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Posts posted by chocolatecity

  1. Well.....my sleep study showed 18 apneas per hour. 89% sleep rate! Not sooooo bad but bad enough for a cpap to be highly recommended by dr. I refused and asked if we could just go forward in this journey, allow me to lose some weight and retake the study again 5-6 months after surgery. Doc agreed but was very careful in how he wrote his clearance letter to surgeon.

    Surgery coordinator and I spoke yesterday and she said that anestegeology may not clear me now and she needs another consent stating that it would be ok to have surgery with cpap however, not before

    If they say no I'm done! I've tried to wear that thing. It freaks me out. Like I'm having anxiety attacks!! And ok ok....what if I get it but don't wear it and they request the memory chip.

    I have aetna. I have 80 pounds to get to goal. Just HALF of that and I'll probably be close to an apnea free life

    Anyone ??? Can you offer some help or insight? Or feel free to bitch along with me.


    That is the most uncomfortable thing to have to wear to bed, not to mention their is nothing sexy about wear a full blow oxygen tank to bed. At least that is what it feels like. I am only 31, and I feel foolish and awkward with it on. Plus, I've had 3 sleep studies done and I can't tell you that the mask made me sleep in better or feel anymore rested when I woke up. So I am not sure that I will get it.

  2. My date is 12/16/10! I am getting really excited too.

    I've told my family but no one at work. I've been struggling with whether or not I need to. I prefer not to but I feel like there will be more gossip if I don't. Another co-worker got it done a few years ago and people said mean things about her 'lack of will power' etc. Truth be told I will probably be so excited once the pounds start coming off that I won't even care what people say.

    Merry Christmas to me! :smile2: :thumbup:

    You are likely to feel just that Jessica, but ultimately is up to you and if you decide to keep it your business, then do just that.

  3. How can you not share something that is life altering with your husband? I am not judging but you should definitely be open and honest with everything in a marriage.

    I can appreciate where your coming from but I am still not telling him because he'll try to talk me out of it and I am to psyched to have that happen. I did finally tell someone and she will be with on the surgery date. My cousin is like my sister so I have all the support I need on that day. My family is very, very large and so is my husbands, I don't need to be the topic of conversation for the next year...Thanks for your opinion and again, I can appreciate where your coming from but my decision is rock solid.

  4. I Dr. said, that I am likely to have my band completed in December. I really hope everything else goes great, as I am ready to bring in the new year with a NEW ME. I am still not quite open about the surgery, in fact no one knows but me. I may tell my husband, as the timeline approaches, but the closer I get the more excited I feel.

    Oh my gosh, I had a bad day..Really stressed out eating all kinds of chocolate. I know I can't do this when I get my band.

  5. I'm scheduled for Mid/late December like the week of Christmas. I can't wait either. I started my diet on Monday and then after Thanksgiving I will be on my pre-op diet. Is anyone feeling like "last supper" feeling when it comes to certain foods? I can't shake it as things become more real. To chocolatecity, I understand where you are coming from only 4 people in my life , but you do need the support of your husband if not anyone else. Plus, my surgeon office requires 2 family pledged support, does anyone else?

    I know, I will likely tell him. Yes, I love ice-cream but I am lactose intolerant and everytime I eat it, I get really bad cramps and pain in my stomach. My doc does not require 2 family pledged support. I am just waiting to finish the supervised diets so that I can get a date.

  6. I, myself will be banded hopefully in Dec! Im waiting for the 3 month diet that insurance requires to be over and then hopefully end of Nov I will know when my surgery date is. Im a bit scared but excited. Im also thinking bout not being able to eat on xmas or drink on nye :laugh: I hate waiting wish I could have done it earlier but the months are flying. This weekend I go in for my 2nd month follow-up and plan to schedule an early nov appt. ughhhh frustrating.

    I too have two more visits and I am done with the nutrionist. I have completed. I am waiting on my PCP's letter, and the HPylori test. I'm kinda glad I'm having during the holiday's caz normally it would be and excuse to eat.

  7. I'll be banded Dec 7th! Thats what I keep saying, A new year a new me! Maybe our dates will be around the same time :laugh: I would tell your husband soon. You'll need the support, espically during those times when you'll start to freak out!

    This is true. My husband doesn't think I need it. He believes that because I have a very atheletic build and use to work out, that I should do that again, and I'll be fine.

  8. I finally got the results on the sleep study I had on Sept. 21st. I have obstructive sleep apnea. I have to schedule second appointment for cpap. I am really dreading this because the sleep study was horrible for me. The study started around 10pm and I was still wide awake at 2am. I finally went to sleep for about an hour and was wide awake again. The bed was very uncomfortable, and there were a lot of traffic sounds from outside. Will they have to hook up all those wires again?

    I had a horrible experience with the sleep study, but it was mainly me. The place tht I went to have taken over 3 rooms in the HIlton so it was much like staying in a hotel. The issue is that I didn't like being away from home wi th that dang machine on top of my lip..

  9. Thanks for honesty. I am obese according to standards and I can honestly say Fat is not attractive. It doesn't mean that the person is not attractive but the fat that they are carrying is not attractive. Who looks at rubbing thighs and loose skin and says "I'll think I'll add on 20lbs. We should all strive to be healthy...and fat and overweight is not healthy. It creates long term impacts that eats away at our self confidence and self esteem.

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