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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NurseMichelle

  1. Hi everyone, have been watching for several months. I am not banded, just going through many months of research. I am self pay like many of you and am looking at going with a WLS center in Kansas City. My biggest worry is if I have a complication and I have no money to pay for further surgery, what will happen to me. I don't know if my ins. company would cover a complication. Def. will not cover WLS. Anyway just wondering if anyone out there has heard of this kind of a scenario. thanks.
  2. I hear so much negative about the band. Who knows how to start a thread where people can add their names and surgery dates if they have had NO complications. I am wondering if most people that are having problems are posting and others just observing. Anyone know how to get that going?
  3. NurseMichelle

    Who is having success with their Band?

    thanks for all the great replies. I have lost 41 now, haven't adjusted my street below, and I am so please. I still battle my comulsive eating. i binge here and there. I am getting my first fill in two days. I am looking forward to it. I have had no problems. I am so so sorry for those having problems. but i need to hear the most of us are doing well on average. I love hearing the positive stuff. thanks guys. :clap2:
  4. NurseMichelle

    Dr. C Question

    Ya know Dr. C, I would just like to really thank you for taking time out of your schedule to help folks. I don't know what motivates you to watch this site, and respond to people, but it is very kind. Thank you.
  5. NurseMichelle

    Still the Same

    I am going through the same thing. I have put my first fill off until the middle of august since I will be near my Dr. in Mexico. I am staying right where I am for over a month. Has anyone heard of a size or amount you can eat when you are not filled. Or when you are not filled, can it still cause you to over expand your pouch? Someone help, no one has ever been able to tell me.....
  6. If any of you are Kansas city people, I have some specific info on DR. Malley. I was banded in Mexico and my Dr specifically referred me to Dr Malley. He charges 250 for the first visit with the fill, than every other fill is 100. Flouroscopy is included. Hope that helps someone. Mine is scheduled for July 14th. I am eating way to much. Snacking. I still get full quicker. But am having little binges. I am praying starting to get fills will help. Good luck.
  7. NurseMichelle

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Shari Lou, I am so glad that you understand that our Heavenly Father sees you as a wonderful person full of potential. We all go through hard things in this life. Things we must battle, to climb, to rise above. We truly do have to give it all to him. And understand that he is full of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, we just have to turn everything over to him, and do our best to do what we know is right. So many of us use food. It is so frustrating. Even with this band, we can compulsively eat. We have to be aware of our abuse of food, and ask God everyday to help us say NO! Hang in there, you will make it to the other side. Just have faith that He is really there, really aware if your pain and weaknesses. I really believe we have angels cheering us on. Don't ever give up. Just reach inside yourself, and then reach out and help other people. That is the big key!!
  8. I am sure a lot of us here are compulsive eaters. I binged tonite and probably ate 1000 in junk. OOPS. well I will go exercise at lunch tomorrow, since that is the only time I end up doing it, and I will not binge tomorrow. I refuse to beat myself up over it. I have fallen off the wagon before, but I just cut back for the next couple days. We can do this! We are worth it. Drink the heck out of water and low cal drinks when we want to munch. wash that fat away :biggrin1:
  9. NurseMichelle

    Old Timer's History

    I understand the emotional eating. Healthy choices don't fix it for me. Have you thought about overeaters anonymous? This group focuses on the compulisve nature. I hate it. I think most of us are compulsive eaters. We have to find the tricks to keep us out of the kitchen especially at night. It sure makes a big difference to write down what and how much you eat. it makes us face the reality of what we are putting in our mouth. Hang in there. My heart is with you.
  10. NurseMichelle

    What is wrong with me?

    I deal with the same thing. Let me say I think it is depression with a touch of anxieties. Do you exercise regularly and intensely enough. I believe it helps with both of those. If you are doing that already, than I would definetely say a med change is in order. Good luck.
  11. NurseMichelle

    How are my March Bandsters!!

    My wt loss has slowed now, but I didn't expect to have lost this much. I am trying not to get a fill. Since I have been banded I do feel restriction. I think. I eat a cup of food at a time, which some same way to much, and some say that is fine, and then I feel pretty full. Ice cream I can just keep eating. But for the most part, I bought myself 8 ounce bowls, cause the big once mess with my mind, and I try to just eat the 8 ounces and I am satisfied. My compulsive tendencies have reared their head here and there, but not too bad. have you guys ever heard of someone not needing a fill?
  12. NurseMichelle

    Happy to Report, Losing again.

    I am on week 3 and terrified to eat solids. I do here and there, and feel guilty like I am tearing my stitches around the band. I was told you still want things to slide through easily and not make the stomach work. Hopefully it is not a big deal. I am sure happy for you. I hope going on to solids is ok. I know my bowels have been all screwed up for three weeks. Too much milk drinks I think. Anyway, good luck and congrats.
  13. NurseMichelle

    Did I just encounter Restriction?

