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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by china

  1. hey there im here. we yes i do have kids they are 11 and 6 i have one of each. and im close in your age range. a women never tells her age or weight at least that what my mom always says. :rolleyes: well i got on the scale and to my suprise i have lost 2lbs im ok with that. i have been drinking shakes and smoothies as its just to damn hot for food. my kids eat the same thing over and over so there easy. and your so right some times we have to indulge to get it out of our systems. that salad sounds so good. and no i dont eat bread to much it doesnt digest good for me. i think your doing great just remember when the scale doesnt move that you are losing inches. and that is a very good thing. and i so kno what you mean about the kids being home my kids are skinny and eat what ever so i cant deprive them cuz mommy cant eat it. i will have to let you know how that goes for me.

  2. im so happy for you.:tongue2: well my wkend was ok i didnt eat much at all seem to be experiencing the hotter the weather gets the tigher the band is getting. so i mostly drank. and for today which is monday i had

    b-med coffee,slenda,cream

    l-4pc mc nuggets 190cals w/honey mustard sauce

    s- ice tea

    d- lean cusine meal 260cals

    not really hungry gonna do smoothies if it doesnt get better so i havent lost any thing prob. my membership to ww is done so i got the books gonna keep following on my own. and of course not i luv talking to you. and relaxing is a great thing some times. i need to do the same. well one day i guess. i walked the park on my lunch break and i burned 1657cals and walked 7.17miles thru out the day. so i wanna walk on my break everyday so that should help me out some. so we will c

    I'm on cloud 9 cause I got up and lost 1 more pound. I did great yesterday stuck with what i planned to eat and no more. I can still eat good this summer and lose just have to plan ahead and stick with it.This week I probablyy wont lose none since I lost so much last week but still have hope i will. My hubby and kids are gone to grandmas house so I have the house to myself for awhile. Its so quiet I could get use to this! Should clean but I think I'm just going to sit back and relax for awhile. So how did you do this weekend China? I sure wish more people would join this your probably getting tired of just listening to me ramble on! LOL! The pool Water was so cold yesterday I sure hope it is warm to swim later. I got fried in the sun yesterday which sucks cause I hurt. My arms are still tingleing. Still need to shovel some more gravel but that will have to wait till later. wish it was monday so I could go to the gym sure is dumb to be closed on Sunday. welp will be back later to post what i had today cause not sure what we will cook yet. have good day!

  3. i am so proud of you good job there hun. you really must go out and Celebrate. and honey if money grew on trees i would have to many trees in my back yard. and i would shop every damn day.:thumbup: and i to love this thread to. i have been doing ok i have not been eating really seem the hotter it gets the tighter the band gets so i have mostly been drinking more and maybe a meal in between. other than that i have been doing ok. i started working more and burning more calories so that is a real plus. so i hope this wkend goes good for me i will keep ya posted on that and you do the same.

    I got up this morning and lost another pound I am down 50 from lapbad surgery. WHOOOOOOOOOO:thumbup::smile::thumbup::o:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:!!!!!!! Had to post cause I was excited will be back later to post my food for the day. Thanks china for helping me during the hard days. I love this thread! So how are you doing this week?

  4. dont worry i am i cant have ya all lookin hot and im not. well today was a better day i walked at the park in the rain then went shopping with my mom so it was all good. i did renew my gym membership and added my boo so he said we can workout together some times he little as hell.:thumbup: but, my gym partner joined so we can work out again together so we will see. so here is what i had today

    b-2med. eggs,2patties

    s-1c Cereal,.50c milk

    l-lean cusine meal 260cals

    s-med coff, .50 donut:redface:

    d-lean cusine meal 280cals

    i didnt have my ww book so cant tell ya what the points are. left it in my friends car and her son riped it up so i have to try and get another one.

