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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss

    Weight Loss Scale

    Same. I weigh every morning when I get up. I have one of those smart scales that keeps track for me and I pay attention to my moving average more than the daily numbers. So long as my moving average is going down, I'm good. Though I do know that some people get some anxiety with the daily up and down fluctuations or stalls, so if this is you, maybe a less frequent weigh in may be better.
  2. Hubba hubba. You look great! Congrats
  3. ms.sss

    Bouldering/Wall Climbing Gym

    I did this for the first time ever back in January (about 3 months ago) and it was great. I've been two more times since, and would like to go more often, but it's not easy to find a climbing partner...I don't think i'd enjoy it as much if I didn't have company; I may join a group or something in the summer... So....the first time I went my fitness level was slim to none. I was only walking daily and just started going to the gym around that time. I think I was around 180 lbs at the time too (there is a weight max of 275 or 300 lbs i *think*), and I was able to climb just fine on the beginner walls, and with some effort, could reach most of the tops of the intermediate walls. My one tip would be to take it slow and rest in between climbs. I was too excited about the newness of it all I may have went a little too fast, too much that first day because the next day I was SORE. Omg, like crazy full body sore. I didn't realize how many muscles (like all of them!) are used in climbing. Even my all around my neck was sore for f's sakes. But it is a lot of fun and I'd say try it out and don't worry about being embarrassed, you'll be too focused on getting to the top (which is so satisfying and confidence-building to reach) Oh, and the place I went to smelled like feet. Apparently that's normal. You get used to it. 😁
  4. ms.sss


    oops. baked before i read this. 😐
  5. ms.sss


    #6 Bake Cookies for a Friend. Chocolate Chip Cookies (the REAL kind) for my BFF and her fam. Of course, Mr. and the Kid smelled them and insisted on keeping half the batch for themselves and eating them for breakfast. Damn their athletic metabolisms and bottomless-pit-stomachs! This is what is left. I assume they were delicious (they certainly smelled nice).
  6. Another checkup, another height change.  Last time I went, they recorded me at 5'1", which is a full inch shorter than what I have been saying for the past 25 years.  This time they used metric and noted 157cm, which is 5'1.81".  So I asked them to check again and yep, its 157cm. 

    Now I have to recalculate all my BMI goals again...

  7. ...the seaweed snacks are missing....
  8. ms.sss

    Post-op sleeve travel

    I'm a little over 5 months post op and I carry the following everywhere I go: beef jerky, a day's worth of vitamins & a thermos. Earlier when I was newly sleeved, I would also carry around a mix bottle with a scoop of protein powder in it, and fill it with water if/when I needed it.
  9. ms.sss

    Weight-loss funnies

    omg i have to do this.
  10. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    2 NSV's at my checkup today: 1) my body fat percentage is 31% which puts me in the "acceptable"/"average" range for women. yay! 2) i have a thigh gap (of sorts)! had to take off my clothes and stand with my feet 6-8" apart, and lo and behold light could be seen shining between my legs (ok, that sounded weird).
  11. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Wow wow wow. 111 lbs is 6 months is AWESOME. Congratulations!!! I hear you about sizing...its so inconsistent among stores. But its fun to shop now, isn't it?
  12. ms.sss


    #5 Take a long deep breath. Done. 😁 That was easy. Went to my 6th month post op check up today with my nutritionist, nurse and social worker (3 weeks early, as I had to reschedule my appts), and all's good so far, other than that my NUT wants me to eat more carbs/fibre as she would like me to poop more, she didn't talk about calories this time, which was different. Lab work done a well, but won't get results until a couple weeks.
  13. ms.sss

    So Who do You Look Like?

    A pre-plastic-surgery Leah Remini...which is weird because I'm asian.
  14. EDIT: I see you posted this on another thread, so I removed my original response so as not to have duplicates
  15. ms.sss


    #4 Exercise: Went to gym after dropping the Kid off at school, did 20 mins upper body strength training with free weights (arms, shoulders, back, chest). Then went to Hot Yoga (1 hour) Later tonite, after the fam has dinner will do my daily 5km walk around the neighbourhood.
  16. ms.sss


    You. Are. A. Beast! 😮
  17. ms.sss

    Hardest part

    The length of time it takes me to eat. Sometimes i just want to hurry it up already (at which i will get rewarded with some awesome foamies), and other times I just want to just say F it, i dont want to keep having to eating this. I’m always the last person eating, and I feel like I’m drawing attention to myself, amplified by the miniscule portions on my plate.
  18. ms.sss

    Hair loss

    Yes, pics pls ❤️
  19. ms.sss


    Boo. The kid had too much homework tonite, so operation lash lift will have to wait until maybe the weekend.
  20. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Try not to be so hard on yourself...everyone steps off plan at some point or another. Chalk it up as a mistake and go back on track Hope you feel better soon
  21. ms.sss

    Hair loss

    I would kill for some chicken hair right now.
  22. TMI Alert.  So I looooove poop days.  I only have them every 4-5 days now, but when they come around I just feel so much better afterwards 😁

    Plus the 1+ lbs weight drop is always a nice bonus...

    1. Losingit2018


      You may want to talk to your team about this. Not good to go more than 3 days without bm. I suffer from chronic constipation and take 1 serving of miralax daily. It is gentle, safe and effective.

  23. I'm 5'1", and lost 7.4 lbs in week one post-op. (I actually lost more on week one of my pre-op diet: 8.8 lbs. Go figure)
  24. ms.sss

    Hair loss

    I had a the sleeve. My hair started shedding at month 3. I had really long hair, and I felt like the weight of it emphasized the thinness at my scalp, so I chopped it all off and it looks so much better (i.e., fuller). I just passed my 5 month mark, and while I don't notice any further thinning, I don't notice any new growth yet either. I guess I'll just keep my hair short until it does start to grow back *crosses fingers*.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
