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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by New&Improved

  1. New&Improved

    Hello I am new

    Well I'm 7 months out so I'm eating more normal now like chicken and yoghurt and tuna but still supplement with protein Shakes
  2. New&Improved

    Hello I am new

    Good for you starting early.. I did the same woke up one day and decided to start a new diet 2 months before surgery and it definitely helped me. The bypass has been great 7 months later and no issues at all and have lost heaps and feeling great.
  3. New&Improved

    Body Weight Scale

    Do you feel it is accurate
  4. New&Improved

    Body Weight Scale

    https://www.amazon.com.au/RENPHO-Bluetooth-Body-Fat-Scale/dp/B01N1UX8RW?th=1&psc=1 That one
  5. New&Improved

    Revision sleeve to bypass

    To be frank that's possibly more to do with eating habits vs actual issue with sleeve?
  6. New&Improved

    Hate bypass

    You're 2nd surgery will always be slower
  7. New&Improved

    Stomach churning

    You only recently had surgery... You will feel tightness in your belly youre still swollen.. I had bypass months ago but still at times my belly will rumble
  8. New&Improved

    Favorite Fitness Calorie Tracking App???

    I do it by hand myself in a notebook that costs $.99c LoL
  9. New&Improved

    Body Weight Scale

    Can you tell me more about what it does exactly???
  10. New&Improved

    Revision sleeve to bypass

    Well I hope it all works out for you my bypass worked so well
  11. New&Improved

    Body Weight Scale

    No I meant I've just got a basic scale nothing that measures fat or muscle or connects to iPhone... I'm old school in some ways..
  12. New&Improved

    Body Weight Scale

    I'm yet to invest in a body scale. I just use a basic digital scale
  13. New&Improved

    Getting sleeved in one hour!

    I had RNY and my pain was not good but I think I'm a baby when it comes to pain..
  14. Alcohol is not part of your diet
  15. New&Improved

    ParkWest Dr Williams

    Well that's not right my surgeon did say sleeve is easier to do etc but I had my mind set on bypass I only wanted one surgery for life and that's why and I'm doing so well we just want you to be sure of all the pros and cons before you make the leap...
  16. New&Improved

    June 2020 surgeries

    Yea I tried many products before I found the right one and I love it and I just use water with my shakes and maybe a lil coffee.
  17. New&Improved

    ParkWest Dr Williams

    Yes much higher malabsorption issues with DS. Not many surgeon in Australia even do the DS. My surgeon is one of the top in Australia and he said bypass is more than enough he doesn't do DS. and to prove it I've lost over 150lbs in just 8 months.
  18. New&Improved

    ParkWest Dr Williams

    Well I had RNY BYPASS and it was the best choice ever. Lost over 150lbs.
  19. Hope all is well Here in Australia in my state we are starting to ease covid-19 restrictions opening some shops this week and cinemas and gyms and restaurants next month but still with social distancing and limits on numbers. I've been well and everyone I know and love is well. Anyway just want to summarise my journey for those who are new. I started my weight loss journey 8.5 months ago at 322lbs and I had roux en y bypass 6.5 months ago. From day one I chose to go cold turkey and cut out all the bad food sugar fat carbs and lived off protein shakes religiously for months. By surgery day I was 257lbs and I've now technically been in maintenance a few weeks and this morning I'm 168lbs most days between 168/170lbs and have been that way for a few weeks; finally starting to feel good about myself that's a total of 154lbs gone. Now when I look in the mirror I do not recognise myself anymore it's amazing to see how small I look now. Everyone in my family is so happy for me because I spent half my life obese and unwell mentally not just physically but now my mental health is improving because I no longer dislike what I see in the mirror; is amazing how much my brain has changed now that I'm healthy and skinny. I've only just started experimenting with food more than past 2 months and have relaxed in the carb counting/calorie counting but still quite aware of my daily intake. i will admit I've had a few treats here and there in the past month but it literally has not affected me weight loss at all.. It's like I have a completely new metabolism.. I love coffee and I feel great mentally and physically and I cannot wait to meet a nice young lady who will appreciate me. I'll be 36 in 11 weeks and I'm feeling better than I have in 20 years I personally think and feel like I'm going to be 26 hehehehehe I've got a few photos to show you guys and I appreciate honest comments from the ladies (it's not easy to take photos & get good angle of myself but I did my best) Thank you. If you have any questions about my bypass or anything feel free to comment or PM. Starting BMI 43.3 current BMI 22.7 Love Mikey xx
  20. New&Improved

    ParkWest Dr Williams

    Yep as @catwoman7 says most likely need bypass
  21. New&Improved

    Surgery on Monday...

    I was given protein in Hospital on day 2
  22. New&Improved

    Revision sleeve to bypass

    Does that mean months of weigh in and stuff
  23. Well done to your husband for pushing the point

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