    China, you better come on and catch up cause I'm lookin so hot my husband started ww with me yesterday. LOL! Yes, I think it helps when we have people around or talk to that have a good out look on weight loss. If you have people to cheer you on and you cheer for it helps keep us motivated to keep up the good hard work. My husband has put on about 30 pounds over the last couple years. He is so tall you really can't tell but when I start to lose weight he always seems to follow on his own. I was doing good till got pregnant with triplets then seemed to keep putting on the pounds. I would lose 100 gain it back over the last 4 years. I think once I lose it this time my band will help me maintain it or at least thats what my dr hopes.I'm shooting for the stars which is the 220's.

    The tea sounds pretty cool hope it works. I love tea but it makes me swell even if I put splenda in it so I just stick to Water. But if I go out to eat I have a soda or once in awile I will get a sprite zero. Not very often though have always been a Water person.

    If I start to do bad or eat something I shouldn't I think better not cause I will have to post it and posting it gives me a lot of shame. I still can't believe I lost after the cookout having that much food.

    when I would go to the meetings me and a freind would always have dinner out after weigh in. KInda a treat it could be a subway, grilled chicken or something pretty close to healthy. Then start the week off fresh the next morning. It seemed to help my weight loss. We gain some and lose some so don't let it get to ya just start fresh thats how it works. I could be in the same bout as you next week. never know when we will fall off the wagon just got to jump back om LOL! Have good day. will post food later tonight.

  5. okay hottie dont be leave me in the dust.:thumbup: i gotta step my game up i cant have ya lookin good and im just the blob. im sure you are down more than that. i have heard ppl say that you gain like 3-5lbs during your monthly. i have been tryin this tea called Smooth Move an i swear i lost 3lbs off of it. so i said i was gonna use it tonite. im so love n this group rite now i really needed to hear that good news to give me that little push. so im gonna go and get those books by friday and get this ball move n.

    I have done great today! Egg 3 chips 2 ketchup 1.....

    bacon 8 bread 1 mayo 1... mashed potatos 3 rib 3 mac cheese 4 popcorn 1 = 27 POINTS

    i GOT ON THE scale AND THEY SAID 237 WHOOO ONE MORE POUND. the cool thing is when my bloating goes down I should lose some more. I usally weigh more during that time of the month. So I can't wait till next week should shed at least four pounds. I have been tight the past two days from Water weight and bloating. Today I looked at my before picture and thought OMG I'm shrinking. My dr asked me for before and after pics so I Have the before and after is already looking better. LOL Hope everyone had good monday.

  6. hi everyone how is every thing going, me im doing ok not great but, ok :thumbup: i went to ww today and i gained a lb im not worried or stressing im just ok. wow its funny that you would post about the scale and stuff i did look at it at ww but, didnt want to pay $35. and i do plan on getting those books that you mentioned as i think they can really help me. i to have the older food scale and maybe i will look at prices for a digital one. i think you made some great food choices if you ask me. so you should be proud as you know you could have eaten way more than you did and passing on the cake that was a classic:thumbup: you get cool points for that.:rolleyes: well everyone is doing great keep up the good work well i didnt post what i eat will start back 2morow with ww and keeping track of what goes in the tank:biggrin:.

    Glad your test is over you can stop stressing. Barns and noble book store has a journal called diet minder it cost about 12 dollars it las t maybe six months and has lots of room to right point calories Protein etc. The book has alot of other interesting stuff in it I recomend it iver the weight watcher journal. I have the old scale you just set stuff on and it moves plus the digital ww scale. the digital is worth your momey it even stores past food in the memory. The food companion and dinning out is a life savedr for me. To be successful at ww your need those simple tools. I did great all week but Saturday I had about one plate food one tabelspoon of about six foods and 4 meat balls and nacho cheese dip with chips. about four hours later I had the same thing agian. I did pass on the cake and had a bite of my daughters so after al the bad choices I did make one good one. For supper taco 4 point chips 4 points. I did walk for thirty minutes around the neighborhood at my mother in laws but other than that I did no exercise the whole weekend. I exersice everyday like three or four times but today I thought I would skip it. I may not lose no more but the one pound but hey I can dill with that.

    so how did the rest of you guys do? Hope everyone did good this past week.

