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John Does

LAP-BAND Patients
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About John Does

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    It's now or never!

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  1. Happy 52nd Birthday cannedpoo!

  2. Hey. I am a patient of Dr. Yood's from the St. Raphel's Hospital in New Haven. Your story really inspired me and made me not as nervous. I am gathering information together to get my insurance company to assist me with paying for the surgery. If possible, please keep in touch. good luck with your recovery :)

  3. John Does

    Comfort Foods... mmmm!

    I brown up the ground turkey in a little olive oil. I mix in a can of Bold Manwich and add ketchup and sugar to taste. You could also use bbq sauce if you prefer. Easier to get down than beef for me. I eat it straight up-no bread. Tastes great and keeps for days.:grouphug:
  4. John Does


    I order 'tuna/salmom/yellowtail tartare'-it's a pile of chopped fish-with some crunchies/mayo/masago roe mixed in...nice and soft but oh so protein rich. I still dab with wasabi, soy and tiny bits of ginger...but chew oh so slow! chew chew chew...can get in about 4 ounces perhaps...delish!! I am also lucky my local sushi joint has 1/2 priced sushi at lunch-I also order spicy tuna sashimi...
  5. I just heated a cup of milk and added my high protein slim fast chocolate shake mix-it actually tastes great-like swiss miss! It's hard to get enough protein. I can't get the cold drinks in and animal protein is tough too-I am very tight. This cocoa goes down easy.:smile2: I hope heat doesn't destroy the protein somehow...
  6. I wonder what would happen if I made 'hot cocoa' from my chocolate protein mix? Anyone ever try it? I am so tight that I can barely get in 2-3 ounces in the morning...
  7. John Does

    Soda soda soda

    I have tried the Burger King frozen Coke 'Icee' after fills and when I needed to calm my stomach down after pb'ing ( cola syrup is given by Dr's for upset stomachs) and it went down nice and easy, was very delish when I needed calming.:thumbup: My surgeon doesn't approve-although they do recommend 'de-carbonated' diet ginger ale... The icee doesn't seem as bubbly as unfrozen coke-but did have bubbles as it melted...cool stuff imho....:thumbup:
  8. I always preferred cold beverages but now that I am tight-hot drinks go down easy-but water I have to sip ever so slightly... Especially in the Morning... I was filled a week ago and was wondering if this is how it is for 'sweet spotters' or just post fill tightness... :thumbup:
  9. John Does

    2nd Fill woes-Too Tight!!!

    He had me swallow one sip of water and then I was out the door...That one sip stayed in my throat as I drove off to work and came back up shortly thereafter,along with every drop of saliva...ugh! Needless to say next time I am waiting a bit after I swallow before I leave!!
  10. Got my 2nd today-2cc added to the 4cc I already had in a supposed 10cc band. As soon as I drove off I was unable to hold my own saliva down for hours... I had to call the office at least 5 times before they took me seriously-I was vomiting, heaving, hiccupping and spitting up for 5 hours straight. The doctor was quite petulant-told me I was 'overreacting' and that it was just swelling, and they 'just don't unfill you'. I was having crushing spasms in my chest and throat, and driving with a plastic bag and paper towels for the mess. Doctor snickered when I commented that I would get dehydrated if it kept up because I couldn't drink...! I finally told them I was coming in-whether they liked it or not. [bTW-I am a tough chick-you could stick me with a ten foot needle and never hear a peep from me, I am no crybaby miss priss who can't hold a fill! :cool:] Doctor begrudingly agreed to remove some of the fill and actually said he was going to remove all of it and didn't know if and when he'd replace it! I asked him if he was 'punishing' me? What a jerk... He finally took out @2.5-3 cc and I had immediate relief! He changed his tune a bit and was more pleasant afterward, but I will not forget the treatment I received-just because I had an atypical reaction to a fill. He said next time he will use 'floro' to determine the proper fill... I don't even have confidence that he knows the correct size of my band as he asked me last time-'what size band did I give you?' and had to check in my chart! egads!! My Dad {who is a Neuropathologist} said that most surgeons are not known for their brains-they are nothing more than dummies that know how to use a knife...but not much else. I think he's correct in this case! Anyone have a fill that was so tight you couldn't swallow and keep down your own saliva? How did your Doc react?
  11. John Does

    Any other Meatball freaks here? :)

    I just made a fresh batch-used high quality lean beef and fennel sausage,1 egg, fresh chopped parsley and basil,one clove garlic,some dried shallots, handful of parmesean cheese, 2 hamburger buns crumbled, a little half and half and salt and pepper...baked 'em @ 50 mins @350..... Yummy yummy yummy......these will freeze beautifully and last all week and then some...
  12. I really really love meatballs lately....I get them with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on top-2 will totally satisfy me... I hope they aren't too unhealthy...usually I make homemade ones from very lean beef... When I'm out, most places have them, so It's my number 1 'Go To' food...
  13. John Does

    Help! Potty Problems...

    I take an over the counter stool softener-brand name 'Colace' but I buy generic...I also use the suppositories occasionally...
  14. Gall bladder pain is often described similarly...have it checked out!
  15. John Does

    Liquid Vitamins...???

    Best are the ones you get at the Health Food store-they are all natural and most are organic. Mix with some juice and it's a no brainer. The only thing is the greenish color...lol...get over it They also have a nice fruity flavor-unlike Centrum which tasted very metallic to me...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
