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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by New&Improved

  1. New&Improved

    Something seems fishy...

    Most PT and dietitian always set a high weight goal to give people realistic expectations as most people don't lose all 100% EBW but that BMI of 30 they are giving you is irresponsible. My surgeon and dietitian both gave me vague goals but I always had my own personal goals in mind and luckily with hard work I've flown passed every goal I set and have been maintaining well for 2 months with BMI of 22
  2. Have you decided on the sleeve over BYPASS? Being that you're at 350 you'll need to lose at least 150lbs
  3. New&Improved

    Starting my PS journey-first consults today

    Yes plz do your research and do not just go for the cheapest option seen so many ppl go to a 3rd world country for surgery and end up in hell.....
  4. New&Improved

    To tell or not to tell

    Told everyone and now they see it was the best decision ever
  5. Get some serious help
  6. Time to go set a counselor to deal with your addictions asap before you go off the rails and ruin your wls
  7. You could still be a little swollen it's very early days
  8. New&Improved

    What do you wish you had known

    I wish I knew about surgery 10 years earlier
  9. I'm not sure what BMR Is exactly but after BYPASS my weight came off quickly and easily
  10. BYPASS is best option
  11. New&Improved


    Yes try different shakes until you find there right one
  12. New&Improved

    Pre op liquid diet

    Yeah it's only 3 days most of us did weeks of liquid preop plus you'll need to be on liquids post OP... you're really going to struggle if you can't go without chocolate just a few days let alone the following months... sugar post OP will most likely cause irritation and obviously won't help you lose the most weight... I personally was on liquids for months once I found a shake I loved with all the protein and nutrients I needed I was satisfied... but I did have BYPASS and didn't crave anything for months...
  13. That's why I was on shakes 3x a day for the first months to make sure I got my protein goals. Protein is soooooo important
  14. New&Improved

    Mexico bariatric center

    Yes pays to do your research.... cheaper is not always better
  15. Hello everyone Just felt like checking in if anybody is curious how I'm traveling.. Well I've been in maintenance now like 2 months and still weigh myself most days just to keep focused and hold myself accountable. My lowest weight was 164.8 in the last two months yet some how this morning I've got to 163.8 and I'm literally not even trying to lose weight I don't log everything I EAT LIKE I used to and I feel I'm eating real food now and between 1500-2000kcal most days like I've totally changed the way I ate for the first 6 months but still cannot gain weight. I'm still considered healthy with 22 BMI Still use shakes most days just to keep hitting protein goals. I'm not complaining perse' was just amazed that this RNY BYPASS has compeletely changed my metabolism into a skinny person's metabolism and its great to finally feel normal. I hope I'm able to give people inspiration and to show anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Total weight lost now is 158LBS from my heaviest.
  16. Hello there hope everyone is feeling well and getting ready to return back to normalcy after covid-19. Here in Australia things are starting to get back to normal with opening more businesses and stuff. It's my monthly check in for those that are interested in my journey. I count from the day I began my diet and my new way of life which is 9 months to the day but my surgery was 7 months ago. Everyday I wake up and I'm amazed how far I've come this year. I look in the mirror and I still can't believe how good I look now after losing all the weight. I spent half my life obese most of all my adulthood actually and I was always known as the fat friend or the one to be in the friendzone ONLY!! I'm finally starting to gain some confidence in myself which I've struggled with on top of rejection from the opposite sex and I'm starting to engage in some counselling to help deal with the anxiety that comes with social interactions with women. Um I'm regards to my weight looking back in my diary I've been in maintenance pretty much the same weight range now for 2 months. My highest weight this year before surgery got up to 322LB and I've been in maintenance sitting between 165-168 pretty consistently these past 2 months. I don't log my food as much but still keep a mental note of the calories and still have a habit of checking my weight most days just to keep focused and to remind myself to not get complacent!! I will admit I've had some treats since in maintenance and it has not affected my weight which is great so I feel the bypass I was given has definitely changed the way my bodys metabolism works. It feels great to be called skinny and people using that adjective when talking about me 😛 I'm no longer the fat friend I'm now the skinny ONE. I just want people to know it is possible to reach all your goals and to be successful. At my lowest weight of 165 I've lost 157lbs from my highest weight in just 7 months which is amazing. I know I'll need to tone up and build some muscle eventually and that will add some weight which is fine. Thank you all for your kind words throughout this journey. Mikey.
  17. New&Improved

    Something seems fishy...

    Healthy BMI is max 25; my sister is healthy and 5ft4 and 140lbs
  18. New&Improved

    carbonated drinks with sleeve

    I didn't drink soda until like 6 months out and I'm with bypass
  19. New&Improved

    Must haves for a pre-grocery shop.

    Protein powder is a must
  20. There's a few factors to think of when choosing surgery. First of all how much you need to lose? If you have any issues with reflux? I may be biased I had the RNY bypass and it was very successful for me lost over 150lbs already and maintaining well... had zero complications.. personally I feel the bypass offers higher percentage of weight loss in the first year but it has also changed my metabolism...
  21. Find a decent dietitian to help you
  22. New&Improved


    It will get better

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