    Last night Me and the kids got to watch chicken eggs hatching it was so cool you could hear churping before the egg craked and see the egg shaking like crazy. In the next 3 days we might have 20 baby chicks. All kids should watch eggs hatch in enquibater it was such a nice experience. I guess anything amazes me LOL!

  7. omg im so happy for you. keep up the good work well i have been kinda off track with this test and all. we i took it and passed it so now im getting back on track starting monday. but, i will eat healthy over the wkend. i didnt weight this wk but, will do so tuesday and see what damage i have done. well what ever it is i will work it off. monday is the start of a new me in more than one way. so i will keep everyone updated on how that is going. im going to ww 2morow and buy that 3month journal i think that will really help me and the dinning out book. i saw they had a packet for 25. i think im gonna treat myself and get it. i really would luv to get that ww digital food scale. i mite gotta work on that one. so how is everyone doing this wk. well lets keep up with the posting as it is very important. skinnygirl let me know how you made out.

    Guess what guys the scale moved this moring I was so excited I had to post early. Oh yes and for those who have problems with ticker or need directions type in ticker problems and it help. If Ive already lost a pound maybe by monday I will lose more....crosing my fingers.


    egg 2

    chips 2


    ww flatbread chicken 6

    chips 2

    12 points so far

    gym 1 hour

    treadmill at home 1 1/2 hour

    where is all my weight watcher supporters I feel like I'm talking to myself.... LOL!!!!!!

  8. oh skinnygirl that is so sweet you should be so proub of yourself you saved not just a life but, a few of them. im so proud of you.

    I did not do so good over the weekend. China what is the five day pouch test? I have never heard of it? Tell me about it and I may give it a try. That sucks about the chix but you lost weight though. LOL! I have gained two pounds but Haven't worked out since Friday. After I work out at the gym MOnday it should go back down. I tend to gain Water weight if I don't work out So I'm not going to sweat it. We ahd a great time this weekend. YOu guys would not belive what we did. THIS BUS OF CHURCH PEOPLES WAS ON FIRE WE HELPED THEM OUT OF THE VAN. THEN MY SISTER IN LAW BLOCKED TRAFFIC AND I USED FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO TRY HELP GET THE FIRE OUT. IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS GOING TO BLOW UP SO WE BACKED OFF AND A TRUCK DRIVER PULLED UP AND TOOK OVER TILL THE FIRE TRUCK FINALLY CAME. ALL THE PEOPLE WAS OK BUT THEY DID LOSE ALL THERE EQUIPMENT. WE WAS ON THE WAY TO MR GATTIS WITH TWO CAR LOADS OF GIRLS AND NO ONE WOULD STOP AND HELP THE POOR PEOPLE. SURE DID MAKE US FEEL GOOD TO HELP OF COUSE WE PARKED OUR CARS AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE ON FIRE TO ENSURE ALL THE GIRLS WERE SAFE.

  9. hey skinnygirl hows it going. me im doing ok. go luck it up on mcdonalds web page and it will tell you or next time look on the back of the wrapper and it will tell you and you just convert it into points i do that all the time.

    well i got on the scale and it said i was donw 3lbs i know why though i eat some chix and it got stuck and pb and havent been able to eat much lately. but, i hope it gets better in a day or to. so all the junk food 4 me nah just playing. and then there is work i have been working alot and not really having much time to eat das how the chix got stuck rushing. damn sure wont do that again. the stupid lady at work gone say are u pregnant hun. i just looked at her. but, thats a whole nother story. i think you should plan out every thing your gonna eat that day and if you want to eat more at the party eat less durning the day. and as long as you dont eat over your points you should be fine. and working out is a great thing i have to work on drinking more Water. i would like to get up to 80ozs of Water a day. so that will come in time. why dont you try the 5day test and that will let you know if you need a fill or not. well talk with ya 2morow have a great wk end.

