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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss

    Date Suggestions

    I dunno if I'd consider myself a vet yet (just a little over 1.5 years out), but me and Mr. still do everything we used to do (pre-pandemic), INCLUDING going out to restaurants/bars...I just eat less. However, on top of our usual stuff, we also now exercise/work out together (before it was just him being active, and me being couch-potato-y). So i guess it was more me participating more with him on stuff he was already doing. Although I did make him take salsa dancing lessons with me...that didn't last long, lol.
  2. I tried the chaffle thing, and went out and bought one of those cute Dash minis. But the handful of times I attempted it, it just tastes like a well done omelette! I figure I must be doing something wrong....so now I'm going to give it another go this afternoon, because of this thread!
  3. I still enjoy/love food, but in a different way now, I guess. While before, EATIING it would give me a thrill, now, I honestly enjoy watching OTHERS eat it, cooking it, looking at pictures of it, even just smelling it, LOL. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, it just IS. This surgery taught me a long time ago that I had to be selective in what I put in my mouth (given the limited real estate I have now, and the dumping, and of course the weight loss/maintenance results). I still love going to out to restaurants/bars/parties/get-togethers (well, at least pre-pandamic i did...) but I don't feel the need to eat everything anymore. I often find myself asking "Is it worth it"? More often than not, it isn't. Of course, yours (and others) milage may vary, but I figure it's a lifestyle change. One can't expect lasting change by doing the same things as before. It can be tough at first, but If you can stay the course, hopefully you will find a happier, healthier you. P.S. I am over 1.5 years out now, and no longer trying to lose weight, so I have a different vantage point. I don't really consider myself a vet yet, but I'm not a newbie either. So I fully recognize that it looks different from where you are standing. Take pics of yourself now, write down your measurements, and maybe months/weeks from now you will be all "yay, me" instead of "boo me". P.P.S On a less popular note, if the inevitable ability to indulge is more important to you than the weight loss (and for some, it is), then that is really your choice to make. I can only say from my own personal experience that I will take looking and feeling awesome over a 12-course tasting menu any day. (Not to say I wouldn't go to one, lol) Good Luck!
  4. Ok, @MarvelGirl25, making these were NOT as easy as I thought they would be!!! First, I more like painted the chocolate on vs dipped (way to messy...ended up eating and licking all the delicious drips, though lol) Also ended up holding a strawberry in each hand over and over for like 5 mins so it would dry enough to put in wax paper without the coating sliding off. And my cheap toothpicks kept breaking!!! Multiply that by 30 strawberries and that equals what felt like forever!!! I wonder what I was doing wrong...arg. Lastly, all the cool luster dust colours were out of stock at my local store so I only picked up Pearl and Bronze, which doesn’t nearly come out as nice (can barely tell I put any on, honestly!!!) Anyway, I am forbidding the family from eating them at the moment because I need the hard evidence of my blood, sweat and tears to exist a little longer. I may try this again another day. Maybe.
  5. Happy Birthday @Sophie7713 !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  6. Did the weekly inventory of the stuff in the fridge and determined I needed to use up some wonton wrappers, a couple stalks of green onions and what was left of a tub of cream cheese. Sooo....made Spicy Cream Cheese & Green Onion Fried Wontons! Also made a dipping sauce with Tamari, sesame oil, sriracha & a touch of honey (its in that stainless steel bowl in the background) These are terribly addictive, as evidenced that they where gone in like 10 minutes. But I did manage to eat one before they all disappeared. 1 wonton (without sauce): 66 cals
  7. ms.sss


