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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life

  1. Healthy_life

    Talked to my doctor...

    Some family doctors are not supportive of bariatrics. If that is the case you can always find another one who is. Congrats on getting the process started!
  2. Healthy_life

    WLS and PVCS

    If you are concerned for your health and safety - Ask your bariatric surgeon and your cardiologist.
  3. Let fear take over or get treatment to get your health back. Fear of the unknown is natural. Your experience will be unique to you. No one can tell you what your experience is going to be. Just be prepared for pain. Know that your team is going to take good care of you and manage it with medication. Is reading people's horror stories helping you? I understand getting both perspectives. My experience with pain was normal and temporary. I'm over 100 pounds down. To me the pain is worth it.
  4. Healthy_life

    6 Month diet journal example

    You may want to contact your insurance company.
  5. Healthy_life

    “Healthy police” rant

    I agree, Judgmental people need to shut it.
  6. Healthy_life

    Bingeing with Bypass

    Those old behavior made you feel better in the moment. May be why you feel a bit sad to let them go. All of us have behaviors to overcome to be successful long term. The good thing is you recognized you are stress /emotional eating. The next step is finding another way to cope without food. I'm sure there are many here that can give you ideas on what they do to cope. An option is to speak with a counselor/therapist. Ways I cope: Keep busy. I know the feelings will pass. It helps keep my mind off food. Listing to music and going for a walk. I process mystress/ emotions while I exercise. Confronting life's issues has worked better for me than soothing them with food. Hope you find what works for you. Some things you may already know Healthy snacking or more frequent meals that keep your calories and macros in weight loss range is fine. Be mindful if you see yourself grazing. It's a common reason why people gain after surgery. "Grazing" is a maladaptive repetitive eating pattern. Eating more frequent/ repetitive meals that put you over your calorie and macro goals. This can be a combination of healthy and unhealthy food choices. It is easy to eat substantial calories and gain weight. It's as if you never had surgery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5748772/
  7. Healthy_life

    Slowed weight loss??

    2 pounds a week = 8 in a month. Sounds great. We all lose a different speeds. It's not a race it's the fact you are losing. Your sleeve restriction will be less as you progress out from surgery. This is normal. As long as you are working your plan you will lose weight.
  8. Healthy_life

    How did you hide your hair loss

    Your hair loss may not be as bad as you think. No one knows that result until it happens. I guess all the above are options. Another product for thinning hair is toppik https://www.amazon.com/TOPPIK-Hair-Building-Fibers-Brown/dp/B000CBVAQ0?th=1
  9. Healthy_life

    Gastric sleeve

    Yep, I'm not a medical professional. Five months out and 30 pounds is great. Glad you are refocusing. it's not about losing quickly. Its being consistent and the scale will move. If you are still in thailand can you contact you surgeon's office? Do they have a dietician? Any paperwork on your instructions? You can always contact another bariatric program to get true medical advice on how to work your sleeve. Some foods you already know will put you in weight gain.Keep them out of the house so you are not tempted. Also stalls happen. You can search this site to find ideas on how to handle stalls. Are you weighing and logging your food in a food App like myfitnesspal? This will total your calories protein carbs and fats. It's a great tool. You need to know how you are fueling your body. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en_US Food and calories. You are going to receive hundreds of different diet suggestions from forum members. Again no one is a medical professional on Bariatricpal. Sounds like your instructions were about the same as mine.( High protein low carb from veggies, exercise, no sugar and water) As you progress out with sleeve surgery you can hold more food. A few things that may help with hunger. Make sure you are hitting your protein goal. 60 to 100 grams. You can raise this number. Add more veggies to fill the extra space. Eat frequent small meals a day. Make sure your food increase is healthy foods that fit your macro goals for the day. Activity level will affect the number of calories you intake. Some times raising calories can jump start your weight loss again. If you notice a gain you can adjust your calories up or down to find where your body starts back into weight loss mode. Carbs are energy. I got my carbs in with vegetables for weight loss mode. This is not a part of my plan - Many people here have different instructions and approaches to carbs. Whole wheat sweet potato brown rice..nothing processed or white. To each their own on instructions and plans. Find what works for you.
  10. Healthy_life

    40 something sleevers?

