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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    notmyname got a reaction from Frustr8 in OK, so now what??!!   
    Thanks! I'll give it a try.
  2. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Frustr8 in Is there anything you wish you'd been told pre-op?   
    I second the comment about Constipation. I mean, doc told me that I could get constipated, but I'd never had that happen to me, so I just thought it meant having a little trouble going. TMI ALERT: I didn't realize that I'd ultimately end up for over an hour and a half on the toilet, exhausted, crying, and bleeding, and still unable to get the poop that was part way out all the way out. This happened twice. And I didn't learn until later that my doc would have liked me to go to the hospital when that happened. Nor did I realize that "getting it under control" still means that it takes me at least 20 mn to go.

  3. Hugs
    notmyname got a reaction from DanaC84 in OK, so now what??!!   
    I just want to cry. Scratch that, i have cried. Today is 4 months since surgery (sort of, since I had surgery 10/29). I had a great first two months. Felt good, everything was going smoothly. Then the acid reflux started. A bit at first, then worse, even on 2 Nexium a day. OK, I could handle that. Then, about a month ago, the nausea started. I just can't deal with it. Seems to be getting worse every day. I feel worse now than I ever did before surgery. I can eat less now than when I started on solid foods. This is the first time I haven't been able to hit my Protein goals since day 3 after surgery. I even have trouble getting in all of my liquids because I can't drink for forever after eating (maybe 1.5-2 hours). And I have to eat All.The.Time because I can eat so little at a time now. I'm doing my best, but the nurse is starting to worry they need to put in a PICC line to get fluids/nutrition in (luckily, she told me today she doesn't think that is necessary yet.
    Had an upper GI. They found a hernia, but saw no GERD. I got a hold of my doc's nurse. She'd talked to my doc. They don't really know what is causing it. She said they could do an endoscopy, but that he thinks he won't really find anything new. And he doesn't want to repair the hernia (again) until I lose more weight. Doc apparently wants to revise to bypass. But, for a number of reasons, I don't. Particularly since they don't really know what's wrong and can't tell me the bypass will help. I mean, I can barely eat now - and if bypass doesn't fix it I'll be even more malnourished than I am now. So, for now, he's prescribed a different reflux med, given me anti-nausea meds, and OK'ed me to lower my protein goals (protein supplements REALLY make me sick).
    my nurse keeps telling me that this isn't the rest of my life and they'll figure it out. But, I'm still worried and frustrated and sick as a dog. I'm not really looking for suggestions, or reasons I'm wrong not to want the bypass. My two close friends are having family emergencies and I don't want to burden them now. So I just need a space to let it out. Thanks.

    And really glad I have an appointment with my therapist on Tuesday.
  4. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Frustr8 in Is there anything you wish you'd been told pre-op?   
    I second the comment about Constipation. I mean, doc told me that I could get constipated, but I'd never had that happen to me, so I just thought it meant having a little trouble going. TMI ALERT: I didn't realize that I'd ultimately end up for over an hour and a half on the toilet, exhausted, crying, and bleeding, and still unable to get the poop that was part way out all the way out. This happened twice. And I didn't learn until later that my doc would have liked me to go to the hospital when that happened. Nor did I realize that "getting it under control" still means that it takes me at least 20 mn to go.