    happy moters day

    China you still lost so I say you did good for the week. I got up this morning and did a very bad thing, the kids wanted mcdonalds. I gave in and had biscuit gravy and hashbrown bad choice already. The hashbrown was 3 points biscuit was 5 points not sure how much the gravy was I have no listing for it in my book. So I'll say 5 points 13 ponits already boy I will have to be real carefull the rest of the day. Why is it we do so good then seem to blow it in one minute? Guess thats why we are overweight and have problems losing. I have to wait four more weeks till I get my next fill but I so need it already. My band had 4cc and before my unfill it had 5.5cc.China I think you are doing great wihout any in your band I wish I was that stong and had resticion with nothing in mine. I will plan my meal before i go saturday just hope I can be stronge and not give in sometimes I plan exactley what I'll have but the voice talks me into something different. LOL! Yes summer is almost here and I would love to lose some more weight and look good. I exercise all day which keeps me from gaining thats a good thiing. So as long as I don't gain I'm ok

  10. did you get your ab circle and did you try it how was it.

    My Ab Circle Mini is due to arrive tomorrow. I can't wait!! I hope this is what I need to get my "arse" in gear. The weather in Wyoming is STILL not being cooperative enough to ride my bike to work, but when it does, watch out.

  11. hey ever1 glad to see everyone posted, my computer crashed and now im back up karlzmom your doing geat keep up the good work. now for skinnygirl hun your doing great also now since you know you are having a event and you already know what the menu will be plan it out and see how much all the would be if you have the min. amount and take it from there at least that is what i would do. at ww tuesday that is what they told us to always plan out what we want to eat if we go out. for example if all of that from the party comes to we will say 12pts then how many do you have for br,sn,lunch. so the hint is to plan ahead for that day. i think im gonna start making out a menu for the wk and then do the pts. as i have to get more organize hell summer is coming and i want to look better than i did last summer. now when i went to ww i lost .50lb yes i said a half a lb so i will do better next wk have to hit it hard. i had a few steak fries today so gonna walk it off. have a few exams comin up and have been stressing so of course eating junk. so i will do better 2morow das for sure. so here is what i eat today

    b-1pk oatmeal=1pt

    s-32oz Water,2 cyrstal lite=0

    l-cup of Soup, applesauce=8pts

    s-mini ravs=10pts

    ice cream cone (baby cone)=3pts

    10 french fries=5pts


    27pts eaten all junk

    so....for today, I used:

    2 - caramel Latte Protein powder

    1 - 1/2 C ff Milk

    0 - coffee, black

    1 - sm carb free Isopure

    3 - 1 scrambled egg [only ate about 1/3, but rounding it up to the whole point value]

    2 - 1TBL hollendaise sauce [to get egg down]

    2 - 1/4 C ricotta cheese

    0 - 1 Tbl of marinara

    so my day worked out to 11 points consumed. I am allotted 23.....I guess I'll have another Protein shake before bed, as I'm lite on protein too.

    No exercise today, except got dressed and went to work for the 1st time since banding. UGH!

    I need to track my H2O as well..so much to do.....:thumbup:

    I just needed to tell yall about what my husband did last night. OMG.... he made homemade pizza with sausage and pepperoni and it smelled so good. I almost grabbed me a piece but instead had my popcorn for the night. The leftovers are in the fridge calling skinnygirl HAVE SOME. But I can be stronge and not give in. Just haad to get this off my chest since it keeps calling my name LOL! China I sure do know what you was talking about when you mention the bakery. I hope by Monday the scale will move so I am doing my very best this week. I need to see the 220's which will take awhile but the scales must start moving. Will post my food and points later.

  12. i eat alot of veggies and just got into eating greek yogurt. i do some meat but, not very much. and just getting into eggs and cheese. i eat what ever as long as its with in my points. but, i did notice if i eat junk food i eat more of my points and if i eat Protein and veggies i dont even eat half of my points. so on that not i have been working on eating healthier. if it helps you under the food part on here we have a ww group stop by and see if you like the group. we do post what we eat and how many points you did. but, if not i will post it here for you also. funny i really like ww i did go many years ago when there was no points. and i must admit i really enjoy it now. feel like im making better food choices. hope you do start back on ww. let me know. and best of luck to you. i did walk the park today and wow if feel great.