    Can't wait to see you in your new threads!
  8. ms.sss

    Nervous About Craving

    I loved dessert before WLS, and still did afterwards (and still do 1.5 years later). The real question is whether my stomach loved it. In the early months, anything with even just a little bit if sugar (even a sip of a mixed drink with sugary mixer) would result in serious dumping episodes and have me on the bathroom floor. I learned early that I had to keep sugar at a minimum (not that I had very much during weight loss phase anyway - just a handful of times, all of which I regretted soon after). Now, I can have a little more without getting as sick as I did. Not much more mind you...just last week I had 1/2 a donut fritter too quickly and I felt awful, heart raced for over half an hour and ended up passing out on the couch for over an hour. So i indulge once in I while, and in small amounts, eat it slowly, and when I remember, to have dessert NOT on an empty stomach (i find the dumping symptoms much worse on an empty stomach). P.S. i also want to note that i am done with weight loss phase, and I probably wouldn’t recommend doing the dessert thing until after you’ve reached goal. Take advantage of the rapid weight loss first, you can always try a bit of cake later. You may also find you won’t even care for it, like others said above. Good Luck!
  9. Made the @Sophie7713 wedge salad tonite !(took the picture before I realized I forgot to sprinkle blue cheese chunks on top (so the salad in my tummy had about a glorious 1 oz of the stuff added later, lol) Also made some “leftover chinese takeout”-fried rice for the fam (none for me!) Day old white rice + leftover crispy chicken + leftover beef & Chinese broccoli + frozen corn niblets + scrambled eggs + crispy fried garlic.
  10. Ah, but this Cher Horowitz from Clueless! A timeless masterpiece.
  11. ms.sss

    SEX, SEX, SEX!!!

  12. ms.sss


    omg. I had this too in the early months. It didn't even occur to me until I read your post that it could have been dehydration! P.S. my dry eyes went away eventually (can't remember exactly when), but I kept eye drops at my bedside to moisten them in the morning when it was happening. I remember being barely able to see some mornings...
  13. Haha, I meant that I am using the absolute least amount of weight to exercise (i.e., my body weight, lol). I agree, there is TONNES of skill and strength involved for many body-weight exercises/poses (just not the ones I can currently execute!). That tiger bend push up is crazy. This one in particular (eight-angle pose/astavakrasana), I have been working on for the past 2 months now. Mr. has been helping me "train" to complete it. I can only barely hook my right leg over my bicep at this point (I've given up on the left leg...that side of me is just not bendy enough right now), and lift maybe half of one butt cheek off the ground, so it's still months in the making... The fact that Mr. can do it effortlessly is the fire that makes me determined to do this one day...
  14. Thanks! I am sooooo making these as soon as I get my hands on the materials! So excited!
  15. True, I do have alot of energy to burn, LOL. and I am a BOTTOMLESS PIT for salads. This orange segment one would perfect for a summer night like tonite (it was 30 degrees up here today - that's 86F for you Americans )
  16. ms.sss

    Obese? Not me!!!!!

    Yay, you! Feels AWESOME, doesn't it????
  17. ms.sss


    The first 2-3 days were the toughest. Your body will get used to it and it won't feel as challenging. Hang in there, it gets better if you stick it out. P.S. Try drinking water, going out for a walk, taking a shower, going outside and taking deep breaths, knitting even lol. Anything to get your mind/body occupied. P.S. I personally did not cheat.
  18. ms.sss


    Glycerine Suppositories?
  19. ms.sss

    Any bike suggestions?

    ooohhh...all it needs is a basket with a baguette in it (a low carb one, lol)
  20. ms.sss

    Revision time

    Same here. I also remember one of the dietitians claiming it's not that problematic with bypass but more with the sleeve as liquids pass rather quickly through the anastomosis. Can't remember the exact words because it's 4 years ago now. I know the 30 min rule but noticed early in that before eating the drinking up until a few minutes before the meal is no problem. After the meal drinking too early is just making me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I wait longer than 30 min. Sometimes it's just 25 min or something like that. Depends on meal size and meal consistency. Mind you, this is not how I handled it a few days out. Take it slow. I'm a sleever and also noticed early on that I could drink as much as I wanted right up to eating a meal with no issue. During a meal, I will fill up really quick. After a meal, I will likely barf if I don't wait at least 30-40 minutes.
  21. LOL, 90% of my weight training is with body weight. I'm already doing as little as I possibly can! I only use "machines" for pull downs (though I do use free weights sometimes for arms and shoulders). I've long ago accepted that I will likely never enjoy doing these things. BUT I do them anyway. I can see the difference it makes (even with as little as I do) and it's a price I'm willing to pay (for now).
  22. omg omg omg. you need to tell me EXACTLY how you made these please!! I am LOVING the metallic looking ones!!!!
  23. Man, seeing all your plates makes me realize just how much I can eat nowadays! It seems like sooooo long ago that my meals were this size 😳 I'm talking to you too @sillykitty & @MarvelGirl25
  24. Oh dear lord, your arms and back are the stuff of my dreams! I totally HATE strength training (though I force myself to do 20 mins of it every day...cursing the entire time, btw), but if I can end up looking like you someday it will TOTALLY be worth it. Your newest fan, ms.sss

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