (lots of chewing) and 4 green beans and I’ll survive. Again, drinks were flowing like crazy and don’t even get me started on the table entirely made up of champagne flutes, lol. I was starting to get cranky bc by the time dinner came I’d not eaten anything for over 10 hours, but just that teensy bit of food fixed me Okay so I completely missed my protein goal by a mile, but tomorrow is a travel day and then I’m back home
  3. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Not sure why I haven’t posted in this thread but I was sleeved 2/6, which puts me at 18 days post-op.
  4. Sheribear68


    Turned 50 last October and got sleeved 2/6. As someone who survived stage 3 breast cancer at age 40, turning 50 was a huge milestone. But it also kinda sucked because I was at 41% BMI and super unhealthy. I have 2 kids in their 20’s and a wonderful husband (Fate offered me a second chance) of 3 years. I want to turn 51 in the best shape of my adult life and I want to thrive instead of just surviving. Hell yeah! After 50 is as good a time as any to take control of your life back
  5. Sheribear68

    First real temptation

    Thanks! Figuring this out as I go...
  6. Sheribear68

    First real temptation

    Thanks! I’ll definitely think about that advice. I seriously might just tell him I’m a bit under the weather (which isn’t a lie) and don’t feel like my stomach can handle dancing (also true). As a cancer survivor, I can’t be vague about any kind of procedure because everyone assumes the worst and it might worry him more on his big day. Later I will tell both my nephews, once this is over and they’ve had a chance to recover from this weekend. Oh yeah chewing an chewing and chewing yesterday completely got me through the salad course, and one appetizer course, the veggies and then the chicken. Wow, I’ve forgotten how DRY things like banquet chicken are. 🤣🤣🤣 Oh yeah... and there were delicious-looking mashed potatoes on my plate and I didn’t taste even one bite.
  7. Sheribear68

    First real temptation

    Ahh. Now it is today and new challenges are about to begin. I’m feeling stronger because I have about 5-6 hours sleep under my belt. I am going to need to find a way to confide in my nephew after the ceremony though because the last thing he said to me last night was that I better bring my dancing shoes to the venue. Lol, I’m still too sore from surgery to even think about dancing
  8. Sheribear68

    No weight loss

    Okay so I hit a stall on on day 12 after losing 23 pounds and once it lasted 3 days I decided that I CANNOT be a slave to the scale. It hasn’t been long enough since surgery for me to feel like I can handle the mental roller coaster the scale provides. So this is what I worked out I was gonna do: Find a pair of pants that you are close to fitting in, but that don’t fit yet. Try them on every day until you CAN fit in them. Then and only then do you weigh yourself. I had my husband hide the scale and promise not to tell me where it was until I can fit into those pants. I haven’t weighed myself in 3 mornings now and I feel better about it.
  9. I’m still on the purée stage, but I consider it a victory if I can get in 45-60 grams a day. And most days I fall short because I can’t yet get in more than 300-400 calories per day
  10. I’m agreeing with others that this is more than likely acid production. As someone with a lifetime history of acid reflux, I can tell you that I’ve noticed this and usually it happens at times when I might usually eat. It’s like the body knows that food should be coming and preps. Your brain is more than likely mis-interpreting this as “hunger” Also I’ve noticed my stomach making horrible growling noises that at first I wanted to interpret as hunger, but realized it was just my digestive system yet again trying to outsmart the surgery and “ask” for food. Moving from liquids to pureees will help so much because your new stomach will actually have something to work with. Hang in there and get to week 2.
  11. Sheribear68

    2 week stall?

    Yeah. I just keep telling myself that I lost almost 2 pounds/day for 12 days and now my body needs to rest before it can start losing again I’m going to avoid the scale until that pair of pants that doesn’t fit me, fits me.
  12. Sheribear68

    2 week stall?

    Okay so I had a session with my therapist tonite (great timing with this stall) and I’m going to use a non-scale victory over the next few weeks. I have a pair of pants that I really want to wear and currently I can pull them over my hips but cannot zip or button them. When I can put them on and sit comfortably in them, I’m allowing myself to get back on the scale. Until then, I will refuse to weigh
  13. Sheribear68

    2 week stall?

    First day of the stall hit while still on liquid diet phase. I consumed 184 calories that day. Second day was 1st day purées. I had 1/2 egg and 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese for 2 meals and all I had was the 2 meals. Yeah that’s all I had that day but I was so sick and tired of “sweet” tasting protein drinks I didn’t care. Yesterday I branched out and added a third meal of the Bariatric oatmeal. I double checked all my macros and I’ve only had about 20gm carbs for the 3 days combined. I did skip walking on the treadmill one of those days bc I had dr appts all day. Man I hope skipping one day on the treadmill doesn’t put me into a stall...
  14. Sheribear68

    2 week stall?