  5. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from CurvyMom in Is there anything you wish you'd been told pre-op?   
    I also wish I’d known how bad my mouth would taste - no matter how much I brush my teeth/use the Water pic/use mouthwash. It’s revolting. And I can’t imagine how my breath smells. :(
  6. Hugs
    notmyname got a reaction from Frustr8 in Post-op upper GI this week - wish me luck   
    Thanks all. Radiologist said I have a hernia. Again. I'm stuck in jury duty all day without a phone. So I've been playing phone tag with my doctor's nurse. And, given our schedules, this may be an issues until my jury duty ends - in 3 more weeks. Ugh. I am so tired of feeling like crap.
  7. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from CurvyMom in Is there anything you wish you'd been told pre-op?   
    I also wish I’d known how bad my mouth would taste - no matter how much I brush my teeth/use the Water pic/use mouthwash. It’s revolting. And I can’t imagine how my breath smells. :(
  8. Hugs
    notmyname got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Post-op upper GI this week - wish me luck   
    Well, since I've been growing ever more nauseated for the last two months (month 3-4 after surgery - first two months after surgery were fairly smooth sailing), doc has scheduled an upper GI for this Thursday. If that doesn't show anything, it is on to an endoscopy. I am NOT looking forward to drinking the contrast (I mean, really, that is just going to anger the nausea), but I'm hoping that they can find why I'm now nauseated 90% of my day and able to eat less each week (I'm now basically back to eating about how much I ate when I first got on soft foods). I did this major surgery so that I'd feel better. I really don't give a rat's behind how I look. And at this point, I feel WAY worse than before surgery and am actually taking more meds. So, here's hoping they can find something and fix it.
  9. Hugs
    notmyname got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Post-op upper GI this week - wish me luck   
    Well, since I've been growing ever more nauseated for the last two months (month 3-4 after surgery - first two months after surgery were fairly smooth sailing), doc has scheduled an upper GI for this Thursday. If that doesn't show anything, it is on to an endoscopy. I am NOT looking forward to drinking the contrast (I mean, really, that is just going to anger the nausea), but I'm hoping that they can find why I'm now nauseated 90% of my day and able to eat less each week (I'm now basically back to eating about how much I ate when I first got on soft foods). I did this major surgery so that I'd feel better. I really don't give a rat's behind how I look. And at this point, I feel WAY worse than before surgery and am actually taking more meds. So, here's hoping they can find something and fix it.
  10. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  11. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  12. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  13. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  14. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from ms.sss in Non Scale Victories   
    yesterdays NSV - I was able to buy a few items of clothes at a physical Old Navy store because I didn't need plus size . Today, I realized I needed to go and exchange a couple sweaters because they're too large! So I was able to buy XL sweaters! (even though I know ON runs large, still excited).
  15. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from clsumrall in How much oil to track for restaurant meal?   
    I'm trying to decide how much oil to add to my tracker for my restaurant meal. I had about 2 oz of seared shrimp and less than 1/4 c. of charred broccoli. Clearly there was some oil involved. I'm thinking 1TBL is too much, but would rather over count than under count. Does that sound about right? Thanks!
  16. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Hrsnjs in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Since I've been Debbie Downer lately, I thought I'd post something good. I hit a weight where I am now below 35 BMI. So, I am now considered Obese Class 1 - low risk. Considering I started out well into the high risk/morbidly obese category, that is a good thing to focus on.
  17. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from JaminJ in Constant Struggles and Vomitting/Nasuea/Illness in general???   
    I am really sorry. No advice, but I am in a similar place. Sleeved on 10/29. I'm nauseated 90% of the time and have reflux 100% of the time. Luckily, I haven't thrown up yet. I just feel like I need to. And I can eat less now than I could about a month out. Just got off the phone with my doc's nurse and looks like more testing is in order. As I was crying and saying how much I regretted this decision, she told me "This is not my life, this will pass." I just need that to be my mantra for now.
  18. Like
    notmyname reacted to JaminJ in Constant Struggles and Vomitting/Nasuea/Illness in general???   
    That's a good mantra, I need to keep telling myself that too. Two of my Vitamins are low and my stomach still won't empty on its own so more meds for that, no food for the next few days for me I need more Water because the doctor said my nausea could be due to dehydration. So it's just a matter of trying to pin point the problem. I hope it starts to get easier for you soon, I keep thinking and saying "I regret this it wasn't worth it" but it will be, I won't die young from a heart attack like all the women on my biological fathers side. I hope it gets easier for you!

