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Posts posted by ms.sss

  1. Agree with the others above. Generally, eating too fast or too much is the cause of this. Or eating something that your body (for whatever reason) takes a while to digest.

    For me its chunk tuna from a can. I can only take maybe 1-2 tablespoons of this stuff before I get that need-to-barf feeling. Meanwhile, grilled steak or dry baked chicken go down just fine.

    You will learn over time which foods agree with you and how fast you can can eat it (or whatever)...for now, take it slllooooooowwwwwww. Take a couple bites at a time, and take a break in between these bites to gauge where you are.

    Good Luck!

  2. 58 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Back on the drinking while eating topic. I just saw a number of Dr. Matthew Weiner's most current YTs and he maintains that it's an archaic rule that isn't aligned with the newer surgeries. He says that drinking while eating won't wash your food through any quicker. It already moves out of your tool VERY quickly regardless--in any surgery (VSG, RNY, DS). He said only those people who feel sick when they add liquid to their mealtime should avoid it. But taking small sips while eating won't stretch out your tool.

    I know he's not the Wizard, so he could be wrong. Just a different perspective.

    Yes. This is what I have been theorizing on. I get not drinking because its uncomfortable, but if one can drink and not get sick/full/barf then I would think this is ok.

    Now, for me its not so much that I want to drink DURING meals/eating times (which i may do on occasion with small sips of wine like @sillykitty), but that I don't want to wait the requisite 30-45 mins AFTER to have a drink. All this just because I am finding I am spending too much time eating and not enough time drinking...and I am one of those water-is-king people.

  3. 57 minutes ago, sleevin7 said:

    Then some people (especially) friends and family go bat, ape poop, on how impressed they are, which is good but they tend to embarass me a little. 🤫

    Yeah...the (positive) attention was nice at first, but it has long since become irritating/embarrassing. I find myself enjoying the company of people I've recently met at my client site who didn't know me when I was obese, its just so refreshing to not have the topic of my weight loss dominate conversations. I'm just a regular, ordinary person around them :)

    I am slightly dreading a wedding I have to go to this weekend, where I'm going to see extended family members and acquaintances whom I haven't seen since before my surgery. Omg, just the thought of all those aunts (you know those aunts...) that are going to be all up in my face makes me want to stay home.

    57 minutes ago, sleevin7 said:

    uh boy, but again, I'll take it.

    Ya, me too.

  4. 21 minutes ago, rs said:

    I noticed that most of these posts are about the struggles trying to increase calories to stop from continuing to lose weight. I find that interesting. I'm 9 months post sleeve and still have about 15 lbs to go to reach goal. This last month or two it's been real slow to come off. I just can't imagine getting to a point where I have to try to stop from losing.

    I guess for me, I sort of got into maintenance abruptly, as I decided to stop losing before I reached my original goal weight (I felt like I was getting too small for my liking), so I didn't have the opportunity to plan an ease into maintenance. I was eating very low calories (comparatively) and moving to a maintenance calorie level for me is quite a big jump...and I until I get there, I am going to assume that I will keep losing weight, and I really don't want to do that (given that think that I'm too small now).

    But your are right in the sense that there are other struggles that those in maintenance experience besides this. Maybe we will hear more about these soon :)

  5. 15 minutes ago, Losebig said:

    I generally eat when I feel hungry and this works out to 3 meals and 3 Snacks per day. Here's an example of what I might eat on a normal day:

    • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 slice american cheese, 1 bagel thin with butter
    • ~10am snack: Apple fritter (450 calories - yeah not the greatest...)
    • lunch: 4 oz chicken salad with light mayo, 1 bagel thin with butter, sometimes 1 oz of crackers or pretzels
    • ~3pm snack: 10 crackers and 3 oz of cheese slices
    • Dinner: steak 4 oz (or 1 sausage or repeat lunch or breakfast)
    • ~8pm snack: Plain popcorn with salt or bagel thin, or crackers and 3 oz of cheese or italian ice or if I worked out a lot or am starving repeat a meal
    • I shoot for 64 - 100 oz of Water

    I am so encouraged by how you maintainers show how you eat like "regular" people.

