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Posts posted by AMLP

  1. I'm 5 months out from WLS, and I miss my diet caffeine free soda so bad. I haven't had a drop of anything carbonated. Has anyone tried soda and how far out were you from surgery? I don't want to continue drinking carbonated drinks but sure could use a sip or two once in a while. This applies to beer and champagne too.... I used to love anything fizzy to drink!

  2. I had cysts on my right ovary and had it removed one month prior to my WLS. I also had my other tube tied while he was in there removing my right ovary. My WL Surgeon said as long as it had been a month out then I could still have my WLS. I have a lot of scars on my tummy now, but all is good. I am 4 months out and have lost 60 pounds.

    Good luck!

  3. Smoking slows down the healing process, and is the leading cause for ulcers post-stomach surgery.

    When we smoke, the blood vessels constrict, increases chances for blood clots, and impedes healing of our internal incisions and staple line.

    That all being said, I've quit and returned to smoking 3 times since having my sleeve surgery. It is NOT something that I am proud of, nor do I advocate anyone else doing.

    I'm back on the "weaning off" method, and working towards my quit date.

    Thanks Tiffykins!

    I'm so glad you posted.... you give such good advice and are always so honest. I respect you and your commitment to your goal! :)

  4. HI, I was sleeved on January 12th and I am a NON smoker. However, I have a friend interested in the sleeve whose been asking me a lot of questions and I could not answer her smoking question, because it never came up with my Dr.

    I told me friend I'd post her questions here on the board to see if we can get some answers.

    Her question are:

    Why do you need to stop smoking after surgery? She realizes quitting/cutting down before surgery is less risky for the actual surgery itself, but she wants to know how come after the surgery? Will it hurt the stomach?

    Any advice on this subject will be appreciated.


  5. Hi,

    I was sleeved 7 weeks ago and having trouble with stomach pain.....I really cannot tell if it is actually hungry pains, its almost feels like there's acid in my stomach making me want to eat, so I'll grab something to eat and and then I have another type of stomach ache from eating,

    Does anyone else experience this?

    Does it go away?

    Thanks for any advice, its especially painful at bedtime, if I don't eat before bed.

  6. I don't know if its actual hunger that I get, but my stomach starts to feel upset if its been 4-6 hours or so and I haven't ate anything. My stomach does not growl in hunger anymore and Ii don't feel that hunger pain I used to get that made me say "Oh, I'm so hungry!"

    I actually wish real hunger would come back instead of this stomach ache because it usually persists even after I eat something, and I have to take tums.

  7. HI,

    I am trying to find a Calcium supplement you do not have to divide into three or more doses a day if possible. I have tried Celebrate berries and cream chewables and did not like them. I can swallow pills, even large one no problems, I just want to make sure I am taking the right kind so I am looking for everyone to please tell me what type of calcium you are taking and at what dosage.

    Thank you to everyone who responds.

  8. My Dr. said as long as I wasn't on any pain medication that I could drive whenever. Never drive when medicated with anything that may have sedation in it, which many pain relievers have. I would not drive any long distances, or be hauling bags from stores until you are at least a week out.

  9. HI,

    I bought all my Vitamins and by all I mean I have to take:

    Vitamin C







    Omega 3 Fish oil


    That is a a lot! More then many people I hear, but this is what my Dr, ordered so I am trying to follow orders.

    My problem is I cannot take the multi-vitamin within 2 hours of the Calcium. But I have to take both the multi-vitamin and the calcium 3 times a day. I am forgetting to take them on the schedule and now I am not getting in all my calcium and multi-vitamins. I have a baby to take care of and I've tried to set a timer, but I am forgetting to do that too, sometimes.

    Is there any Vitamins in calcium or multi, that you can only day one time a day. I am taking Celebrate vitamins for both my calcium and my multi, and I can swallow pills, I don't have to use chewables.< /p>


  10. For instant relief of heartburn swallow one tablespoon of any type of vinegar. It tastes awful, so I just throw the whole tablespoon down the back of my throat and do not taste too much of it. It burns going down and its may make you a bit queasy for about 30 seconds, but your heartburn pain will be gone!

    I take prilosec daily but still get heartburn and this is the only thing that takes care of it.

  11. I am 2 weeks post op and so far have been a poster child of the surgery, but today I had tuna with mayo mixed (for it to be moist per nut request) and have been nausious ever since eating it. Any ideas why since this is my first time ever being nausious?

    Its hard to say exactly, other than everyone is different when it comes to new foods. I could guess saying you're new tummy wasn't ready for the meat, you could of ate too fast, etc.... but as my Dr. says, give it a week before trying again. Hope you are feeling better. You can take chewable pepto bismal to help with the upset tummy.

  12. Mine too. What my nurse told me was that they use some special solution on your skin around the incisions to make the steri-strips stick better. I had a terrible reaction to it... red, puffy, and OMG itchy. I've been using some Lotrimin and Hyrdo-cortisone cream. I'm 1 1/2 weeks after surgery and the puffy is gone but the itch is still really bad. This is probably the worst thing so far for me of the whole experience.

  13. Hi, I have these little red bumps (rash) that is surrounding my two biggest incisions and the rash is spreading out. It was just one incision last night, now the opposite incision has developed the same rash.

    I am waiting for my Dr to call my back for another problem I am having, but until then I wondered if anyone knows anything about this rash!


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