    I have had no fills yet. But I get pretty full at a cup of food. Is this common? Sounds like you have got great restriction. I know if I eat to fast it really hurts. But I have not puked. Do most people only puke after they have had a fill?
  14. NurseMichelle

    Question on Mexico Docs

    I had my surgery with Dr. Rumbaut. I was very pleased with him and his staff. The hospital was awesome. The nurses did not speak English. I tried to use a translation sheet I was given. But they ignored me from 1 am to 445 am. I was in horrible pain, and called them 4 times and they wouldn't give me pain meds. I was so so mad. Then magically at 445 they brought me meds. When I told the Dr. he was so mad. He almost cried with me. Study the improtant words before you go. Like Pain, Gas, need medicine!!!! Please!
  15. NurseMichelle

    Question about late day hunger

    Night eating is so common for so many. The end of the day. The winding down time of all our stressors. I ran an overeaters Anonymous group for a while, this was everyones complaints. I think the allowing a snack and then staying out of kitchen is a good idea, and staying busy. I almost wonder if the reason the band seems tighter in the AM is because we are not as hydrated. As the day progresses and we drink drink drink our tissue stretches easier. Possible?? Thats my guess.
  16. NurseMichelle


    Well hang in there. I would suggest being prepared for terrible gas pain. I know everyone is different. But I have had other procedures before and this was the worse gas pain for two days I have ever had. It was miserable. I had pain for about a week, and now I am peachy fine. The other folks that had surgery the same day I did are doing fine. I just would rather expect it to be bad, and then if it isn't, it is a pleasant surprise. So far I am very excited about my little tool. We don't know what the future will hold for each of us with our bands. But we can pray it doesn't slip and it doesn't erode. Some people do fine and others don't. I think it is a miracle. We have to do lots of work with it though. I already suck on a couple cookies here and there. oops, now how did I get fat??? I will keep at it, and I will find success. Good luck to you, say your prayers. I wish you the best.
  17. NurseMichelle

    New here

    I am so sorry. Have you thought of seeing another bariatric physician about the dry heaves first?
  18. NurseMichelle

    Saying Hello

    I am so happy for you guys. Sometimes it is very painful. Welcome!
  19. NurseMichelle