    Yours looks carb heavy to me, but I understand that all your exercise/activity warrants it (like @Healthy_life2). Part of my long term maintenance plan is to get 2x a week of strength training in (which I have been avoiding, because, well, I hate it), so I am going to have to address my carb phobia eventually.

    26 minutes ago, Losebig said:

    and generally just eat when I'm hungry

    Can't wait to be able to say this myself :)

  6. 9 hours ago, Cheeseburgh said:

    Ok, I compromised. I went to the gym but I did cardio instead of the class. I don’t know why I am so reluctant, the regular instructor is back today and I like her. I’ll go again, it is a good workout.

    I did 30 minutes of cardio, 20 squats and I’m going for a 30 minute walk this afternoon to atone for my avoidance.

    Pretend I went to the class @ms.sss !

    I didn't forget...just finished my walk, as promised, slower than normal, but still an hour :) . Good night!


  7. 14 minutes ago, Cheeseburgh said:

    I tried Chia pudding with almond milk and it turned out like a big lump with liquid floating on the top. I used a recipe that had a little a lot of positive reviews. I know how to measure and follow instructions, I can’t figure out what went wrong.

    When the mixture was put in the fridge, I gave it a mix/shake after 15 mins then again 15 minutes after that. I think if i didn't it would have turned out clumpy as well.

  8. I have jumped on the Chia pudding Bandwagon!

    Base Pudding has 5 ingredients: Chia seeds, cashew milk, stevia, vanilla extract & salt.

    I added some chocolate-flavoured Protein Powder and some pumpkin seeds. 4.2g Net Carbs, rest of macro data in screenshot below.

    It's delicious, but is more filling than I thought it would be....ate a little more than half of it (the MFP data is for the entire serving though, will probably eat the rest tomorrow).






  9. 12 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

    Right now I just eat pretty freely. The only things I do that are "bariatric" is weigh myself everyday I'm home, and log everything. I also inadvertently IF a lot of days because I don't get around to eating until later in the day.

    *Required disclaimer

    I appear to an outlier. I had an easier surgery, easier recovery, lost weight quickly despite being "off plan" frequently and rarely exercising. I totally recognize I've been incredibly lucky. I don't post a lot about it on here because I don't want people to hate me 😂. I am also fully prepared to adjust my diet and exercise when I start to regain. I believe I'm still in my honeymoon period, and this can't last forever.

    ...if only we could ALL be outliers *sigh*

    (and i don't hate you :) )

  10. 8 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    just speaking for myself here, I eat more volume now, and I eat some things that I wouldn't have eaten before - like the occasional dessert. But I don't really eat things off plan very much - as in I usually avoid crap. When I go out to eat, I still order non-fried meats with vegetables, for example. I might eat a tortilla with my taco now and then (before, I'd just eat the innards), but I wouldn't get a Pasta dish - nor would I order something fried or something with a heavy cream sauce.

    as an example, today I had Protein pancakes for Breakfast with a homemade apple/cinnamon compote on top. I put oat flour in my pancakes. I would not have eaten oats when I was in weight loss mode. I stuck mostly to Protein and veggies back then. I did, however, make the compote I had today with Splenda, because I still avoid sugar.

    for a morning snack I had a Protein Bar. I did eat those occasionally while in weight loss mode.

    for lunch I had a cup of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of tahini mixed in (healthy fat - keeps me full longer) and a homemade blueberry sauce. I would not have had the tahini while in weight loss mode - nor would I have had a second serving of fruit in one day (although I did make the blueberry sauce with Splenda - again, no sugar). I probably would not have eaten a full cup of cottage cheese, either - maybe just half a cup.

