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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Myhorseisfattoo

  1. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Welcome, Hokie! I am in the midst of my MPH program and an extremely robust work schedule. I picked December because classes will be out! I feel ya! Steve - I also have to do 8 days of liquid prior to my sleeving. I start liquids on 12/3 and get sleeved on the 12th. For fun, last year, I did the liquid diet, just to see. It really wasn't that bad, except I REALLY wanted to CHEW something!
  2. Myhorseisfattoo

    Any December sleevers here??

    I'm the 12th! So excited!!!
  3. Myhorseisfattoo

    Unsupportive Husband, Says I Gave Up

    My husband is a non-supportive jerk wad. I'm doing my sleeve in December despite him and maybe a little TO spite him!!! 😎 Seriously, though, it isn't about him. You need to do what you know is best for you. I bet he';; jump on board at some point!
  4. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    HI all - I know I'm new and maybe too new to complain, but I need a bit of help. I was just sitting at the table with my husband, eating small food off my small plate and mentioning that I got sugar free creamer and also how excited that I am to be exactly 4 weeks away from surgery. His comments were that if I can adhere to a pre-op diet, then all I need to do is diet and exercise and I don't need surgery. This man has watched me struggle with my weight, given me **** about it, scoffed at my eating choices and generally just been an a$$hole about this for years. Is it too much to ask to have someone support me? What words can I tell him so that he will understand that the chronic arthritis in my feet and knees makes it almost impossible for me to work out without being incapacitated for days after. That I can lose weight no problem I just have never been able to keep it off. That I've finally made a great decision for me and he is shitting on my happy parade? I am literally crushed right now. I'd love a usable, stellar comeback. Anyone?
  5. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    Well, isn't he perceptive!?!?!?!? 😎
  6. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    Hey CLsumrall....are you east or west in PA? I'm right in the middle.....
  7. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    No of course not. He has no desire to be involved in any way. He thinks I am being ridiculous.
  8. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Me too, friend. Not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to a skinny liver that stays outta the way on OR day!!!
  9. Myhorseisfattoo

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Go get the new you!! Check in soon!
  10. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    I think Santa told my surgeon I've been bad and this is my punishment!!
  11. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Au contraire, mon ami! My liquid diet is 8 days prior to surgery - mostly milk and yogurt and clears, then clears only 24 hours before. I might be ready to perish at that point!
  12. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    Thank you all so much. Just had a moment there...I'm good today and happily moving forward. He better watch it or he'll be watching my skinny but walk right out the door! Also - I like the horse he rode in on.....I'll take that too!!
  13. Myhorseisfattoo

    Really need support help

    Thanks! I like that first one!
  14. Myhorseisfattoo

    Favorite liquids/soft foods?

    My NUT jut said the other day that if you do not exceed 2 tablespoons you can use creamer, but not until a bit later. I can;t remember how MUCH later......
  15. I have nice, lightweight Nike's, but I use inserts in them as well. I have arthritic feet - one of the things I'm hope will be alleviated by dumping some poundage!
  16. Ermagerd! I will not be a happy skinny person if I cannot cover my grays!!! I can't look young and lovely with wisdom highlights all over! Maybe just the gray ones will fall out!?!?!
  17. Myhorseisfattoo

    Show me your Vitamins

    LOL - Viagara Chews!!! The blue chewie!!!!
  18. Myhorseisfattoo

    1 day post op

    So exciting! Hope all continues to go well! Keep us posted!!!
  19. Fluffy - I'm already pretty bitter.... 👹
  20. I miss wine. My husband drinks cab every night and I can SMELL it!!! I haven;t even had surgery yet - I could drink some. But I want a tiny little liver on 12/12!!
  21. Myhorseisfattoo

    Anyone regretting this?

    I have nothing to say except I love your screen name, ya bigovergrowndork!!!
  22. Myhorseisfattoo

    Anyone regretting this?

    I'm so sorry OP, that you have no confidence in your surgical team and ancillary providers. You must be scared to death. Complications suck, even when we know they are possible. I hope, since you don't have a great relationship with your team, that you will be very careful with yourself, and be diligent in doing what YOU can do to be OK. Some advice was harsh-ish, but it isn't wrong. If you were my patient, I'd likely have told you exactly what you heard above, not to be a biatch, but to endorse the severity of the situation. I hope you have every success and get through this rough patch without too much more trouble! I hope you'll post later down the line and look back and laugh at this period in time!
  23. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    You guys!!! This is happening!!!! I'm so freaking excited! Chappy, you going on the 4th is big news!!!!! Can't wait to hear how you do!
  24. Myhorseisfattoo

    Keeping my mouth closed

    This is all so interesting to me! I literally will tell anyone - strangers at the grocery store, my staff at work, the dogs. I literally could NOT care less about anyone else's opinion of what I'm doing! My mother and spouse are NOT supportive and I STILL don't give a schitt! I know what I need to do for myself and I'm going for it. I figure, you can either support me, or not, your choice. But you can also buzz off going forward!! 🙂
  25. Myhorseisfattoo

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Sooner??? So exciting!!!! You can still be a December goddess/god!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
