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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss

    Blah...my first stall...

    @SleeveDiva2022. One word: Perspective. You’ve lost 26 net lbs in 6 weeks. That is a good amount. The glory of losing 15 lbs a week those 2 first weeks is just not sustainable. You were actually above the curve those first weeks. But really, it all evens out in the end for everyone. So long as we stick to plan and make intelligent adjustments along the way, we’ll lose weight. And yes, some at faster/slower rates than others. I know it probably feels like its over and that this is all the weight you are destined to lose, but frankly its just not true (if u stick to it). And basically impossible (so long as u stick to it). So another word for you as well: Patience. Good Luck! ❤️
  2. ms.sss

    What do YOU order at Starbucks?

    Grande Blonde Americano, black. If I'm feeling "dessert-y" I'll make it a Misto with 1/2 shot of Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup. If I'm feeling REEEEAAALLLYY "dessert-y" I'll get the Misto as Soy 😂
  3. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. I have a couple bags of "salad kits" than i am working to eat up from the fridge. They are nowhere near as tasty as the ones I make myself, AND the packaged dressing is sooooo HIGH in calories (and honestly, too sweet for my taste) for so little of it, but its salad, and it was either this or baked mac and cheese. I choose salad. 390 calories, ate it all.
  5. ms.sss

    Calories per day

    Average 1900 a day these days Im 3.5+ years post. (For reference, im 5’2”, 118.5 lbs this morning, and get about 3-5 hours dedicated exercise per week.)
  6. I tried to smoke a joint in the first week post to deal with surgery pain cuz I didn’t want to take my pain meds. The resulting coughing fit (and stomach pain from the coughing) put an end to that real quick! About a year later i tried again and was fine. Im back to my normal rate of usage (like once every couple months) with no issue. Bonus points: I don’t get the uncontrollable munchies anymore! If i do feel munchy, its easy to ignore 💪🏼 P.S. No, i dont have a medical marijuana card, and Yes, its legal up here now, lol. P.S.S. I also drink/drank regularly (pre and post op), but only started drinking regularly again after weight loss phase. During weight loss phase I probably had about 5 partial drinks in total the entire time. P.P.S. I also smoke (cigarettes), which i am half-heartedly trying to stop. Sigh.
  7. *raises hand* im one of those people who can’t/won’t eat until after noon. Both before and after surgery. pre-op, if i ate early im the day i would feel sluggish all morning…so i didn’t. post-op, I guess it was just a lifetime habit continuing, and i too became a natural intermittent faster because i also implemented not eating past 7-8pm to avoid any food regurgitation during sleep (it happened once in the early days and it was horrible enough for me to make sure it never happened again!) P.S. its not to say I NEVER eat before noon, but it is a very, very rare event. Its almost always just coffee for me until i have my first meal of the day.
  8. Fellow ribeye-lovers unite! Lol We had a philosophical discussion about steak cooking techniques that dinnertime…. Mr. did sous vide those Porterhouses, and while i loooove how a perfectly perfect the temp was achieved throughout, i always find sous-vided steaks too “wet” for my liking, and just not quite enough crust created in finishing before it starts to get dangerously close to Medium. How do you finish your sous vided steaks? Do you get a crust on them??? I generally like it when Mr. uses the reverse sear method…what he may lose in perfectly consistent cook from out to in, he makes up for in spades with golden crust…yum. He also uses the grill when we get steaks that are just too big to fit in any of our cast irons, but i find theres alot of room for error here.
  9. Fun fact: the Porterhouse (not to be confused with a T-bone steak, but essentially similar) that Mr prepared are actually 2 steaks in one, composite steaks that is made up of a Top Loin (aka strip steak) on one side of the centre bone and a Tenderloin/Fillet on the other (the smaller side). I ate my 1oz from the tenderloin/fillet side which was butter soft, OMG. BUT my fave cut is the Ribeye hands down cuz I like my steaks fatty and rich tasting! Once or twice a year Mr will bring home the fancy Tomahawk ribeye from the butcher and grills it to perfection…i’ll take a pic the next time he does…it’s a work of effing art lol.
  10. So i’ve been bugging Mr to grill me up a steak all week cuz i was terribly missing some good quality, well cooked MEAT since vacay (where the food was borderline terrible!) Tonight, Mr. came through and prepared THREE of these babies!! Its hard to tell in the pic, but this Porterhouse is GIGANTIC. It was almost 2 inches thick raw, and weighed 2.35 lbs cooked. 😳. Did i mention he made THREE of these?!?! Overkill is an understatement cuz I ate like 1 measly oz of it. Along with some roasted asparagus and portobello mushrooms. Cleaned my bowl: 345 calories, which included an espresso martini i drank beforehand (not shown). Totally hit the spot! Mr is gonna be rewarded for his efforts later (once my food is digested 😂😂😂😂)
  11. ms.sss