    China, congratulations on the weight loss. I have done weight watchers in the past and had success, I think I will go back on this Saturday to start it again. So what are you eating. I have been so confused...any ideas are welcomed.

  13. yes it was funny when i noticed that was what it was around my legs. and yes i luv the lean cusines and the ww meals as it takes all the guess work out of every thing. i think im gonna go grab me some. i like the Pasta and steak and mac. i didnt know they have burgers now ya im gonna try them. i know for a minute there ruby was eating them for breakfast,lunch and dinner. does anyone watch her show or the biggest loser. i luv those shows. and yes skinnygirl i have had my band for 1yr and 5months now. and im still getting use to it. i still fill like i should have lost more weight than i have but, im happy with what i have done. and yes i still am glad i got the band. but, im still learning so i might can answer your question.

    Welcome karlzsmom, you can join us at any time. I agree with china I would start ww as soon as you can it really seems to help me. I'm not a member of ww like china but I use my books and point finder from a previous time and weigh in each week on this board. I just joined a gym so I really didn't want to pay for both. So I really appreciate china and whoever else joins this poat to keep me on my toes.

    China I lost one pound this week but I will take it. I did eat good though it's time to get serious starting today. I would like to lose 10 pounds by the end of May. That was so funny bout yours dropping, yep good thing you had pant on. I better get some new ones this week cause I might not be so lucky I could moon someone. LOL! I went and got some ww meals today so when I want something different I can have them. They have a new one out its a mini hamburger 4 points. I got about 25 different ones maybe I can do better this week eating them instead of what I fix my family. The hamburger was so good well as good as a packeged hamburger can be. I love burgers but they are so many points so these will be great. I couldn't decide which to eat so I had one of each since two are in the box I can have one of each for supper. China, you will do better next week and who knows the scale might shock you like it did me last week at the dr. Others that had surgery the same month as me have done lost 60 that kinda gets to me sometimes. So you have had your band for awhile have you had any problems with it? Are you still glad you got it? Does it help you maintain the weight once lost? My dr seems to think it will help me maintain the weight after I lose it. Sure hope so. sorry so many questions but since you have had it longer your a good one to ask. My weight tracker is meesed up any clue how to get it off and add new one at the bottom of my page. Well good hope everyone has a good day. talk at ya tomorrow


    egg 2 points

    chips 2 points


    ww hamburger 4 points

    ww taco 4 pointw

    light pringles 2 points


    ww hamburger 4

    ww taco 4 points


    1 bg light popcorn 1 point

    23 points for today

  14. welcome karlzmom glad to have ya. i would say you can track it now if you like. what i would do is track all the things your useing. let us know how it works out for you. we are a fun group and hope you post often.

    skinnygirl i bet you have lost some inches dats so funny about the under wear. i remember when i first lost 20lbs i was walking thru the parking lot at Walmart and mine fell down. good thing i had on pants. yes hun its time to get new ones. and yes i got my band in 12/08 so a yr and 5months ago. and nope i dont have any in there if i didnt know any better i would think im allergic to it.lol not really i had to fills and 4 unfills. however i am happy with what im seeing with ww. i have noticed that i do have good days and i sure have bad ones. like today went to a birhtday party and it all went down hill from there. :thumbup: however i did stay within my points but, all junk. i will do much better 2morow. going to workout after work extra hard. dont think i will be drop n many lbs this wk. but, thats ok i will do better next weigh in not gonna stress and all that just gonna let ya kno i messed up and get back on track.:thumbup:

    so here goes

    b-2eggs w/cheese,1sausage patty=9pts

    s-snickers birthday cake 1 slice=7pts

    l-hot dog w/condiments=8pts

    s-twix candy=6pts

    d-3oz talapia, bagel=9pts

    s-.25c sunflower seeds, ice tea=6pts

    so that was 46pts of my 44 wow dis is crazy healthy stuff i cant even eat 27pts but, junk food yeah i can and them some. really gonna have to work better on this. will do better 2morow.

