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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Sad
    notmyname got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Yup. I regret this.   
    We had surgery around the same time (edited to clarify - I had the sleeve) and I've been feeling the same way. I'm sorry for all you're going through. I am getting more reflux and more nauseated by the day. I could deal with the reflux, but I HATE being nauseous. And I feel like I spend all of my energy trying not to throw up. I am nauseated about 90% of my day every day. I feel SO much worse than I did before. I cry every day. I can eat less today than I could when I started solids 3 months ago. I can hardly drink because I'm so nauseous, and I can't drink within 1.5-2 hours of eating because I hurt so much. The couple times I've talked to my nurse (mostly crying), she's told me that I need to remember that "this is not my life." They said they'll work on figuring all out. That said, I'm not in a position where I feel like I believe her. I regret this mightily. I've even lost a significant amount of weight, and it is still not worth it. I broke down crying at my therapy group this weekend. So, not much help - but just know that you're not alone. I'm trying to look through the fog to see that maybe I'll feel better one day. Because that's what I have to try to believe since this isn't reversible.
    Their current proposal is to convert to bypass, even though they're not sure what's wrong other than a hernia. Um, no thanks - you have no idea why I'm nauseated. And they are concerned enough about malnutrition and dehydration to be monitoring me closely to see if I need a PICC line. So, if they don't know what is causing the nausea, and the bypass doesn't fix it and I continue to be nauseous, then I really will be malnourished between the inability to eat and the malabsorption caused by the bypass. Nope. No thank you, ma'am.
  2. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from LTTA40 in Depressed, Scared, and Everything In Between   
    Most of this just need time. On the hair, the best you can do is get your Protein and Vitamins and hope. Some folks also do some other supplements, so hopefully they'll post here.
    Most people don't start feeling full until they start eating real food. And sometimes that fullness feels differently than you're used to.
    Tired - I was really tired for the first 6 weeks. I started teleworking on week 3 and, I'll admit, it was hard. But by week 4 I was back at the office and made it through every day. I'm now just over 7 weeks out and don't feel tired anymore.
    On vitamins - try different things. I've been using the Bariatric Fusion chewables - orange. I started out with 2 a day and fairly quickly worked myself up to the recommended 4. If you're worried, it might be worth seeing which vitamins have a sample pack and getting a few to see which ones work best with you.
    Like I said, I'm just over 7 weeks out and my life is pretty much back to normal. I'm no longer tired. Sure, I eat less, but I can eat pretty much anything I try (although I don't eat beef or poultry, so not sure how they'd go down right now). I was able to go out to eat with a friend before a show on Friday. Had a great dinner- shared some shrimp and asparagus tapas with her and she got another one for herself. I didn't feel at all deprived and it was super fun to be out. You'll get there - it just takes time.
  3. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from NYC_PAULA in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  4. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from NYC_PAULA in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  5. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from NYC_PAULA in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  6. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from NYC_PAULA in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  7. Sad
    notmyname got a reaction from 🅺🅸🅼🅼🅸🅴🅺 in Yup. I regret this.   
    Before surgery. No H pylori. Two docs from different practices looked at my endoscopy results and were comfortable with the sleeve

    I feel a bit better now. On new meds. But I also eat VERY little. Getting half the Protein I need ( and only eat protein) because if I eat more I get super sick still. So different from my first two months after surgery. But, I’ll take dizzy and lightheaded over nauseated any day of the week.
  8. Sad
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in October 2018 Sleevers   
    I'm really closer to 4 months (my surgery was 10/29) and, honestly, I wish I hadn't done it. First two months were great - felt good, eating/drinking was going fine, etc. Around month 3, the reflux started and slowly worsened. About a month ago, I started to get nauseated. Now I'm nauseated all the f'ing time. I eat less now than I did two months ago because I'm sick all the time. Sure, I've lost roughly 88 total, 80 since pre-op, and 66 since surgery (52% EWL). And it still is NOT worth it. Upper GI showed a small hernia, but no reflux. And they have no idea why I'm nauseated. On new reflux meds and nausea meds - hope they'll kick in soon. Doc says he wants to convert to bypass, but if they don't really know what is wrong, and they're worried about malnutrition already, and they can't really say if bypass will get rid of the nausea, then why would I do that? And all of this ignores that going to the bathroom is a struggle. Ugh. I am so stupid to have done this to myself.
