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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Swanton_Bomb

  1. Bad day. Woke up at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Caffeine led to acid reflux, so I've got to wait longer on that. I had breakfast, but in my sleepy stupor, I forgot my lunch on the counter. Today I am at a conference, and they provided lunch. My breakfast didn't have enough protein and I was trying to pound the water today (I've been so bad with that), so my stomach was empty and I was pretty hungry when lunch rolled around. I took a sandwich and ate a small amount of the meat and cheese without the bread, and one very small mini ravioli from a pasta salad. I estimated the amount as best I could and tracked it. It tasted good and I really wanted more but thank Bob for restriction. Then, I saw the cookie tray and took one of those tiny mini brownies. I have no idea why. I have been so good before this. I wasn't hungry, I was FULL. I took a teensy nibble, about the size of my pinky nail, and tossed the rest. Yes, it was tiny, probably less than 20 calories. but it bothered me that I did it. I am only a month out, I should have more strength against sweets, it's not like those of you who have been doing this for months or years, it is too early to be so weak. What bothered me was that it tasted really, really GOOD. I have completely lost my taste for sugar-free sweet things, they are revolting to me, and I had hoped I would feel the same about the much more dangerous real sugar, but nope. It gave me that familiar pleasure that I haven't felt in a while and it was a little disturbing to have that flashback to that addictive sugar and it was a real wake-up call as to just how difficult this weight loss battle is going to be.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion. I have always had disordered eating and in some ways (different ways) the surgery is making it worse. I still have obsessions and cravings, but fortunately I'm early out so I can control them due to restriction. What I now have in addition though, is other disordered eating patterns. Binging has been replaced by things like obsessive calorie counting, weighing, etc. Today I went over by 15 calories because of lunch and it freaked me out. I have never liked the idea of therapy but I think I need help.
  3. Swanton_Bomb

    800 Calories Per Day

    It certainly depends on your height, build and original weight, so you can't expect a 5'1 woman to lose the same on the same calories as a 6'4 man. Maybe you can get an estimate on your basal metabolic rate? There are websites that calculate that for you. 800 is probably far too little for you, but 3,000 is an awful lot, even for a tall man, unless you are seriously active. You can probably shave off some calories by eating low fat and sugar-free versions of foods, and by eating higher fiber foods so you feel full.
  4. Swanton_Bomb

    30 days out and FREEZING COLD

    My apartment tends to be cold, so now after surgery when I undress, my teeth actually chatter. I went to the grocery store the other day and the dairy aisle was so cold my fingers felt numb. As annoying as it is now though, I kind of hope it is not a temporary side effect. I would love to have this lowered personal thermostat in the summer. It is easier to get warm than it is to get cool...you can always add more layers, but you can only take so any off!
  5. Those are the stats, some people do better, some do worse. I was disappointed when I learned that, because that would still leave me pretty damned fat. I will work as hard as I can to do better, but I asked myself, "If this surgery can help you lose and keep off 'only' X number of pounds, would it be worth going under the knife?" After thinking about it, I said yes, it would. Of course I would prefer to be thinner, but being in the overweight category, while not ideal, is a hell of a lot better than being in the morbidly obese category, in regards to health, mobility and even looks.
  6. Swanton_Bomb

    1st appointment on Saturday

    I was afraid of that too, but I realized that these doctors wouldn't be bariatric surgeons if they didn't believe in the benefits of the surgery. Just be honest, you will be fine. The insurance companies are harder to deal with.
  7. She might be disappointed, but not hurt. Just tell her sweets don't taste the same anymore, and maybe ask if she would please cook up one of your favorite savory, protein-based dishes. The way you speak about your wife is very sweet, I doubt you could hurt her feelings even if you tried.
  8. Swanton_Bomb

    Walking The Dog?

    Your dog is adorable! Just start slow and see how you feel. I was a little worried because my dog is bigger and tends to pull a bit, but it was fine. I was tired after a few blocks though. In a couple of days I was all good though.
  9. Swanton_Bomb

    Bowel Movements

    Colace sucks. If you need relief, take Milk of Magnesia. It is vile tasting, but that stuff works.
  10. Swanton_Bomb

    Non Scale Victories

    Today I went to get a pedicure. At my place they do this thing where they wrap hot towels around your calves and then top it with saran wrap to hold the warmth in. They have always struggled to get the towel around my massive legs. Today it went around much easier, and this is only after a month, plus my pre-op diet loss. I was so happy.
  11. They are all vile, LOL. I kept buying new ones in a desperate attempt to find a good one, but after surgery I can’t shake the artificial sweetener taste. Premier with coffee or thinned with Fairlife is tolerable, as are the Atkins. Sometimes I make one with Greek yogurt, fruit and Fairlife, but that has higher calories and less protein per ounce, so most days I just choke down the chemical shakes, I only have to have one a day now.
  12. Swanton_Bomb

    Stomach binder or no?