    Same age bracket. It has been nothing but positive change in my life. I can't go back in time. I keep looking forward.
  11. Congrats on your surgery date. Just for fun, This is another way to look at your weight loss possibilities. virtual weight loss simulator. https://modelmydiet.com/
  12. 1. What made you choose the Sleeve over the Lap Band? My surgeons office no longer does this type of surgery. Google band revisions. I had the sleeve because it was less invasive. My intestines are not altered. 2. Have you had Hair loss with the Sleeve? Yes, its typical and temporary. It will grow back. 3. What can you absolutely NOT eat now with the Sleeve? I can tolerate anything. Sweet, salty, Spicy. To be successful it's healthy eating and behaviors. I choose and enjoy eatting healthy. 4. At what point did you know you made the right decision with the Sleeve surgery? The moment I chose it was the right decision. It's been successful long term. 5. What as been the best tool you've used in keeping your weight loss progressing?. Keeping my weight loss progressing/maintaining has been staying on my Dr's food and exercise plan. Best thing that has assisted me was a food tracking app. It was eye opening to see how you fuel your body.
  13. Healthy_life

    Calories 2+ Years Post-Op

    I have never used WW. Your surgery was 2016. It's great that the point system is working for you. My calories are low. I'm trying to shed about 6 pounds. My calories are 1000 to 1200. My protein is 100 grams + carbs are 62 . This is currently working for me. It does not guarantee that these numbers will work for anyone else. After a year out, it takes some trial and error on calories/macros to see where your body starts losing weight again.
  14. *Dying laughing* WHo knew... These are also made for men! Oh I can see this french designer now after the ring leader comment. Balmain is off the scale for anything. $495 for a french logo polo shirt.
  15. Wow! So here are a few places that have mens sections with larger clothing. Ordering clothing on the internet is also an option. Walmart has an Mens large dept (go figure) https://www.walmart.com/search/?query=mens+big+size&adid=22222222220216541480&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=b&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=66242571275&wl4=kwd-682876645&wl5=1016202&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&veh=sem H&M mens plus size section http://www2.hm.com/en_us/sale/men/big-tall.html kohls mens plus size dept https://www.kohls.com/catalog/mens-big-tall-clothing.jsp?CN=Gender:Mens+SizeRange:Big %26 Tall+Department:Clothing&kwid=p2112849007&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=Big and tall mens clothing&utm_campaign=Men's+Clothing&UTM_Adgroupid=58500000002003652&pfx=pfx_google_roi&cid=genericsearch&gclid=CjwKCAjw8O7bBRB0EiwAfbrTh3Thb9TqyJbse4QR-cbCxef6vZyysEDjdfXJhdemZEayNcXX4-YO0BoCLDUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CKm-1Iax_twCFXsCrQYdoPAMZA K-mart https://www.kmart.com/clothing-men-s-clothing-big-tall-clothing/b-5001153 DXL http://www.destinationxl.com/mens-big-and-tall-store/?cm_mmc=PaidSearch*Google*DXL*Brand_DXL&Dmonetate=true&adpos=1t1&creative=278490656282&device=c&matchtype=e&network=g&gclid=CjwKCAjw8O7bBRB0EiwAfbrThzY02IUrCckaKVmUbohNFaNcA2T8UQOrIjviKbRloeyxAjDrvupu2BoCN_IQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CI3uxrWx_twCFZQQfQod7n0B7Q Clothing marketers direct most fashion toward women not men. Does not matter about clothing size. Look at magazines and social media. We are usually the fashion spending force that keep money in their pockets. We keep up on trends have shoe and purse collections. Holy hell a $2650 blazer? are you kidding me. All depends on the designer. https://www.balmain.com/us/women/essentials
  16. Healthy_life