    Saggy neck?

    I have a wrinkly neck definitely. And no, it didn’t snap back. Boo. (am 3.5+ yrs post op sleeve) I’ve done microneedling and botox in that area to minimal improvement. Am doing preliminary planning to get a neck lift or lower face lift to address, but im am historically prone to hypertrophic scarring so im a little hesitant.
  12. ms.sss

    Caffeine After Surgery

    They served me coffee at the hospital! I went back to drinking my daily 500ml thermos of coffee in the mornings at around 1 month post op (but i drink it black)
  13. Omg. Love the looks of these. I looooooove going to bakeries and buying basically one of everything. ❤️
  14. Hmmmm this would lead me to think that you may be experiencing head hunger. “Real” hunger persists and doesn’t go away via distraction. Well, at least that’s what I’ve read and personally experienced. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  15. Hmmmm. Are you looking to feel “full” or “not hungry”? Sounds the same, but there is a difference. Another thought: have you considered dealing with the hunger by just giving in to it? And by that I mean trying to eat more often but in lesser amounts? It may feel like you are eating all day, but it may be the lesser evil of the constant hunger. I know you travel quite a bit, so maybe a nice travel container of a variety of (healthy-ish, low-cal) snacks to carry around in your purse or laptop bag?
  16. I realize my meals have been lacking of greenery of late (i have yet to go grocery shopping since coming back from vacay). 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jamaican beef patty and some Ketchup chips. Ate 1/2 the patty and all the chips: 346 calories. I’ve been told that Ketchup Chips aren’t as widely available in the US as it is in Canada. If the Americans on here haven’t yet sampled Ketchup chips, you don’t know what you are missing!! Think: sweet/tangy/savoury. #yum
  17. So i am a daily food tracker/body weigher through and through and probably won’t ever stop cuz I actually like doing it and i love to analyze data and trends (3.5+ years and still going) BUT….time and repetition (and data analysis) has taught me what amounts of what types of food is enough to maintain my weight AND not get sick. Stomach restriction also helps, but i tend not to rely on that too much because its just not comfortable (physically). If I were to eat to restriction every time, it is often too late and i’d feel sick/yucky more often. I just came back from vacation where I didn’t track nor weigh myself. I ate according to what I knew I could handle and came back the same weight as I left**. So I know I can do this without tracking. BUT I’ll continue to track anyway now that I’m back. Im lucky in the sense that my restriction is the last line of defence for over eating, but like i said, I rarely rely on that and just eat what I know i can handle. Historical tracking and paying attention helped alot it learning this for ME. So for those whose restriction is not as effective, recognizing what your limits are and keeping that in mind always to the point of second nature is probably your best bet. In short: Intuitive Eating. P.S. ** I was ridiculously constipated on vacay and after a long-awaited poop when I came back, i dropped almost 2.5 lbs, so i guess technically, i lost weight on vacation. Mind you, the fact that I didn’t like (nor eat) most of the food probably contributed to this.
  18. ms.sss


