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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. Yay, you! before and after pics?
  2. Well for me, I'm looking to up my calories, so I don't mind the 60 cals/tbsp, now that is. I had this package of chia for a while, but didn't open/eat it when I was trying to lose because, yeah, 60 cals/tbsp! I personally think its delicious with my protein powder (and recently re-discovered peanut butter). Though it may be just because its probably the closest thing to a dessert that I've had since Christmas. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Plus it helps me poop. Love it.
  3. Nope, I didn't shuck em. I learned my lesson years ago when I jabbed my palm with the tip of the knife during an unfortunate shucking attempt...stayed away from the job ever since. This lovely batch was shucked by the guy behind the bar. Our total oyster haul last night was 75 (and I only had 6!). It was Oyster Night so they were only $1 each (Canadian, so thats like $0.74 for you guys)
  4. Def gonna try this minus the cinnamon (I don't like cinnamon, ya it's weird, i know). ☹️ ...but nothing a good poop will take care of?
  5. My dinner last night...I ate 6. Mr. and the Kid polished off the rest.
  6. Soooo yum, going to make a base Chia with coffee too tonight now. Can I say btw that Chia is my new best friend? I've been eating this stuff for 5 days now, and have not needed to rely on my Benefibre nor Clearlax to poop! Delicious AND "dislodging" at the same time 😉
  7. ms.sss

    Ya , it’s me

    Your post sort of lit my WTF fire about treatment of women in and the concept of perpetuating caveman-like thought processes to justify a discriminatory "order". I'm glad you are ok with what transpired and do not feel unfairly treated. But if you do (maybe not now, but in the future?) you are entirely in your rights to challenge your boss. ♥️
  8. Ya work lunch is an issue. I would spend about an hour eating my lunch with colleagues, then take it back to my desk and keep at it for another hour (give or take) at my desk.
  9. ms.sss

    Food getting stuck

    Agree with the others above. Generally, eating too fast or too much is the cause of this. Or eating something that your body (for whatever reason) takes a while to digest. For me its chunk tuna from a can. I can only take maybe 1-2 tablespoons of this stuff before I get that need-to-barf feeling. Meanwhile, grilled steak or dry baked chicken go down just fine. You will learn over time which foods agree with you and how fast you can can eat it (or whatever)...for now, take it slllooooooowwwwwww. Take a couple bites at a time, and take a break in between these bites to gauge where you are. Good Luck!
  10. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Yes. This is what I have been theorizing on. I get not drinking because its uncomfortable, but if one can drink and not get sick/full/barf then I would think this is ok. Now, for me its not so much that I want to drink DURING meals/eating times (which i may do on occasion with small sips of wine like @sillykitty), but that I don't want to wait the requisite 30-45 mins AFTER to have a drink. All this just because I am finding I am spending too much time eating and not enough time drinking...and I am one of those water-is-king people.
  11. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Yeah...the (positive) attention was nice at first, but it has long since become irritating/embarrassing. I find myself enjoying the company of people I've recently met at my client site who didn't know me when I was obese, its just so refreshing to not have the topic of my weight loss dominate conversations. I'm just a regular, ordinary person around them I am slightly dreading a wedding I have to go to this weekend, where I'm going to see extended family members and acquaintances whom I haven't seen since before my surgery. Omg, just the thought of all those aunts (you know those aunts...) that are going to be all up in my face makes me want to stay home. Ya, me too.
  12. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Bha-hhahahahahahha 😂
  13. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    My waist is now smaller than my right thigh was 7 months ago.
  14. ms.sss

    Crunchy salty snacks

    Kale chips?
  15. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    I guess for me, I sort of got into maintenance abruptly, as I decided to stop losing before I reached my original goal weight (I felt like I was getting too small for my liking), so I didn't have the opportunity to plan an ease into maintenance. I was eating very low calories (comparatively) and moving to a maintenance calorie level for me is quite a big jump...and I until I get there, I am going to assume that I will keep losing weight, and I really don't want to do that (given that think that I'm too small now). But your are right in the sense that there are other struggles that those in maintenance experience besides this. Maybe we will hear more about these soon
  16. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    I am so encouraged by how you maintainers show how you eat like "regular" people. Yours looks carb heavy to me, but I understand that all your exercise/activity warrants it (like @Healthy_life2). Part of my long term maintenance plan is to get 2x a week of strength training in (which I have been avoiding, because, well, I hate it), so I am going to have to address my carb phobia eventually. Can't wait to be able to say this myself
  17. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    @Healthy_life2, @allwet @sillykitty: as Sleeve maintainers, do you still wait 30 mins to drink after eating. (I'm not convinced this rule is applicable to maintaining sleevers as the pyloric valve intact...??)
  18. ms.sss

    June 2019 challenge

    I didn't forget...just finished my walk, as promised, slower than normal, but still an hour . Good night!
  19. When the mixture was put in the fridge, I gave it a mix/shake after 15 mins then again 15 minutes after that. I think if i didn't it would have turned out clumpy as well.
  20. I have jumped on the Chia Pudding Bandwagon! Base Pudding has 5 ingredients: Chia seeds, cashew milk, stevia, vanilla extract & salt. I added some chocolate-flavoured protein powder and some pumpkin seeds. 4.2g Net Carbs, rest of macro data in screenshot below. It's delicious, but is more filling than I thought it would be....ate a little more than half of it (the MFP data is for the entire serving though, will probably eat the rest tomorrow). Before: After:
  21. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    ...if only we could ALL be outliers *sigh* (and i don't hate you )
  22. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Thanks for this!
  23. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    You are both right. My mindset is still in transition from weight loss to maintenance. The idea of doing something so different from what I've been doing for the past several months is just head shaking to me. This really is a mind f*ck. Do you ladies find you eat more food overall (lots of healthier options), or just eat more foods with higher calories (adding more treats and off-plan items)? Or a combination of both?

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