  9. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from belinda7 in Unexpected Post Op Observations   
    re: rings, I highly recommend these spiral ring sizers until you reach your ultimate size. That way you can wear the rings and not get them resized until the end.
    my glasses are also too big (I've had to start wearing my spare pair, which are tighter), and my pants too long. My wrinkles are definitely starting to show now that my face skin isn't as tight. My cross-body purse hangs lower on my body. The seatbelt in my car no longer scratches the bottom of my neck - it sits lower where it is supposed to. And a ton of other things.
  10. Congrats!
    notmyname got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Packing is so much easier!   
    I’m down 75#. Biggest NSV is that packing for a trip is so much easier. My jeans take up a fraction of the space! For someone who packs carry-on only, this is a HUGE (or maybe small) deal. :). I was even able to pack tennis shoes to work out - I’d never have had room for that before!!

    Now I just have to resist the urge to fill my bag.
  11. Hugs
    notmyname got a reaction from ProudGrammy in OK, so now what??!!   
    I just want to cry. Scratch that, i have cried. Today is 4 months since surgery (sort of, since I had surgery 10/29). I had a great first two months. Felt good, everything was going smoothly. Then the acid reflux started. A bit at first, then worse, even on 2 Nexium a day. OK, I could handle that. Then, about a month ago, the nausea started. I just can't deal with it. Seems to be getting worse every day. I feel worse now than I ever did before surgery. I can eat less now than when I started on solid foods. This is the first time I haven't been able to hit my Protein goals since day 3 after surgery. I even have trouble getting in all of my liquids because I can't drink for forever after eating (maybe 1.5-2 hours). And I have to eat All.The.Time because I can eat so little at a time now. I'm doing my best, but the nurse is starting to worry they need to put in a PICC line to get fluids/nutrition in (luckily, she told me today she doesn't think that is necessary yet.
    Had an upper GI. They found a hernia, but saw no GERD. I got a hold of my doc's nurse. She'd talked to my doc. They don't really know what is causing it. She said they could do an endoscopy, but that he thinks he won't really find anything new. And he doesn't want to repair the hernia (again) until I lose more weight. Doc apparently wants to revise to bypass. But, for a number of reasons, I don't. Particularly since they don't really know what's wrong and can't tell me the bypass will help. I mean, I can barely eat now - and if bypass doesn't fix it I'll be even more malnourished than I am now. So, for now, he's prescribed a different reflux med, given me anti-nausea meds, and OK'ed me to lower my protein goals (protein supplements REALLY make me sick).
    my nurse keeps telling me that this isn't the rest of my life and they'll figure it out. But, I'm still worried and frustrated and sick as a dog. I'm not really looking for suggestions, or reasons I'm wrong not to want the bypass. My two close friends are having family emergencies and I don't want to burden them now. So I just need a space to let it out. Thanks.

    And really glad I have an appointment with my therapist on Tuesday.
  12. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from FluffyChix in Packed Lunches   
    Also did puréed egg salad. Basically two hard boiled eggs, 1 Tbl each of mayo and Greek yogurt. Lasted a couple meals.
  13. Sad
    notmyname got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Yup. I regret this.   
    We had surgery around the same time (edited to clarify - I had the sleeve) and I've been feeling the same way. I'm sorry for all you're going through. I am getting more reflux and more nauseated by the day. I could deal with the reflux, but I HATE being nauseous. And I feel like I spend all of my energy trying not to throw up. I am nauseated about 90% of my day every day. I feel SO much worse than I did before. I cry every day. I can eat less today than I could when I started solids 3 months ago. I can hardly drink because I'm so nauseous, and I can't drink within 1.5-2 hours of eating because I hurt so much. The couple times I've talked to my nurse (mostly crying), she's told me that I need to remember that "this is not my life." They said they'll work on figuring all out. That said, I'm not in a position where I feel like I believe her. I regret this mightily. I've even lost a significant amount of weight, and it is still not worth it. I broke down crying at my therapy group this weekend. So, not much help - but just know that you're not alone. I'm trying to look through the fog to see that maybe I'll feel better one day. Because that's what I have to try to believe since this isn't reversible.