    China, you are right I can tell I have lost a tone of inches. My underwear are sagging to my knees lol! Guess its time to get some new ones cause they are so big but I had put it off since you don't want to get new cloths all the time. How long have you been banded not sure if I've asked you that before? I think you said you have the LAP-BAND® 10 can't remember it that right. So you have nothing at all in your band and it is tight? That is great I did good the first month with mothing in min but then it seemed to feel so loose. The dr said he put in 1 1/2 cc last time but I'm still not feeling any tighter sometimes it takes awhile for it to get tighter though. But we are starting slow fills cause I seem to swell so bad. I still have to 1 1/2 cc to be back to what I had before the unfill. Wishing you luck that the scale moves when you weigh in on tuesday I'm gonna start weighing in on my scale on tuesday so we can post our weight the same day. I am a scale obsessed freak LOL! My husband says hes going to throw my scales away. I seem to get on them every morning and night and when the scale moves up even if i know its Water weight I get very disguregged. I should really weigh once a week but can't seem to stop.:smile: I have done pretty good today.


    1 Egg

    fat free chips 14


    sour cream fat free 3 Tablespoon

    doritos 11

    taco meat

    tomatos 1/2 cup

    mashed potatoes 1/2 cup

    spoon 1tablespoon mac cheese

    grilled chicken 1

    ranch dressing 2 Table

    corn 3 Table

    1 bag popcorn snack

    my points went from 30 to 28 so I will lose 2 points this week that is fine though.

    i usually figure my point in this food journal i got from barnes and noble it is so handy.

    when in the journey are you all taking up with WW? I'm 2 weeks post band, and it seems a bit early still but want to plan. Did you start immediately when you started eating again, or after you've had some fills? This is all a bit confusing to me?

  15. hi everyone i still on board and happy to report when i got on the scale tuesday i was down 8lbs. it was so funny i asked the lady at ww are you sure she said yes im sure. i must tell everyone it felt great to get that sticker. now its a new month and i plan on really getting in 2 the gym this month. i have been swimming on and off but, gotta step it up and do more and i set a mini goal for may of 12lbs. so i will see how that goes. what is everyone else up to these days. and i purchased a pedometer to keep track of how many calories and steps im doing and i like it. and to freebird doesn't matter what you do for excerise as long as your moving good job keep up the good work.

  16. skinnygirl when you least expect it the scale will move trust me. but, just cuz your not losing weight doesn't mean any thing as you can be dropping inches and that is a good thing also but, your like me i said but, the wlc doesnt count inches they count lbs. but, i would take those inches and be just as happy. i seem to be thinking about that damn scale alot lately. i was at my moms house 2day and saw her scale and got on it again and its saying im down 1.1lb since tuesday. i didnt buy a scale for this very reason. however i have noticed that i must be getting a cold and seem to be very tight and pb today. so gonna do yogurts and thing for a day or 2. my body aches das for sure. i dont feel like doing much of any thing. however i do have to get back into the gym. its a new month and i have to work my tail off as my mini goal for may is gonna be 12lbs for the month. so i will keep everyone updated on how its going. i noticed you have a hard time on the weekends like me next to my store is a bakery and it seems like it be calling me let me tell ya so i think im gonna start posting on the weekends even if its bad. however 2day it was ok.

    b-1.5pk of oatmeal w/water=3pts

    l-1 pb cookie, med. coff,2creams,splenda=4pt

    s-med.coffee w/sug,cream_2pts

    d-chinese pork w/mushrms=5pts(pb it all up)

    14pts eaten out of 44

    Got up and went to the gym for an hour this morning I have never went on Saturday before but I think it will help me not gain during the weekend. I seem to do good up until the weekends for some reason. Still holding strong at the same weight sure hope the scales move before monday.


