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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JessLess

  1. JessLess

    Cost of surgery -- WOW

    I had a single incision gastric sleeve (through my bellybutton). Surgeon, hospital, and anesthesiology charged my insurance around 35K, and my insurance negotiated a rate of about 25K. I paid about $500 out of pocket.
  2. My medical alert information is visible when my iPhone is asleep. I think that's sufficient for me.
  3. There's no reason to let people into your house who want to challenge your decision about your health. They don't get a vote and they don't get to make you feel badly.
  4. Very normal. I didn't exercise the first month... just made sure I did my best with water and protein. It will pass.
  5. My doctor and I discussed different weights I had been. When I lost 80 lbs. on Phentermine I got to 175, looked good, and felt like I couldn’t lose anymore. Since that is just st 5 lbs. away, now I feel like I could get to 150, my weight in my 20s, also achieved with diet pills. My surgeon is happy that I am now just overweight and not obese and was fine with either goal.
  6. JessLess

    Blacking Out?

    @FluffyChix, I don't have a cuff. Thanks for those suggestions. Very helpful. @MIZ60, yes, I lost consciousness 3x and woke up on the floor. I eat Skinny Cow ice cream pretty often but I won't be doing it for a while! I do have Quest bars... I think you are on the right track. If I have a snack later in the evening, it should be protein, not sugar.
  7. I'm 9 months out. I have never had GERD and I *may* have had dumping once, not sure? I haven't thrown up in months. Tonight, I ate a little too much, got a tummy ache, reminded myself not to eat that much, and went and lay down for a bit. I feel fine now. Mostly, I feel much better! Less lower back pain, much more energy, wearing smaller clothes, fitting in sports and airplane seats, etc.
  8. The search function works pretty well. There's a thread about surgery in Mexico.
  9. JessLess

    Before and After Pics

    It's called telogen effluvium. It's a combination of the trauma of the surgery and not getting enough protein, vitamins. and/or calories after the surgery. I didn't have any hair loss and I'm 9 months out, so you may not either.
  10. Yeah, the OP posted this on page 2 himself and left this thread ages ago...
  11. I have depression and anxiety and see a psychiatrist and the surgery didn't make it worse. If anything, I am a lot happier.
  12. JessLess

    Will gastric sleeve work for me?

    My goal is to lose 100 lbs. with the sleeve and at 9 months I've lost 70 lbs. and have 30 to go. But you really have to change the way you eat, because you can still overeat with the sleeve and gain the weight back. Good luck!
  13. JessLess

    How supportive was your GP?

    Well, the surgery was at my GP's suggestion after I had spent years kicking the idea around. I think the Phentermine suggestion is dumb. I've lost a lot of weight on it and immediately gained it back when I went off of it. It's not a long term solution. If he won't sign off the surgery if you don't lose 20 lbs. and then your BMI would be below 40, sounds like you need a better doctor. Good luck!
  14. It's so interesting how people are different. @KarenLR75, I have Tramadol for a bad back and without it, I might have had to quit my (desk) job. I take 100 mg with 10 mg of Cyclobenzaprine.
  15. JessLess

    October 2018 Sleevers

    And... I weighed in at 70 pounds down since I started this journey at my 9-month apt. Everything is going really well! I hope you all are feeling good, doing well, and having a good summer!
  16. JessLess

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    Lately about 1,200 a day. I work out with a personal trainer 2x per week and walk on my treadmill most days.
  17. JessLess

    So Dramatic...

    My surgery was pretty drama-free but I did pass out from low blood sugar once at about four months out. I thought that Tramadol had given me a seizure or that I had had a panic attack, so I was kind of relieved when I figured out why I had fainted.
  18. JessLess

    I give up on protein :(

    Just stopping by to recommend bone broth. Good luck!
  19. JessLess

    October 2018 Sleevers

    I have my 9-month apt. Wednesday this week after a week of vacation on Nantucket and a business trip to Las Vegas all with no scale. Fingers crossed for my weigh-in tomorrow.
  20. I woke up in pain, complained, and they switched me to something else. They sent me home with 10 Oxys and I didn’t need them. Once I was out of the hospital (I stayed for two nights) the pain was manageable without medication.
  21. JessLess

    Bariatric surgery was a big mistake

    Depression, and I believe regret could come from a similar place, is incredibly common after WLS. I hope anyone feeling down considers seeing a therapist and/or psychiatrist with experience with bariatric patients. Feel better and be well.
  22. I took one week off, worked from home for a second week, and went back. I was a pretty out of it at first though.
  23. JessLess

    Before and After Pics

    Yes, that is very common and nothing to worry about. Keep following your plan and it will come off.
  24. JessLess

    Hair loss

    I was sleeved 9 months ago and had no hair loss. I was taking Biotin Barimelts but stopped when facial hair I had removed started to regrow. I always got a lot of protein.
  25. Go to your surgeon and Ob-gyn and see them as soon as possible. While not recommended, this is not uncommon, and they can work out a plan for you. "Pregnancy after gastric bypass can be safe and healthy if managed well by you and your health care provider. Research suggests that pregnancy after weight-loss surgery might be safer for both mother and baby than pregnancy complicated by obesity." - Mayo Clinic Good luck! Since "pulling out" doesn't work that well, maybe after the baby, you might try a birth control method without hormones like a Paragard IUD or a diaphragm.

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