    Their current proposal is to convert to bypass, even though they're not sure what's wrong other than a hernia. Um, no thanks - you have no idea why I'm nauseated. And they are concerned enough about malnutrition and dehydration to be monitoring me closely to see if I need a PICC line. So, if they don't know what is causing the nausea, and the bypass doesn't fix it and I continue to be nauseous, then I really will be malnourished between the inability to eat and the malabsorption caused by the bypass. Nope. No thank you, ma'am.
  14. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Jezzabelle360 in chewable vitamins   
    I take Bariatric Fusion orange. They have a sample pack so you can try all flavors before committing to a big bottle.
  15. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from mousecat88 in Starting Local Support Groups?   
    I've gone to two. One was my hospital's support group. Totally not my scene. a TON of people and basically everyone just talks over each other. One person will ask a question, 10 people will start answering at once loudly. Then in another part of the room other people will ask questions and several people will answer them. Total f'ing chaos. It makes me so stressed out the last time I went I was sick to my stomach from the stress.
    I also go to a weight loss clinic run by an endocrinologist with therapists, nutritionists, and exercise people on staff. They have a lot of different weight loss support groups run by the therapists (ranging from just practical how-to to very deep psychological things). They've recently started a bariatric support group. So far, I'm liking that one. It is much smaller (maybe 10 people), run by two therapists who specialize in weight loss/bariatric issues. I also find that this group has more folks who are longer term patients and talk about the real pitfalls of surgery (I suspect it is a self-selecting group - since you have to pay and they're part of the overall weight loss practice, I suspect it is more likely than a general WLS support group to have people who have had problems). The therapists come ready to talk about an issue, but if the group needs to discuss something else, we do that.
    I wonder if you could try to start a meet-up group just to talk to other patients in your area. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time, and I know it is hard with noone to talk to.
  16. Sad
    notmyname got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Yup. I regret this.   
    We had surgery around the same time (edited to clarify - I had the sleeve) and I've been feeling the same way. I'm sorry for all you're going through. I am getting more reflux and more nauseated by the day. I could deal with the reflux, but I HATE being nauseous. And I feel like I spend all of my energy trying not to throw up. I am nauseated about 90% of my day every day. I feel SO much worse than I did before. I cry every day. I can eat less today than I could when I started solids 3 months ago. I can hardly drink because I'm so nauseous, and I can't drink within 1.5-2 hours of eating because I hurt so much. The couple times I've talked to my nurse (mostly crying), she's told me that I need to remember that "this is not my life." They said they'll work on figuring all out. That said, I'm not in a position where I feel like I believe her. I regret this mightily. I've even lost a significant amount of weight, and it is still not worth it. I broke down crying at my therapy group this weekend. So, not much help - but just know that you're not alone. I'm trying to look through the fog to see that maybe I'll feel better one day. Because that's what I have to try to believe since this isn't reversible.
    Their current proposal is to convert to bypass, even though they're not sure what's wrong other than a hernia. Um, no thanks - you have no idea why I'm nauseated. And they are concerned enough about malnutrition and dehydration to be monitoring me closely to see if I need a PICC line. So, if they don't know what is causing the nausea, and the bypass doesn't fix it and I continue to be nauseous, then I really will be malnourished between the inability to eat and the malabsorption caused by the bypass. Nope. No thank you, ma'am.
  17. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in OK, so now what??!!   
    Thanks. It's a hiatal hernia, so at the opening to the diaphram. I had one that they fixed during surgery. Nurse said if they're going to fix it, they'd like to wait until I lose more weight to lessen the liklihood of recurrence. For now, they're switching my reflux meds and monitoring my food/liquid intake - both of which have gone way down due to the nausea.
  18. Congrats!
    notmyname got a reaction from lions92 in Me and the husband advice please   
    I'm 4 months out. I prep when I can, but I also have things I can grab and eat - I just make sure they're healthy. I still can't eat that much, but some things I have on hand that serve as a meal in a pinch:
    Sargento balanced breaks (it has cheese and nuts and cranberries. Not terribly expensive at Costco)
    Parm chips and a cup of hummus
    A babybel cheese and an oz of almonds
    If you like tofu, I buy those baked/flavored tofus - I just cut up one serving and eat it cold.