    Ok if you all are serious i can whip up a planning spreadsheet 😇
  19. ms.sss

    Very low heart rate

    I was 46 yrs old when i had WLS. In the first 9 months immediately after surgery my resting heart rate averaged 50 bpm (at least according to the data collected from my apple watch i wear religiously) Which is crazy to me because 50 bpm is less than my husband’s, who is a regular marathon runner, AND I weighed much more than he did in the first couple months. My average resting heart rate slowly climbed up after the first year to 60-65 which is where it has stayed for the past year and a bit (I’m 3.5+ years out now, and 50 yrs old) My doc is not, nor has ever been concerned (but he did take me off my HBP meds like the first few days after surgery). For reference: Im a 5’2” female, 117.8 lbs this morning , run 30-45 mins every 2-3 days with minimal strength training (15-20 mins every 2-3 days). Blood pressure generally in the 100/60 range (it used to be much lower in the first year…but again my doc was not too concerned other than to tell me to incorporate more salt into my diet). But yeah, if you are worried def make an appt with a medical professional…though you said it yourself: you are in much better shape, and my totally non-medical-degree-holding assumption would be that your body is just using your resources more efficiently. And if you are feeling good, that is generally a good sign of good things. Good Luck! ❤️ Edited to add: in the 3-4 years before WLS, my resting heart rate was like 90-100 bpm. And it would shoot up to like 170 from walking up a couple flights of stairs 😳
  20. Awww, thats sweet. Actually i tied my own record of 13 days i set back in 2019 after i had plastics. Constipation has been a pretty regular issue for me since getting WLS (prior to that i used to go 2-3 times a DAY…yes, i know TMI lol). Couple that with my historical issue of not being able to go Number 2 anywhere but my own toilet at home, it was kinda expected. 🙄 In any case, my colon is clear again, thanks to 2 rounds of suppositories, and implementing the trusty pregnancy/labour breathing techniques during the deed!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
  21. Totally unnecessary news, but last night I pooped y’all. 13 days, 2.4 lbs off the scale afterwards. Then i fell asleep afterwards from the effort. 🥹 Anyhoo, this morning i woke up STARVING (well for me) and fixed myself a rare before-noon meal. I made bbq ribs for the fam last night (which I didn’t eat any of…see poop-sleep above), so I heated up some of the leftovers in a dinner roll with some bbq sauce. Oy my goodness, I make awesome ribs! Lololololzzz. 425 calories for the while slider, which i ate half of, so will update MFP to show 213 calories as Mr. ate the other half already.
  22. Happy Birthday Sophie!!! ❤️❤️
  23. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    Its been a while since I’ve posted any OOTD’s on here…part laziness, part no new real shopping done recently. So…looking to wake up this thread and bring it back to its former glory when it was a trending topic for months (remember that??) As it is, it remains one of my faves threads on here (this and the Food Before and After thread!) Sooooo… here we go: for those who know me, I LOVe to try on wedding dresses (been trying to convince Mr. to marry me again, but that’s another story, lol). On a recent mini-vacay a couple weeks ago, i did just that at nowhere other than Klienfelds, NY of Say Yes to the Dress fame! And no, Randy was not there, hahahha. I tried on maybe 10-ish dresses, but this one was my fave. Price tag: $6500 USD if you’re wondering (and no, i didn’t buy it, lol).
  24. Hi. I don’t normally reply to these, but there is a first time for everything I guess. Let me first say that I believe you when you say your intention is not to offend. But i do ask you to consider it could be challenging for someone NOT to be offended or hurt to be called “disgusting”, no? (I mean, someone just posted a couple posts above yours who is 5’11” and 160 lbs…and she’s gorgeous!) Just like when we were heavier it may have stung to be called “disgustingly FAT”, the sting is just as bad when we are on the lower end of the scale. Just some food for thought ❤️
  25. More smoked salmon & Gorgonzola, this time sandwiched in a dinner roll with capers and some butter. Prefaced with a coffee martini (not shown) 409 calories for the drink + sandwich…ate/drank it all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
