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Shannon lee

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  1. Has anyone reading this lied about your weight just to get the surgery done?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coachthex32


      I had to gain 20 lbs. Makes no sense. High Blood Pressure, almost diabetic, and sleep issues (stop breathing in the night).

    3. Leia


      I dont think I could have if I wanted to, they'd been weighing me regularly for 6+ months before the surgery, and then again the day of.

    4. KCgirl061


      Yes. The week of my initial appointment I was either 39.7 or 40.3 BMI depending on my weight for the day. The days before the appointment I had high sodium meals and threw on 5 lb ankle weights under my boot cut jeans. My "official" starting BMI at the clinic was then 41 :)

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