    Cup of yogurt
    I also always have some frozen single-serving ricotta bakes and cooked Beans in the freezer. I'll make a double batch of the ricotta bake, which is 8 servings, and freeze at least half. I also have a mini-freezer in my garage that I can use in a pinch (which I had from meal prep before I had surgery).
  19. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Stephy0618 in Is there anything you wish you'd been told pre-op?   
    I also wish I’d known how bad my mouth would taste - no matter how much I brush my teeth/use the Water pic/use mouthwash. It’s revolting. And I can’t imagine how my breath smells. :(
  20. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from starr313 in Approved frozen meals   
    On days you do cook, make a double or triple batch and freeze in individual portions. For example, I made ricotta bake last night. I doubled the recipe and baked it in an pan that cooks each one individually. So I have 8 individual ricotta bakes - 6 of them frozen for later. And I made some black bean Soup and froze a bunch in 1/2 c. batches. Crustless quiche works well, as does lentil soup. It helps that I have a vacuum sealer, so the frozen food lasts longer. I don't always have time to cook, but I almost always have something in the freezer that I can grab and take with me.
  21. Congrats!
    notmyname got a reaction from lions92 in Me and the husband advice please   
    I'm 4 months out. I prep when I can, but I also have things I can grab and eat - I just make sure they're healthy. I still can't eat that much, but some things I have on hand that serve as a meal in a pinch:
    Sargento balanced breaks (it has cheese and nuts and cranberries. Not terribly expensive at Costco)
    Parm chips and a cup of hummus
    A babybel cheese and an oz of almonds
    If you like tofu, I buy those baked/flavored tofus - I just cut up one serving and eat it cold.
    Cup of yogurt
    I also always have some frozen single-serving ricotta bakes and cooked Beans in the freezer. I'll make a double batch of the ricotta bake, which is 8 servings, and freeze at least half. I also have a mini-freezer in my garage that I can use in a pinch (which I had from meal prep before I had surgery).
  22. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from NYC_PAULA in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  23. Congrats!
    notmyname got a reaction from lions92 in Me and the husband advice please   
    I'm 4 months out. I prep when I can, but I also have things I can grab and eat - I just make sure they're healthy. I still can't eat that much, but some things I have on hand that serve as a meal in a pinch:
    Sargento balanced breaks (it has cheese and nuts and cranberries. Not terribly expensive at Costco)
    Parm chips and a cup of hummus
    A babybel cheese and an oz of almonds
    If you like tofu, I buy those baked/flavored tofus - I just cut up one serving and eat it cold.
    Cup of yogurt
    I also always have some frozen single-serving ricotta bakes and cooked Beans in the freezer. I'll make a double batch of the ricotta bake, which is 8 servings, and freeze at least half. I also have a mini-freezer in my garage that I can use in a pinch (which I had from meal prep before I had surgery).
  24. Congrats!
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Since I've been Debbie Downer lately, I thought I'd post something good. I hit a weight where I am now below 35 BMI. So, I am now considered Obese Class 1 - low risk. Considering I started out well into the high risk/morbidly obese category, that is a good thing to focus on.
  25. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from summerset in Talking to Patients About Expectations   
    Yep - my doc consistently told me that the average weight loss is 60% EWL and that if I follow the plan, that's what I could expect. On another thread where people were discussing their goal weights - I said that this was mine and that I don't want to set myself up to feel like a failure. I'm pretty appreciative that my doc is conservative in his estimates. And some other WLS patients on these boards were kind of jerks about it. Saying that by setting of goal of average I was assuming I'd fail and still be obese and why was I even doing it. Even though I'm about 10 lbs from the 60% EWL at 4 months out, so likely to exceed that, I'm still thankful for my doc setting expectation. I'd rather under-promise and over-deliver. Because I know that if I did only achieve the average weight loss, and I'd expected/hoped for more, I would feel like a failure. And that would be very bad for my mental state. Plus, I had to judge whether or not to have surgery based on the most conservative outcomes - would I still be glad I went through it if I was still slightly obese? Yep - because I will still have lost a significant amount of weight that I couldn't have lost without this tool. And, overall, it will make me more healthy, even if I don't get to a "healthy" weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