    Thanks so far for the responses. One reason it’s kinda bothering me is because where I am “stuck” right now has been a sticking place with me in the past. However in the past I would get stuck here, flounder around for a few weeks, then slowly start to regain. Logically I know that cannot happen this time around but I feel as if I almost have PTSD over it. Lol, I’ll be MUCH happier once I can breakthrough
  15. Sheribear68

    2 week stall?

    Gosh Boldilocks that stinks. I’m hoping someone sees this that has been there and come out the other side with a positive story. In the meantime we take one day at a time
  16. I find myself attracted to and disgusted by the show. For the most part, I get so frustrated with these guys because it seems like they have every excuse on the planet yet don’t want to work with anyone to try to help themselves I mean at 260 pounds I had to go through 2 formal psychiatric counseling session, plus my insurance set me up for 12 weeks with a therapist via phone call I KNOW these people get psych evals before surgery so either they are the best liars ever, or they’re getting “pushed through”. There was one episode with a guy who ordered like 5-6 pizzas delivered after his surgery and I wanted to reach through the tv and slap him silly. Sorry, but every single person on this planet has some kind of baggage. Yes, I acknowledge that many people have it worse than others, but we still jail people who commit crimes and who had a bad childhood. This show sometimes feels like it’s giving all of these guys a pass to act like complete a-holes to everyone around them and not be accountable for their actions
  17. Love this thread because as of today I am 13 days out and can start purées Today I bought low-fat cottage cheese, plain hummus, ham salad, eggs, and cauliflower rice. Had 1/4 cup cottage cheese and it went down with no probs. Was gonna eat a spoonful or two of hummus, but I got full. For dinner I plan on frizzling up the cauli-rice with some of my protein cream of mushroom soup (protein boost) and having half a soft-boiled egg with it. Tomorrow morning I’ll have the second half of the egg with a 1/4 cup ham salad. I was struggling so hard in the liquid phase because I really don’t care for “sweet” and I was sick and tired of protein shakes and the like. I was also getting a bit tired of the savory soups because they always left my mouth feeling a bit “fuzzy” after eating them. Sooooooo glad to be eating REAL FOOD again, even if the menu is somewhat restricted
  18. I was sleeved on 2/6. Down 23 pounds so far
  19. I completely understand that feeling. I’m less than 2 weeks out and down 22 pounds from surgery and 37 from my starting weight. Even that much has made such a significant difference
  20. Okay well I’m so sorry that you ever felt like “trash”. Hopefully now that the decision has been made, you can make some strides in the way you look at yourself. All of us deserve to look and feel like the best versions of ourselves that we can and this is a GREAT tool to help achieve that. Do you have a surgery date yet?
  21. That’s amazing! Do you have a date yet?
  22. Thanks for the awesome stories guys! This is going to be quite the inspirational thread. Having a great “why” makes any “how” bearable
  23. Mine was 2 events that happened within a couple weeks of each other. Back in 2009 I was diagnosed at the age of 40 with TNBC, which is automatically a stage 3 and is mandatory chemo. After a year of chemo and radiation (guess who actually managed to GAIN 40 pounds while on a year of chemo-yup, this girl) I decided that I was never again going to get cancer. I fought so dang hard for my life and knowing that the #1 risk factor for cancer is obesity, I vowed to lose weight. And I did. I spent the following 3 years running 10-15 miles/week, going to the gym, hiring a personal trainer, and religiously logging food and eating under 1600 calories/day. I lost 40 pounds in those 3 years. Then I got laid off of my job, had a a death in the family and loads of stress. Regained the 40 pounds in under 8 months. Fast-forward to January 2018. I went in for a mammogram and I had several enlarged lymph nodes, so my oncologist was convinced I had lymphoma. Also in January we had a family girls trip to universal Orlando and I fully had to sit out of half the rides because I couldn’t fit. Okay so I didn’t have lymphoma, but that scare along with the family trip convinced me something had to give. I still took many months talking to health care professionals and doing my homework and making sure I was truly ready to make this leap, but on 2/6 this year I was sleeved. Since then, I’m down 20 pounds. And down 35 overall from when I started. HW: 259 SW: 244 CW: 223 GW: 150 Height is 5’6.5
  24. Sheribear68

    Calorie goal for first 2 weeks?

    I wish. Sadly when anything Thicker than water tries to go through it gets stuck.
  25. Hello all, I’ve got a question about calorie goals in the first 2 weeks post surgery. I was given a calendar and it says I’m to be on all liquids for the first 2 weeks and that I need to make sure I get in 3 proteins, but that’s really all the guidelines I have. To be honest, I’m lucky if I get in 2 proteins a day (who can actually consume 6 oz in one sitting) and I’m worried that I might sabotage future weight loss if I don’t get in enough right now. I logged my calories for the past 2 days (was sleeved on 2-6) and I’ve consumed 330 calories. That’s for BOTH days. 😱😱😱 Anyone else in the same boat?

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