    My surgery instructions specifically said not to wear one, don't know why.
  13. Swanton_Bomb

    Shoes Before and After Photos

    This is a non-scale-victory that never crossed my mind. Between a lifetime of working on my feet and being obese, heels haven't even crossed my mind in years. Pretty shoes will now be another motivator to work hard at losing.
  14. Swanton_Bomb

    30g protein bars

    From what I've seen the 30 gram bars are usually just higher in protein because they are bigger. You can only cram so much into a small bar. I second the Think Thin bars, they have sugar alcohols instead of nasty stevia or sucralose, but don't eat them in excess because sugar alcohols can cause terrible gas and bloating.
  15. Swanton_Bomb

    40yr olds...

    44 here. Recovery was not nearly as bad as I anticipated, but no walk in the park. I think it depends a lot on your surgeon and nurses. I was lucky to have a very experienced and skilled surgeon and the hospital helped me manage my pain well. The constipation can get really BAD, the combo of high protein, low fiber and not being able to manage enough fluid makes for a bad intestinal time. Colace seems to be a mild preventative but Milk of Magnesia is much more effective if it is in full swing. I'm bracing myself for the hair loss and just praying it isn't too bad, especially since I am already thin. I've seen a lot of after pictures though, and no one seems to have horrific loss, so I am hoping that it won't look too awful.
  16. Swanton_Bomb

    8 months post op down 85 pounds

    I am new to this so I have no advice, but I just wanted to say that you look freakin' fantastic!
  17. Swanton_Bomb

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    11/8, one month out today. It gets a wee bit easier every day.
  18. Swanton_Bomb

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    Water is really hard for me too. I find it is easier when cool, but not ice cold. Some people say Crytal Lite and SF Gatorade goes down easier, but artificial sweeteners make me want to hurl now. Bariatric, high protein SF hot cocoa and decaf helps me. I wish I liked tea, but I hate it. Try warm liquid, it goes down easier for me. Wonton broth (no wontons) goes down super smoothly. As for feeling full, my NUT says you don't usually feel it in your stomach. It can be a tightness in the chest (I feel this first), hiccups (I know I need to not take another bite at this point) or even a sneeze (I haven't experienced this). I feel pretty tired too, I think that will last a long time. Good luck in your recovery!
  19. Swanton_Bomb

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    Today is my one-month sleeve-a-versary, and I have lost nearly 18lbs., which is nothing short of miraculous for someone who is 5 ft. tall, middle-aged and has PCOS. The most I've ever been able to lose in a month was 10lbs. and that was with intense efforts. I lost 20lbs. before surgery so I am starting to see the loss, especially in my face. I ordered 2 sweatshirts in my usual 2x that arrived today, and they are both huge and need to be sent back. I am overjoyed. It is a lot easier to make better choices when you see measurable progress so quickly. I am really shocked, I was expecting maybe 12-13lbs. the first month at most. I am so grateful to my surgeon. I had a single incision sleeve done through my belly button and I don't even have a single scar. I did have a fair amount of pain at first, probably because all the pulling and stretching was done through one incision, but it was manageable and didn't last too long, and the nurses in the hospital were so wonderful. Protein is still a struggle and water is a bigger struggle, but I am getting there. Constipation has been my worst problem...really bad at times, but I have found that Milk of Magnesia works a million times better than Colace or Miralax, so that is less of an issue sometimes. I hope that you all enjoy the good healing and loss that I have so far.
  20. Swanton_Bomb

    Second thoughts!

    If she was an endoscopy nurse, she is seeing patients with problems. It isn't a routine test. What about all the WLS patients without those issues? I am a sleeve baby, only one month out, but even at this early and difficult stage I am very happy with my decision, and I wish I hadn't spent my youth obese. Obesity does a lot of damage to your body too. Yes, people do it on their own, and some keep it off on their own, but statistically, WLS is WAY more effective. As for the vitamins and such, get an app and set alarms. I am super forgetful but that allows me to manage. Good luck, whatever you choose.
  21. Swanton_Bomb

    colonoscopy after duodenal switch

    I have read that it is recommended that WLS patients follow a different prep involving pills, maybe you can ask your doctor for that? I kind of wonder, if that is an option, why it isn't offered to everyone, it might encourage more people to get the test.
  22. Swanton_Bomb

    Well, I got a Cold.

    Zicam gummies are really effective, especially when used with elderberry, ask the doc if you can try it.
  23. Swanton_Bomb

    Absolute petrified to step foot inside

    It would be great to take advantage of a YMCA membership, but if that is just too far out of your comfort zone there are some women's only gyms. They usually are very basic, but it's a start.
  24. Swanton_Bomb

    Effects of Nutrient Deficiency on Skin

    Definitely ask for a sample of the Aczone, it helps bacterial acne as well as hormonal. Amazing stuff, I see improvement overnight.
  25. Swanton_Bomb

    Shakes and the Rule of 30

    Thanks. It seemed reasonable, but I wanted to check with those with more experience with this. I do sometimes dilute with decaf...and my doc cleared me for real, honest-to-Bob, actual, caffeinated coffee as of one month, which is tomorrow! I am practically peeing my pants with excitement, LOL.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