    Sent from my LG-LS777 using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from JaminJ in Constant Struggles and Vomitting/Nasuea/Illness in general???   
    I am really sorry. No advice, but I am in a similar place. Sleeved on 10/29. I'm nauseated 90% of the time and have reflux 100% of the time. Luckily, I haven't thrown up yet. I just feel like I need to. And I can eat less now than I could about a month out. Just got off the phone with my doc's nurse and looks like more testing is in order. As I was crying and saying how much I regretted this decision, she told me "This is not my life, this will pass." I just need that to be my mantra for now.
  20. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Freiabr in October 2018 Sleevers   
    I honestly wish I could eat a little more. I'd love to be able to get my Protein without shakes, but there is no way for me to do it on most days without a shake and a glass of fairlife milk. And, frankly, my NUT would like me to be getting more like 90g protein instead of the 70g I'm getting now.
  21. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Rayeh7 in Approved frozen meals   
    On days you do cook, make a double or triple batch and freeze in individual portions. For example, I made ricotta bake last night. I doubled the recipe and baked it in an pan that cooks each one individually. So I have 8 individual ricotta bakes - 6 of them frozen for later. And I made some black bean Soup and froze a bunch in 1/2 c. batches. Crustless quiche works well, as does lentil soup. It helps that I have a vacuum sealer, so the frozen food lasts longer. I don't always have time to cook, but I almost always have something in the freezer that I can grab and take with me.
  22. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Freiabr in October 2018 Sleevers   
    I'm at between 600-700 (but my NUT says I should be at more like 700-800 or more and getting a bit higher every week). But see my post above - I have been pretty nauseated and am eating less than I was able to about a month ago. I do Pilates 1-2x/week, do 30mn weight training with my trainer once a week, and do 30-40 mn on the treadmill or bike 3-4 times a week.
  23. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Pug-Mom-Patti in Can I afford the post-op diet?   
    My grocery bill has gone way down. Plus, I basically never eat out anymore, and when I do it is in tiny portions.
    Some examples of what I buy:
    Protein Shakes are typically $2/2.5 each. Fairlife milk is about $4/52 oz - expensive for milk, but still only about $0.61 per 8 oz serving. And it has more Protein, so it is worth it. But you can also buy cheaper milk. So a meal is less than $3. And Premier Protein is $25/18 at costco (sometimes on sale for $5 off) - so $1.40 each.
    I buy frozen fish/shrimp at costco - a bag costs about $14 and has roughly 9 fillets in it. Lasts me forever. Each fillet lasts 2 meals for me (3 in the earlier days) - so about $0.78/serving. Add in some canned or frozen veggies, which are a few cents per serving. So, dinner is less than a couple dollars. Edited to add - and a little veg will last a while. I LOVE veggies and easily would eat a single zucchini or head of broccoli in a sitting. Now a zucc or brocoli will last me a week. SO there is savings there, too.
    My eggs are fairly expensive - about $4/dozen (they're free range, organic, etc), so about $0.33/serving. But you can get eggs much cheaper.
    I make dried Beans - a lb of beans lasts me forever. And the bag is only about $1-2.
    My most expensive things for me are veggie sausage (about $4.50/bag - about $0.75/each) and every now and again I treat myself with really good cheese.
    My Vitamins cost about $26/30 day supply, so about $0.86/day.
    I track my spending pretty closely. Between rarely eating out (especially bringing my lunch to work every day) and eating a lot less, my food bill (grocery, vitamins, dining out) is significantly less than it was before. Plus, I'm off a few of my meds, so that saves me money every month.
    If you're worried about the initial outflow of cash to get supplies, start buying things a bit at a time before surgery. Watch for when frozen veg goes on sale and stock up. Same with meat/fish/whatever protein and freeze it in 2-3 oz portions.
  24. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Kay2016 in Local support groups   
    I agree with Danny that you should find a support group that you feel comfortable with.
    I was required to go to the support group at my hospital for 3 months before and after. I really wanted it to be useful, but (like Danny's therapist's group), people just yell over each other and there are several conversations going on at once. It stressed me out so much I actually threw up once.
    Now i go to one offered by my therapist (who specializes in weight loss/bariatrics). It's new, but so far, great. We share our experiences, fears, emotional issues with foods. She prepares a topic to discuss if we don't have anything specific to talk about.
    I'm also looking into seeing if one of the other hospitals has a convenient group. My therapist's group is pretty small, and I'd like to meet a larger community of WLS patients. Most hospitals will let you attend even if you had surgery elsewhere.
  25. Like
    notmyname got a reaction from Pug-Mom-Patti in Can I afford the post-op diet?   
    My grocery bill has gone way down. Plus, I basically never eat out anymore, and when I do it is in tiny portions.
    Some examples of what I buy:
    Protein Shakes are typically $2/2.5 each. Fairlife milk is about $4/52 oz - expensive for milk, but still only about $0.61 per 8 oz serving. And it has more Protein, so it is worth it. But you can also buy cheaper milk. So a meal is less than $3. And Premier Protein is $25/18 at costco (sometimes on sale for $5 off) - so $1.40 each.
    I buy frozen fish/shrimp at costco - a bag costs about $14 and has roughly 9 fillets in it. Lasts me forever. Each fillet lasts 2 meals for me (3 in the earlier days) - so about $0.78/serving. Add in some canned or frozen veggies, which are a few cents per serving. So, dinner is less than a couple dollars. Edited to add - and a little veg will last a while. I LOVE veggies and easily would eat a single zucchini or head of broccoli in a sitting. Now a zucc or brocoli will last me a week. SO there is savings there, too.
    My eggs are fairly expensive - about $4/dozen (they're free range, organic, etc), so about $0.33/serving. But you can get eggs much cheaper.
    I make dried Beans - a lb of beans lasts me forever. And the bag is only about $1-2.
    My most expensive things for me are veggie sausage (about $4.50/bag - about $0.75/each) and every now and again I treat myself with really good cheese.
    My Vitamins cost about $26/30 day supply, so about $0.86/day.
    I track my spending pretty closely. Between rarely eating out (especially bringing my lunch to work every day) and eating a lot less, my food bill (grocery, vitamins, dining out) is significantly less than it was before. Plus, I'm off a few of my meds, so that saves me money every month.
    If you're worried about the initial outflow of cash to get supplies, start buying things a bit at a time before surgery. Watch for when frozen veg goes on sale and stock up. Same with meat/fish/whatever protein and freeze it in 2-3 oz portions.

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