    I had Light & Fit yogurt for an afternoon snack, with some raspberries on top. L&F I would have eaten during weight loss mode - but I would have ditched the raspberries back then because that makes three fruit servings in one day.

    for dinner I'm thinking of having half a burger, on half a bun, with a half a piece cheese, one piece of bacon, a tablespoon of avocado, and a little aioli (it's left over from the other night). During weight loss mode, I would not have had the bun. The other stuff would have been OK, but depending on how many calories I was eating at the time, I probably would not have had all those - maybe just one or two of them instead of four.

    SOOOO to answer your question, kind of a combination of both. But I still avoid sugar and crap food most of the time, and I try to average 1700 calories/day

    Thanks for this!

  11. 7 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    ahem....i used to say that, too, back when I was in weight loss mode. I couldn't *imagine* eating that many calories. Now that I've been in maintenance for 3+ years, sadly, eating 2000 kcal is not hard to do (sadly because if I go over 1700 more than once or twice a week, my weight starts heading north)

    5 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

    That's why I dropped below my goal weight, I had a hard time getting enough calories in at first. But now I manage just fine. It will actually take me finding some discipline again when the seemingly inevitable regain happens.

    You are both right. My mindset is still in transition from weight loss to maintenance. The idea of doing something so different from what I've been doing for the past several months is just head shaking to me.

    This really is a mind f*ck.

    Do you ladies find you eat more food overall (lots of healthier options), or just eat more foods with higher calories (adding more treats and off-plan items)? Or a combination of both?

  12. 18 minutes ago, AZhiker said:

    and then wait 10 minutes

    yep, this is what I do (even at 7 months post op). I time 10 minutes on my watch between every 3-4 bites. It results in me taking FOREVER to finish a meal, but at least I can avoid that pressure feeling (most times, at least). On the bright side, I have learned to appreciate room-temperature food.

  13. 33 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

    But my stomach capacity has gradually increased, so that makes it easier to get more cals in

    How many daily calories on average do you maintain at? (and does your exercise level affect that?)

  14. 16 minutes ago, Cheeseburgh said:

    Ok, I compromised. I went to the gym but I did cardio instead of the class. I don’t know why I am so reluctant, the regular instructor is back today and I like her. I’ll go again, it is a good workout.

    I did 30 minutes of cardio, 20 squats and I’m going for a 30 minute walk this afternoon to atone for my avoidance.

    Pretend I went to the class @ms.sss !

    you know what, you went. and did something. that counts as a win.

    I'll do my walk tonite :)

  15. 5 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    that's a pretty radical jump. I think I went up about 100 calories at a time

    yeah :( that was my plan also, but I went up to 800 on on the second day due to a party and figured I could do it. I've been at 1000 (not consistently, though) for over a week now and its honestly tiring (and the fact that I'm losing weight is not helping).

    That's it. I'm going back down to 800 for sanity's sake.

  16. Some observations surrounding eating today, which may be hampering my efforts:

    1. In an effort to get more calories in, I am eating when I am not hungry. This goes against so much of what I think I should be doing and messing with my mind. I mean I am already full (-ish)..why am I putting more food into my mouth?!?! Isn't this what got me to my pre-op weight in the first place?!?!

    2. I do not like the feeling of fullness. I realize I much rather prefer the feeling of an empty (or near empty) stomach. I just spent the last 1.5 hours eating my first meal of day (albeit at my desk while doing some work) and I am definitely full. Not so full that I am in pain or need to barf, but enough that I know if I take another bite I will. Its almost as if my entire body is full (chest, arms, legs, head), not just my stomach. And I don't particularly like how it feels. I feel almost sluggish and bloated/swollen. The fact that I need to keep doing this all day, and as a consequence feel like this all day has got me bummed.

    3. When I first started upping my calories, I went from an average of 600-650 to 1000. I think this may have been too fast (and contributing to my ickiness). I scheduled myself to go to 1100 tomorrow, but will wait another week instead. I'm even contemplating going back down to 850-900 for a while? What do you think, maintenance-ers?

    4. (Off-tangent) For some reason, the last meal I have each day, whenever and whatever it happens to be, seems to be the easiest to get down and not feel yuck after. I wonder if there is some causal effect in there somewhere...

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