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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by New&Improved

  1. New&Improved

    What to say to Dr?

    Yeah the general doctor tried the whole diet speech but I said dude I've got 20 years of experience with diets and I'm over it plus I'm getting older and not getting any better I need to do something serious to help me and kick start my butt into gear
  2. New&Improved

    No Interest in Food?

    Collagen is useless mate Menu HEALTH Collagen Protein: The Good, The Bad, The Overhyped K. ALEISHA FETTERS DEC 18, 2018
  3. New&Improved

    Post sleeve feelings

    Excuse me 19 should be cooking for themselves I had to learn early being one of the eldest out of 8 children and then leaving home at 16 😛
  4. New&Improved

    Post sleeve feelings

    I say the bike is the best cardio. Sit on bike while watching your favorite movie or documentary
  5. New&Improved

    Pre-op struggles

    You gotta be strong. Make sure your shake is high protein Low sugar and carbs. The higher protein content the better and preferably water mixed not milk... You need high quality
  6. New&Improved

    Chinese Food Puree

    Exactly that one meal of Chinese could essentially undo everything that the surgery has done... The surgery is to completely reset your system and you start day 1 lowest calories highest protein as fluffy said!!!
  7. New&Improved

    Pre-op struggles

    Do you have a link to your shakes
  8. New&Improved

    To have surgery in September or wait

    Yeah my surgery date got put back a month, at first it was a little annoying but it gives me more time to mentally prepare myself. Because once it's done there's really no turning back so don't be so hard on yourself if you need to wait a little longer
  9. New&Improved

    To have surgery in September or wait

    Get a second opinion
  10. New&Improved

    Alcohol after Gastric Sleeve

    Um you can go to an event without drinking... You could be pregnant or allergic or just healthy...
  11. New&Improved

    Chinese Food Puree

    BAD CARBS SODIUM FAT SUGAR AND MSG!!! VERY BAD IDEA heard of someone blending up a pizza lol not good
  12. VSG is a very good procedure 1000s of people have lost weight and kept it off. One guy I know lost 200lbs over 2 years and doing well. It is technically the least restrictive out of all but still good enough for what you need as long as your follow surgeons advice to the letter. Pcp is NOT a bariatric doctor! And IF sleeve ends up Not doing enough it can easily be converted to bypass or DS (Being 5ft2 your ideal weight is like 120?)
  13. New&Improved

    Almost SURGERY day :) YAAY

    Just to finalize everything and to be sure you're ready to go
  14. New&Improved


    What exactly is there issue with you
  15. New&Improved

    My birthday today woohoo

  16. New&Improved

    No Interest in Food?

    Yeah for those who get upset bellies you need to use pea protein or any natural stuff without the whey milk
  17. New&Improved


    Cheers for the feedback mate it's actually my birthday well in an hour it will be
  18. New&Improved

    When Could You Eat These?

    Wait until full foods level keep the calories low as long as you can
  19. New&Improved

    Pre-op struggles

    Wow weee! My nutritionist/surgeon seem so laxed compared to most. Best of luck! When’s your surgery? Yeah My surgeon wants V.L.C.D Also it prepares you for the first few weeks post op which will be mostly shakes anyway while on liquids so he feels it gets your body and mind set before surgery begins and even shed a few kgs at the same time! Planned for end of Sep but doctor going overseas to train other surgeons so I've been pushed back to end of October so still got plenty of time to prepare myself
  20. New&Improved

    Weight loss stall in phase 2

    Seen this 100x before. It is quite common to go through stalls
  21. New&Improved

    Fat burners

    Increase your protein
  22. New&Improved

    Pre-op struggles

    I'll be on 3 shakes a day everyday for 3-4weeks yay 😛
  23. New&Improved

    Post sleeve feelings

    Its all about taking time to research better options. Healthier options. If you go out try eat protein like chicken or turkey skin off. Try fish but watch the sauces. Don't be afraid to ask the server about healthier options like gluten free or fat free options, most decent places will cater to you and your needs! If you have a burger just take away the bun and eat the turkey burger with salad etc You don't need to copy your friend if they continue to indulge. You will need to watch your calories long term
  24. Water is more than just Liquid it makes your whole body function better
  25. Always eat protein first that will help fill you up

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