    Omega 3's

    Omegga threes have dropped my cholesterol 50 points in 1 month. I get them from a Norway company in huge pills. They sell it in liquid and I will be getting some. They are so so good for you.
  20. Hello guys, I have a question for ya. I had my band in on 042806 in mexico, if anyone wants to read about it I posted it in the journal section. My question is, I had such horrible gas pain the first 2-3 nights then it mostly went away. Now it is back with a vengeance 6 days later. I can tell that it is gas. It kinda moves around. Any ideas on how to get rid of it??? Moving around has worked much for me. Also did anyones doctor give them an exact amount of liquid meals they should have. like 4 oz 6 oz etc. I think I am drinking like 8 oz at a time and getting very full, sometimes a little uncomfortable. But I don't want to be messing up my band placement. :help:
  21. Hello, This is my Monterrey Mexico story which began on April 27th, 2006. I am going to keep and refer back to this when explaining what has happened to me when I went to go get the adjustable lap band done. I have done lots of research this last year about the adjustable gastric band. I have lost all personal hope of ever keeping my weight off. I feel that if I manage by a miracle to lose it, I will gain it back again eventually. I was interested in a way to keep it off permanently, but was afraid of the gastric bypass, which its main function is by malabsorption of the food you eat. That surgery as worked well for many, but I wanted something less dangerous and less invasive. So I found the lap-band which causes a person to feel full and eat much much less. I wish I had been prepared for what Mexico looked like. I have never been out of the United States and was quite naive. I went through Dr Roberto Rumbaut, who has done many many more than any physician I can find her in the states. He has a very low complication rate. He is located in Monterrey Mexico. He had drivers to pick us up and take us everywhere we were supposed to be. Hardly any of the drivers spoke much English, but they still got us where we needed to go. As they brought us into Monterrey, I was not prepared for the slums. Trash everywhere, and just homes that look like pieces of boards slapped together of all different shapes and colors. As we drove into the main part of Monterrey it was ok. The mountains are beautiful. It is a city of over 4 million. I like the states bette.... I was not prepared for how people drive. There are no stoplights, and they all drive very fast and ride each others bumpers, honking their horn and pulling out in front of people continually. It was a scary ride every time. As I spoke with other patients of Dr. Rumbauts, some from the states, and others from abroad, they said they drive like this everywhere in other countries, not just Mexico. I was amazed. Another thing that scared me were the police along the roads holding fully automatic machine guns. HELLO! Anyway, yes again, I have never been out of the US. My driver said, yah he liked it cause if he gets pulled over by the police he can pay them five dollars, and get out of a ticket I think I would rather be able to trust that the police were honest and doing their jobs, not that they are all that way here in the states!! It just feels safer here. We certainly have our own corruption. We were taken from the airport straight to the cardiologist for pre-op tests. He was very kind and seemed very competent. He spoke enough English to carry on a conversation. We then were taken to our Hotel at Hampton Inn, which was very nice. Later in the evening we were taken to see Dr. Rumbaut and his staff. I spoke his nutritionist, dietician, and Dr. Rumbaut and his assistant. My husband and I were impressed. Dr Rumbaut told me he has had his own band for 8 ½ years and has maintained a 110 pound wt loss. The next morning I went to surgery. I was very impressed with the hospital, it was beautiful, nicer than any I have seen here, and the medical equipment was excellent. The surgery went well, but they kept me in recovery for a lot longer because I was in so much pain. I remember just crying out in pain. Dr Rumbaut said to the nurses to get my pain under control before I could go to my room. All I could think of is I wanted my husband, but no one could understand me. And they wouldn’t let him come back into recovery. So finally in the evening they let me go to my room and I was so grateful to see my honey. I had terrible pain throughout the night. They told me it was gas pain. I couldn’t drink much cause it hurt and also made me feel like vomiting. I certainly didn’t want to do that after a stomach operation. So the Dr. that was their, I don’t know who he was, had them give me more meds, which helped, then about 1am, the nurse came in and shut off my fluids and my pain medicine, and left. I was like OH MY GOSH! So I layed their for about an hour then went out and asked for more meds. I know they understood me, I asked three different times. They knew I was upset. They didn’t care. It was crazy. Then at 445 am I called and said in English, Please Please bring me medicine.!!! They came right in like nothing had happened and gave me medicine. So when the DR. and his surgeon came in around 730, I was crying about what had happened and they were so upset, my husband thought the surgeon was going to cry with me. It was nice to see compassion. They had given us before they left their personal cell numbers, but we didn't think to call them. They said we should have and they would have taken care of everything. Oh well, So they got me all fixed up and told me I was dehydrated and that I had to drink and walk. So after I felt better, I did do those things. And the nausea was gone. Anyway the hell went on into the next day as I checked back into my hotel room. The gas was getting less, but still bad. Feels like a heart attack sorta. Really I didn’t feel better until two days later. As I talked to some of his other patients that had surgery the same day, they had no problems at all. Thought it went smooth. For some reason this old body took in a lot of the gas and couldn’t get rid of it. My pain was so horrible. Dr Rumbaut told me my pain was unusual, but to be assured my surgery went beautifully. No problems at all. So now I am writing this four days later and I feel much much better. I am going back to work tomorrow. Still slightly tired, but doing well. And what is so so funny, is that I have restriction. Usually you have to wait for six weeks to get a fill into your band, so it will be tighter and make you full. I am on a liquid diet for two weeks, then a soft mushy diet for two weeks, then normal foods. At this point, I cannot eat over 6-8 ounces of any liquid or I get too full. It is great, I have been on liquids for five days now.. Dr. Rumbaut told me The band was a little tight, and that I would like that. Well so far I sure do. Dr. Rumbaut came to my room the last day and checked on me and answered questions. They will be referring me to some Dr. in Kansas City to do my fills. If I ever have any problems though, I will go back to Dr. Rumbaut. I feel they definitely are the specialists that they appear to be. So all in all, I am happy. I was not prepared for the gas pain, but I am through that now. I am losing weight. I don’t know how much, I can just tell. I am trying to eat well and am taking liquid vitamins. Dr. Rumbaut’s dietician will guide me through this during the year via email. Helping me know If I need and adjustment on my band or not. And helping me eat right. I pray everything continues well, and this time next year I will be minus 100 pounds or so. I will keep you updated.. Love Michelle
  22. NurseMichelle

    Annie Wilson's lapband what happened?

    well guys, I'll share the news I have about heart. I was told at a lap-band seminar by the instructors that she had it removed because she wanted to eat anything again. That life wasn't worth it if she couldn't enjoy her food. They said she had gained and incredible amount of wt back. :cry
  23. NurseMichelle

    two announcements

    man I would have ate the heck out of the onions. That makes my mouth water, I am on liquids!:phanvan
  24. NurseMichelle

    1st fill in Monterrey, MX

    who was your surgeon? You are just now getting a fill? Have you had restriction all this time?
  25. NurseMichelle

    Banded 4/27/06 and Miserable!! HELP!!!

    I am sorry you have felt so bad. I was just banded on 4/28 and the first three days were hell. Make sure your bowels are working well to help get rid of all the gas. Also I had to make sure I took my pain medicines so I would keep swallowing the water. I am on day four and am feeling much better. It is just different for each of us. Hang in there, it will get better.:confused:

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