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Posts posted by ms.sss

  1. On 4/18/2019 at 4:29 PM, GreenTealael said:

    Team check in:

    Are you enjoying this type of challenge (without added food restrictions) ?

    Do you find it helpful this month as you make your way towards your goals?

    Honestly, I enjoy the daily check-in aspect of it, and reading other's check ins. Also, I don't mind food challenges, and the exercise stuff I pick and choose anyway 😉

  2. #19 Go for a walk:

    Did a shortened version of my daily walk as it started to rain. I normally do about 5km (which equates to roughly an hour), but I was only out for about 20 minutes until I had to turn back cuz of rain.

    B-Side: Weekend Plans

    Tonite went out for dinner and a movie with Mr & the Kid; tomorrow night is Easter Dinner at our place for my side of the family (which means a busy cooking and cleaning afternoon); Sunday is an Easter lunch at Mr.'s parents' place for his side of the family; and Monday, since the Kid is off school, planing to go shopping with her at a shoe warehouse sale at the convention centre near the airport (yay, shoes!).

  3. VSG. Started at 235 lbs, am just under 5'2" tall.

    I'll be 6 months out next week.

    Down 93.3 lbs since October, which means I've lost about 40% of my total (NOT excess) body weight. That's just crazy to me.

    6 lbs until I get to "Normal" BMI range for my height; 21 lbs until I get to personal goal, which is roughly the mid-point of the "Normal" BMI range for me.

  4. #18 Buy a coffee for a stranger

    I've done this twice* before so I'm a seasoned pro, lol. So this morning, I paid for the person's coffee who was behind me in the drive thru at Tim Hortons.

    *Backstory: once a few years back, there was gridlock at the drive thru line at Tim Hortons as cars were coming into the line from 3 different directions. There was one car up ahead who could not get in line because no one would let her in. By the time i got up to that part of the line, I just let her in front of me because she was waiting an awful long time! I found out when I got up to the pickup window that she paid for my coffee and Breakfast sandwich as a thank you. It was a nice gesture and it totally made my day. So I told myself the next time someone lets me in line, I would do the same. So I did. And then that felt so good to do, I did it again a few months later.

  5. #17 listen to your favourite album:

    I don't have a favourite album, I usually just listen to playlists on shuffle, or my TV that's on in the background :)

    B-side: What has changed the most/least in the past year:

    Most: Obvs my whole eating/cooking/exercise routine has done a complete 180. I eat better (or not at all), I cook for the fam all the time and actually love it, and *gasp* I exercise every day. This is a complete turn around from eating crap like all day long, being too lazy to cook and going out/ordering out almost every day or buying pre-packaged processed foods, and non-existent exercise. It's crazy how different I am now.

  6. B-side:

    • Game of Thones, natch.
    • Top Chef, Top Chef Canada, MasterChef, MasterChef Austrailia, Giada in Italy, You Gotta Eat Here, Barefoot Contessa (...you get the picture, I LOVE cooking shows).
    • Grey's Anatomy
    • This is Us
    • Survivor, Project Runway

    You may wonder how I have the time to watch all of this? Lol, TV is like my radio. I have the TV on all the time, either the actual TV, or on my laptop or iPad or phone. Alot of the time I'm not actually looking at the screen, just listening, while I multitask doing other things. GoT is the only show I actually watch with my full attention from beginning to end.

  7. I had some difficulty swallowing the giant Calcium and Multivitamin tablets at first (I would feel nauseous then barf soon after). I could not stand the taste of them crushed, so I switched over to chewables for the the 1st three months. Then I tried again at month 3...I could get the multivitamin down but not the calcium, even cut in half. So continued with the chewable calcium until month 5. Then, hurray, I could keep the giant calcium pills down! I still have a bunch of chewables left in my stash, so I'm just going to finish them then switch permanently to the regular tablets. They are much cheaper than chewables, so that's a plus. But I will say that the calcium chewables are tasty (I had/have the Jamieson chocolate flavoured chews).

  8. #15 Teat Yo' Self:

    Well, that's a coincidence. I had a 90 min massage this morning after the gym, and lo and behold today was a treat yourself day for this challenge. So.....Treat completed!

    B-side: i find dietary efforts to be about the same, effort-wise, for both weekends and weekdays. But I guess if I had to choose, I'd say weekends would be a smidge harder only because they are a little less predictable. Though the ever present beef Jerky in my purse can always be counted on. I've also started carrying around a teeny ziplock of a single serving of Protein Powder for other just-in-case situations.

  9. 3 minutes ago, MrsGamgee said:

    Day 15 - treat yourself.

    Tomorrow I'm going for a major haircut. Currently my hair is down past the middle of my back, but I want it to be easier to deal with after surgery, so I'm thinking of getting a bob.

    Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yep, getting a shorter haircut also helps to disguise some of the Hair loss a lot of people experience....I cut off my own lower-back-length hair to an almost-pixie back in January.

  10. #14 Declutter

    I did a major purge of my closet as well as all the drawers in my bathroom last weekend (man, I had a crapton of toiletries, hair product, skin product and makeup to toss!), so I'm giving myself a bye for this declutter task. Besides, we are still in GOT binge-watching mode and have 4 more season seven episodes to re-watch before a little premiere-watching party we are having tonite with a few friends. Ugh...and I still gotta squeeze in some dinner and Snacks making in there somewhere...

  11. #13 Get Outside:

    It was a beeeeautiful day today and me and the Kid went to watch Mr. play some tennis, then the Kid and Mr. played some tennis, and afterwards we (and by "we", I mean "they") got some funnel cake. Aside: I suck at tennis. Plus, I was wearing inappropriate shoes (heeled booties, lol).

    Will head out again later tonite (on my own this time, sans the heels) for my daily walk around the neighbourhood.

    Too bad tomorrow is not going to be nearly as nice.

  12. #12 Watch an Old Movie:

    Sorry, no time for this...am currently binge watching seasons 1-7 of Game of Thrones so everything is fresh in my mind for the season premiere this weekend (sooooo excited...yep, that's my geek showing 😎) .

  13. 2 hours ago, DeeberLee said:

    I will watch "Sense and Sensibility" with Emma Thompson when I get home.

    love this movie ♥️... actually i probably love all of the jane austen novel based movies....

  14. #11 Make a Meal for One:

    I make meals for myself every day so this is just a normal thing (I guess for all of us!) Here is what I put together for my first meal of the day: a leftover salad (leftover roast beef deli meat slices from the Kid's lunch yesterday and leftover shrimp from dinner last night on some salad fixin's). I didn't eat much of it at my first crack at it, so it is now going to be a leftover-leftover salad for later sometime.




  15. My untrained eye doesn't see anything glaring in your macros (except maybe your sodium is a little high?)...maybe some of the more "veteranized" people can chime in.

    But yeah, taking to your nutritionist/dietician is a good step. Good Luck, and keep us posted, I'd be interested in hearing what they would have to say.

    As @GradyCat mentioned, stalls happen...also, you may try taking your measurements, you may not see changes on the scale, but you may see them in inches, and the way your clothes fit.

  16. I didn't realize when I lost weight that ______:

    • I'd be sooooo cold aaaaallll the time...I wear a jacket and socks at hot yoga for fricks sakes (though, I now own an impressive collection of woollen socks)
    • other people would be more obsessed with my weight loss than I am (which is saying a lot, i'm pretty obsessive). It dominates the conversation and I find it increasingly annoying.
    • I would end up loooooving to cook and prepare meals that I don't even eat. I am now one of those people who instagram painstakingly-plated dishes of food.
    • that I would develop an all-consuming fixation on pooping (or not pooping).

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