    Egg two slices bacon


    doritos, sour cream, tomatoes,lettuce, taco meat for my taco salad.< /p>

  17. skinnygirl since i joined this was my 1st weigh in. and i so proud of you great job. im not planning on a fill any time soon. as i have alot of restiction although i dont have any thing in there. i have to eat soft stuff in the morning as im way to tight in the morning. and inches are great to. im so luv n the ww program right now i dont eat all my pts though. i get 44pts daily but, eat like 27 or less and im happy with that. i dont feel depribed at all. i be counting those points for real. although i was doing one thing wrong i was writing the points i have left as the points i eat. but im straight now. i also know that im learning to make better choices for food and that is a great think for me. i like this group it is also helping me out alot. it really helps to have other going along with you.

    b-1pk oatmeal=3pts

    l-1hot dog w/condiments,1 fruit crisp bar=10pts

    s-1 granola bar=3pts

    d-ravioli w cheese=10pts

    s-1pk oatmeal=3pts

    29pts eaten today

    China that is great! Is this your first or second time weighing in a t ww. I have dome ww for years thats the only diet I can lose on because you can have anything you want as long as you stay within your points. I got a fill yesterday I have a total of 4cc in my band and I'm going to keep it like that. I seem to be handling my fill pretty good. I will not be getting another fill for awhile because its summer time and i like to cook out. Plus I do fine with ww plan. I did need some in the band though so when I get hungrey the band does help me get full faster. I weighed in at the dr and had lost six pounds in the last four weeks so thats better than I thought plus woke up this morning and had lost two more. Someone asked about ww meals I have had them in the past and some are pretty good. I'm not much on sweets but the little ww ice cream bowls are so good love cookie dough. I love the chicken taco forget what its called and the spaggetti etc. I just have to cook for my whole family so for me it is less cooking to just use my point finder and look at the labels from what they have. Sometimes you even get more food that way. Keep up the good work china I'm loving this site it helps me cause i joined a gym and dont have the money for ww and gym. My dr did seem pleased with the weightloss and he told me he coukd tell by looking at me I'd lost alot of inches.

  18. 2 skinnygirl that is great news you didnt gain that is a great job. so when do you get a fill. i dont think im gonna get a fill think im gonna work with it the way it is. and to megg40 i do eat the ww dinners and it tells you what the points are on it.

    Thanks for that bit of info.....Do you all eat the WW foods that are in the stores??? Or how does that work???

    Any and all info appreciated....



    77 pounds is great have fun on your cruise!

    Yes, weight watchers works as long as you don't cheat. I didn't do so well sat and sun and thought I would gain but I stayed the same. I think i was just holding some Water weight. My dr will be thrilled that i didn't gain during my unfill. I'm just glad those four long weeks will be over tomorrow. China thanks for the lecture on not being so hard on myself. You did great 6 pounds in a week. My goal this week is 2-3 pounds. I have done great for two days had 28 points yesterday.

    Breakfast I had egg 2 slices turkey bacon. snack cheese stick.

    lunch 2 turkey hot dogs with two light bread. oscar miyer hot dogs are great and only 40 calories a piece. the bread is only 70 calories for two slices. I try and get light or fat free stuff so my points spread farther.

    mid day snack cheese string

    supper i will cook grilled chicken with toast lettece baked potato with cheese and baken bits.

    7:00 snack1 bag light popcorn

    i eat the same food as before just smaller portions I look at the back for the calories and use my point finder.

  19. hi all ok i went and got on my dr's scale and low and behold it said i was down 6lbs today. so now i can believe it. so i go get weighted at ww in the evening so we shall see i will post how much if any that it says.

    and wonderwomen yes you can do it i have faith for ya. your almost at your goal wow u must be so proud. keep up the good work. and skinnygirl dont be so hard on yourself we are only human and things happen the important thing is ya you know you did some thing wrong and just get back on track. i always say it will be better 2morow but, i read in this book why wait to diet start with your next meal when you mess. and i thought they are so right. and if it makes you feel any better alot of ppl gain when they get an unfil so dont be to hard on your self just do better next time. i love this group seems to be more ppl posting lately thats so nice.

