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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss

    Coffee with Premier Protein

    OK, I'll bite, what's happening on Thursday?
  2. ms.sss

    Coffee with Premier Protein

    It's not just you...I only really drink hot water now; I may take sips of cold water if its in front of me, but I can't drink as much of it as I can when its hot.
  3. Went shopping today to buy new work out clothes because my current compression pants are more like jogging pants these days.  Soooo satisfying to reach for size smalls and have so much variety to choose from.  I love shopping again!


    1. GreenTealael


      💜 Congrats 💜

  4. ms.sss


    Surgery: VSG (just a little over 5 months post op, still losing...) Starting weight: 146.4 Goals: Get to 135 lbs (which would mean a 100 lbs loss for me since October!) && increase strength training time/amount. Right now I do maybe 20-30 mins twice a week, I want to do more. #1 Something I'm proud of today: I am getting so much better at remembering the steps in Zumba. I didn't feel as stupid as I normally do this morning at class.
  5. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    omg i'm so looking forward to putting on a wetsuit and not having to choose from the men's selection because none of the womens' sizes fit me before.
  6. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Im sorry you are having a crappy time. Did you consider maybe seeing another Dr/getting a second, third, fourth opinion?
  7. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    wow. looking good, lady. congrats on your weight losses so far ♥️
  8. ms.sss


    Again, thanks @GreenTealael for taking the time to organize and manage these...I know it takes time and effort and its appreciated ♥️ I didn't do the daily participation this month, but I DID read it almost every day and kept up with everyones updates. Despite my non-posting, I did complete the "No Junk Food" challenge (its really my natural state anyway). And I did get into the 140's...I finished off March at 146.9 lbs, (a loss of 11.2 lbs for march )
  9. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    So exciting! 11 lbs is not far to go. I'm about 26lbs to goal and and started looking at PS options...I can't decide what to do first...how did you decide?
  10. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    ...oooh and I guess will this one too...🥴
  11. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Will check this out, thx for the tip...
  12. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    You are only 5 lbs to goal!! (at least what's stated on the sidebar)...that must feel amazing 😁 My hair had started to shed around month 3...so I chopped it all off and it looks less thin now...hopefully it starts to come back soon...
  13. ms.sss

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Okay, October sleevers, its April 1st tomorrow and that means we will all be hitting our 6 month marks over the next 30-31 days. Would love to hear/read about everyone's progress and updates as we all reach our 6-month-surgiverssaries (yes, i know that's not a real word, so I don't know how to spell it!). Hope to hear from everyone (even its its just to say hey whats up...)
  14. If this was done 4 months ago, I'd have jumped on board My weight loss is a lot slower now, and I wouldn't be able to compete against the newly op-ed. Good luck to those that join, sounds like fun
  15. ms.sss

    I'm in despair

    Water. If nothing else, get your water in. Try your best to focus on that today and tomorrow you can touch base with your docs for next steps. One. Day. At. A. Time. Hang in there ❤️
  16. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    Love these ❤️
  17. Wow, you have shrunk. Nice calves, btw, I wish I had a nice line running down mine too! Do you run?
  18. HOLY SMOKES. You look amaaaaaaaazing.
  19. ms.sss

    Buying clothe

    I'm the opposite, old pants/jeans fit my hips and legs, but they gape at the waist, especially at the back...if you stand behind me you can look down my jeans when I'm not wearing a belt. It doesn't help that my butt has deflated considerably 🙄. WLS wish: that we could choose where the weight came off from. 🙏
  20. ms.sss


    Wow, being discussed so thoroughly seems oddly unsettling (?) @SteveT74, thanks for taking the time to write all this, I can tell you have put a lot of thought and research into your posts. As someone who to tends to lose hours reading about subjects that interest me as well as take pride in composing a well thought out essay/email/argument/post-it note, I can appreciate your efforts. To be clear, both my nutritionist and surgeon (and while i'm at it my PCP) are satisfied with my progress so far (despite my NUT preferring that I up my calories). I'm sure they think I could be doing even better, like more calories, more exercise, more sleep, less salt, less special-occasion alcohol, less Perrier (my nemesis!) etc, but for now they are cool with what I'm doing. Come three months from now, they may advise me differently, and thats cool too...I could very well be in a different position to better address that, then.
  21. ms.sss

    hope I don't chicken out

    I'm nearing 50 (turning 47 this year), and I chickened out TWICE in the year and a half before I finally went through with it last fall. The "chickening" is probably one of my bigger regrets. It really served no purpose other than to allow me to gain another 15 lbs during that time, and to further delay getting to where needed to be. Good Luck!
  22. ms.sss


    Like others have stated above, everyone will have a different recipe for what works for them. What works for one, may not work for the other. With that said, I watch/track calories and carbs (and protein, fibre, fat). These were two goals my nutritionist set for me, which I consider my primary daily goals (I don't always meet them, but I do the majority of the time): 70g protein minimum 2.5L water, the more the better. The next two I set for myself: Net carbs under 20g. Fat, I put a limit of 20-30g (but this is the most flexible macro I watch/track). I have noticed that if I take in more fat over consecutive days, my bathroom regularity improves. I end up averaging about 500 cals a day*. * I know this sounds like a small amount of cals, but I don't feel deprived nor starving...primarily due to the restriction of my sleeve (sometimes I think my surgeon may not have meant to make it this size, but whatevs, I'll take it). I am physically satisfied with the amounts I eat at meals. My nutritionist last month said she would like to see me take in more calories, but not to force it, if I can't. I'm sure I could choose more fatty, high-carb foods to do this, but honestly, I don't want to. In any case, both she and my surgeon were satisfied with my progress. P.S. I am also only 5'1".

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