    VSG Regain

    Your surgeon knows your medical history. They have read through your psych eval and blood work. The chioce is ultimately up to you. Since you asked about the sleeve I will give you my two cents. Each of us are more than the statistics. I lost 120 pounds in 6 months with the sleeve. My goal was 140. I am five years out and maintaining in the 130s. Nothing magic about the bariatric process. Follow your plan and behavior changes. Weight gain can happen to any type of surgery: Small or large amounts of weight. After a year you may see a ten to twenty pound bounce. It can be lost again. Maintaining is if you have a gain you go back to your bariatric plan and get the weight off. If you can't change your relationship with food and exercise you will not have long term success with any type of surgery. People with bariatrics have revisions due to different issues. (medical, not following their plan, mobility and eating disorders etc) Sleeve realities: Things to know. (1) less chance dumping syndrome if you eat sugar. (some will experience it) If sugar is an issue for you, you might want a different type of surgery. Lots of debate about stomach stretching. (yes it happens but it's rare) I am going to pass on reading any following angry posts about stomach stretching. (2a) Your restriction will be less as time passes. This is normal with the sleeve. Your stomach has not grown back or stretched. It's a new feeling of stomach capacity. It's rare to see revision due to stretching. Think of how much food you would have to binge and force down in one sitting to cause stretching to the point of revision. 2b) Many people confuse grazing with stomach stretching. Grazing is eating several meals throughout the day healthy or unhealthy foods. Your calories will seriously increase. It is as if you didn't have surgery at all. (google it) I also see some surgeons take advantage of gain due to grazing. It's a money maker to do another surgery. This is life long change with any type of surgery. It is still work after you get to gaol.
  17. Healthy_life

    Mashed potatoes

    Many think their plan is the only plan. Many see things very black and white.. Some encourage bad choices. Others are vets that eat totally differently. We are adults. It's a choice to follow or not follow your Surgeon's instructions. The only one that has to be happy with your surgery outcome is you.
  18. Healthy_life

    Mashed potatoes

    My sleeve can tolerate anything. I have choose my foods wisely to make them fit my macro goals. (calories, protein, carbs,fats) foods i'm enjoying at the moment: Ground turkey 99% lean - taco or fajita seasoning and salad Canned chicken - 50/50 salad mix - blue cheese - strawberries - skinny girl raspberry vinaigrette The salty sweet combination is wonderful Crab meat, chopped seeded cucumber, celery, carrot and a bit of olive oil mayo. topped with slices of avocado. drinks: Love chai tea in/winter fall. Iced tea in the summer pre workout drink before the gym crystal light mojito lime Take what is useful..ignor the rest. Most people come from a place of caring when they look at food choices..call it food police if you like.
  19. Healthy_life

    The Thrill Is Gone

    After goal, all the sex and sizzle of rapid weight loss and comments are gone. Things get normal. My interests change and evolve over the years. Things that I used to do. large amounts of alcohol and food at parties/holidays laying around the house Watching the food network and my 600 pound life going to bariatric group negative people in my life - Poof they are gone people pleasing
  20. Most of us struggle to meet macro goals in the beginning. My goal was 60 to 80g protein. It was a chore to get food in. Enjoy the great sleeve restriction in your first few months. It's your best weight loss. Your restriction will feel completely different as you progress. Not everyone's taste but...Isopure zero carb drink. 160 calories 40 grams protein and hydration in one. I added water to it to help the taste. https://www.bodybuilding.com/store/nb/drink.html?skuId=NB2100028
  21. Healthy_life

    I think I'm done. But how do I stop?!

    Your food capacity is still limited at three months out. What does your dietician/ surgical team suggest to slow or stop weight?
  22. Vent away. We are adults. We make our own choices. The behavior change and mental battles are hard. None of this is easy.
  23. Healthy_life

    The scale is the devil!!

    Sorry the scale is making you crazy. people choose how to approach their relationship with the scale. Some weigh everyday while others wait longer intervals. Your body is still healing. Surgery 8/5/18. Your body needs a bit of time. The scale will be moving soon
  24. Healthy_life

    Poop and age

    None of us our medical professionals on this site. I would talk with your surgeon's office to get facts. Your surgeon also has your medical history and will do pre op tests. They will steer you in the right direction of type of surgery.
  25. Pain tolerance and how you feel is different for each of us. Your team will take good care of you to manage it. You will have pain meds at the hospital and when you are sent home. The nursing staff had me walking the hallways the day after surgery. At home I was instructed to continue walk and had lifting restrictions. Walking helps the healing process. You will be given your specific instructions when you are sent home. BTW - I bounced back quickly. I expected pain and it goes away with time. You can listen to all our stories/examples but your experience is going to be unique to you.

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