    and for megg40 yes ww does work im still a newbe to it but, i wasnt hungry and i did eat some things that i should have pasted on but, it wall all with in my points. and if it eases ya mind any im was and am still bigger than you and i get 44 daily points some times i eat all but, maybe 9 then other days i eat 24pts. come on join the group its fun and we are here to support one another as much as we can. so here was my day today.

    b-sm cof,cream,splenda, pj cheese stix=3pts

    s-fruit crisp bar=2pts

    l-sw. peas and 3oz talapia=3pts

    s-handful of sunflowerseeds=3pts

    d-hotdog w/bun,must,mayo,ket,onions=9pts

    s-32oz Water w/crystal lite,snickers=4pts

    so thats 24pts out of 44 and i walked and burned 804.2calories today.

    i got me a pedometer and have been useing it and i like it does anyone else have or use one.?

  20. ok saturday was an ok day while at work i usually grab some conoli's however i didnt this day. i felt so proud it that moment. i did however have 2mini snickers and was totally happy with that. i used my pedometer yesterday and it says i burned off 687calories while walking around at work and that totally rocks. so here is what i had.

    b-1/2 of an ommlette w/cheese 2pts

    s-apple sauce, 1 pj cheese stix 4pts

    l- mini ravioli, pudding 7pts

    d-2 sloppy joes 10pts

    s-1/2c sorburt 2pts,2mini snickers 3pts

    32ozs of Water w/ 2crystal lites. =30pts used

  21. ya i think i need to post daily 2 as it does help out alot. and i dont get the hungry during my time of the month i crave chocolate. and i would have to say the worst time for me is night as i spent alot of time night eating. so im trying not to eat after 11 then go down to 10 then so on til i get to 9pm. but, its hard so i have been drinking alot of Water or if i do get hungry i eat veggies. im not really a food eater its sweets with me. and it sucks but, im hang n in there. ok i got on my moms scale today just cuz it was there and according to it i have lost 4lbs. it would feel great if i was right. but, gonna wait til tuesday and see what ww scale says. so the weekend is a bad time for me. what about everyone else.? so here is what i had today.

    b-med coffee, 1fruit crisp bar,cheese stix=6pts

    l- ranch chix wrap,med. cof,cr,splenda=9pts

    s-1baked drum stix,1aspargus,.25c mashed pot.=3pts

    s2- 16oz orange tea, cheese stix=4pts

    d-i dont know.

    so 20pts eaten out of my 44 so far. will add dinner in later.

    L Boogie I was banded on oct 23 2009. I had to have Fluid taken out of my band so its pretty much empty at the moment. Ater my last fill I kept throwing up and waited to long to have an unfill. I had swelled so much he had to take my Fluid out. But next week I get fluid back thanks goodness it has been four long weeks. I gained during that time so I'm trying to lose the same 7 pounds agian and that is not cool. I think I might get on everday for support but just log my weight in once a week. Yesterday was so very hard because all I wanted to do was eat. It is that time of the month for seven full days I want to eat the house down. Do you all have that problem that one time a month? I have done pretty good this morning. Egg, Light pringles.Snack string cheese 6 points. lunch Pepper onion and 3oz chicken sprinkle 1/4 cup mozzerla cheese and melt, One small bad fritos 8 points. snack cheese string 2 points. supp er same as lucnch 8 points. snack popcorn light 1 point. The last five points I save for if I get hungery before bed. I'm hooked on the chicken and onions for some reason so I guess I'll eat it till I get tired and move on to something else. what is the hardest part of the day for you guys to control your hunger? Mine is 6-9. Do you regret getting the band? I'm so glad to have all you guys support. It also saves me money from having to join weight watchers when I can weigh in and have you guys to answer too.Welp have a good day guys.:(

  22. ok i have been working out and doing the ww thang and i feel great. feel like what i have more energy and thats a plus. well today i got on the scale at my moms and it said i was down 4lbs i dont think its right but, i sure would be nice if it was. but, we shall see on tuesday if it is.

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