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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by china

  1. das ok i to have to get back on track im tight yet dont have any thang else in there. i eat and pb so i dont know but, im gonna hang in there. 2010 gotta do better and stop eat in the sweets. so im starting with ya. rose how are i hope and pray you are ok. well in any case happy new years

    love ya.

    A belated Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year, I hope all is well with everyone. I have no excuse for not posting online and I am sorry. I am trying to get refocused. I am have been doing bad. So, Back on the band wagon for 2010. Love to all, Laurel

  2. hang in there hun. hope surgery goes good when you feel better come back and let me know how it went.

    Hi All,

    215 for Dec may have been reasonable but this gall bladder thing is a real pain ( literally) I can eat mashed potatoes and yogurt. Anything else causes problems. Am about 222# at the moment. I haven't felt like exercising,or walking. Surgery is Tuesday, hopefully I can get back on track.

  3. hey ya glad to see people are starting to come back and post. i just had my bandaversary and im ok with what i have lost wished it would have been more but, im ok with it. i told my family i wanted the wii fit for myself. my kids have it but, are not willing to share it.:) i even hear they have another machine that is like the will fit. i know what ever it is i want one. in any case you guys are doing great keep up the good work. and my goal for jan is 13lbs.

    Hello Everyone, I haven't posted in a long while and I have had some great success. I have lost 31 pounds since my last post and a total of 73.2 pounds since my surgery. My anniversary of my band is next Wednesday and I am hoping to be at 75 pounds total loss. I will try and keep up with my posting. I go back to the Doctor on January 26th and hope to be 10 more pounds lighter. I am exercising more and that helps a lot. My goal for January is 10 pounds.
    Happy Bandaversary everyone!!!

  4. happy one year b-day everyone. im so glad to have shared this jurney with you all. i love you guys lets keep it going.

    HAPPY BANDIVERSARY TO ALL OF US. WE MADE IT A YEAR. I am going back to start getting refilled on 12/28. Thank you all for being part of the past year. Would have not been the same without you. Let's all have a great new year. My love to all, Laurel

  5. sorry to hear your not feeling well. i to had to get some more Fluid removed. and think im gonna have to get more out. im down to like 1.3cc. it almost feels like im allergic to the fills. i can eat but, its coming right back up and i seem to be pb till im throwing up foam. so i dont know. trying to hang in there. hell who said this band was da easy way out. what a lie

    I felt like i got ran over by a mack truck, lol. I was able to get Water down, it would just come back up within an hour. I had my test down yesterday, I didn't slip. So over christmas break, I am going to start getting filled again. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Laurel

  6. thank you i to am sorry for your loss. and yes it is hard when you lose someone you love. mark(my Dude) is having a really hard time. as he just spoke to him the nite before. i keep trying to comfort him but, its hard cuz i just dont know what to say or do. my heart goes out to you and your family. i know how i felt when my granny passed in 01 i still cry. if you ever need to talk or just someone to listen im here.

    love ya

    Hello Ladies,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss China. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Well my mothers battle with cancer is over she is now at peace and with my Dad in heaven. She passed away at my home on Friday night. She is an angel now. The funeral is tomorrow and I am having a very hard time.....I miss her so much......she has lived with me for 10 years. Its just so empty without her. Please pray for her.

    Love You Guys

  7. im gonna try it i think im gonna get some of my fill taken out thursday as once again i feel to tight. i have a bubble like in the back of my through. im hungry when i cant eat anything. what i had yesterday

    chix salad, sw.baby peas, cajuan rice 1/4cup total(pb)

    then 5-6hrs later 1/2c lasanga. 1/4c ice cream,2bite of cake. and a 16oz coff,cream,splenda and that was all i could eat but, was hungry just couldnt eat. when i pb its bad.ause they taste awful, secondly because the oil in the slim shot is better coated along your stomach wall that way. It coats your stomach alleviating hunger pains. It really does work for me, as the Lap-Band® never really gave me the hunger suppression as it has for so many others.

  8. i did call him and told him what was going on and being i go there thursday he said if i can wait till then that was fine but, if not i could come in now. i said i wasnt pb just feel really tight so i would wait till thursday. i went to my sister b-party last nite and had 1/2c if lasiga and 1tbs of ice cream and that was like in 5hrs did pb 1x when i had a bite of a chix wing so he said maybe im not chewing enough so im gone see but, gonna have him take some out when i go.


    b-1/4c total of chix salad, sw. baby peas,cajan rice (PB)

    l-1/2c lasanga


    s-1tbs ice cream, 2sm bites of cake, 16oz coff,cream,splenda


    please call him asap!!!

    I would call now

    let the service wake him up

    keep us posted

    good luck

  9. he might not see i have had a problem every time i got a fill. hell every since i have gotten the band i have not been able to eat what they call solid food. i can eat soft and junk food so that is why it was checked and i was pb alot like almost everyday. or when i try and eat regular food thats why i have had 2 fills and 2unfills now i just got a fill and really cant keep it down pb foam now. so im callin to c what he says. should not lose 3lbs in 2days


    I hope he does not do it to me

    I had the fill finally

    then the next visit 2 months later

    since I had lost weight

    he did not add more and I did not

    want any

    :thumbup::scared2:will he do it next time

    I am seeing him in February around Valentines Day

    he wanted earlier but I can always reschedule


  10. becuz the amount that their records say i should have was not in it when it was checked. so i go back thursday for it to be checked..


    b-1pk oatmeal

    l-1/4talapia, 2tbs mashed potatoes

    d-1c grits w/cheese

    s-1c apple juice

    s2-watermelon drink juice



    water 23oz

    since i got this fill on wednesday i have lost 3lbs i feel restricion.

    How would you know if you have a leak?

  11. yes im were you are right now. hang in there things will get better it just has to.

    ms diva i know rigth im in that situation right now. how every here is an update on me i went and got a fill wednesday only .25 and its helping alot. i got on the scale today when i went to the dr's and i have lost 3lbs. i still crave the sweets but i think im gonna try the slim shots and see if that helps. oh what is that pill you was talken bout. well i will be going off liquids starting 2morow so i will see how every thing goes.

    I too have fallen off the wagon. I was doing great and sticking to everything the doctors advised. Now I am going through some very stressful situations and I find myself going back to my stress/anxiety eating ways. I fill up fast but I'm still making unhealthy and foolish choices. Now the holidays are here - I don't want to get so lost that I won't be able to find my way back on track. Anyone in the same boat or have suggestions?

  12. can i join in. we i seem to be in the same spot as you all to. went to the dr's today and got a sm fill dont think .25 is gonna do any thing but, das what i got. im having really issues with my eating habits cant seem to get back on track back eating sweets as i know food is gonna get stuck. had a test done and he thinks it might be a sm leak in it thats why he put more in. and by all means i know the band is a tool and of course im not using it right. funny thing is ms diva my dr said the same thing to me today said i know the rules and when im ready the band is there to help. i gained 6lbs and feel like ive fallen and cant get up. its like im ready to get it going then i go eat a cookie. what the hell, i did make a wkly menu, and talk to the lady at the ymca wanna try and do Water arobics. so i guess thats a start i just gotta do my part. as i know i should have lost way more than i have im a much bigger person and thats what makes me feel like i have failed.

    well its a new day and all i can do is try and make it thru the day.

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