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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by New&Improved

  1. Perfectly fine I was back to normal within a month post OP
  2. New&Improved

    Can’t win!

  3. New&Improved

    Surgery buddies out there??

    What surgery
  4. New&Improved

    In process of completing pre-ops

    Catwoman is correct do not think you'll ever lose too much the bypass is great. Yes I lost more than I had planned but I'm still going great!
  5. Well personally for me I believe it is largely a mental thing to be successful you have to be 150% into the new way of life, new way of thinking... you have to be ready to completely change and fight all the temptations.. You need to be doing as much research as possible before choosing your surgery.. I spent months learning about all the different procedures before choosing the bypass.. The not eating after 8PM really depends on when you go to sleep...
  6. New&Improved

    Can your pouch stretch?

    Don't stress for me I couldn't eat much at all for months even got sick a few times from eating to quick but now I can eat almost anything without any issues just smaller portions but normal not like a rabbit... I don't think it is stretching but it's just your body and mind getting used to needing more volume than before
  7. New&Improved

    Revision completed

    You should not be having any sugar unless it's substitute... I didn't touch sugar for months.. cereal is a big NO-NO it's processed junk
  8. New&Improved

    Liquid diet

    Depends on your starting weight and if you go full liquid only like shakes
  9. I feel i need to share my story I may be one of the lucky ones but my journey has been nothing short of AMAZING. spent probably half my life obese and hating myself until I found of out about WLS. It has changed my life completely. It has made everything so much better. I got up to my highest of 322 lbs with multiple comorbidities including diabetes. I thought I would die young and gave no future but now the future is looking so good. leading up to surgery I made sure i did a ton of research and finally decided on RNY BYPASS and it was the best decision ever. Obviously i had my reservations going into this journey I didn't believe the bypass would really change my metabolism as much as it has. I made sure I researched all the local surgeons and made multiple phone calls before I decided. overall the process here in Australia was pretty straight forward and I was in surgery within 3/4 months of my consultation with the surgeon. I had to pay a gap but that covered everything all appointments and the hospital stay where I had my own private room and personal nurses. had very few actual prerequisites to the surgery and dealt with the actual surgeon personally. the surgery went smoothly and I was given good drugs so I was out cold for a full day for some reason I was in alot of pain so couldn't even leave my bed for like 2 days and slept most of that time. here in Australia they don't kick you out of hospital until your 110% recovered so I stayed for 6 days and it was great... I personally decided to start making changes before surgery and started a diet of protein shakes and lost 57lbs before surgery day and my weight loss has been steady and consistent and as of today I'm 164LBS and feeling amazing and I never felt better. Its amazing to look and feel completely different and people actually treat me better. I never thought it was even possible to get this low and to look this good. I've been in maintenance mode now around 2 months at 165-166 but today for some reason I was 164 and like I'm literally not even trying to lose weight I'm eating so much more than I did the first 6 months. I'm counting calories but not stressing over every carb like I used to, I'm eating meals most days but still supplement with shakes. I was very lucky to only have one stall in this whole journey. no complications at all and I feel like a new man and hoping to find myself a nice wife one day and start a family 😃😃😃 if you have any questions or comments much appreciated 😁 Before and after photos below 322 VS 165
  10. Hey there I'm not trying to lose anymore.. I need to start toning up gain some muscles..
  11. New&Improved

    Any dense, high protein meals?

    Tuna. Salmon. Chicken breast.
  12. Yes I had RNY bypass didn't feel hunger for months
  13. New&Improved

    Optum/UHC Choice Plus BRS Nurse ?

    Some surgeons offices will still make you do monthly weigh in before they will accept you. Regardless of what insurance says...
  14. Well it worked well for me I didn't even feel like eating anything and I was satisfied with my shakes and didn't cause any problems for me but obviously everybody is different and that's perfectly fine
  15. New&Improved

    6 Month Pre-Op Diet Question

    Some programs don't care if you lose or gain they just want evidence
  16. I was on Just shakes for months personal preference with bypass literally didn't feel hungry
  17. New&Improved

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    20k minimum
  18. I used shakes for months and it worked out great for me
  19. I was asked to do 2 weeks just shakes but I started early and in 8 weeks lost 57lbs before surgery and have lost 100lbs since surgery
  20. New&Improved

    I’m so upset

    I'm sorry you've been very unlucky one of those 1% that have bad complications with bypass. I had bypass nearly 8 months ago and had no issues what so ever so it's hard to see others suffer.. it will get better.
  21. New&Improved

    Weight loss after sleeve

    Yes everyone Is different
  22. New&Improved


  23. Just remember to take your time with each bite chew it nice...

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