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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life

  1. Healthy_life


    It's great to build each other up. All the struggles, hard work. All that we have overcome. Brag away!
  2. Healthy_life

    Lost too much weight

    I'm sure you are scared with a BMI that is in the underweight range. Might be a good idea to contact your team.
  3. Healthy_life

    Concentration difficulties?

    First stages are rough. I hope you will be feeling better as your diet progresses to soft foods/real food. Hang in there.
  4. Healthy_life

    Always Hungry

    Did your dr or dietician look at your food intake? What do your calories and macros look like at 4.5 months?
  5. Healthy_life

    First Gain

    177 pounds down! Onward!!!!!! Minor set back. First gain on the scale can mess with you a bit. Don't beat yourself down. Dust yourself off and get back to plan. Be consistent. Crazy to know how fast a gain can happen. I eat off plan, It shows up on the scale three days later. A little motivation for your day.
  6. What is success with WLS? We have different goals, medical issues and ways of working our programs. The goal is healthy even if you don't get to a goal number. Reach for the stars, be your own awesome!
  7. Your weight loss in the months to come will be unique to you. We are more than the statistics. 40 to 60% are the stats for weight loss. Nothing has to be set in stone as a goal weight right now. As you get closer to your surgeons goal weight. You can decided if you want to press on to your ultimate goal. "So for any of you that have reached your ultimate goal weight, or you went above and beyond the 60%, please share your stories, tips/advice, input, exercise/diet regimens? I want to fully prepare for this mentally before diving in physically. I don't want to feel discouraged before even having my surgery" You may have times when you feel discouraged after surgery. Stalls and mental battles Etc. Keep connected with support form bariatric patients. We are here for you. I am four years out. 5'5" 254 high weight - 234 day of surgery. six months 140 - I went on to 130's My motivation and perspective came from my mother. I watched her battle cancer. She knew she had months to live. I thought of her each time things got hard. She would have gladly traded places with me for my weight loss struggles. I was driven to make the most out of my surgery and life. Surgery is work. None of this happens over night. You earn each pound. The sum of small things repeated day in and day out will get you where you want to be. Nothing magic - I followed my eating plan and guidelines. Learned to log my food. I stayed consistent. I discovered a passion read all things bariatric, nutrition and fitness. It was eye opening. I learned food is fuel and not for comforting stress/emotions Exercise was a necessary evil. It developed over time into something I enjoy Exercise: Let no one interrupt your gym/exercise. It's time you carve out for yourself. Use it to process life's issues and overcome the mental battles that may surface with WLS. My first year: I dedicated an hour five /six days a week. I started with walking. Then the elliptical and a bit of weight lifting. I increased the resistance and weight as I got stronger. Over time my workouts evolved Into biking, distance running and lifting. Food: Log you food. Make sure you hit your calories, protein and carbohydrates for the day without going over. Get temptations out of the house, Grocery shop and cook your own food. Congrats on your upcoming surgery, Jenn
  8. Healthy_life


    Yes carbs are energy. No one here is on a 100% no carb diet. Many of us have a low carb plan. If you eat over your carb goal for the day it may slow or stop your weight loss. Best to listen to your professional medical advice. Call them and get clarification. You are paying for them. Get your money's worth💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲.😉 Ask your Dr. Dietician give you a carbohydrate intake range. Find out what carb food sources are on your plan ( Not all carbs are created equal) Wishing you the best, Jenn. Side note: You are going to get many responses of "what you should eat" from strangers in a chat room. Most mean well, but they do not have your medical history etc that your surgeons office has.
  9. Healthy_life

    4 week post-op weight loss meltdown

    First month out. It's ok to have a freak out moment. Take a deep breath.... Keep working your plan and give this time. Here is a link about stalls. Your not alone. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/
  10. Please add your current weight in your responses. Thanks! Challenge Starting weight: 132 Current weight - 132 Current weight lost: Losing or maintaining weight: Maintaining Fitness/exercise goal: Less cardio more weights Total weight loss at the end of challenge: (Post January 1st 2019) Check in: Tell us how you are doing - (How is your diet and exercise plan going? Any struggles? Stress level? What have you overcome? Any strategies that have helped) Family stress! Keeping my stress/emotional eating in check. What doesn't challenge you does not change you. Its time to get out of my comfort zone at the gym. My goal is a booty in 2019.
  11. Healthy_life

    6 Months Post Op

    Fantastic loss. Love that you are a bit smug in the gym. You worked hard for that. Pretty crazy to think all this change happen in six months, Right? Some days you will want to pinch yourself l......Thinking this is all a dream..lol Congrats!
  12. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge. Follow the link below to join. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/420820-thanksgiving-christmas-and-new-years-weight-loss-challenge/?tab=comments#comment-4715523
  13. My two cents. The mantra "protein first" is because your stomach restriction is tight for the first few months. For many of us it's a struggle to get food/shakes in and hit your dietitians protein goal (60 to 100 grams) You can consume more food as you get further out from surgery. Hitting your protein goal is normal forever. It's surprisingly not as much effort as the beginning of surgery. At this phase it's not so much "protein first" because you can consistently hit your protein goal with vegetables and other foods.
  14. It's talked about. Here are a few threads about lack or no support https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?&q=unsupportive&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy The members here share similar experiences with weight loss surgery. Ask us anything.
  15. Fantastic progress. Has anyone told you you look like Rosamund pike from gone girl?
  16. Healthy_life


    Goal back in weight loss mode: To get my health back. Weigh less than my husband fit into a formal gown for a halloween ball Goals now: To continue the gym life into my senior years Fitting into my little black dress for a New Years masquerade party
  17. Starts: Friday the 16th Ends Tuesday January first 2019!!!!! You can do daily or weekly check ins.
  18. Healthy_life

    1 Year Post Sleeve, Macros?

    Re committing is a good place to start. Log and track for the next weeks. Hopefully it kicks you back into weight loss mode. My weight loss also has slowed. It takes me nothing to gain an it comes off slowly. Get back to being consistent. Joining a challenge may help. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/420820-thanksgiving-christmas-and-new-years-weight-loss-challenge/
  19. Healthy_life

    1 Year Post Sleeve, Macros?

    For many of us weight loss slows down as we progress out from surgery. It's ok if its slow. Can I ask how much weight loss in a month?
  20. This is the continued work with bariatrics. Recognising and confronting old behaviors. Finding strategies to get back into weight loss mode. Great advice from the above posts. Snacking: keep healthy options on hand get rid of temptations Eating larger meals at night: Larger meals can still stay within your calories for the day. With your protein, load up on salad, steamed or roasted veggies. The office and food holidays: Many people will appreciate healthy options. (I'm sure there are others watching their weight) Veggie and fruit tray, meat and cheese platter, Hummus dip, Spicy edamame, Salt n vinegar cucumber slices, Chicken or turkey meatballs. deviled eggs. My favorite is my dieticians white chilli. My dietitians bariatric site for some inspiration: http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  21. New fit tracker. I'm excited for winter goals. I want to rock my little black dress for new years and booty  gains for 2019.

  22. Healthy_life

    Fitness trackers vs Google Pixel 2/3

    My son just bought me a garmin fitrunner 35 for my 50th b day. Still figuring all the functions out. So far it's been helpful. Connects with other apps. Including myfitness pal.
  23. You have no control of where your body places fat when you gain weight. You also have no control over where it comes off as you lose it. It will balance out with time.

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